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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Death · #1930028
Scroll of Shongto "Little Letke's Note" Paper Sun Super-Haiku Madagascar 1962 "Real Howl"

This is the Trifold Path of the Scroll Of Shongto
k, po box 60, wayland, ma, 01708-3480

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I. Fact, Fiction, and speculation about fortune`s hour Within instructive creation land rich not to devour Alphanumeric refined definitionof strong held hand Superstition is premonition, solar versus lunar band Helix acts attracting and repelling to tell Story from tunnel emminating a ringing bell Solitary presence, beyond each and every miniscuity Duality artificial, eightfold direction natural supernaturaltrinity Riddle aplace eventually to reach a face Force set into spin creating some unemulatable pace Martyr mentioned over tongue, go itshall Silent reflection word that one did install Inventions in vast glory, protect artist`s antagonist Inscriptions interpreted through folly and peace list Drifting grains and securing inks one thousand words Song should manifest with no pen cursed swords Mirroring moons mercy newcomers, an ancient belief Painting amid snakes on mountains in some grief Myths and numbness, thought not ever thought Crosses and stars whose light entertain lie naught Unnamed dials with vast resistance to dismiss One thousand one days imbugne interstellar relatives amiss Lost calendars, poverty, and infinity as nothing Wheel of greed`s arks of violence over something Flaw in possessing private owned fruit trees Amid personal dismay of stressed citrus which frees Chief hearing thunder foreseeing war as bad Birds seeking fish too far making them mad Interwoven microcosm and macrocosm key to solar Stars, three harps near around North Star polar Broken silence as workers blast rocks apart After great Gab story full of heart Candle lit blue, genetic helix, graces yellow feathering Standing naked, beware, the green candles burning Material declarations, manifold of a tearing math Mohave Desert`s black bushes nearby lizard`s path Animal`s enigmatic roots of behavior by stones Grail covered with scientific tracks of white tones Faerie Ring in a garden so unkind Distortions of moods of handlers who did bind Curses forking like unto carnivore serpentine tongue Sparkling darkening cries that a communication sung Ringing desert altercations amid fierce lion roar Next generation of children seek weapons nevermore XII. Wild flocks, mirrors unto hands raised Hope not lost nor forlorn while artificial device tempered played Harmony shifting and transcending old fire`s ashes near steeple Flashing encouraging forthright verses for people Speaking rumors on actual lessons by argument added Demands dividing individual command had mended Graffiti carved into ancient stone wall near bombardment Dealing reels to fishermen, bug eyed worms on a fly reel tempt Eternity spent on a printing ESP pathway Rangers calling calls to lost trekkers, tactical way Naked truth texturing bones with only skin showing Dripping spring water across tapestries under label flowing Race to catch fortune, rowing across complex educations Utterances of sophistication and docile reflections Onward counting upon one necessity and progress Biodegradable paint on walls finding less dimness Untangling of days of work, chance`s nuance Folk versus Contemporary music`s happening Celtic stance Meanderings becoming decisive leading to prestigious sponsor Venture takes on new meaning as perception honor Ever yielding leisure, mirages about massive loathing Starving logic anticipating notion of logo on clothing Looking in uniform understanding a kind togetherness Identity and morals aside glamor minimizing stress Awards of attributes amongst an integral grit spent Industry soaring with society`s political wonder evident Coordination effort in experiences learning philosophic verse Oblivion once unknown shown as lantern on course Theater poetry soft after explanation hardly free Lands grandiose, example covering truth`s own fee Moral of main allowances onto caring guises upwardness Saluting charity, noticing conduction, lending nothing less Solidarity`s passions of interwoven charisma`s virtuous portions Escapes fabrication to declare learnings and fortunes Discovering a conception of self void of conceit Understand distinguished crudeness of processed chronicles to meet Sillyness uncalled for, a serious sense, drawn lot Stars on skydome like salt grains sought Twiddling thumbs in chair then going afoot Baby and big steps musical chairs chimney soot Smiling tree on shady grove at midnight Whose twisted roots make face of illusion sight Air of intrigue, Martian night and days The clover grows furiously as grass sways XXIII. Phantasmagoria, Psalmistdrumroll, and the plastic arts The forgotten crucible cup forgotten