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by becks
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1930260
Layla is back. As a shapeshiftng blood thirsty werewolf, vampire hybrid..




My wounds had basically all healed, apart from the constant aching where my dad who's not actually my dad had nearly clawed me to death. Owen was my rock, nursing me back to health whilst never leaving my side. We hadn't talked at all about the fact we both had vampire blood running through our veins. Id wondered many times over the last few days if he was feeling what I was, I have so much energy, which was getting harder to hide. Id basically attacked Owen last night when he'd come to bed, I could of killed him. Thinking of it made the hairs on the back of my neck shoot up, but the burning desire still flamed inside me, id taken four cold showers already today.
I also couldn't sleep, 'I must admit Owen's snoring didn't help', and the smell of food made me feel sick and the back of my throat constantly itched.
Walking downstairs I could hear Alistair and Rayne talking. Alistair was asking him for his advice on his dads business, Rayne was trying to persuade him to take it over and make some use of it, but Alistair is in two minds. As I walked into the kitchen they both turned around and smiled at me.
“Are you OK Layla, your certainly looking a lot better”. His voice had changed to that caring tone which id heard over the last few days, while id been bound to my bed. They where both sat at the table hugging mugs of tea.
“Yes I'm a lot better thank you, where's mum and Owen?” I asked looking past the two men, to the garden.
“Owen has driven mum into town, they shouldn't be long. Do you want something to eat?”.
My stomach made a gurgling sound, I sure was hungry but the thought of eating something actually made me feel like I wanted to be sick.
“Um, no thanks, Rayne can I talk to you for a minute?” He moved off his chair so quick I took a step back. I followed him into the garden squinting as the suns rays warmed my face.
“What is it child?”
There was that voice again. I looked down at the grass, there was a tiny beetle that had opened its wings and was sunning itself. I could hear the birds singing to each other and two stags where crashing antlers up on the mountains. Everything was intensified more than before. I took a deep breath and looked up at my newly found father, he looked so young, and rather scruffy he'd obviously not been home for a change of clothes. He was wearing one of Blake's shirts, which was far to small for him.
“Well it's about the vampire blood, I have a few questions” I was sure I saw a flash of panic appear in his eyes.
“Ill be honest with you Layla, I don't know a lot about it, but I will do my best to answer your questions”. He shifted from one foot to another. There really wasn't any easy way of asking him, I had to be honest and straight to the point. I felt a little nervous of what his answer would be. I guess I knew but I had to hear it from him.
“Am I a werewolf, vampire half breed?”. I didn't take my eyes off his, I wanted to see his reaction, he must of known I was going to ask him. But he just stared at me. If his answer is yes then what the hell am I going to do. If his answer was no then I would just go back to being me.
“Rayne” somehow calling him dad just didn't seem right, it was too soon.
“Layla I said that I would be honest with you and I will be. I do not know, you are something else. You are Ishtar's warrior so I'm not sure how the vampire blood is reacting with yours, but I had to let Owen do what he did, I nearly lost you once and I'm not planning on it happening again”.
“So how the hell am I going to find out, I need to know Rayne. I'm having all these, well I think there side affects”.
He rested his hands on my shoulders. “Tell me child”.
“I can't sleep, the thought of eating makes me want to throw up and I've got this bloody awful constant itch in my throat. But the worst thing is, I nearly killed Owen last night, I could hardly stop myself. Its like I'm on heat or something”.
A warm feeling filled my cheeks. The smell of blood wafted up my nose, my stomach started doing summer-salts. I had a strong urge to swallow but I couldn't, my body was telling me to but my mind was refusing. I stared at Rayne concentrating on his face, my heart was racing. I had to swallow, I started counting in my mind, one, two, three and I swallowed. I closed my eyes as I felt the warm blood slowly sliding down my throat. I could hear Rayne saying my name. The itching in my throat had gone and the hunger and eased slightly.
“LAYLA” Rayne was shaking me, I opened my eyes and as I smiled Rayne took a step back away from me.
“What is it”
“Um, yours eyes” he was pointing at my face, with a total look of horror on his face. “and your teeth are covered in blood, Layla are you OK?”.
I raised my fingers to my mouth, rubbing my finger along my teeth I could feel the stickiness of the blood, I could also feel 'OH MY GODNESS FANGS' I could actually feel them sliding back in to my gums. “Well I guess that answered my question”
“Where did the blood come from” Rayne asked me.
“I must of bit my lip, while I was ranting. Rayne please don't tell me its blood I need. Shit, Rayne this is all your fault, I'm more of a freak now than I was before”
“What's going on?” Owen's voice sent a warn sensation all over my body. He walked over and slung his arm over my shoulders. I looked up at him and smiled.
