Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1930061-The-Last-Ashes
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1930061
The world has been struck by a disaster, only few survivors live.One being Cassie Ashes.
Prologue: Laughs, Jokes, and Pink Duct Tape

"Oh my god! What do I do?" Haley screamed at me.
"I don't know you forget I'm not a freaking mechanic!" I retorted.
The car was beeping and a little sign kept flashing.  She smiled after looking around frantically from something in her glove box; she finally pulled out hot pink duct tape.  A grin crept across her face, as she unrolled it, the sound of ripping breaking the silent atmosphere. 
"Here we go." She said, and then covered up the blinking symbol with the tape.  She then started her old hoop-die and drove down the street.  She stopped in front of a brick house with a white picket fence.  A kid ran out the door, his blond hair gleaming in the sunlight, his tall frame making him hunch over as he exited the door.  He moved with confidence and as soon as he climbed in the door, I punched him in the arm. 
"What's up James?" Haley said, drawing out his name to make it sound longer.
"Nothing much since you both left for the summer." He replied.
He then looked up and saw Haley's tape job, he burst out laughing and said.
          "That's the change oil sign guys."
It was our turn to laugh.

Chapter 1: Falling head over heels literally
I wake up, an exciting day ahead of me... a date with Zach.  Getting in the shower, I feel the warm water drizzle down my back, I scrub my head, extra good, not wanting to smell like someone’s old lunch.  After that I try to tame my tangled mess, some might call hair.  Then I put on my tightest jeans, OH YEA! BOOTY JEANS! I threw on some makeup and ran down the stairs; hoping mom wouldn't see how dark the makeup was.  Then I went down to a little sweet shop, known as "That Yogurt Place". Let me tell you frozen yogurt is by far superior to ice cream, and after you're done eating it you don't have to feel so guilty, thinking...
"Oh my god I'm the biggest fatty in the world."
Then you just go and gorge yourself some more, because you feel bad about yourself. 
I saw Zack sitting alone in one of the tables.  I bit my lip, nervously hoping for some god forsaken miracle that I wouldn't make an idiot out of myself...
That's when the asteroid hit, the glass from the building shattered.  And after that moment I blacked out.
I wake up with a pounding headache, my vision blurry, what in the hell just happened?  The world seems gray, and dull, like living in one of those old films.  Except I was not wearing a beautiful 1820 gown, or whatever, my Booty jeans had rips in them.  Tears well in my eyes, as I mourn the loss of my babies.  There goes another week’s allowance.  My eyes slightly burned, like there was a campfire, and I was sitting right in front of the fire. The hot embers, trying to fly their way into my eyes. 
          I see the old building that looked scary alike to That Yogurt Place.  Then I realized it was, the building was falling apart there was hardly anything in there.  Images flooded back into my memory, as I realized what happened.  Where in the heck was my boyfriend?  Where was the old table, we had lunch at every day?  Where were the glass windows that overlooked the little shopping center?  It was as if a tornado came and wiped everything off the face of Rock Springs, Wyoming.  I held out my hand to hopefully catch a snowflake.  Landing on it was not a piece of frozen liquid, but a piece of ash.  Awesome, maybe I should cross that off my bucket list:
•                  Go bungee jumping
•                  Go skydiving
•                  Live through a meteor crash, and be there to catch the ash
•                  Tell my step mother off
Well this was going to be freaking fantastic. (Not to be taken literally)

I walk alone, kicking up the ash that lay all over the ground... What in the heck is this? The scene runs through my mind, over and over again.  Hucking a lugie I wipe my mouth.  Tears well in my eyes as I realize this wasn't a dream...or was it... I run down a slope (or what looks like a slope), and jump into a hole.
I land hard, on my tailbone to be exact.  Real tears start to form as I have just confirmed that the nightmares were real.  I am alone.  What was the thing that took away my life?  I thought it was a meteor.  But it wasn't it was something so much bigger...
I stare at a large medal looking thing.  I swear under my breath and pray to god that it isn't a bunch of aliens coming to take me away and probe around my brain, or butt for that matter.  After all that is an exit only.
The door starts to open, and out steps a...human.
But this human was one of the best looking guys I have seen in a very long time.  He had caramel colored hair, and emerald colored eyes.  My eyes couldn't help but move down towards his abdomen.  His polyester shirt clung to his body, outlining his beautiful abs.  My mouth starts to water, as I think about some whip cream...
I can't resist, my mouth drops as I hear his voice, and it is deep.  But not creeper status deep, it is perfect.  Now please tell me, I am playing in a movie and this was my sexy co-star. 
"Quite the contrary actually." He replied to my thoughts.
My mouth drops a little more, he just read my mind.
"Yes, now can we please just get a move on...Love we have to hurry."
He said.
He has a British accent, and I know that I am in love.  So I go and I board that crazy alien mother ship. 