amid parts All that the Nirvana`s sound owed to Wavelength cryptic mimicking dark AEtherial Wyrd zoo Great dance to strings and many horn Drum pulses amid sacred eight field cornered, corn Macrophelius and microphelius, botanist with mortar and pestle Exist knowing toll and having to wrestle Conclusions about scenarios, known facts about visions Fashioning vigor of intermissions to new admissions General adversity in abstract to once contemplate Driving demands, enticing virtue`s heritage tempts fate Words of words, none upright, told to tell Frozen man discovered with cannibus,copper fell Crop circles by man, strings, boards ploy Disinformation, innocent must always be protected, coy Manifestation of ego in social construct, positive`s negatives Roller coasters` division and lexicon multiplication lives Reality and dichotomies within sects` laws possesion Chronolog amid astronomy, great pendulum, ruling pension Resources` inventory, share gold with the poor Experience of the old world and evolution more Expressions artistic, culture, and pinnacles of technology Eccentric centers amid sirens leaders just bring thee Wardrobe, Jokers who jest, King summarizes life Relations and critical universal lessons rejected strife Ricochet in the evergreen forest, Piper`s chimes Mad hatter, woe, about unperfected crafting mines Woe, unpeaceful outcomes since Babel`s unruly fallCornered a crisis nearing and passing all Bears hunted by license saying for boots Sunshine to one amid a tree`s watered roots Mountains over Gaia`s planet and air chains Apollo across hotter seasons brilliant celestial reigns Ads for hair care, dye unseen, treat Under ballasts tuned orchestra clue dancers feet Fringes on frankincense tears needing mercy adrift Date seeker, on clock branch going swift Grief amid tintinnabulation, teal fetish nobody needs Flipping deck of cards together, shuffling`s stampedes Unfortunate fledgling hid near heard with no shepherd Seasonal fantasies so animated in the season heard Rebels reveal revelations following folly while pacing Primetime experiences, famous made infamous when tracing XXXIV. Polluted air once whitest palace turned yellow Light lingering auspicious trace, leaves sparkled so Wallpaper depicts the wildest and the dullest Martian rivers, Venus on horizon does manifest Sewn logos and hats, a key to fandom Friends disillusioned through catchphrases that doublecrossed them Elaborate mazes abstract especially with fisheye lens Fallen wires, still searching mushrooms, near fence Purple pearls essence, race creative with vanity Voice feathered in wine sways to thee Rings not play things missing traveler`s wound Whom none can find soon frighteningly ungroomed Natives` land, one takes more than needed Tent of meeting rose high, homestead heeded Lest forgotten, also bound to outer space Within homes of greed leaving a trace Four corners within abacus, moving spheres still Armillary sphere propped high mimics a skill Spent on oil which heats a wanted tin Pupil sowing seeds to wood grain`s omen akin Moment divine, teachers and preachers united, distressed Detailed identity expected designs enrolled or addressed Harm more than cows, lands costing lives Babel fallen, prophets shadows making men meet wives On paper, diametrical terrestrial and extraterrestrial natures Mere ledgers which can travail vanities` statures Testing truth`s theories about primes linger free Jokers`, fools` and legends` riddles to be Solemn plot against dinosaurs from advanced consortium Knowledge appears, desert vultures walk and hum Fiction conned servants to wanting reward unrealistic Entities float hopes, flailing wings brings static Care more about portals than a wormhole Artistic costumes amid society built on coal Hollow minded puppet cultivating promises growing round Animals amid politics of robotic whirring sound Hourglass, grains which end, constellation quarters dark Twelve sign lunar zodiac, thirteen solar, lark Life needs light, blend the rainbow high Diverse acts rolling across universe defying lie Bags and bags, all of the rips Letters entwined in red unless banana slips Taxing toxic waste, contortion artist trapping flies Ugly noise fantastic amid absurd fool ties XLV. Suspense on an air hockey table free Blank white tree to black white tree Limits and latency contingencies about secret anonymity Second hand reality, direct activity to infinity For years, environments holding tears proving importance Cause for being locked into clocks, business irrelevance Pleasant leisure freed in a controlled lace Greed tainted air and agreed faceted ace Contract for combat, fearless, only fearing a bleeding war hat Smiling factory workers ponder each and every fact Concrete jungles while seven fingers come through white sheet weaved Pipers and slayers in slippers and layers uneased Venture into a land of vultures Left a traveler to be eaten forbidden