“Holy shit Layla, what happened to your eyes?” he also took a step away from me. Did I look that bad?.
“Don't tell me this hasn't happened to you, you've had that blood in your body longer than me”. A low growl came from deep within my chest. “and what the hell is wrong with my eyes” I looked from Owen to Rayne, “Well” Rayne spoke first.
“They where glowing Layla, your pupils glowed”. Looking at Owen id noticed he had moved a bit closer, he had a concerned look on his face. I ran my tongue over my teeth, the feint taste of blood made me angry again. “So Owen your not going to tell me this hasn't happened to you,”
“No sweet pea it hasn't I haven't changed at all”
“So you can still eat as normal” He was lying.
“Yeah can't you?”
“No I bloody can't “ I could feel the anger building up inside me, I found myself calculating how long it would take me to kill them. Mum was in the kitchen putting the shopping away, I could hear her heart beat. I had to fight with myself not to just walk over to them and snap there necks and drinking them dry 'yeeesh'. Looking at Owen and Rayne 'my dad' standing there scared of me it was then I realized I had to go. I started backing away, edging towards the gate at the end of the garden.
“I have to go” I said, still walking slowly backwards. Owen had taken a few steps towards me.
“Where are you going? I have to come with you Layla”.
“No, I need to be alone, stay hear and look after mum and Alistair, I will be back I promise”
“But Layla”
“Owen let her leave” Rayne had grabbed Owen's arm, “She said she would be back”.
I swiftly jumped over the gate and not looking back I ran, I ran as fast as I could and boy its fast. I had to get away, I came to the lake and kept running towards the mountains on the other side. The energy I was so full of was slowly burning away, I reached the base of the mountains the beauty of this place took my breath away. I started hiking up the mountain climbing over boulders like id done it one hundred times before. I didn't know how long it took me to reach the top, but it was starting to get dark. I wasn't ready to go home yet, I'd noticed a small cave on the way up id go there soon.
Finding a place to sit wasn't hard, a mossy mound made a great chair to sit and sort my head out.
Vampires need blood to survive, human blood. What do werewolves need?, the full moon I guess. When I swallowed my blood it had made me feel better, there was no way I was going out feeding on people. I also wondered if the vampire gene had fought off my werewolf gene, and as if to answer my question she shifted inside me, she had been dormant over the last few days. I guess she was pissed off with me. How the hell am I going to find out?.
I blamed Rayne, but I knew it wasn't actually his fault he was only trying to save me like he saved Owen, if it wasn't for the vampire blood I would of died.
The thoughts id had of killing Rayne, Owen and even my mum where not mine, the girl back there was not me and I didn't like her. The itching well more like burning started again in my throat, slowly getting worse. It was so bad that I kept swallowing but that didn't help. I watched the veins throbbing in my wrist, the burning got even worse I wanted to scream out but nothing came out “no” a whisper escaped my lips, how I could I possibly return home when all my body wanted was blood.

Chapter 2
“You should of let me go after her, you bloody fool. I'm her protector, I'm meant to protect, not let her just disappear”.
God I was so annoyed with Rayne. Letting Layla go like that, when shes in such a vulnerable state. “You have to give her some space, she needs time to adjust, just like you do Owen. Anyway we have a more serious problem, Ishtar. She's going to know about the vampire blood. It wasn't meant for Layla”.
“Sod Ishtar, we need to find Layla. Shes my number one priority” and she was, this was something we had to see through together.
“Owen have you had any side effects?, you know since I gave you the blood”.
I stared at Rayne, as big as he is he doesn’t scare me, well not much anyway. Sometimes the way h spoke to me made me feel like a little child, at this precise moment I felt like one. The sun was high in the sky, my stomach rumbled but not for food. Rose had made a wonderful dinner last nite, which I ate of course but it ended up down the toilet. I had to tell the big man the truth.
“Yes I have” I looked at the ground as I spoke “My throat burns constantly, and right now Rose looks pretty tasty” id hit a nerve Rayne was in front of me with one quick move, his hand closing around throat. He didn’t need to speak his eyes said it all. “ S S Sorry Rayne, that was out of line” his grip loosened “I have tried to eat, but I cant keep it down, I'm starving all the time” He let go of me.
“You ever look at Rose like.. like shes food again I will kill you, do you understand boy?”
“Yes, I am sorry.” and I was I really was, maybe Layla was right to run away.
“Have you drunk any blood yet Owen?” Yuck, blood who's he trying to kid. I thought about his question for a few seconds, blood is what vampires need, they feed on humans. I for one was not going to do that.
