Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1929700-Black-Powder
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1929700
Black powder is a short story about the attempted assassination of Erik..
Black Powder

The factory had seemed empty from outside, but as I turned slowly in the dim light I realized that I was not alone, for suddenly from a dark corner emerged a figure, arrayed in dark materials. Particles of dust floated up as the man came closer. His face was badly scarred on one side and he walked carelessly like a cat going after  a mouse.

“I knew you would come Erik,” he said slowly peering at me. “You should not have though.

“That is where you are wrong. You're master’s factories are used to create evil, and are run by innocent creatures which you have enslaved. I have come to liberate this one.”

“Ah yes ah hero, but as you can see it is empty. You have wasted your journey and your life. My master has grown impatient with you a mere fly buzzing, but it is distracting to him. You must be swatted down.” With that he jumped for me his daggers flashing, his eyes blazing. I juked left trying to avoid the blades. I felt a rip and saw that my jerkin was torn. I unsheathed my might broad sword and took the en guard stance. My opponent circled warily trying to find a good time to strike. He knew I had more strength and brute might behind my weapon. But as I thought I saw that he drew from his cloak a small black object. Then he tossed toward me with a fiendish grin on his pasty face. I knew that it wasn't going to be a gift from the dark lord, so I ran for a pile of decrepit crates sitting on top of each other. I dove behind them just as the bomb went of.

My ears wrung, and my vision reeled wildly as smoke spread and bits of wood and scrap fell down around me. I knew I must move, and I jumped up and my attacker running for a ladder that led to the network of cables and metal wracks above our heads. I chased after my mind heaving as was my chest. Smoke stung my eyes and gagged my breath. The assassin barreled for a cord and swung daintily to a ledge. I sheathed my sword and careened after him. He whipped out what looked small blades and I only by my speed avoided them skewering me. I brought up my sword to strike, but he kicked out and his boot caught me in the gut. He then threw another explosive package at me. Knowing what was to come, I hurdled of the beam and landed with a roll on the ground. Looking for anywhere to hide I dove into a empty barrel. The explosion shook the factory’s walls, and the beam that I had been standing on collapsed inward.

“Now you see Erik what we make here, or at least used to,” the assassin sneered as he sat catlike on the destroyed girder. He withdrew from his cloak some powder that appeared pitch black. “Black powder master calls it. It is deadly, volatile, and explosive. He plans to use siege engines to lob it into all the great cities, and thus conquer Enobaria. And you shall die by it.” I had  a sudden idea, as if a bird had landed on a branch somewhere in my head and dropped a berry for me.

I scaled up onto the network of braces, and jumped here and there until I located one that looked important enough. Now it was the attacker’s turn to follow me. He swung, hurdled, and ducked through the network of complex iron and steel. Seeing me stationary he swung a whole satchel of black powder, it’s fuse already burning I leapt for cover that I had scouted out already. I reached the pile of scrap metal just as the satchel went off. It must have been at least five times louder and brighter than the others. The iron beam it rested upon was obliterated and the buildings roof and walls started to creak without it’s support.

I had plotted my escape route, but now in my way was a lot of wreckage and twisted garbage. I sprinted like a madman for the factories large doors. The assassin must have realized my intent and was following en suite. I jumped and flew over wood and metal alike and wove and dodged falling rubble. I barely made it to the exit as the whole of the building imploded like a rotten tomato. I lay on the ground as the smoke and dust cleared, gasping for lost breath.

“That’s one factory down who knows how many to go,” I thought to myself with a grin, and slowly rose painfully aware of my bruised limbs and shambled off to my next adventure.

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