ways of cultures After being shot and not expecting it the least Realized in fact vultures were void instead crows did feast Four corners keep spheres contained placed on shelves still Hair skin fingers move calculate emulatable till Source form lights, money profit, speaking Pharoh over window sill Prophet, common seer, in a land set with propped trash making story ill Visit situation based under growing student plans and academic intent A pupil`s crescent falls holy and uneven like a seed in a hidden tent Inside knowledge, voltage advantages spent oil heater in case undebated Grain the preacher saturated, united before crowds soon rated The last leg to the lost civilization, a ship spotting a beige and red textile Never found dome building with sideways rectangular windows door height while Forbidden destroyers of the last shepherds Whose tongues fork backwards From the place with the biggest bricks to the place with the smallest bricks The worshipers amid a cursed flower and impossibility sticks Third star cycle humanity might miss duet of the perverse about a dollar Final destination fourth stone from the sun, missing ornament about a collar Ethereal language, no blood spilled by reflecting wine by the drop Wisdom passing slowly and broom like mop Egypt, where the most holy matrimony of a single man and single women The unwelcome, and that of the stranger, and the poor as poor doomed then The leaf that breaks like an egg shell or so it seems Three stone rock where wild cat leans, again only so it seems Face looking at the stream in anger. then upright Not touching the ground harder than a sad wobbly flower of endless night Ultimate failure of the test of reality a base of freedom denied by darkness The beer of Adam and Eve`s only very thirst to coexist in peace nevertheless The night and day of six hours to and past midnight away Not to add one or subtract seven, eggshell leaf only beside humpday LVI. The second closest galaxy, the homosapien being has an large head Bag of beans on the spacecraft to protect the heart when warp drive jolts ahead The third closest galaxy, hermaphrodite is all the land is fed For a main walk, with a Toucan nose and Klein-loop mad Four galaxies away, the main being is the Seraph With a head like the spin of Saturn alof` If not the only being and all is all we all are High five the teenage arcade and how the Western dual look bizarre Though the arcade which our men have made People gain health from herbs of lands which hands held to save All safe assure across sees them fed And as over a woman is the mightiest bed Two circles known to Venn Church West The actuality of perceiving the future test Yes noon, no ten, maybe eleven for leftest or right wheel The aspirin denied to the royal for to dance again though west, icy feel Belt of wooden stakes and garlic and cross of the solar day Be part of life`s reflection a refraction is a prism where one may The lunar month blood that women might need a man`sshoulder Placenta and the cow which would eat the very, maybe merrier Elected through two canes held by crossed arms as held best Haunted by Anubis masked throwing short scythes in parallel from North to West Iced cream the marvel of the future and thoughts of the protector of cows Life on Mars five cubits, shadow, and a lie about a feeling of spinning The most holy peace that does not break, the mountain climber`s breath Which the Gentiles wrote of and Goyim were told in mirth The sides of metal now melted back to machines of not war More years past the man of one thousand voices, generations afore Graven disasters in the hundredth millennium near Final man hiding in cave thinks habitability not like any year Something fast, uncertain and curved, though like seeing upside downat least Give or take the ash for roads, red desert awaits, with no feast The dangers or urban and suburban concubines, when it seems theend is rural The crocodiles about the nine steps in the pouring rain, to tell a tale Like Daniel read to the lions to avoid being devoured And the fabled though legendary snake handling abroad The Martian who saw the warrior`s helm with three colors on the face When gas price is two hundred and thirty six dollars valued in freeland grace The forbidden one who denies air to even the most fried yoke Darkest block to the charcoal circle came about, a token took for a choke Eleventh galaxy, counting ours, who control five claws with their own fingers Short faces tall, ear to chin to shoulder to cross oneself by one sight lingers Our galaxy`s people most unwelcome, due to siding with one face type The trading of spider silk with Mars and fishponds with greater hype LXVII. Behold told fact acted out about places Character entrance being chance beings traces Display sparks glowing figure over tables Escaped reason, the stakes over stand informations stables Four numbers by a diamond plated bezel