Chapter 2: It’s getting hot in here

When I walked up the little ramp, of course I was going to trip.  Now I swear I did not do this on purpose all though I did imagine a hot British guy catching me as I fall to my death.  But did he? No, I landed on my knees, swearing I got up feeling them already start to bruise.  He just gave a smile and kept walking.  He had a fast pace, this was probably because of his naturally long legs.  My eyes, slowly moved up, Yep just as I expected his butt was very muscular...
"Will you quit daydreaming about my butt, and walk faster?" 
I of course was still getting used to the fact he could read minds, and then I shrugged my shoulders, and kept thinking.
"Hey, what are you?"
"How did I survive?"
"How old are you?"
I tried blasting him with questions, but instead of answering any of them he turned, through me against the wall, and put his lips against mine.  He let his tongue roam around mine.  When he pulled away, we were both breathing heavy...
"Now can we get a move on?" He asked.
Oh yea, I would go anywhere for that accent.
We moved down a hallway, and that's when I felt the ship thingy start to shake...Now believe me I'm not an expert on alien ships but are they supposed to move like this? Apparently not, since McGorgeous throws me against the floor and he covers his body with mine.  The next thing I know the ship explodes.  The smell of smoke fills my nostrils, and trust me I do not like it up there.  Then there was a moment I was flying...and then falling...and you can’t forget the landing. 
I had halved hoped to land on top of McGorgeous but of course my dreams were crushed.  I landed by myself completely away from any hot British alien.  Then I felt someone wrap their arms around my body, and carried me.  Whoever it was they had rock hard abs and smelled like after shave...I sniffed deeper oh yes and this aftershave was delectable. 
That's when I heard a deep chuckle.  I looked up to see my savior, and I never thought I would say this but my mouth dropped open twice today.  He had dark hair that was slightly curled.  His golden-brown eyes looked deep in thought, and his muscles bulged and not disgustingly. 
I wanted to savor every single moment of this.  Boy two hot guys in one day... Even though the world looked like a pile of ash, and everyone appeared to be dead...life was looking pretty good to me. 

Chapter 3: Hello my name is Starving. And you are?