“Um no I haven't, should I of done?”
“Well if you don't want to die, then your answer is simple. Yes and you are going to need your strength, like you said before your hear to protect my daughter. So lets go and get you some blood”.
Where the hell was he planning on getting it, if he thinks I'm gonna drink from a human well he can think again. “Where are we going to get blood Rayne?” As the words left my mouth my stomach let out a huge rumble and then the sick feeling came, making me retch, but nothing came up. My whole body shuddered.
“Owen we are going to the hospital”
“There not going to help me don't be stupid”.
“Oh but they can, you wont even need to see a doctor, can I trust you to keep your thoughts to yourself and your thirst under control?”
“Yeah” Raynes forehead wrinkled into a frown.
“OK go get the car keys off Rose and meet me by the car”. I jogged up to the house where Rose was cooking, it smelt so good, Rose smelt even better. The smell of Her blood clouded my vision. “Owen would you like something to eat”
“Yeah you” I heard my self say, or did I. Was it just the voice in my head, I really hoped it was. Snap out of it Owen, “Um no thanks Rose, could I borrow the car please, I forgot something in town”
“Sure, you know where the keys are, just make sure you fill it up”.
“Thanks Rose” I normally would of kissed her on the cheek, but I decided against it. Grabbing the keys off the hook, I made my way to the car, where Rayne was already waiting for me. “Ill drive” he said and I threw him the keys, thinking it would be best if he did drive. “Its only a thirty minute drive, we will take the back roads”.
Sliding into the passenger seat, my thoughts went to Layla, maybe Rayne was right, maybe she did need some time to adjust. Rayne was annoyingly tapping his thumb on the steering wheel to the beat of the music playing on the radio. Leaning over to switch it off, I looked at him. “So what's the plan” I asked him as my stomach let out another loud grumble. He turned the car sharply round the bend throwing me against the door. “Easy man, I nearly died once, which reminds me I don't think I ever said thank you”. Rayne brushed what I said away with his hand.
“Right here's what we are going to do. I will go in and get the blood, I'm pretty sure I can sniff it out and you will wait in the car. I can't risk you been around all that blood. You will wait in the car near the side door on the left of the building, I will come out there OK” I nodded in agreement, I didn’t want to know how or where he was getting it from and I didn’t really care. I felt like I was dying. He pulled into the hospital car park and moved the car slowly around to the back. He pulled the car up and jumped out. I slid over to the drivers side and drove to where Rayne had said and sat and waited. My thoughts drifting to Layla again, I really hoped she would be home before it got dark, but mostly I hoped she hadn't come across any humans, because god help them if she did.
I checked in the mirror to see if Rayne was coming, so I could start the engine. A doctor was just coming out the door, carrying a large white box. He had a face mask on and a surgeons hat, he was heading straight for the car.
He started pointing to the back of the car in quick jerky movements. Then I realized who it was. I flicked the switch under the steering wheel to pop the boot open, and started up the engine. Rayne put the box in the boot and jumped in the passenger seat behind me. “Go” he said, pulling the mask and hat off.
I reversed out of the parking space, which I didn't park in very well and headed back the way we came. Checking the mirror to see if anyone was following, which luckily they weren't. “Well that was easier than I thought” Rayne had a big smile on his face, I wished I could smile back.
“How are we going to do this?” I asked Rayne through gritted teeth. “Did you see Layla after she had swallowed the blood. All she did was bite her gum or something. You saw her teeth and how she reacted to the blood and that was only a small amount”.
“We need to get you somewhere away from humans and preferably away from me”
“My cave is pretty much out of the way and I doubt there will be anyone in the woods this time of day” well I hoped any way.
“OK then we will take the car to the garage, fill her up for Rose and take it back to the cottage. Then you are to go to your cave with some of the blood, ill find some where to store the rest” I didn't like Rayne telling me what to do, but he was right. As always.

Chapter 3

Looking at my watch and trying to ignore the blue vein throbbing in my wrist, it was seven fifty pm. I'd been sitting here playing around with my wolf's abilities for hours. She was not happy with the foreign blood in my body and refused at first.
I scanned the mountains surrounding me, I could hear the smallest of animals hunting for there dinner, an owl tooted. Bats flew past me flying around catching insects. It certainly was beautiful up hear, the stars just peeping through the clearing sky. The moon shinning like a giant torch, setting an Erie glow over the tree tops. A rumbling noise echoed around me, realizing it was my stomach I hadn't eaten all day. The thought of food made me feel sick and the burning in my throat was back, fiercer than before. I could hear the heart beats of the animals, some beating fast some not. I had to eat, but what? I know what my body craved but my mind was telling me different. I wanted to go home, but worrying I might hurt or even kill my mum worried me, that girl was not me back there, I needed to figure out what I really am.