united scattered corners Gilded with tree resin by hands trained above chairs like dead ox mourners Leaders orders understood in letters, a veil of winding shadows Money driven designers draw plans draining planets resource meadows Copies of knotted ties ringing necks and unheard heart strings Diverse universe unfortunately detunes by perverse reversed things Village pillaged founded creation of products Claws about tribal circles pounce over worms in mucks Missions granted by still another babelling author`s authority Westward on a Thursday, more war agreed in relativity Deeds to land acres making edible numbers of fruit Illness after the thousandth bite, range lacking a hand ensuit By virtue of patiences a peace in all places Unwritten solace of emotion flighting through doorway of beaded laces Downplaying voices by lock and key taken via parallels As combat ensues, liars curses rise, unheard farewell to temples Lengthening trails and the tribulations of justice To enter in about the detail of a moment by utterance Under vanities denying breath by false veils and rays Of accursed tarnish about silver and contempt about gold mainstays Perpetuity keeps few who seldom whisper dormant Discourses segregate and monopolize amid criminals scant Being gone is not leaving, as it is simply to have left By fat of the tongue of muscle which curves like a trip so subliminal rift The snake`s tongue which curses emulate in weight In lieu of revelations of a voice of light The tree thanked for a paper cup, age in rings seen One piece from every part of it where now only it has been Tree`s grain stained remains of letter chain Mirrors resonating moments in control of all disdain Maps tracing spaces for traveler`s seeking higher ceiling Receiving stories trimmed for television`s abbreviating Ego of hair in corporate chair glances An explained realm of high expenses Brainwashing a ghost`s mind as right turning helix forward Being dust trapped in the coldest part inside a bullet Ready to walk amid a sky lit of smaller candles of sun Their waxy poison a lake of silhouettes that shift on Procedure of a pure future beckons without crash landing Stepping to a serenade under starlight balcony teetering LXXVIII. Five to a forest not to stumble, to move flawlessly While flocks find a new security Sacrament left for a starving woodland creature Woe to where no length may ever fit, infinite beyond every teacher Glimpses of fringes of habitats where flight is taken over damp meadow While leaving the forest like a trapeze over cities in sew Appearing as an ominous temple of light nightly scaled and counted A creature who minds to find nobody less and go uncounted Avid ways for to go down beforeupward advance Venture nods eventually only to sew mere line of stance Sanding going on after absence of bark and east flying hawk Jet black are the overlapping rivers to gawk To lose one leading step chasing a trinity of hourly motive Belonging to pious gratitude and praised through conflagged horn votive A countryside turns to a city and a city to a countryside Prolonging echoes of hoofs knocking after grazing another beside Purple salt to the Middle East, pink to the East, another and five As numerals seem to appear in a lexicon alive The Lord of acacia trees with the black alchemical knight As the oriental center of tea and a dinged bell right Bells tolling controlled to numerical alpha brain wave Ringed in the Kappa greater power freeing binded slave Gammadion Greek, and that is each that Cool now, the metallic glow of fire, each liar knows what The left side of the mind glyphs and the right side phonics so as to splice Sharing mystic heated wine, situation of saturation so nice Rewards of war guarded by the key to a holy door The Jerusalem cross in thefuture slides away in boxed screener A sort of arrowhead beneath the Hunter`s Moon in Scorpio Mentality of a tripwire to element in context most solo The love of a perfect eight on solid ice not easily broken Balancing a credit in anger printed on a gluey sticker of the unspoken Herds themselves frightening at times such as arsenic not on the horns tip The tobacco helps the mistaken overburning one did really want breath skip Although the taboo of the long passed blessed and fairly cursed bud Beds with fellow greens who might not mind the methane fuel in crud Heroic Gaia and Isis, who may not want to be together, one low and on atop dome An amazing Esus brother to one of them said in ancient Rome The herbs from above dome of stars cast out for one to know Secret crystalline helix afire like the Pleidies, source of sacred bow Ego shares how once heart started to burn From all that spice upon a night or day to once turn Reunited with an old friend down the path of life The big bang on bongos to feel like an icy cliff without strife LXXXIX. Hunter chasing the tails seen like the white blur called Gaussian Triangle made by thumbs and forefinger, the crab constellation With eyes
