Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1928353-The-Walking-Dead-FanFiction-Immune
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1928353
Immune 4 Fire of the Dead
“Immune 4 Fire of the Dead”
Story til now: Vanessa left the camp after telling them she had been bitten. She wanted to make sure Lizzy was safe before starting out on her own until a horde attacks the camp again. She makes the choice to return and help out but will the group accept her back in?

I looked on as the men surrounded us. The bad people were here and Vanessa wasn't here to protect me like she said she would. Lori with a soothing voice moved me and Carl back towards the camper. Dale's camper, I think. "Lizzy, hurry sweetie." She said. Mom used to call me "sweetie" too, but she's gone now. Maybe even dead, maybe even here with these bad people. I wish Vanessa was here. Why did she have to leave? "Vanessa should be here, she can help." I said to Carl. "She was bitten, she would have turned into them." He pointed a small finger to the zombies being shot by the men, his dad too. "No, she's different. You don't understand, she's special." Please Vanessa, come back, please. I said in my mind. The zombies were close. There was no way out anymore. The camper was surrounded on one side and a cliff was on the other. The woman and kids were inside the camper, crying. I wasn't going to cry. I can here the men outside yelling that they were running of of bullets. It doesn't sound good at all. "Vanessa!" I screamed out the window. I hope she can hear me.

The horde was huge, much bigger than the one before had to be. At a glance, I could see that the camper was surrounded on all sides. The men tried hard to keep the horde at bay but were probably running out of ammunition and strength. THe children and women were inside the camper. "Vanessa!" I can hear Lizzy's voice scream. It gave me the push I needed to get up the rest of the hill and strike. I pulled my sword from it's sheath and lept over the few zombies closest to me to somersault and land in the center. "I'm out!" I heard Rick yell. "Me too!" Spoke T-dog, I don't really know his true name. I backed up to the men who regarded me from interest and caution. "The good thing about swords, they never run out of ammo." I spoke with my bad still towards them. I grabbed the hilt and sliced side ways through the heads of three zombies I just lept over. I cut them at the jawline and they fell to the ground, their scaples spinning like tops on the hard packed earth. I spun to the left and drove the blade through the head of two more standing one in the front of the other. I felt the crack of their skulls in vibrations through the steel. I can also hear the clicking of empty cartridges and threw my pack towards Rick. "Here! Stay against the camper should any of them get through!" Rick dug into the pack and drew out an assortment of large knives, he handed them to the others while Shane used his shot gun as a club. With lightning speed, I spun out of the way of an incoming zombie and chopped him at the knees. The legs fell uselessly but the torso still struggling. I twisted on my left hand and brought the heel of my right foot down on his head. He lay motionless.

I made quick work of two more zombies but I was getting tired. My swings were weaker and less effective. I was also getting sloppy, a walker came up behind me and sank it's teeth into my left shoulder. I cried out in pain and it's teeth sank in deeper. I brought my blade through it's head between the eyes and it let go. The rest of the horde were put down but Rick and the others but I could feel the warmth of my blood as it fell to my fingers. The group took stock of the bodies that lay at their feet. Amazingly enough, no one else was bit save for Vanessa, but that didn't matter much to her. "Vanessa!" Lizzy yelled as she ran from the camper, Lori trying to stop her. "Lizzy, stop! It's not safe, stay there until it's safe, you understand?" I yelled back at her, my vision of her was getting blurry. I'm going to pass out and they are going to kill me. At least, I won' see it coming. The black edges of unconsciousness crept in and I fell.

The group stood back. They were amazed at Vanessa and her skill with the sword. She easily killed more than half of the horde on her own but a vicious bite on the shoulder brought her to her knees and she fell. She was still breathing though. Daryl walked over with an arrow he retrieved from a walker's brain and loaded it in the bow. He pointed the bow and Vanessa's head. "Stop!" Dale yelled to him. "You can't do this. Not like this!" He pleaded.

"She's been bit, twice that we know of. She has to die." Daryl yelled back at him, his voice tinged with regret. "But she saved our lives, we owe her that. We owe her not to kill her while she's unconscious at least. She hasn't turned!" Dale presisted. "At least she won't see it coming. We should all be so lucky." Daryl mirrored Vanessa's thoughts. The group turned to Rick.

"We'll wait, at least until she turns. Then when it's time....I'll do it." They were grateful to her for saving them, but sadden that she wouldn't be around longer. Days passed and the group set out for Atlanta. Jim got the fever and was in the back room with Vanessa still unconscious. Her shoulder was bandaged and thankfully there was no fever. The group pulled over to let Jim out. He can no longer travel and asked to be left on the side of the road. A single shot rang out as the group pulled away.

Days after that Vanessa moved and her eyes fluttered. "Rick!" Jac yelled out the window since they were stopped looking for water. "She's waking up." Rick, Shane, and Jac stood at her bedside. Vanessa didn't get a fever but they were still weary of who will wake up. Vanessa the human or the walker. Rick took out his revolver and stood ready. Vanessa slowly looked at them and spoke. "I'm not dead yet." The shock on their faces was almost comical. Within and hour, Vanessa was up and about almost as if she was never bitten. Her wound was healing and she show no signs of turning.

"This is amazing. This could mean you're immune somehow." Rick smiled for the first time since meeting him. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, it could just mean that she's taking longer to turn." Shane spoke up. "But Jim was bitten and within hours he got the fever. Vanessa was bit days before coming to our camp and again during the fight and she hasn't turned at all." Dale concluded. "Even still, I'll make sure to let anyone know if I'm showing signs, for the safety of us all." "How can we be so sure?" Daryl asked. "You can't, but I'm asking you to trust me." "Trust is a commodity that's in short supply." Daryl spoke again hinting at intelligence underneth his survivalist facade.

"Well, you have to try." They continued to Atlantic but with new hope that in their midst they had a possible cure.
© Copyright 2013 Lolita Lynn (lolitalynn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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