Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1928079-Marshall-Lee-and-Fionna-The-True-Story
by Hope
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1928079
The true Fiolee story.
         The first part of my story comes from one of the episodes of 'Adventure Time with Fionna and Cake'.  I'm not going to take credit for something I didn't create.  It comes from the episode 'Bad Little Boy'.  Again, I didn't come up with it, but I did come up with the rest of the story.

         I whipped the ax at the apple, and it sliced in half with a juicy cut.  Bemo threw his hands up in the touchdown sign.

         "Ooh, nice throw!"  Cake congratulated me.

         "Thanks!  I've got to do something today."  I replied, looking at her.  Her arms, body, and legs could stretch for miles, but right now, she was just my normal cat, best friend.

"What about Gumball's mission we went on this morning?  Delivering daisy chains to the fluffy people not enough for you?"  Cake asked sarcastically, raising an eyebrow.

I shrugged.  "Uh... sometimes Gumball's missions can be so... lame."  I whipped my other ax at the wall and it sliced through the, unexpected, Gumball's hair.  Cake and I gasped.  I was worried I actually hit him.

         "Oh my!  Looks like you almost skronked up my dome peice!"  He reached to fingers up and fixed his gummy hair.  "Boy, have I got a treat for you two!  The fluffy people and I baked these in appreciation for the mission you completed.  They're  creme puffs... try one."  Gumball held up the tray to me, the puffs didn't look very appetizing.

"Uh... I'd love to but... maybe later."  I smiled generously, so he didn't think that I thought his cooking was terrible or something.

         Suddenly, there was a loud bumping noise outside my window.  I turned around, wondering who would be outside in the rainy weather. 

"What was that?"  Soon, all of us were looking out the window, trying to figure out what the noise was, but when we were distracted, a fast movement of something flew through the house and stole Gumball's creme puffs.

         "Awww..."  Gumball sighed, looking down at the empty platter.  I heard another thud above us.

         "Something's on the roof!  Come on!"  I yelled quickly, trying to make sure whatever it was didn't escape.

         "I'm not going out there!  It's wet."  Cake stated.  As a cat, she hated water which meant, she hated rain.

"It is wet."  Gumball agreed quickly.  I groaned, clearly frustrated.

         I ended up carrying Gumball and Cake up to the roof.  Cake under my hat, and Gumball on my back, holding an umbrella.  The rain splatted off of it though, showering me in smaller water droplets than before.

         When we reached the top, we came to find that it was just Marshall Lee, playing his bass.

         "Oh, its just him."  Gumball stated flatly.  I was certain that Marshall Lee and Prince Gumball hated each other.  Marshall Lee was soaked and his eyes were closed.

         He opened one.  "Oh, hey Fionna."  He said flirtatiously.

         "Marshall Lee!"  I yelled happily.  I hadn't seen him around in a while, and it was good to see him.

"Ahem."  Gumball scoffed.

Marshall Lee stopped playing his bass and opened both his eyes.  "Oh, forgive me!  Hello, your majesty!"  He greeted Gumball sarcastically, and bowed to add to the affect.  He held up a creme puff and sucked the red out of it, probably just to rub it in Gumball's face.

"Fionna, take me back inside."  Gumball demanded.  He was fed up with Marshall by the sounds of it.

"What?  Is he kidding?"  Marshall Lee asked, lobbing the now gray creme puff at Gumball, and hitting him in the face with it.

"Oh, honestly!  I'm going in.  Come and join me when you want more polite company."  Gumball climbed down the stairs, and it stopped raining.

"Be careful!"  I called down after him, to show I cared.


"You got it!"

         "What a wad."  I turned away from the stairs to look at Marshall Lee, and felt heat rise to my cheeks.

"A... a gumwad?"  I kidded.

         "Fionna!"  Cake scolded.  I jumped, forgetting she had been up there the entire time.  Marshall Lee chuckled and strummed a few notes on his guitar.

"Lets ditch him!"  Marshall suggested, smiling.

I wasn't really sure about it, after all, Gumball was here first.  "Uh..."