feathered like mushrooms and sesame oils gunks Language forbidden to be black and the brown robed monks Bobbing in the house of bondage, the last want for goat Beards useless since fourteenth century, one full haired male who likes a boat All the rest doomed to liveby the razor and barn Raised to our right of everything, the skateboard and fake beard of yarn Life sugary all about the soda which turns light into dark Cows created in the image of a demon who mixed too much color in torc Because of the existence of silver all ends up in thirds MP3 2/3 free because of all letters on free boards Reeling minds of drugs and violence Shadows leaving tired old dog that sighted moonshine and incense Cancer cured by a circle of salt or pill of perfect helix Used to have a bag of tricks like an electrocutionist fix The evenings empire, world on fire, stained with liars They can send crashing down on rebound around pillars made by pliers Staring into eyes, nothing was there after all For another day to live another way, can`t stand the city speed ball There are no rooms hidden for in the midst of Israel Although there are in the Sphinx head tried to steal The legend of the metal book should not be forgotten Watch the watchless wrist, time to see some ring pen The Vegan fails the shepherd in the most unholy way Speaking with a snake`s tongue likethe Planet of the Cats be them may Stealing the very rights pf man banning even seeds of the most herbs To curse those of peace in the name of cannibal lords Ancient code is sold old and woolen not cold In the land of flowers that go grow high with no mold Shadow castof cross not a cross lifting over adversity Volume turning of frequency and advance latency Venus of true blue air hypercast archers of infinity Travel light rapid going over the platform conformity Formal test folding water parallel marked midnight on Siren resonance, pauseless horn, thud of caution Beings of feather shift before us find the plateau swiftly In identical trails countless accounts fear frozen North to be Raging fire, green ship near the corner, motionless balance restored Legitimacy sentence coming in the just open eye zenith challenged They who stand over one hundred feet high know not more than one dose Known otherwise where silver is eaten with cheese called to comfort to close Anger spoken the wheel turns under or above counted lace Tweaking in obscurity virtuous system stepping future ace C. Trancension into inverse completing scope ready ring Presence for the sake of wonder orchestration lacking Ropeof seven thousand strands carrying the paired on Child play bringing thunder over crowd bewilders none Bringing forth travel through circles, not to deploy Stirring technicalities wild creativeness convoy Submitted once and for all custom style lights Leathery touch of the rock, hand shake tree after final whites They chose their heirs to control facilities Often forgotten natural land`s limits and capabilities Wisdom passed down class assumed perfection true Or boards mixed in mighty mixture helped up by limestone hemp sinewWardrobes to mentally ill patients still trapped in wards Avengers brainwashed chanting important words Revealed truth is hats with veil imposed Fiction conned servant, Babylon consumer, into wanting reward Underlying reason for war, the ruler`s diamond filled box Nearly escaped fabricated air then came lock and clocks Life good where knifes kill nobody except flocks for school food Entertainment, lust and violence distinguished as crude Entrance peaks reapers creep around pure ground Going crazy, our control of digital repetitive sound That repetition pets our brains into primal stance Arise from design, grace places with pure presence Dear readers, wait in good standing `til fed afore bread Everything inside their herd are eerily too in your head Running walking talking shimmering ring for a king Aftermath algebra strange uniform fused and confusing No known force to follow only forces in need Grandreconstruction of renaissance to feed Twinkling definitions repeat to find a hollow creed Helpless or help to emulate a winged Cadesus breed Don`t bother to scream, life`s nothing more than a dream Woven from the fabric of your thoughts twisted as ink blots seem Seeing everything that it should not Stop, what a thought, anything forgot well sure hope not In the desert looking for water and rainforest for fire The chiming bell wishes you well until one does aspire Dropping the halfling`s letter and red wine spilled on vellum map of Champange Stargate in desert when if found strongest men to jumpgate to return or remain Hallow be your heavens, blessed by thy name Keep an eye open to remain the same How it was in the beginning so it shall be in the end Lead fools to fortune and the righteous to a friend CXI. Read it in dusty paper