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Part 2 of my book undercover :) |
Chapter 8: Meeting Flostoc In the morning, I woke up at 5:30. Kyle and I were going to leave for the bank on our bikes at 6:30, and I had a lot to do. I packed anything I thought I might need- my only pair of binoculars, my laptop, Nalani’s book with the Hawaiian code inside, a notebook, a pen, my set of darts, a few pieces of gum, a large rope, a pair of scissors, tape, a screwdriver, and a butter knife (the only type of knife I’m allowed to carry) I sure hoped Kyle and Apolian had some good supplies, cause otherwise, we were pretty much doomed. After I had carefully placed everything in the bag, I tiptoed downstairs, trying not to wake anyone from my family. I poured myself some cereal and wrote a note to the rest of my family. Went to go to the bank to see dad at work. Will be home before dinner. –Kalea I was just about to leave for Kyle’s house when Nalani cam downstairs. “Where are you going?” she asked. “To the bank” “Can I come?” “Sorry Nalani, this is important. “ I responded. I felt terrible saying no, but allowing her to come would be too risky. “But I helped you crack the code! And if you don’t bring me I’ll tell mom and dad all about this. Did you think I wasn’t smart enough to figure out that National Chipmunk Day and Worldwide Celebration of Clowns day don’t exist?” She said. This was so unlike Nalani. She never even spoke, and now she was trying to outsmart me. But it seemed like I had no choice. “Fine! Grab your bike and let’s go.” Nalani seemed so excited. She skipped into the garage, grabbed her bike, and met me at the end of the driveway. While we were biking to Kyle’s house, I explained what was going on. When we arrived, he was already waiting at the end of the driveway. Instead of being upset at Nalani’s presence, he just smiled and said “I had a feeling she would come. Oh, I forgot to tell you. I was with my brother earlier. He was being really nice, and so I told him we were doing a spies live action role play for social studies, and he gave me these.” Kyle pulled out two small devices.” What are they?” I asked. “Injection trackers.” “INJECTION?” I shrieked. “Yeah. It doesn’t hurt, though, which is good. We just have to inject these tracker chips into our arms, and we will be able to find each other using this GPS.” Kyle said. He took out three needles and injected a chip into himself, Nalani and I. Then he gave a GPS to me, and shoved the other in his pocket. “Ready to go?” Once we arrived at the bank, we talked to security and showed them our bank IDs which both Nalani and I had been given by our father. After considering whether or not Kyle should be allowed in, they let us go to room 6B. At first it appeared nobody was there, but suddenly a man in a overcoat, top hat and pink shades appeared. “Excuse my disguise, but I needed to be undercover in case one of the other agents saw me walking here. I’m going to make this quick. Flostoc and Cruffle are not who they say they are. There isn’t much I can tell you, because you will need to solve most of this on your own. I have supplies for you, but you will need to put them into your backpacks, because if the agents see you carrying these suitcases they will know something’s up. Now let me see what you got.” Kyle and I dumped our backpacks out onto the floor. Kyle’s supplies were very similar to mine. Apolian tossed more than half of our supplies into a nearby waste bin. I was allowed to keep the rope, laptop, the book with the code, the screwdriver, and the notebook and pen. Apolian then filled the rest of my bag with 3 poison injected darts, a small knife, a fingerprint kit, a lock picking device, a set of keys to every safe in the bank, and a walkie talkie. Kyle, Apolian, and Nalani also had walkie talkies- Nalani had to try to jam hers into the pocket of her pants so that it was hidden. “Now go, and don’t get caught.” I wanted to ask him more, but he had already disappeared into the shadows. Chapter 8: Solving the mystery We left room 6B and headed to the elevator. Our plan was to pretend that nothing had happened, and that we still believed that the agents were from the CIA. When we got to the agents room, Apolian and Flostoc were there waiting for us. “Hello, children. Cruffle is already stationed outside the safe, ready to stop Alexa. We need you to follow Alexa form a distance and distract her while Cruffle tries to change the code on the safe.” Said Flostoc, checking himself in the mirror. “Um…. Are you sure about that? Isn’t changing the code bad? Won’t the safe be inaccessible to all workers?” I asked. “Well….um….yes but it’s the best option.” Said Flostoc. Suddenly a voice came through his headpiece. “According to one of our spies, Alexa is here. You should go now.” Said Flosotc. We left the room and went to the entrance, where we saw Alexa getting out of a limo with