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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Animal · #1929811
What I love about them....
I love animals. Right now we have 7 pigs, 2 sheep, 4 cats, one kitten, and two dogs. We use to have cattle but just my unlce dose now. I guess you could say I live on a farm, I consider it as one.

I'm in 4-H. In case anyone dosnt know what 4-H means it is Heads, Heart, Hands Health. It a world wide club. I've been In it since I was 7. Both of my parents have too and my uncle also. Now my sisters and I are in it. It's really fun. There is all sorts of projcets to do. Photography, Beef, Swine, Sheep, goats, horses. You can enter almost anything that's a project in your county fair.

When I was little I loved going to watch the cattle show with my grandpa during the fair, and hoping someday that I could do that. I show pigs and sheep. I never knew I would like pigs, they are really sweet, funny and cute and yeah they smell but it's not that bad if your use to it like I'am.

I started out showing sheep, I thought it was going to be easy, man its alot of work. Then five years later I started showing pigs. They are so much fun. I met new friends showing pigs, I learn lots too. It is really alot of work raising an animal and it takes alot out of your time, but I enjoy it.

When your showing for the first time of chorse your going to be nervous, I know I was. If your nevrous your pig is going to tell that you are so they start acting nervous, it took a while for me to figure that out. Last year I achived my goal, I thought I was never going to achive it but I did. Last year at my county fair, I was showing my Duroc (type of pig thats red). I love showing Durocs one to the easiset to show. I eneded up winning Champion Duroc Market hog. It was really exciting. It's really not about the winning, its about having fun. My skills in showing have improved, my knowlegde about animals have improved to. There are going to be some up's and downs raisning an animals.

I'll be talking about raising pigs and sheep more often. I hope you liked this one, and I hope you learn something from reading it.

Thanks for reading!
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