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A college student decides not to go home for Christmas. |
“Staying” By Max Kath FADE IN: INT. DORM ROOM -- DAY MATHEW - a 22 year old college student - lies awake in his bed and stares at the ceiling. He has a worried but contemplative look on his face. His alarm clock goes off but he continues to stare for two or three seconds. He sits up, reaches over to the clock on his dorm room desk, and climbs out of bed. EXT. CAMPUS STREET -- MINUTES LATER Mathew walks down the street listening to his iPod, his head is straight ahead but his eyes are on the ground. He moves fast, and passes slow moving pedestrians as if they were cars going 20 miles below the speed limit. He gets to a crosswalk and waits for the signal to turn. INT. CLASSROOM -- MINUTES LATER Mathew sits in the back of the classroom and does not look at the front of the room; he stares down at his desk instead. The dry erase board has Spanish words written all over it and the professor talks inaudibly. Mathew breaks his daze, looks up at the board, looks even more disconnected, and stares back down at his desk. EXT. DORM - STEPS -- LATER STILL Mathew walks up to the steps of his dormitory, puts his backpack down on the ground, and sits on the third step from the bottom. He pulls out a pack of cigarettes, takes one out, and lights it. He inhales deeply, exhaling a long stream of smoke and staring off into the distance when his friend CLAIRE - 22 years old wearing a white button up shirt - comes up from behind him and taps him on his shoulder. Mathew looks up at her and smiles as she sits down next to him. CLAIRE Can I get one of those? Mathew hands her a cigarette. Claire lights it. CLAIRE (CONT’D) My first class was canceled. MATHEW Lucky. Mathew yawns and stretches. CLAIRE Tired? Mathew shrugs. MATHEW I’m ready for Christmas break. CLAIRE God, me too. We’re going to visit my aunt in New York. MATHEW That’s cool. CLAIRE Do you know what you’re doing? Mathew shakes his head. MATHEW I don’t really want to go home. CLAIRE (exhaling) Why? He takes a drag off his cigarette. CLAIRE (CONT’D) So what will you do? Mathew shrugs. MATHEW I’ll stay here. Claire smiles but looks concerned. Mathew looks at the ground. CLAIRE You could come with us. Mathew takes another drag. MATHEW I wouldn’t want to inconvenience your family. CLAIRE You wouldn’t. Mathew shakes his head. MATHEW Don’t worry about it. They sit in silence for a moment or two, each smoking their cigarettes. Mathew finishes his and flicks it away from him. He then stands up and picks up his backpack. MATHEW I gotta make a phone call. I’ll see you later. He walks off. Claire sits and smokes the last bit of her cigarette. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- MOMENTS LATER Mathew enters the room, drops his backpack on the ground, and lays his keys and wallet on the desk by his bed. He then pulls his phone out of his pocket and scrolls through the phone book. He finds a number, hits the send key, and then sits down on the edge of his bed. He waits a few seconds then speaks. MATHEW Hey mom. Yeah I’m fine. Uh, well, I… Pause. MATHEW (CONT’D) Well that’s why I called. Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be coming home this year. Pause. MATHEW (CONT’D) Mom… mom… mom if you’d… Mathew rolls his eyes and then closes them. He starts rubbing his forehead and moves over to his temples. MATHEW (CONT’D) No, it’s not that. I don’t know, I just… look… I’m staying with a friend. I’ll be fine. I’ll call you on Christmas. No it wasn’t that. Look I gotta go. He hits the end button on the phone and then shuts it off. He puts the phone down on his desk, lies down on the bed and pulls the blankets over him but does not cover up his head. He shuts his eyes and drifts to sleep. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- LATE AFTERNOON Mathew opens his eyes and lets out a long sigh. He sits up and looks out the window. I./E. MATHEW’S ROOM/DORM - STEPS -- CONTINOUS Mathew sees Claire sitting outside smoking and decides to join her. EXT. DORM STEPS -- MOMENTS LATER Mathew walks up behind Claire and flicks her on the back of her head. CLAIRE Ow! Claire twirls around fast and looks up at Mathew angrily until she realizes it is him. CLAIRE (CONT’D) Asshole. Mathew smiles and sits down next to her. He lights up a cigarette. MATHEW So I talked to my mom. CLAIRE How’d that go? Mathew laughs. CLAIRE (CONT’D) At least you told her. MATHEW I guess. Long pause. Mathew smokes his cigarette while Claire stares off into the distance. CLAIRE (without looking at Mathew) Are you sure you want to do this? He turns to look at her. MATHEW Yes. Claire takes a drag off her cigarette and turns to face him. CLAIRE You’d really love New York. Mathew smiles. MATHEW I’m sure I would. CLAIRE How are you going to do it without the RA’s noticing? She stares at him in silence. CLAIRE (CONT’D) The second floor study’s window is always open, and it comes out right on the street. Mathew smiles. MATHEW Thanks. Mathew flicks his cigarette away and stands up. He breathes in the fresh air and stretches his arms over his head. Claire stands up, drops her cigarette on the ground, and steps on it. She walks over to Mathew and hugs him. Mathew hugs her back. CLAIRE I’m heading out tomorrow. Early. MATHEW So I guess I’ll see you in January. CLAIRE (slightly sad) Yeah. They finish hugging and Claire walks away towards her dorm. She turns around and waves goodbye to Mathew. CLAIRE (CONT’D) Bye. Mathew waves. MATHEW Bye. Mathew watches her until she is out of sight. He stands in place for a moment or two and then goes inside. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- NIGHT Mathew lies on his bed reading a book when he looks up at his closet. He puts the book down and walks over to the closet and opens the door. Clothes are hanging on the rod so Mathew moves some of them to one side of the closet and steps inside. He grabs the small latch and pulls the door to him. INT. CLOSET -- CONTINUOUS Mathew stands in the closet and looks around. There isn’t much room, so he is forced to stand in a crouching position. He squats down quietly and sticks his hand in the crack at the bottom of the door. He keeps his hand there for a moment or two and then stands back up satisfied. He opens the door and steps out. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- THE NEXT NIGHT Mathew sits on his bed as his ROOMMATE - same age as Mathew - packs his bag. They do not make eye contact, Mathew reads his book and his roommate focuses on packing his bag. His roommate puts a pair of jeans of his bag and zips it up. He then picks the bag up, heads for the door, opens it, and walks out. Before he closes the door he turns back and looks at Mathew. ROOMMATE I’ll see you later. Mathew nods at him and he closes the door. As soon as the door is closed Mathew gets up and walks over to the closet, opens the door, climbs in, and closes the door. INT. CLOSET -- LATER Mathew stands in the crouched position and waits. He hears the door open and he tenses up. The next sound he hears is the VOICE of the RA. VOICE (O.S.) Is there anybody in here? Mathew remains still and silent for a few seconds. The next sound he hears is the door closing and the lock locking. Mathew remains still for a few moments longer and then opens the door. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Mathew looks around his room taking in the solitude. He goes over to his bed, picks up his book, and lies down. He reads his book for a moment when the lights turn off by themselves. Mathew sits up and looks at his alarm clock, it’s off as well. He sits on the edge of his bed bathed in the light coming in through the window from the streetlight. Mathew closes his eyes and rubs his forehead and eyes. He lets out a small sigh and lies back down on the bed. INT. HALLWAY -- LATER Mathew opens the door to his room, steps out into the hallway, looks both ways, and heads for the exit. INT. STAIRWELL -- MOMENTS LATER Mathew walks down the stairs. EXT. DORM -- MOMENTS LATER Mathew walks out the opens the front door, sees a rock on the ground nearby, walks over and picks it up, and puts it in the bottom of the door so that it doesn’t close all the way. He tests it to make sure and then walks away from the dorm. EXT. HIGHWAY -- LATER Mathew walks down the side of the highway walking with traffic. EXT. WAL-MART PARKING LOT -- LATER Mathew walks into the front of Wal-Mart. EXT. DORM -- LATER Mathew walks up the steps of the dorm with shopping bags in his hands. He walks over to the door he put the rock in and pulls on it. It does not open. He pulls it again - still nothing. MATHEW (to himself) Fuck. He looks around at the building to see if there is there is another way to get in. Not seeing anything he gets angry and kicks the wall with the bottom of his foot. He stares at the ground for a few seconds when he looks over to the side of the building. He sees the sidewalk and how it seems to connect to the side of the building. He starts walking fast over to the side of the building, walks up some stairs, and walks over to an open window that is just above a small bridge connected to the street. MATHEW (CONT’D) Thank God for our crack RA’s. He puts the bags in through the window first and then climbs in himself. INT. SECOND FLOOR STUDY -- CONTINUOUS Mathew lands on the floor, gets up, picks up the bags, and walks out the door. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- MOMENTS LATER Mathew unlocks his door and walks in. He drops the bags on the floor, pulls out two electric lanterns, turns them on, and places them on the floor. He then pulls out a bag of chips, opens it, and sits down on the floor and starts eating them. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- NEXT DAY Mathew wakes up on the floor covered in chips and his hair disheveled. He sits up and looks around the room trying to get his bearings about him. Slowly he stands up and walks over to the window and looks out. I./E. MATHEW’S ROOM/PARKING LOT -- CONTINUOUS Mathew scans the parking lot and sees that no one is around except for an older man out for a walk. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Mathew walks away from the window with a smile on his face, lies down on his bed, and falls asleep. