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Rated: E · Documentary · How-To/Advice · #1928394
About my Grandkids/family & the challenges we overcome, helpful info too.Pay It forward!
Hi, well last I worked on this was Spring 2013. Happy 2016.
Dear reader's hello and welcome!
I had no way of knowing, this wouldn't be worked on till today July 23 2023.
Recently a fellow writer and kind soul, remarked how they also have a grandchild with Autism.
Coming back here I realized how little had been included from a WordPress blog started around the same time as this.
So indeed it's going to be a work in progress, but making it my only project until it's done!

In real time Lil man is now a teenager and taller than me! He's an avid reader and very tech savvy!
There was a time when he didn't communicate at all. He was lost in another world but I was sure that could be changed...
And never gave up my search to see him through the labyrinth into our world.
Below is the original article after that will be the addition. Thanks to the many people who gave encouragement and were patiently waiting for this to be finished!

Time has flown by and most of my words and insight have either been in notebooks, or pushed into my days of experience.  The folks who know me and my family, are amazed at how much love and out put goes on in a day. Others who are getting to know me,(I'm on a lot of media yet started most years before and don't have much time there either!!!!
To be continued...

Working on April blogposts.

All children need a routine & boundaries It helps them know what to expect & what to do,like brushing teeth,eating good regular meals & healthy snacks like fruit-the basics. When they also have Autism,it's crucial,though harder to achieve...
It takes a lot of patience to raise a child,and each one is unique as a snowflake,whether or not they have Autism or any disability!

to fix or solve all problems right away,and give all the answers or fix every situation. It's trial & error,what works for one child may not for another one! It may work one day & not the next! Are you still with me? Good! As Betty davis said in All About Eve: "Hold on! We're in for a bumpy ride!

If you do your homework and research,you might be surprized what you can find to make things better...
To be continued (Have been having computer/weather/issues!)

This will be the beginning of 2023 Edit.
May it help everyone who needs it.
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