Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1928392-THE-LEAP
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1928392
Dream sequence.
I was trying to find my way through an elaborate enclosed ice maze. There were twisting tunnels, narrow passage ways, dead ends, pits, and obstacles. It was a series of connected caves within a mountain. Ice and snow covered every everything, but I did not feel cold.

Another man was with me. I did not know him or know why he was there. But, we carefully ventured on, climbing and crouching, leaping and sliding, unaware of what we may find. I’m still unsure if we were seeking for anything at all.

We came upon two thin sets of stairs, built side-by-side. Each step was tiny, only about two inches high, two inches deep, and about ten inches wide. Each step was just as icy as the one below it. A short narrow divider, also just a few inches wide, separated these two staircases. The inclined angle was steep, 110 to 115 degrees.

After twenty-four steps, I reached the top alone. Ice cycles and clumps of snow fell from above, as I tried not to fall. Waiting for me at the top was the entrance to another cave. However, there was a bright light coming toward me. A glance downward provided a clear view of metal tracks. I can’t go this way.

Having chosen a new path, we exit a cave but are now at the edge of a cliff. There’s not enough light to know how high the drop could be. Ahead of us, is a large disc shaped platform, about twelve feet wide. Each end appeared to continue deep into this mountain.

The entire top of this ringed platform was covered with weak flimsy boxes, stacked three high. Each box was stacked on the edges of the those underneath. On the top layer, each box lid seemed to be made out of thin flat metal discs, which were stacked like snake scales.

A seven or eight foot gap stood between us and the platform. We would have to make the leap to keep going. My unknown companion quickly made the first attempt. The snow covered ledge caused his foot to slip, almost costing him his life. As he landed, several of the top boxes collapsed and he nearly fell into the abyss.

Walking proved difficult. The metal scales sank in with any weight, and each box was built to collapse, unless it was walked upon just right. Too many broken boxes would surely lead to a long drop, and ultimately demise.

I got a slight running start, and leapt as carefully as I could. Repeating my counterpart’s landing, almost exactly, I too nearly fell to my death. Two boxes collapsed when I hit the platform.

With extreme caution, we now stood on the top boxes and made our way to the other side of the platform. Another eight foot leap would be required before we could reach solid ground. I opted to jump first this time. But, as I prepared my footing, the platform began moving, causing me to slip. Somehow the box stayed intact, despite the shifting of my weight.

The sensation given to me, was like standing atop a giant record, as it spun around. We watched a series of platforms and solid rock walls, as we were carried away.

Along the floor of each platform, there would be four or five glass panels, ceilings to rooms below. My fellow journeyman stood about fifty feet ahead of me and shouted back, that some of the rooms had a woman inside.

I prepared my footing at the edge of the platform and waited for him to give the word. “That one there!” He pointed it out. “There is a woman in there!”

I leapt immediately. The momentum of the platform combined with my adrenaline, and allowed me to sail well passed the gap and onto the platform. I crashed down with a heavy thud, almost landing directly on the ceiling. I placed my hands on the glass and leaned over to view the woman.



“Yo!” Matt repeated

“....wwwhat.” I groaned.

“Something keeps beeping. I don’t know what it is.” he replied.

The beeping was coming from the Fios box in the basement. If the electric goes out, they run on battery power for a while. When the battery is low, it beeps every few seconds until it dies, or the electric is restored. Matt woke me up to find the source of the noise.

© Copyright 2013 Eric B. (e_busch1979 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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