When he sat me down, I felt a little light headed.  I mean not from a huge explosion, but the fact that this hot god had me so close to his body.  I felt myself slipping and he yanked me upward. 
"Hey, stay with me. Alright...I can't have you passing out."
I couldn't believe my ears...the voice sounded so familiar... and then I realized it was Zack!!!! (If you don't remember he was the guy I was going on a date with before the huge you know...meteor). 
I looked at him his face wasn't as clean shaven, and his shorts were torn, and his shirt well let’s just say was torn to the point I could see the finely defined abbies! Yeah boy! This day was just turning freaking amazing!!!
"Hey stay with me." He repeated himself. 
Oh man did he have a hot voice. I thought dreamily, suddenly a nice long overdue nap sounded really good.  My eyes drooped. 
"Oh no you don't.  First you're going to tell me why you were with that alien." 
When he said alien, I saw the disgust in his eyes. Didn't he realize that he was MY alien? 
"Hey Zack why don't you go shove yourself."  I said a self-satisfied look came across my face and I knew I had pissed him off but that's okay wasn't it...
Apparently he wasn't up for discussion.  He ripped me in the air so fast, I let out a yelp.  Then he gazed into my eyes and before I knew it he was kissing me. 
A since of warmth came over me, and don't ask me why it did.  I mean he was a selfish jerk who didn't want me around a hot British guy.  But I felt something else there too.  A little spark, like we had chemistry or something.  Yeah I'm going to go with "or something".  Yeah I know he's my boyfriend, but to tell you the truth, he wasn't really.  When I told you that I was sort of telling a little white lie.  Whoops, OH well everyone does it.
My stomach let out a low growl.  Hey what can I say, I skipped lunch.
Zack looked down at me and let out a laugh. 
"Wow you're already hungry Cassie."
I let out a gasp; I mean who does he think he is? 
"Of course I am, if you haven't forgotten the place I was supposed to get lunch at blew up like a stunt in a movie!!!"
By the time I was done yelling I was out of breath. Zack had a serious look on his face.
"No, Cassidy I did not forget."
OUCH! His words were like a mental pimp slap.  I mean come on!  Calling me by my full name, that was so NOT necessary. 
He began to stalk off in what seemed like a random direction.  But he looked like he knew where he was going so I followed him.  Maybe he would take me back to my beautiful Alien Prince (he's cute enough to be one) and we would get married, and I would say have kids, but oh hell no!  Something that big is not coming out of something this small.  Plus who would want to have the spawn of the devil himself, ALL babies. 
I tried to play off what I said by involving a joke.
"Hey, how you doing?  My name's starving, what’s yours?"
All I got was a dirty look; I just shrugged my shoulders and kept moving.  It seemed like the make-out sessions were officially over.  Damn I was just getting my lips working! 
As a make my way towards even more ashes I find myself thinking.  For those of you that don’t already know that is not a good thing.  When I think it gets dangerous for everyone, I mean the last time I had an idea, I was going streaking in the Flaming Gorge.  I know this doesn’t sound that bad, since it was just my best friend with me, but get this it was in the middle of January.  See not the brightest crayon in the box.  Zack had not made an effort to try and talk to me again so I just tried to embrace the silence.  Yep, that’s me totally silent… OH what the hell.  No it is not! Not on any level to be honest, I didn’t want to make matters worse but hey it’s me Cassie the big mouth. 
“So are you jealous?” 
Okay I know that was low, even for me… but hey how was I going to give up an opportunity as good as that. 
Zack’s back stiffened and he turned.
“Cassie, if it makes you feel better, I am so jealous I just want to punch that alien in the face.”