I decided to go to the small lake just below the other side of the mountain, there would be fish there. I asked my wolf again for her sight and she obliged. As I stood up a bright shinning light caught my attention. As it grew closer it looked like a small ball of blue fire and it was heading straight for me. At that moment I knew who it was 'Ishtar'. But she didn't dance like I'd seen before, it seemed almost angry, My flesh turned to goose bumps. I had hoped I wouldn't be seeing her again for a long time.
She grew closer, I had the urge to run but I couldn't move. My wolf wanted to spring from my body but she couldn't. The fear mixed with the ever growing burning in my throat was unbearable. She reached me, from within the mist appeared Ishtar. I couldn't do anything but stare at her. “Hello sweet child, we meet again. What may I ask are you doing out hear all alone” she half smiled.
“Its none of your bus...” she cut me off, damn how the hell does she do that?. She was hovering closer to me, looking into my eyes. “You dare speak to me like that child, when all I am is concerned. Now are you going to talk to me like a proper human being”. She tilted her head to one side as she spoke, her eyes examining me. “ummm it seems you have changed Layla, there is a different scent about you”.
Oh crap, the almighty Ishtar I do believe is turning red. I reached out with my mind hoping I could at least talk to her with my mind. “Ishtar, what do you want?” but she didn't speak, she floated to the ground and walked over to me, looking me up and down as if I was going to be her next meal. “Ishtar can you please at least listen to me”.
She blocked me from entering her mind. I felt like a dummy, I couldn't run, I couldn't talk. With Ishtar's last few steps she put her arms out and shoved me so hard, I flew through the air, into the side of the mountain that shielded me from the wind. Tumbling to the ground she was there in a flash. Hovering over me as I layed sprawled on the rocks, wispy trendles of light that escaped her glowing ora started caressing different parts of my body, leaving a burning tingling sensation every where they touched.
She had me trapped again, my insides burst to life as my wolf stirred, wanting to protect me. But she had me pinned to the ground, glowing like a neon light above me, moving closer so her face was directly above mine so we were nose to nose.
“Shall we start again Layla” she ran a glowing finger down my cheek, pausing at my trembling lips. All the muscles in my body spasamed trying to break free. All to quickly her finger was in my mouth, poking and prodding around my gums, feeling my teeth. I had to fight the urge not to bite her, but I guess if I did it would be like biting into thin air. Her blue glow turned a fierce red, Ishtar yanked her finger from my mouth and put it in her own. Her beautiful face turned to a hideous creature not quite woman not quite wolf, her eyes blazing orange. I felt my wolf cower inside, and at that moment I knew I should be scared.
“You drunk his blood” she shouted spitting red flames in my face which burnt my skin. I could swear I saw I glimpse of fear in her eyes. I tried to talk, if only she could release me, I could explain that Owen had done it to save my life. “He knows the price he must pay, stupid fool. Oh Layla you know I must kill you, Owen was a fool, I had such great plans for you”. The red glow was slowly changing back to the neon blue, her beautiful face returned. My wolf eased slightly.
She had moved away slightly but her hold on me still strong. “Vampires are our enemies and you have there blood inside you. This has never happened before, not to my knowledge”.
“Please release me Ishtar, I can still be what you want me to be” she tilted her head to one side. She had heard my thoughts.
“If I let you live, do you know what you will become?”
“No, why don't you tell me”
“Layla, my beautiful child. I do not know myself, that's why I must kill you. For all I know you will turn on me. You will be strong even stronger than me, I have no idea how this evil will work out for you. Have you fed yet child”.
“No not yet” my throat still burned.
“Well if vampires don't feed, they die. I'm not sure if that counts for you”' she started pacing in front of me. I felt like my life was in her hands. Hell it was. I thought of my wolf, pleaded with her to appear, she had to.
“Maybe you could be some use to me Layla. Like I said before, you in time are going to be powerful. I guess I could use that to my advantage”
“Just let me go Ishtar” it came out more like a snarl than words. My skin was burning. The bones in my body were shifting, my wolf was getting ready. Ishtar was pacing, well floating. I struggled to break free, the rocks I had landed on digging in my back. I could smell my blood, the sweet smell filled my nose. A surge of power flowed through me, my wolf burst from my skin. “Now now Layla there's no need for that” I took a step towards her, her eyes never leaving mine. Entering her mind was easy now, she was going to let me live but only if I succumbed to her will. Yeah right like hell I would. Or maybe I should, I should at least try to look for her Gilgamesh. Then I wouldn't be a threat to my family.