a little piece of paper with letters and numbers in her hand. We followed her to the elevator. We took the elevator after her’s so that she wouldn’t see us. We watched her approach the GHL safe, but there was no sign of Cruffle. I thought he was here? Maybe he was hidden? Or maybe he already changed the code? Suddenly my father appeared. “Stop her!” he screamed. Suddenly, I saw a dart wiz by my head and into Alexa’s right arm right as her hand hit the safe lock. Kyle had shot a poison dart at Alexa. Speechless at what he had done, Kyle began to cry silently while he stared at the floor. He had never hurt anyone before, and it was possible the poison could kill Alexa. Kyle and I ran over to her, and knelt down on the floor. Kyle held her hand while she stood there, gasping. He never liked her, but he must have felt bad for all the pain he had caused her. I started to wrap up where she had gotten hit with the poison dart. For the first time I looked at her face. Something wasn’t right…. It didn’t look like Alexa. Maybe the poison was affecting her face? No…. it wasn’t Alexa at all. “Its not Alexa!” I exclaimed. “What?” said Kyle. “Your right! Its not her!” Kyle stood up, flabbergasted. “Well, that was odd, wasn’t it?” Said my dad. He went over to the fake Alexa and sat her up against the wall. “Now, I think it would be smart to go into the safe and relocate the money, in case, you know, she tries to grab the money later. Suddenly he tripped, banging his knee on the vault door. “Owwwww!!!!!” he hollered. “Are you ok?” I asked. “Yes, fine.” He turned away from us. We slowly approached him from behind. He had a suitcase open in front of him. That was odd, since he never carries a suitcase with him to work. “Umm…. What are you doing?” asked Kyle. “Oh.… nothing.” He put a bandage on his knee. “Lets move along, then.” He took the key ring in his side pocket, fount the key to vault 21A, and opened the vault door. “Oh gosh, here comes the heat chamber.” I said. Some of the vaults that contain the most valuable items and most money have a heat chamber. Basically it’s a tunnel that goes up to 300 degrees Celsius t and will roast anybody unless they are wearing the special heatproof jacket all employees carry. “Heat chamber? “ said my dad. “Shouldn’t you know about the heat chambers Mr. Chusneer? You do work at this place.” Asked Kyle. “Oh yes, of course. So…ummm……” he said. He looked nervous now. “What do we do?” everyone was sweating by now. Although we weren’t in the chamber yet, the heat travels. “Get out the jackets!!!” screamed Kyle. “Oh, yes….right.” My father searched through his pockets. He pulled out four jackets and gave one to each of us. Once we were through into the vault, my father began to pick up the bags of money. Suddenly I noticed how much me was sweating. Not only was he sweating, but also it almost looked like his face was dripping. I remembered how the stylists had said flesh paste dripped in heat. But why would my dad be wearing flesh paste……… I kicked him, hard. He fell to the ground, and I put my foot on top of him. I grabbed the bags of money and tossed them to the side. “What are you doing to your dad?” screamed Kyle. “He’s not my dad. This is Agent Cruffle.” Chapter 9: Caught “Agent Cruffle? What do we do now? We can’t just leave Cruffle and the fake Alexa hanging around here.” Said Kyle. I looked down. Cruffle was struggling and nearly free of my foot. I motioned for Kyle to place his foot onto Cruffle’s arm, but even the two of us couldn’t hold him for long. After we had dragged Cruffle out of the chamber, we placed him next to the fake Alexa. “Well maybe my dad can call the police…. Wait! Where is my dad?!?” Suddenly I heard a muffled voice from a nearby closet. I knelt down really low so I was face to face with Cruffle. “You tied up my father? How dare you? You have a lot of explaining to do if you don’t want to be sent right to jail.” Just as I loosened my grip on Cruffle, he started to wiggle out of Kyle’s grasp. “Wait! What about Cruffle?” said Kyle. “Just tie his arms and legs and hold him down. That should be enough.” I tossed him my rope and the knife so he could cut a piece. I felt a strange pain in my arm where the chip had been injected. I realized Apoilan must have dumped the GPS out of my backpack when he emptied out the supplies. Although it caused a huge gash in my skin, I managed to remove the chip. Then I sprinted to the closet and opened the door. “Dad!” My father sat there, unconscious. He must have been tied up a long time ago, because his wrists were white and had blisters. I took off the blindfold. His eyes were closed. He was breathing only softly. He must have been terribly unconscious. I took out the rag from his mouth. I searched for something to cut the ropes around his wrists and ankles. I tossed my supplies to the side as I determined them unusable- the laptop, the book with the code, the