“Hey, he’s not an alien!!”
“Cassie, take a look around.  Do you not see all the destruction they have done?”
“All I see is a possessive jerk who is too big of a wiener to go after the girl he wants and when she meets someone that is very attractive she wants to act on it.”
With that I flipped around and started walking away from Zack.  Okay so let’s just say I was right and he did have the hots for me then that would totally explain the possessiveness.  Yeah that was probably the best exit I had ever done.  Then I tripped, my feet coming from under me, and a since of falling…again.
Then he was there, Zack.  He yanked my arm upward, but it wasn’t enough he started to fall too and we rolled down the monstrous hill we just climbed.  As we fell Zack wrapped his arms tight around me, if this was any other situation I would have been delighted.  When we landed it hurt like a son of a B.  But then I looked into Zack’s eyes and man were they golden.  We sat there for several minutes like this and then he pulled me in for a kiss, one even I couldn’t resist.  It was simple little touch against the lips then he pulled back and he was guarded again.  He got up leaving me there.
“Come on.”

When we walked I couldn’t help but singing to myself.  Don’t stop believing by Journey.  Well it was a good of song as any.  I held my hand to my lips and kept singing silently.  Hoping that if I don’t stop believing I just might get my childhood crush.
My feet were growing tired; I couldn’t take this much longer.  Then much to my relief Zack stopped, I almost wet myself from the joy, like I said almost.  Thoughts of the day were in my mind.  I mean come on, let’s see what I’ve been through:  a huge “meteor” or “asteroid” came and destroyed my beloved town or maybe the world as we know it.  Then I met a totally hot guy who is said to be an alien, and last but not least my crush from like first grade appears to be the ultimate Boy Scout (a bi-polar one at that).  I’m beginning to think Katy Perry was right boys are hot and cold.
“Hey earth to Cassie, we’re here.”
The sound of Zack’s voice brings me back to reality.
“OH sorry I was just thinking.”
“About what?”
“OH now you want to talk?”  I retorted.  All that did was earn me a well-deserved glare.
“OH fine, gosh you are so annoying, you know that?” I said.
“Well I guess I could be a little.” He said a grin creeping across his face.
“It was a rhetorical question you jerk.” I replied, but couldn’t help the cheesy grin that came with it. This was an amazing moment, not even sucking face with McGorgeous felt this good.  There was like an electric charge that flew through me.  Could he not feel it?  I certainly did and right then and there I knew I would try everything in my power to try and make him mine.
“So are you going to tell me what you’re thinking, or am I going to have to break your legs?” He said the smile I love so much still planted on his face.
“OH you know stuff like how much of a geek you are.”  I said playfully, shoving him.
“Hey, I’m no geek, you’re the one who to a Star wars convention.”
“You can’t beat Yoda.”
“OH yeah a little green old man.”  He said with a grin still on his face.
“That’s right, the force in strong in you young Jedi.” I said using my “wisest” voice. Zack started laughing and in return I was rolling on the ashes laughing in a very un-lady like manner. 
“See that’s what I like about you.”  He said.
My ears perked at those words.
“And what’s that?”
“OH you know stuff, I would tell you but then I would have to kill you.”
I couldn’t help but curse, I mean come on who does he think he is?  I couldn’t tell him I was in agony, but I could do something.  I thought thinking evilly.
I stopped in my tracks and dropped pretending to “faint”.
Zack ran up and grabbed a hold of my head.  I leaned forward and kissed him.  OH yeah this is what this was supposed to feel like…
Zack then started laughing; yep this was how it was supposed to feel.

