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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1928694
Immune 5 Cure for the Dead
“Immune  5 Cure for the Dead”
Continued...Vanessa awoke to the realization that there could be a possiblity that she is immune to the infection. Now Rick and the group enter Atlanta hoping someone there can help them find out for sure.

Bodies littered the CDC in Atlanta, walkers, half eaten citizens, and brave soilders who fought until the end. All now lay silent and still before the hope that was once the CDC. We approached the building with night quickly falling. The last thing I wanted to do was try to fend off walkers after dark. Rick was desperate. I could hear it in his voice and his fists as he banged them against the sturdy sounding gates. There was no getting in, I could tell that from the street but sometimes people need to come against a brick wall to know it's solid. The group was scrambling for a way in or out. We ran out of food before entering the city and water was quickly dwindling as well. Suddenly, the gates lifted and light flooded the outside just as a horde of walkers approached. There was no turning back now. Inside we were met by a lone man with fear in his eyes but determination in his voice, he ordered us to bring in our supplies before the gates closed for good. His said his name was Jenner and that he was a doctor. Perhaps this trip was no lost after all. "Everyone needs to be tested, that's the price of admission." He said and I wondered what he would think when he tested my blood. Would he confirm that I was infected just not showing signs or that I was indeed immune?
"Doctor, before you draw my blood you should know something. I was bitten." The fear on his face was expected but not the surprise after that. "More than a few weeks ago the first time. I was bitten again before we traveled here as well."

"And you haven't turned?" He was shocked. "No...at least...I don't think so. Well, you tell me." I studdered. I haven't shown much trepidation these past few weeks, even in the midst of attacking zombie hordes. But I was more scared now with that little needle in my arm then I was before. I think I'd rather take on zombies again then know the results. Jenner showed us to the empty rooms to freshen up and then he disappeared into the lab with my sample in his hands. Dinner time had come and I felt more full than I had in weeks. Everyone was getting tipsy on the wine and everything seemed rather normal for a bit. This is the most I heard Carrol speak in a long time. She was normally quite and reserved, it was nice to see the group smile again, laugh at Carl's cringing face while tasting the wine. Lizzy asked for a taste too and she made he same face. I haven't laugh in ages but the room fell silent when Jenner walked in. I couldn't read his face or maybe I didn't want to. I stared at my fingers and drank more wine.

"Well, Jenner? What do you think?" Rick spoke in reference to me. The group looked from me to Jenner and back again. "Umm. It's incredible really. There was no trace of the infection in your blood at all. You're completely immune to it." Jenner smiled while the group erupted in praise and joy. All except Shane. I've noticed he's been somewhat distance lately. "I can't believe this is really true but I ran the test three times. Where there's an immunity there could be a vaccine to protect other people from getting infected. But there could also be a cure as well. I just wish I had...." Jenner stopped short as if he didn't mean to say that sentence. "I mean, I'll need to get more samples. Run some more in depth tests if you don't mind."

"Of course not Doctor. Run all the test you need." I looked at Lizzy for first time with the hope that the world she was forced to grow up in will change for the better. What other reason did we have for surviving if not to save the human race as a whole. "I'd like to start right away too." Jenner spoke again. "Oh, uh sure." I went to stand up. "Come on Doc, we just got here and we needed a reason to celebrate." Dale smiled. "I'd say this is a great reason, huh?" The wine flowed freely and the group was in high spirits. But I couldn't help feel like something was wrong. When things are too good to be true, they usually are. It may be the product of my over active imagination but the feeling stuck with me all night.

To be continued...
© Copyright 2013 Lolita Lynn (lolitalynn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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