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- LATER THAT DAY Mathew, awake now, lies on his bed and reads. He reads in silence for a few seconds and then gets up from his bed and walks out into the hallway. INT. HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS Mathew walks down the hall taking in the silence. He paces up and down the hallway with a look of peace on his face. EXT. DORM -- LATER Mathew lies on his back on the grass and stares up at the sky. The sun hits him directly on the front of his body and he closes his eyes and takes in the warmth. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- NIGHT Mathew puts on a pair of pajama bottoms and a t-shirt and crawls into bed. He picks up one of the electric lanterns and puts it next to him on the bed and begins to read. He reads for a moment when he hears a loud CRACK which causes him to look up quickly from his book and look around the room frantically. Slowly he puts the book down and gets out of bed and goes over to the door. He opens it and walks out into the suite. INT. SUITE -- CONTINUOUS Mathew looks out at the dark hallway, peers around the corner, and looks in both directions. MATHEW Is anyone there? Mathew waits in silence. Slowly he walks back into his room. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- LATER Mathew is lying on his bed staring up at the ceiling. The electric lamp is turned off so the only light is the one coming in through the window. He sits up and looks out the window. I./E. MATHEW’S ROOM/STREET -- CONTINUOUS Mathew looks out at the vacant parking lot. He scans it for a moment or two, rubs his eyes, and lies back down. He lies back down and goes back to looking at the ceiling. Mathew stares up at the ceiling for a few moments then slowly allows himself to fall asleep. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- DAY Mathew is sound asleep on his bed. He does not move. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- THAT NIGHT Mathew is still asleep when he is awoken by the sound of a car with a bad muffler. He reaches for his cell phone, turns it on, checks the time 2:17 AM and goes over to his window. I./E. MATHEW’S ROOM/STREET -- CONTINUOUS Mathew sees the car speeding down the road. He smiles at the sight of this car. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Mathew crawls back into bed and goes right back to sleep. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- MORNING The sun comes in through Mathew’s window slowly waking him up. He opens his eyes, takes in a deep breath, stretches, and sits up in his bed. He looks outside and sees that the campus is once again still. He gets out of bed, takes off his pajama bottoms, and gets dressed for the day. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- LATER THAT MORNING Mathew lies on his bed reading when he decides to check the window again. I./E. MATHEW’S ROOM/STREET -- CONTINUOUS Mathew looks out his window and sees the OLDER MAN (MORRIS) - mid 80’s and bald - walking down the street in a wind breaker and sweats. EXT. DORM -- MOMENTS LATER Mathew walks out of the dorm and walks down the street toward the old man. As Mathew approaches him he smiles. MATHEW Hello. The old man nods and smiles. MATHEW (CONT’D) How are you today? MORRIS I’m well, how are you? Mathew smiles. MATHEW Good, I’m… well… good. Mathew starts walking along side Morris. Neither of them speak for a few moments. MORRIS Can I help you with something? MATHEW Oh… uh… no… I… well I was just out for a walk and saw you and thought you might like some company. Morris looks at him suspiciously. MORRIS I don’t have any money on me. MATHEW (confused) What? Oh, no no no, I just thought you might like MATHEW (CONT’D) a walking partner. (extending his hand) Mathew. Morris stares at him for a moment then extends his hand. MORRIS Morris. Nice to meet you. They shake hands. MATHEW Nice to meet you. They continue walking silently until Mathew speaks. MATHEW (CONT’D) So do you go walking like this often? MORRIS Every day since I was about your age. Mathew nods. MORRIS (CONT’D) Military got me on a strict work out regiment. MATHEW You were a military man? Morris nods. MORRIS Landed on Omaha beach. Mathew raises his eyebrows. MATHEW That’s impressive. Morris smiles. MORRIS I suppose. Listen I’m heading home right now but you are welcome to join me on my walk tomorrow if you’d like. Morris speeds up his walking. MORRIS (CONT’D) I usually start around 9:00. Mathew stops where he is and lets Morris walk away. He watches him disappear into the distance and walks back towards the dorm. I./E. MATHEW’S ROOM/DORM - STEPS -- LATER Mathew looks out the window at the spot on the steps where he had his last meeting with Claire. He stares at the spot quietly. INT. MATHEW’S ROOM -- LATER Mathew paces back and forth in the room while smoking a cigarette. He has a contemplative look on his face but appears to be dazed at the same time. He takes one more drag off of his cigarette, drops it on the floor, and steps on it. He walks over to desk, picks up his cell phone, turns it on, and scrolls through his contacts until he finds the one he’s looking for. He hits the send button and waits a few seconds. MATHEW Hey, how are you? (beat) I’m doing good. It’s not so bad. (beat) Yeah it’s cold here too. (beat) So how’s New York? |