Marshall transformed into his bat self.  "Lumpy Space Prince is throwing a party in the woods.  Its gonna be freaky nasty!"  He offered his hand to me.

"Umm..."  I couldn't think of anything else to say with my mind at a standstill.  I did wanna have fun...

"I already know you're gonna say yes to me, so lets just go."

         I grabbed his finger and he lifted me up and set me down on his back.  We took air and started flying.  I let out and excited yell, and felt Cake sigh.  I could tell she didn't think this was such a good idea.

         Marshall Lee shrunk down to his normal form again, and we ended up holding hands.  Lumpy Space Prince was dancing with Cinnamon Buns.  I looked around and saw others having a great time.

         "This looks fun, bunch.  Come on."  He twirled himself around me and led me to the stage in the center of the party.

         Lumpy Space Prince must have notice because he started shouting, "You guys!  Marshall Lee is gonna play a song, you guys!"

         As Marshall Lee and I got onstage, a guitar started playing a nice tune.  "Follow my lead."  Marshall told me.  He started dancing, so I copied him as he told me.  Then, he playfully shook his bum.  I shoved him, playfully.  "Hey!"  I said.

         Marshall started off the song, "Good little girl.  Always picking a fight with me, you know that I'm bad... but you're spending the night with me!  What do you want from my world?  You're a good little girl."

         Cake stood up on my head, taking my hat off and letting my hair fall to the floor.  Then I started my own tune, "Bad little boy.  At least that's what you're acting like, I really don't buy, that you're that type of guy... and if you are, why do you want to hang out with me?"

         The crowd went wild.  Marshall hissed at Cake then started rapping, "Don't you know I'm a villain?  Every night I'm out killin', sendin' people runnin' like children.  I know why you're mad at me.  I've got demon eyes, and they're looking right through your anatomy... into your biggest fears.  Baby, I'm not from here.  I'm from the Nightosphere... to me you're clear, transparent.  You've got a thing for me girl.  Its apparent."  As he sang, he slowly flew up, then landed back down near the front of the stage at the last sentence.  He walked over to me as Cake started singing.

         Oh, oh!  I got a hot potata!  And I got two hot tomata's!  Will they make a good sauce maybe..."

         I drowned Cake out while talking to Marshall Lee.  Not just because I was talking to him, but because she was shaking her buns, and it was really embarrassing.  "You're not so bad, you know."  I told Marshall.

         "Not so bad?  I'm the son of a demon... and the Vampire King.  It's not really something I have to try at.  You on the other hand..."  He gestured towards me with his free hand, the other holding his bass.

"I'm not trying to be bad... I'm hanging out with you because your my friend."  I explained to him.  Wasn't that obvious enough?

"What?  Like him?"  He took out a creme puff and blew the dust from it into my face.

"No... different!"  I insisted.  Gumball and Marshall Lee were two completely different people to me.  Marshall tripped me.  I kept kicking at his feet to try to kick him back, but he flew into the air, so I elbowed him in the stomach and forced him to the ground.  He grunted from the impact.  To get me off, he kicked me and I went flying.  I landed sideways on the floorboards.

         "Hey, hey!  Break it up you two!"  Cake yelled, and ran to my side.

         Marshall started over, and pushed Cake into the shrubs.  "Out of my way kitty."

         "Hey!"  I yelled, clearly offended.  I ran into the bushes to find Cake.

"Oh, come on!  That was funny!"  Marshall called after me.  He must not have gotten the memo that it wasn't funny.

         I found Cake leaning against a tree.  "Cake!  You okay?"  I picked her up.

         "Yeah..."  She replied.  I carried her down a dirt path, so she wouldn't have to walk.

"Come on, lets get out of here."  I told her while walking away.  The path led anywhere but there, so I decided to follow it.  I think Cake felt safer this way.  Who knew Marshall was such a complete jerk?

         "Hey!  Come on... where ya goin'?  Whats the deal?  You're missing the party!  Fionna, lighten up!"  Marshall started following us, floating down the path.  He flew next to me, hovering above me.