“Well child, I must leave you now. A goddess’s work is never done”.
I shifted slowly back, my wolf now feeling no threat eased herself gently as possible back to my normal self. Leaving me totally naked.
“I have left something in that cave down there for you”and she was gone. I sat for a very long minute covering myself as best as I could with my hands. Feeling every bit stupid and blaming my wolf totally for leaving me hear with nothing on.
Carefully moving so I wouldn't cause a mini avalanche of rocks, I steadied myself standing in the middle of a mixture of what was left of my clothes and stones.
'That bitch' I said to myself a little louder than I was meant too. Ishtar was gone I stared at the last place I saw her burning light over the towering trees. She would be back.
Jumping down the mountain side, I came to the cave and sure enough there lay a rucksack. Picking it up wearily. The full force of the smell hit me “Blood” my throat burning, I ripped the bag open and four blood bags fell out onto the stone floor. Falling to my knees I inhaled deeply, my hand around my throat 'as if it would stop the fire that was starting there' 'Damn you Ishtar, what is this a test?. My mind was screaming out 'NO' but my body was aching to rip open the bags and drink. I could feel my teeth lengthening, my hands clenched so tight my nails were digging into my skin, causing more blood to flow. It was then it hit me,how much trouble I was really in. I needed help. I forced my eyes away from the blood, used my tattered clothes to bound the sores on my hands. Which were healing already, dragging the bag towards me I could see bits of silver glinting from within. I emptied its contents on to the floor. Fully aware of the blood but trying with all my willpower to ignore it and turning my back on it might help. The contents on the floor consisted of clothes 'a sigh of relief' and weapons the most beautifully carved dagger with tiny dancing wolves, just like my markings, were running down to the end of the blade. Putting it to one side and picking up a leather looking belt, with small pouches all around it that were full of Sharpe titanium funny looking objects. A smaller dagger fell from the clothes as I shook them out to put them on. I put my full concentration on putting the clothes on. Tight leather trousers, a black vest top, no bra 'great' a pair of army style boots, which I guess were steel toe cap, because of there weight and various belts. Who the hell does Ishtar think I am lara croft. It took me a while to figure out what belt went where, by the time id finished I looked like I was ready to tackle anything.
The blood was getting cold on the floor, maybe just a taste wouldn't hurt. I was starting to feel a little weak. I picked up one of the bags, feeling the luke warm blood through the plastic bag sloshing around with every movement of my hand was to much. A loud unwelcome snarl came from deep within my throat, with one quick movement I ripped the corner off the bag and drank. Before I knew it I was sat on the floor, all four bags emptied. exhausted and breathless, but full and content I swore at myself while wiping my hand across my mouth and licking my fingers. I felt young, very young and full of energy. My body felt different almost jelly like, I needed the wall for support while I stood. But the power that ran through me was undeniable, getting my bearings I moved slowly to the entrance of the small cave. The moon shining just for me, its glow lighting up the tree tops, showing me a path.
I was running, fast looking behind me the cave a few miles behind, was just a tiny black dot. I couldn't stop running, the faster I went the better I felt. I was free a creature of the night a creature that's only in books or nightmares. I was skimming the tree tops my cheeks numbing as the cold night air was forced against them. It felt great to be carefree, with the moon guiding me showing me a path to were, I don't know and I don't care. All thoughts of Owen gone and Rayne my father was hopefully at home looking after mum.
I really did feel like a new person, a brand new being, alive with someone elses blood in my belly and vampire blood running through my werewolf's veins. But why had Ishtar left me the blood?.
A feint laugh reached my ears 'Ishtar' I said to myself, the laugh faded slowly getting fainter. I stopped running perching on a branch which surely couldn't possibly hold my weight but to my surprise it did. My hair fell around my shoulder's in cascades, it felt soft and newly washed, in the light of the moon it shone red, blood red.
A noise distracted me, clumsy footsteps. An unrecognisable scent wafted under my noise 'Owen'. He had come after me. I slipped through the trees until he was underneath me, I watched him sniff the air and look up “Hey” I said swinging down the trees branches. “You took your time” He looked different to.
He inhaled deeply “and you smell totally divine” moving closer to each other but both weary of the other, I inhaled too taking in his glorious scent. I probably do smell different, in those moments of my blood drinking episode, I'd changed into a blood thirsty, shape shifting vampire.
© Copyright 2013 becks (collier9hp at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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