before in solid tree All fallin` for rocks and the same old used to be So many words now become few Absence of wise ones and answers to construe Here one was, there one is, dusty roads and empty cans When one`s gone you`re only a stronger wall of trends Moses was dark in Egypt and Jesus was light, forty days alone as a Jew Maybe your life is one trial met simple and true Trees stained by wells of water pure black Company guided by carvings, cold railroad track Rebel reindeerchained to sleighs License plates on acted out plays Born into a home and now standing all alone In the world where one is sewn to the bone Out on the town with life gone upsidedown Acting kind around lights which can bind one aroun` Living within a song and life stillgoes on Shadow from tomorrow and maybe before, gone Alas, the grass rolling down hills in mass Back at home in the neverending Fall refusing to pass Luck or dice, deduction and conduction, a con`s clues premonition Earrings of crosses, double cross without third, and story of fiction Pen of useless use against weapons so weep on the internet Enter center of Babylon, Sumer, and consumer to it Live forwards or backwards, the bisexual lotus, evil already written Eve of silence, uproar on a boat which crosses the ocean in days ten In their heirloom books, read ads about hair care Note motion or emotion, truth, lies, wings to air Twist strings, ring it, is not evil backwards live? Here, do not misunderstand this, in pen order alive Told in words in hold, manipulations range and courage unfold Renttapes, in suits tied to clocks, tinted perspective upon monopolies told Green meadows flow, silence does grow, a verse there does know Angst of soldier, old and not dead, glad added number flow True history, his story, a won war rewards cowards Ear to the Earth, nothinghere, heresay, no heresy blurbs Bears killed with guns for fun, sport a port for greed Gold paved road from slaves, sweating in the temple an icon, idol in need Users can be abusers, simultaneous plans by man before folklore Yea, woe to the Holy Architect, protect us from anarchy in secrecy in store Jesus passed, great respect tell the story of man and more told stories of king Travailing as the wind, Ecclesiastes, the premises for apprentices to sing Fat under the hat, preacher seeks money from pulpit, starving and making a tithe Dozing bull, presence of nonsense, neat planet, arrive in the likeness of a hive CXXII. Wanted answer, needed pants, biblical is important though the prophet more Often ears fear, playing after gestation like running a prophet`s seed store Our right, write left or right, who cares, there are cars Carpet`s cartoons heard, unseen while rum is poured and a drum bangs in bars When the uncertainty is made clear and known to be true A panic hat itches, only not really, shadow alludes away, sacred blue These next words shall kill no tree Yea, woe, for how they protect thee The next night to shine with light Destined to be set free from the boundary, great height One thought one saw through an iris Clearly sometimes one knows when on, it is Dancing in circles and showered in tapestries Hark! Bells where nobody can ever hear, passed on the invisible trees Of the light nigh and the heat The silence following when it becomes clear and neat Taking comfort in the temporal created by the blind whirling of machinery It being only to accept vegetative forms of life, so eerie No longer the nervous system troubled by something swallowed inked Everyone is everything and nothing before, after and now explained Let thine action entice the next aforehand For it is manifestation onto oneself until a disband Keep the shoulders poised especially in the time of the chill For revolution is to occur toward virtue still Thrice in a fiery realm a monkey calls Elephant on two legs, turning balance, trade of precious metal for stone balls Rabbit hops and horse gallops and dolphin sonar rescue A Western tree made into a bedroom dorm to be turned askew Wisdom of yesteryear, guide our steps and restore Each glory of nature despite finding Hesus in the dark realm of Osirus on gore Going past fast leaving a site where something is thinking of flying backwards Songs all calling in crimson red, scarlet purple and golden garbs Ears of corn wiser than we know All invite onto the virtue to show Born into ethereal, the feathered must have been Wisdom swinging slightly, most lose and some win Such ancient wine still knows it`s place Harpringing in a bathhouse, a traveler`s wounds soothed in grace None can seem to find too soon Day`s nights and watchers who sing onto the sun and moon Starving, without a means to work, needed rice Breeding visions blinded by bright money that names a price Turning opposite to itself as if it were surely a maze Tent of meeting over grounds and under skies stays many to graze CXXXIII. In black oiled futures electric breath