"Look, I don't care if you're being a jerk to me... but nobody messes with Cake."  I told him, standing up for my best friend.

"Oh, really?"  He asked.  "Well, what if I just take her right now, you know?"  He asked, flying closer.

"What?"  I asked, not sure if I misheard him or just misunderstood him.  Then, he grabbed Cake and snatched her away from my arms.  I gasped.

"Unexpected!"  Marshall yelled.

"MARSHALL!"  I yelled.  He laughed evilly and flew into a graveyard, and planted himself on top of a small, crumbling shed. "Cake!"  I yelled, looking at her to see if she was okay.  I ran into the graveyard and stood a few yards away from them.

"You want your Cake back?  Come and get her!"  He threw his hand in the air, summoning the dead to attack me.  Luckily they were weak little skeletons.  I pulled my sword out of my bag, and one of the skeletons stood next to Marshall Lee and started beat-boxing.

"Did you think I was lying?  I said I'm evil without even trying!  Already dead so I'm not scared of dying... drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.  You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.  I raise the dead up, and they do my bidding.  Girl, I'm a thousand years old... I'm a riddle!  Bad little boy!  Yes, I'm bad, but not little."  Marshall rapped.

         "Uh uh, boy.  What you thinkin'?"  Cake said, then grew to get out of Marshall's tight grip, but he turned into his bat form to stop her from escaping.

         I fought off the last skeleton and cried out to Cake, "Cake!"

"Fionna!  Grab onto my little paws!"  Cake told me, stretching out her arms so I could reach her paws.  I pulled her from Marshall's grasp and pulled her into a tight hug.  Then, I heard a small shrieking noise, and notice that Marshall Lee had taken a stake to his chest.  I gasped and Cake and I ran up to him.

         I sat down beside him and heard him groaning in agony.

         "Oh, this is bad guys... this is really bad..."

         "Marshall!"  I yelled in panic.  Sunlight began to burn his face, but Cake stretched around us, covering us in shade.  Tears sprung to my eyes, and dripped onto Marshall's shirt.

"Whats with the tears,"  He asked while wiping my cheek.  "somebody dying?"  He smiled, but then leaned to the side and coughed.

"No, Marshall!  You can't die.  Not now, not ever."  I shook my head, and ran my hand through his black hair.  "Come on!  You gotta be okay!"

"This is it for me Fionna..."  Marshall told me, his voice cracking and becoming lost.  I looked at Cake.

"Please take us back to the tree house.  Gumball is probably still there!  He'll know what to do!  Please Cake!"  I begged her.  I couldn't lose Marshall. 

         I picked him up and put him on Cake, then jumped on and set his head on my lap, the stake still sticking out of his chest.

         "This is it for me, isn't it Fionna?"  He asked me, looking straight into my eyes.  He reached the arm farthest from the stake up to my face and wiped my tears away.  I held his hand in place, and shook my hand.  "Don't cry over me..."  He looked the opposite direction and coughed, then looked back into my eyes.  "Now you and Gumball can live happily ever after..."  He said, wheezing.

"Cake, please hurry!  Hes dying out!"  I yelled, looking up at her then back at Marshall.

         "I'm trying to go as fast as I can, girl.  We'll make it on time, just hang in there."  She yelled back.

"Listen... Marshall..."  I stammered.

"Sh, sh, sh..."  He told me, and ran his fingers through the lock of blonde hair I left out of my bunny hat.

"No.  I-I don't w-wanna live happily ever after... b-because that's impossible without you..."  I explained to him.  Explaining everything to him was just to hard, and if I tried right then, it wouldn't make sense.

         Right then, he used almost all of his energy and leaned up just a little, and softly kissed my lips.  After slowly departing he said, "I'm sure you could manage... after all,"  he coughed.  "you are Fionna... the last human..."  he said, and closed his eyes.

"No..."  Was all I could manage before I started sobbing.  I leaned down and put my face in the crook of his neck.

         To be continued...

© Copyright 2013 Hope (justsomeone at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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