screwdriver, the notebook, the pen, the 3 poison injected darts, and the fingerprint kit. Suddenly I found what I could use. It was the second best thing to the knife I had given to Kyle. I used the lock-picking device to chisel through the rope with its revolving cutter. When I had freed my father, I left him resting on the ground. I called the hospital from the cell phone in my pocket and then left the closet. Kyle had tied Cruffle up and was about to start tying up the fake Alexa. “No time. Hit her with a dart, from far away, and she should be out for long enough.” “But I already hit her with one! Plus, I feel bad hurting her.” ”Fine. Tie her up then. Meanwhile, Cruffle has some explaining to do.” Kyle had done some pretty good knots on the rope tying Cruffle, so I knew he wouldn’t be going anywhere anytime soon. “Well…. I guess I should start from the beginning.” “Yeah, I think that would be best.” I said, chowing down on the banana I brought in my purse for lunch. I felt so tough. Since when did I think it was ok to tie people up and hit them with poison darts? I felt almost ashamed. But I had to hide it, because if Cruffle found a weakness in me, he would use it. “Well, me and the boys met at collage. I was training to be a CIA agent, and so were they. When we didn’t get accepted, we were heartbroken. I suggested that we start our own group of agents. Then Flostoc pointed out that nobody would trust a random group of agents to solve their crimes, so I suggested we pose as CIA agents. We bought the costumes and the fake badges and everything. Then, I had a genius idea.” I took a large bite out of my banana and stared at Cruffle suspiciously. “And what was this genius idea?” I said, smirking. I felt so tough. “Use the CIA agent cover to get rich. Then, the government would be so scared of our sneaky ways that they would be for forced to make us agents. This was our first fake case, and I’m glad to say everything is going exactly according to plan.” “What are you talking about Cruffle? I asked. Cruffle was grabbing a pocketknife out of his back pocket and cutting the ropes with a few quick strokes. “You didn’t check if he had a knife?!?” I asked Kyle. “Bannana chip muffins” Kyle mumbled. “What?” I was very confused about Kyle’s strange behavior. Suddenly Kyle collapsed in the floor. “Did you do that to him?” I screamed at Cruffle. “He didn’t but I most certainly did,” I couldn’t seem to find the source of the voice. “Who said that?” I turned around in a circle. Suddenly a figure stepped out of the shadows. I could have never prepared myself for who had caused Kyle such pain, and possibly even death. Standing there, grinning evily, was James. “How could you do that to your own brother? He trusted you!” Tears ran down my face as I tried to appear strong, even though I was an emotional wreck. For a second I thought I saw a small hint of sadness and shame on James’s face, but it disappeared very quickly. Cruffle and James backed out of the hallway and I heard the doors around us click. I could see James and the three agents standing and smiling at us. Suddenly the remaining darts in my backpack came shooting towards me. The knife in my hand started vibrating and I accidently made a cut across my arm. “The supplies! Drop them! Apolian was setting us up! They’re programmed to attack us!” I wasn’t quite sure who I was talking to, since I couldn’t find Nalani and Kyle had already collapsed. I couldn’t believe I had fallen for Apolian’s fake story- how could I be so stupid? How could I have trusted the evil man who was smirking at us while we were in such pain? The darts had found their mark. All three were in my left arm. I screamed, but I don’t think I made any noise. My eyes were getting fuzzy. I grabbed everything in my backpack that I had originally and threw them at the glass. Everything rebounded, and I could still see the agents laughing at me. Cruffle spun the keys to all the vaults around his finger and ran off. But Kyle was holding something up. His heat jacket. The three of us still had it on…. I let out a small smile. I still couldn’t seem to find Nalani. Now that I thought about it, I hadn’t seen her since we were in the safe… I felt cold sweat dripping down my face. Then I blacked out. Chapter 10: Solved When I woke up, my father was above me. His lips were still pale, but some of the color was returning to his face. “Where are they?” Did they collapse in the heat chamber? Where’s Nalani?” I asked, frantically. I realized that I was in a hospital. My father handed me a bowl of hot soup and some cold water. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I was licking the bowl clean. “Where is Kyle? Is he OK?” I asked. “Everything’s fine. You must calm down.” And I fell asleep. When I woke up again, the nurse in the room explained what had happened. “Well, Kyle collapsed from a strange chip in his arm.” Said the nurse, handing me a small roll that I finished in seconds. “I know! His own brother injected into him. Isn’t that terrible?!” I could feel myself getting dizzy and tried to calm down. “Since the chip wasn’t too deep into his skin, he only blacked out for a few minutes. When he awoke the fake Alexa and your father were both in the room, trying to find their way out. They tried anything on the glass in the door, but it didn’t work. Then your father remembered the bags of money in the safe. They went into the safe to find Nalani collapsed on the floor outside of the heat chamber from the heat. I guess you and Kyle didn’t notice when you left the safe.” No wonder I hadn’t seen Nalani! Were Kyle and I really that distracted that we hadn’t noticed Nalani sprawled out on the floor? “Kyle helped Nalani to get the chip out of her arm. After escaping, they met up with the ambulance. Kyle had been carrying you, and you all drove here. It seems the agents went into the safe without realizing they were 2 jackets short. They are also in recovery.” “But didn’t Kyle also have the darts and knife in his backpack? How come they didn’ effect him?” I asked biting into an apple that had been left on my lunch tray. “Actually,” said the nurse, holding up Kyle’s backpack, or what was left of it anyway, which had almost entirely melted into a gross paste. “I guess Kyle dropped his backpack in the heat chamber and never noticed.” The nurse laid the backpack on the bed next to me. Then the nurse left the room, and I slowly ate the toast while I thought about everything that had happened. The next day I was allowed to visit my family and Kyle. It seemed to me like Nalani and I were the worst. Several days later, Kyle was allowed to go home, and the rest of us shortly afterward. The agents were put on trial. James was also put on trial, but Kyle lied about the injection chips so that James wouldn’t have to go to jail. It was Friday by the time I was let out of the hospital. For my work in helping to save the luau, I was allowed to join the dancers. We were excused from school and worked all day to change the routine to fit one more dancer. In the night of the Luau, I had practice the entire afternoon. Alexa was surprisingly nice to me, and she even helped me learn the moves. I went home at around five o’ clock to get into my outfit for the luau- a pink shirt with Hawaiian flowers and a hula skirt. I met Kyle outside my driveway, and his father drove us to the luau with Ally and Sam. They asked Kyle and I so many questions, but since we were sworn to secrecy, we weren’t allowed to tell them anything. Mr. Sotnep(Kyle’s Dad) dropped me off backstage. Kyle’s family and my family were sitting at the table of honor. The dance routine went perfectly, and the food was amazing. The luau ended at about ten, and everyone went home exhausted. I woke up the next morning to see that I had an IM from Kyle on Chatropics. Kyletheawesome says: Meet me at the beach at 12:00(: I smiled and went over to the calendar to cross the date off with my lucky pen. I arrived at the beach to see that Kyle had set up a picnic. I sat down and for a while we just sat there, looking at the ocean. Kyle gave us each a twig of grapes and a little sandwich. I watched the waves crash, thinking about how just one week ago my life was totally normal. I picked away at my lunch, but I was too happy to eat. “What are you hiding from me?” asked Kyle. I nearly spit my sandwich out. “That smile… it’s the one you get right before you give somebody really good news.” Kyle was right. I did have some good news. I was grinning so widely now that my mouth hurt. “You wanna know?” “Yeah,” “You sure?” “Yeah!!!” “Nah, I don’t think I’m gonna tell you.” Kyle splashed me, and I splashed him back. We sat there for a while, splashing each other and laughing. It reminded me of that first day on the boat, and I was half expecting to turn around and see a group of CIA agents. I ate my sandwich slowly, even though I knew the suspense was totally killing Kyle. Eventually, after we had finished our lunch and Kyle was just sitting there, staring at me, waiting, I decided to tell him. “So you know how we like… totally saved the luau?” “Um… yeah I guess.” Well, something like that doesn’t usually go unrewarded….” I took out a roll of bills from my pocket. “No way!” Kyle flipped through the money. ‘There must be at least $500,000 in here!” Kyle started dancing. I stood up, and he picked me up off the ground and twirled me around in the air. We both collapsed onto the sand, laughing and smiling. Kyle threw the money up into the air, and we twirled around catching $100 bills as if it was snow. I knew how lucky I was to have a best friend as awesome as Kyle. Now he would finally have a better life at home- I knew the money from the luau would give his family a whole new start. Things may never go back to normal, I thought, but I’m OK with that. |