hands a weightless unknown singer aligned Learn from mistakes of astrology`s alternate dates twelve plus one solar signed Lest we forget being bound to outer space Not much left aside from a mere trace Natives walking in the same footprints all a tether White light night fight moon star feather Deep into the night in tears to which each drop has a beginning and an end Tomorrow night is just around the bend Give one the power what to do One who is not even good enough to lick a shoe Twisted into a shattered mess One couldn`t ask for any less Haunted like a gangster looking for an answer Yellow teeth that roll with the smoke like coffee kills cancer Smiling like a joker`s wild in a world of many liar Climb and not crawl up Jacob`s Ladder In bloom with our full silver moon Man and woman, lotus perfume across the room When the child said to a priest about feasting on a duck Hand motion over the spine being sublime is not a crime firetruck Fingertip in treetop land Blood in vein electric wire band Contracting new monitor Walking on a ceiling under a floor Puppeteer who cut random string Making difficult circle unbreaking Two sided undertow Wavecrash in and refuse to let go Notes transcend subtitles none know Images inside before and afterglow Meditated peaceful chant Making war more relevant Despite every known effort Membership to some exclusive resort Overpriced export import Reality dares you to contort Message delivery over ancient craft Future hidden riddled inside out spoiled cast Shapeshifting alter ego alien Help control what might not contain Poison serves it`s purpose well Telling of tale ringing in bell Speak hear or see no evil please Righteous practice is what all preaches, ease CXLIV. Eat your fish or let it go Life does not deserve to suffer so Break no circle unless one is to dare To have a circle break one`s back in mid air Running away does not get one anywhere so run into it right Won`t be too long lived for the song of the night If one gets knocked down get up stronger Don`t stay down any longer and come back like a monger No one is around to share accomplishments and family is bewildered Saturated with materialism dangerously in extremities no skill, dreaded A real artist has ink in the blood literally and just barely escaped alive Conflict with the system, scratch and sniff, thirty-six, and nine to five Math is all numbers and no emotion just motion pure feeling Survival, food and water, and some love to realize the undone done for dealing Product of one`s environment, closure, so close to the hidden truth Eerie when asking where, the knighted one warns to not, people mustsleuth Living in a tent with freeze dried Georgia peaches on Coney Island Waiting for a musical band amid the miles of sand Feeling like a simulation when the food becomes bland The solid turf of the Earth like a chipped tooth to crime on a stand Relying on religion inBabylon under the sun to get past temptation Went into some epic moment of diversity with eyes shut in contemplation Prisoners in a trance with despised feeling toward the womb like Job Frowning at unholy sanctuary where the greatest liberator does not come robed Commander, understand the salutation, here`s an initiation nigh Got a motor inside, sing till you die, never yawn and just sigh Shiver at a glimmering incense all spinning through the room soon Morning, evening and afternoon and running for the flag on the moon Confused loser, snoozer, depression of a boozer If this keeps up and one is not a musician, one of the four, one will lose her One hundred and thirty chance of true marriage as a musician mix blue and red Fresh news to find the clues you just can`t lose though you can onto hit dead Did it to you because you can see through blue staring Needle point pin drop spin top water crest blessed is a messy ring Passed the test was the sticker she stuck to my back after she sung Fever Might travel West that would make me departed as an owlto a teacher door lever Near future you should be kissing glistening with skin that spins with stealth Floating toting a smile, or even literally down the Nile if ever cometh wealth Dodge the hodgepodge leapfrogs, saturater alligators, staring a glyph left eyed Shed a tear for cigarettes in mashed potatoes or cry backwards, hookah untried Stay in melting clay, before cold, and fortune of winged creatures and beings A feature films with subliminal messages, passages laughable disc scratchings Turning styles churn away to another day for the culture shock of reality now Sad is to see someone frown as the head is turned down and one must say a wow CLV. Invitations to appreciate ruins where the holy one was resting near within All wearing the same disguise and no one is to hear what conquering oxygen All a means to generations, of syndicated radio stations Not to ever let anyone see how to save peculiar rations Walking around the