Chapter 4: A smack of truth

Zack and I walked hand in hand down a deserted “road”.  I love the feel of his hands; they were soft but had calluses on them.  My eyes went to his lips, they were chapped.  Man I was one lucky girl to have him in my life.  Then he turned to look at me and smiled as if knowing what I was thinking.
Then I heard a low rumbling sound.  I turned to see the “spaceship” coming right towards us, bringing an ash storm in its wake.  The air flipped around us, the ash that hit my face and hands hurt, my eyes started to burn.  Then I felt Zack’s hand slipping away from mine, and the next thing I knew it was gone.  I tried to look around once the storm had settled down, but all I saw was a gray sky and smoky clouds.  It was as if I had been alone the entire time.  It was as if Zack had never been there, but I wouldn’t go as far too say everything we shared was a figment of my imagination.  It couldn’t have been, not the kisses or his smile, and definitely not his laugh.
I then heard a very familiar British accent.
“Cassandra we must be going.”
Wait, pause, my name was not Cassandra on formal terms it was Cassidy.  He looked serious now, much like the last time I saw him.  His caramel colored hair was now messy; his emerald eyes were rimmed with red.
“OH forgive me, I forgot you go by your Earth name, sorry Cassie.”  He said as if testing my name.  Then I heard what he said.  Earth name?  What was that?
“Cassie I know you might have some questions and I would gladly answer them.”
“What do you mean Earth name?” I asked shakily.
His face turned firm as he swore then if softened when he looked back into my eyes.
“Cassie you’re not from here.”
“Duh!"  I knew that I’m from Phoenix, Arizona.”
“No Cassie you aren’t from this planet.”
My breath stopped short what did he just say?
“Cassie you are from the same planet as me…Memara.  You see you were born there.  You had a best friend named Artemis.  Yes before you ask she is the god that the humans worship.  I believe you two are still good friends, I believe she goes by Hailey now.”
My breathing grew heavy…How was this possible?  I was an alien?  Hailey was as alien?
“Cassie I’m not done yet.”
Sorry, it’s just a lot to take in.”  I snapped at him, hating his disapproving tone.
His scowl turned regretful about his tone of voice.
“It is too my understanding that you know your body guard as well, Chaos.  You call him James.
“Why do I need a body guard?” I asked sounding uneasy.
“You are the Princess of Memara.  Your mother had an affair with a human man.  When she found that she was pregnant she left immediately.  As you can see only a handful of people knew about this.  If the kingdom knew she would be cast as scandalous and adultery does not go well in Memara.”
“Huh, so what you’re saying is my mom is a cheating whore?”
He laughed at that but didn’t answer my question.
“You and Artemis got into so much trouble.” He said as if remembering it, a small smile crept up his face.  I decided that I liked it on him.
“Why can’t I remember any of this?”
“Because your memory was swiped clean, so you could not remember.  Your best friend followed you though and you were given your body guard as well so you would not be put into harm’s way.”
“Okay, so the mom I have now is a step mom.”
“Yes, your dad remarried.”
Ouch this was a lot to process.  I was completely thrown off by the fact of me being an alien and then I remembered something.  When Zack called McGorgeous an alien he sounded disgusted.  If I really was what he said I was, I had a feeling that my heart would be breaking into a million pieces.
I slept long and hard that night.  After I balled my eyes out I finally knocked myself out by hitting my head against a rock.  I dreamed I was in a bright place.  I was running through a field: my hair was super long and flowing behind me.  My hazel eyes more of a fluorescent green now.  Hailey ran next to me, her blonde hair now platinum and her eyes lavender.  In the dream I called her Artemis.  I had a dagger at my thigh and a royal blue dress with a slit up the side.  Artemis wore almost the same thing but it was ruby red instead, she also had a bow and arrow strapped across her back.  We were laughing, and when I turned I saw James; or should I say Chaos.  He looked about the same but his muscles were more define.  His eyes were narrowed; I guess I wasn’t acting like a Princess.  Chaos took us back to a castle, where we were greeted by a familiar figure, I couldn’t place I though.
Then I was shaken awake.  My heart pounding from the very realistic dream, or was it a dream?  After all McGorgeous had told me all of that yesterday didn’t he?
“Cassie you need to awaken.”  He said.
I still couldn’t believe he knew all this stuff on me but I didn’t know one thing about him, not even his name. 
“My name is Liam.”  He said softly, his accent barely audible.
I had almost forgotten that he could read minds.
“Not all minds, just yours.”  He replied to my thoughts.
“I’m not sure why.”  He said turning away as if keeping a deep secret.
“Can I finish telling you Cassie?”
I couldn’t believe there was more!
“Since you are only half Memarian you only have half the genes.  You are different, a mutant I you will.”
Wait Hold Up!  Did he just call me a mutant?  YES!!!  I had always wanted to be a part of the X-men.  I decided I would look up that for later, maybe I could become wolverine’s next side kick!
When I looked over Liam had a worried look on his face.  There was something about him that was deeper than anything I had ever felt.  Like a connection in a pass life or something.
“Are you okay Cassie?”
“Yeah just peachy keen.” I replied.  I could tell he wasn’t convinced but I didn’t care.  I was totally not okay.  I had found out I was an alien princess, and had a crush on a guy who hated aliens.  Actually I was the opposite of okay.  It was like everything I knew was a lie.  The only plus to this was maybe I could get into Area 51!  WooHoo!  Look at me finding the positives in everything, that took serious skill, some only Cassie Ashes had.  Yeah I loved talking in 3rd person.  Then I realized my last names…Ashes.  It was Liam’s ship that destroyed Rock Springs.  The kingdom of Ashes…that would make me the princess of ashes, sweet balls!

