Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1929646-The-Beginning-of-the-End
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1929646
First five minutes of his afterlife.
The Beginning of the End

It is pitch black. I feel lost, there is no color. Nothing really matters to me anymore anyway. As I begin to move them, I discover I have legs. I walk around my colorless surroundings. I look up to the sky or what seems to be the sky and I feel a sense of hopefulness, maybe I am not dead. I don’t want to die, “Please let me go!” I shout into my colorless world. No response. I collapsed to the floor, if there is one,.
I wake and everything comes back to me. I am dead, I was killed for murder. Ironic, I think.
I remember my mother, she was there, and I can still remember her crying and not being able to do anything to comfort her, my physical being was strapped to a chair. Which was also the reason I died. I was convicted for the murder of my father. I put my gun against his head, I remember nothing except pulling the trigger, after that, I have no recollection but my death.
         I wish nothing more than to leave this depressing , colorless place, but again, who am I to leave a place where I have been designated to go, I am just but a poor boy, I don’t need anyone’s sympathy. I might as well stay here.  I remember I was young in my life, in my 20’s, and I threw it all away. I wish I could start over...
What was the point of being born at all, I am now just a shadow of what I was, what I could have been, all for that decision.
         Someone must have put me here, I didn’t come here willingly. Whoever must have put me here should be able to take me out, give me another chance. I need another chance at life; surely this being can save me from this monstrosity! And if, as to respond to my thoughts, if this make any sense, the colorless world got brighter, I can’t really explain, it’s one of those things you have to see to understand, like trying to explain what red is to a blind person. Anyways, I seize this to try and sympathize with my fate.
         “Will you please give me another chance?”
No response.
         “Please, where am I?”
I guess I am doomed. My life wasn’t that important anyways. No, I can’t give up that easily. I struggle with the space around me and try to escape this colorless world. As I struggle, chains appear on my wrist and ankles. I give up. Didn’t really expect to get a second chance at life, no one else has. Now that my life is over, so is my free will and the freedom to think and act the way I please. I wouldn’t be surprised if I stay here for eternity. But, from now on, it’s anyway the wind blows...
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