schoolyard, lonely bats and barracudas, swims in nets unseen Cuban cigar tar factory with a nicotine ad in a magazine Short circuited brain by iced cream floating in dreams hiding on the truck side Face full of whipped cream to climb inside Bus with a rush of calamity not achieved with cellulite bubbles that pop big Sin must be spinning inside that head, that is not living fresh in dirt to dig Liquid on Saturn appearing, solid patterns, as games in the next galaxy winning World is sealed within, five hundred million years it`s all dry burning Climbing beneath electric fencing and open the oboe box for the recorder Two old half dollars smile circles to each toothand to conquer disorder Aging ring of sages broken by the weight an antigravity future sight Loving life into eternity, a ripple shadow, itis bitter sweet night Let the body be troubles to digital monsters, with wire, wires are fire Not just another prisoner, either survival until lies or a one new liar Cars, bars and liars stretching truth far stifled with confusions Kiss this for nothing, help is one of the good things for nations Fear not vast treasures for there is a reassurance in chance A thousand sands in the river shiver and dance Demand of the masses Cut lines between classes Informal spindle formation into creations practically To subliminal concentration to set oneself free Radical numerical hidden wealth on the shelf after something to be Said deliverer to bear the news, motionless fact, fight for the right to party Stay away from consequences flying through the mesh forces Body of work expensive for defensive safety in courses Smile on theinside, hypnotize lies, exaggerated cries Shadow in the hallway wall that is not on it, see nails dangerously secret eyes War in civilization due to lack of appreciation for the creator To "Where is the tent of meeting, what`s with this informal meeting" near door Sent in again to now attack again with who is to name who is left to blame Twice or third there is some relentless power, expensive great fate game Going to leave this place without a disgrace, woe to fall from one What it is is how it goes so the rose is known to no one Spectacle and monopoly in beneficial harmony Dominion is gathering to be seen within money Power cut only to linger In the shadow of each finger Vie and lie onto oneself Leaves us staring at the shelf CLXVI. Let thine action entice the next afore hand for manifestation Keep thine shoulders poised especially during the chill run For revolution to occur toward virtue realizing viciousness May only lead us astray to awkwardness Hyperactivity in forest running like Babylon`s hanging gardens, the Internet To the volumes of presence, maze rolling for Eden`s sake to connect In with the good air and out with the bad The different is great between being angry or mad Such strife and struggle in the search of oneself Soon all should receive their tongues message from the store shelf Fortnights, a journey undertook, cursed by buffoons An image of beauty, a song of youth, a story of justice for many new moons It could be lies written by a metallic fist Crashed gold into mirrors and silver into walls making strange mist Found during morning`s first break in a locked down town hall Land stolen from natives to a country with money to free them all Explaining habitually, little known to the lovers, how the planetary faces turn Six eyes watched, two their extrasensory, invisible like Bindi fine pattern Only players live for the score with like fortune of the inventors of the game Testing forms of endurance; Temporal, constant, hypercast different and same Bardsuse boards, look at birds and seek feathers that land upright over grass Vates, preachers to the Druids who only walk, sail and eat fish and etch glass Praying, weeping under precious stones while slaves sprayed to kill parasite Replacing sign code to eventually rest visiblein uniform like dragons in sight Take a step back into a void to count every one of one self`s sin Strike down the musical heels by the rules and let life once again begin Stunned from the power of the light`s attack Running through the night in shadow of black Trying to find some help before one is gone Knew it all along being totally wrong Smashed glass shatter into the mass, be no fool Liar between the golden rule, infinity is cruel Spacebar in Reason the dubstep how all this penned goes oral, an unsprayed Earth`s most sacred artifactplated in one hundred forty million gold laid Left side of the brain, the glyph tongue named here under a tied lace Fell from lead wine and script pure while an unsound sounds said pace The third dimension and the sacred sages of the four suits The minister who is the king of all suits and not like four kings about lutes The magician who draws the ace of spades is not the ultimate ace of all suits Tarot
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