Chapter 5: A love Connection

Zack looked around trying to find Cassie.
“She was just here.” He thought.
He already missed the touch of her hand, and her crazy behavior.  There was something about Cassie that made him feel…well feel.  Zack’s heart had grown cold after the murder of his parents.  It was done by the aliens years ago.  Around the time Cassie Ashes showed up.  He had fallen for her hard and fast.  Her hair was as black as the night and her eyes were a golden hazel.  She was fun and sarcastic.  He had finally thought that she felt the electric current too, the one that flowed through his veins; making it seem like she was the only girl in the world.  Man he was whipped, he tried to shrug off his affections for her, but it was almost as if they belonged together.  She made him feel alive.  It was as if Cassie Ashes had made his heart beat again.  Now Zack had two purposes in life: one was to destroy all aliens and the next was too live a long life with Cassie.  Yep he was so under Cassie’s spell.
Liam glanced at Cassie.  A burning feeling filled his chest.  He wanted to help her.  He wanted things to go back to the way they were before she was thrown on this planet.  He wanted all of these things but he needed Cassie’s touch, to feel her hand, and her love radiating through him.  He wanted to love her, to hold her when she was scared and most of all he wanted to let her know that it was okay to feel like this on their planet this was normal, and he would get her to love him again if it was the last thing he did.
         I was exhausted; there was nothing that could make this go worse.  Man why couldn’t I just go with the flow of singing the all-time classic “Don’t worry be happy” by Bob Marley.  Man did he know how to let loose.  All I wanted was to be okay and to be near Zack again… but my mind was seriously confused.  If Liam can only read my mind then what was going on between me and him?  I didn’t want to think too hard about it though because my eyes were slowing closing.
         Liam watched Cassie sleep, she looked like an angel.  His breath caught as he heard her call out his name.  It was almost a cry for help; he needed her dependence it was like a drug to him.  He decided he needed to know what she was dreaming about, for educational purposes of course he told himself.  He didn’t want to feel like he was invading her personal space like a peeping tom or anything.  The moment he touched her arm he was sucked in to her dream.
         Liam looked around him, it was beautiful.  Leaves were falling steadily off the trees, colors of red, orange, and yellow, danced across the surprisingly warm ground.  He noticed his shirt was gone as well as his shoes.  The sun was setting leaving the sky a beautiful orange.  The crashing of a waterfall could be heard for miles, and a gentle fire had just been started.  Liam wanted to cry, this was the place he had declared his love for Cassie.  Her subconscious must have remembered him, and was now trying to remind her of the greatest days of her life.  As he walked along the soft earth he couldn’t help but think where was she?  This was her dream after all.  He sat down next to the fire, feeding it twigs, till it was kindling.  Then he saw her, he could not help but have his mouth drop wide open.  She wore the same thing she wore the last time he saw her: a burgundy dress that clung to her body, a slit ran up all the way to the top of her thigh.  She was enchanting.  Her dark curls were tucked into a few roses.  He couldn’t help but stare.  She looked up at him under her long dark eyelashes, and whispered his name.  He let out a groan, of pure happiness.  He thought he would never hear her say his name like that ever again.  Then she stood on her tiptoes and puckered her crimson red lips, they were barely an inch apart when Liam was thrown backward back to the present.
I woke up suddenly sweat running down my forehead, I was breathing heavy, what had just happened?  I didn’t know but it sure felt real, almost as if it had happened before.  What if Liam was taken?  What if he had a wife or something, and here I am dreaming about kissing his perfectly shaped lips.  This was not good, I mean I so didn’t want to go there if there’s one thing Kristin Stewart taught me it was not to mess with a guy that was already taken.

Chapter 6: To Infinity and Beyond!!!

“You can’t make me go!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.  I was clinging to a giant piece of a house (I’m not entirely sure what it was) and he had a hold of my legs trying to get me on this awkward looking thing he called his “space cycle”.  It looked like the scene from that one movie what was it… Oh yeah! “Daddy Daycare” when the child wouldn’t let go of his mom and let me tell you no amount of money would get me off of this.
“I’ll give you twenty bucks.” Liam said, trying to bribe me.  On second thought maybe it wasn’t that bad.  I could work a space bike.  I let go of my anchor and quickly ripped the Jackson out of his hand.  Then with the rest of dignity I walked over to the bike. 
         Thoughts ringed through my head, I was going to meet my mother, oh boy.  What if she didn’t like me?  Who was I kidding of course she didn’t like me she kicked me off my planet.  Some mother she turned out to be.  Liam let out a chuckle at my distress and he hopped on to the bike, his muscular arms revving up the engine, in all honesty he looked hot.  Out of nowhere a leather jacket appeared, Liam glanced back and ushered me to put it on.  I did, and boy did I feel great.  I swung my leg over the bike and quickly wrapped my arms around his rock hard abs, even though he had on a leather jacket himself, I could still feel them.  He then revved up the engine one last time and started to go.  It kind of felt like I was on an airplane, one that had the stability of a bicycle, we went faster, so fast in fact I felt like I could be a Nazca driver.  Then I saw him.  Zach was standing in the way of a highly advanced space bike.  Liam didn’t seem to mind though and made the make go faster.  I saw Zach standing there one minute and the next it wasn’t Zach at all, it was a monster.  His face was now sprouting tons of hair, and his hands turned into claws.  I gasped at the sight of his long fangs; it was like he was taken right out of the Disney’s classic “Beauty and the Beast”.  His eyes were now yellow and he let out a growl, when the bike made contact with him, he grabbed it and through it.  Now I never saw anything like that so of course I was very confused that the love of my life had turned into a monster and thrown me like a sack of potatoes.  Do you think he would get mad if I suggested couples therapy?  I don’t think that what me and him have going on is a healthy one.  My thoughts were cut short by a roar.  The bike took off into the air and we were off… “To Infinity and beyond!” as Buzz Light-year would say, god bless Disney movies.
“Cassandra cannot meet her mother.”  The dark figure said.  A dark headed boy laughed in return. 
“The Queen will take one look at her precious princess and she’ll be highly disgusted.”  He replied. 
“Don’t be so sure young warrior; she might just amuse the Queen.”
“I’ll make sure that never happens master.”  The boy said, with that he bowed to the man he called master, and left to go take back what was rightfully his.

Chapter 7: A Welcoming Committee?

We pulled to a stop at a place that looked strangely familiar to my dream.  Liam jumped off the bike and turned around, letting the sun soak into his body.
“It’s good to be home.” He said with a sigh and a small smile on his face.  I watched him, he was all but twirling in a circle and singing, he must really hate Earth. 
“Cassie?  Does it not feel like you are finally like you belong?”
I looked around and yeah it felt like a piece of me was returned; I felt whole again, I never wanted to admit to anyone that I never felt like I was ever in the right place. 
“Yeah, it actually feels really good.”  I admitted.  This earned me the biggest grin I had ever seen on Liam’s face.  He walked over to me and took my hand, and then he leaded me toward a building.  When I saw Hailey I screamed in delight.  She gave me a smile and ran towards me; we hugged for a little while until I heard a throat clearing.  I turned to see James, and I smiled at him as well offering him a hug.  After everyone was welcomed, my grin faded remembering that their names weren’t actually Hailey and James. 
“I’m sorry we lied to you.” Hailey said to me.
“Yes Princess I’m am truly sorry.”  James said with a fist to his heart and a deep bow. 
I nearly cracked up right on the spot.  Was everyone here so formal?  They all looked at me with looks of concern, then Hailey being Hailey new exactly why.
“Hey Chaos dude she’s no different than when she was on Earth, she doesn’t need you kissing her butt.  Oh wait, right, you already did that.”  Hailey or um Artemis said, with that we both giggled at the look of exasperation on James err Chaos face. 
“Come on girl, we have to be changing your clothes to something more appropriate then a sexy leather jacket.”  Artemis said with a twinkle in her eye.
I tried to follow her out but Liam grabbed my arm.
“I’ll pick you up right here in two hours.”
“Sure thing” I replied.
With that I turned on my heel and walked away with my best friend.  We entered a room.  I almost gasped at the sight.  There were silk curtains up and a humongous bed with an Egyptian cotton bed spread.  I ran and jumped on it, letting my hands feel the soft material.  Artemis opened a closet and my eyes popped out of my head, it was gigantic.  There must have been hundreds of pairs of shoes, and dozens of dresses in every possible color at different lengths.  For the next half hour we just tried on random dresses, she grabbed one from the back closet and I was astounded for like the fiftieth time today, it was beautiful.  It was a ball room gown, one from history, a corset was the top piece and it landed to a skirt that was very puffy.  I loved it.  The color was a black with highlights of midnight blue throughout it.  We decided to go with it.  After spending a crap load of time on my hair I looked into the mirror.  I didn’t even recognize myself.  My eyes fluorescent green, my hair raven black, and I looked more exotic.  I think I liked living here.
  I made my way down the hall, and started going down the stairs, I tripped like three times.  Damn those five inch heels!  But Artemis made sure not a hair was out of place, and I thanked her profusely for making me feel for the first time that I actually was a princess.
         Liam sat and waited to suspense was killing him.  He needed to know what she looked like.  He needed to see her.  He was about to run up the stairs when he saw Artemis coming down.  Her gown was silver and her platinum hair was hanging low, she looked beautiful and obviously Chaos thought so to because his mouth was hanging wide open.  Right after her was Cassie.  No words could describe how beautiful she was, but it took his breath away.  Her raven black hair was curled and pulled back, and when her eyes landed on his, his body shook and as he walked up to her he found he was at a loss of words. 
“You look…”
She waited for the response but of course he couldn’t think of anything, so he looked around the room, and said the first thing that was a compliment.
“Swell.”  Wow! Did he really just say that?  He wanted to punch himself in the face.  Cassie’s face looked puzzled, oh gosh completely ruined that. 
“I mean you look gorgeous.” There you go nice cover up, he thought.
She gave him a smile then, and boy did it rock his world.  She put her hands in the crook of his elbow and they were off to meet with the Queen of Memara.
© Copyright 2013 Peyton Cooper (15stephest at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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