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/--Are We Not, Truly, Each Other?
Of all the lives that have ended, birthed, and changed from Religion and upheld Ideals, so far not One has been from mine.

What does it take, to make a man a legend; to turn an individual from hidden to world renown?

Is it Charisma, Intelligence, Morality?

Perhaps some combination...

Perhaps something different.

Is it to Take Charge of oneself and others?

Is it to Spread One's Thoughts like a shining plague?

WHAt does IT TAKE?!

You cannot simply wish yourself into being what you want.

You must Become it.

I've often wondered if they thoughts I had were pictures of other places; if the things I 'imagined' were in fact Real in some alternate realm or world..

So far only this answer has come to me.

Before even reading of alternate universes, I believed there was.

And one night, I realized something:

How can you think or imagine something

that DOESN'T Exist?

I've tried to imagine new colors, I cannot.

I could invent monsters, cities, castles, even planets.

But Not One



I could not picture any.

Nor could I the most horrible thing there isn't...


When I realized that even ideas and thoughts exist in some way, I searched and compared the meaning of both Exist and Real.

The two ironically coincide.

Two sides.

To one coin.

One you see;

The other,

a mystery.

Could you blame me?

For so long I was alone with my mind, combating it at times and defeating the darkness within.

My soul was a lost one, who's dim light barely lit the way in the dark I wandered in.

I noticed other souls who shined.

Some of whom I befriended.

Each their own light, their own color, each unique unto themselves.

No matter the similarities or differences between them or I, I knew we were all one-of-a-kind.

When you question what's Real...and when you're so use to that dark plane you travel alone in.....you build up these walls, harder than diamond, impenetrable without entrance granted, around yourself.

Fortunately my friends were the ones who got through, some quicker than others.

But no matter how far we may stray, I know the connection stays.

Love is Love no matter the shape.

And when you look into yourself,

Truly Look Into Yourself,

you see The Template: the foundation from which all your emotions birth, from which your personality slowly grows and forms through time.

And you realize that at some point, we were once All The Same.

Blank, Empty, Without Meaning

But from birth our custom skins begin to stretch, both physically and meta-physically.

It is easy to see us as small parts to a greater whole,

but much harder to see ourselves as a whole as well.

The trillions of cells, the Other Organisms that form and maintain you, Keep You're Body, You're Vessel, intact.

For You are but the driver behind you're body.

You Are a Soul with a Body.

NOT vice versa.

As science and spirituality begin to merge, something brilliant and bright lies in wait.

The inter-connectedness of us all, of everything, seems easier to interpret when we let go of our egos.

But as a storm quickly darkens and rumbles over the horizon, approaching at unknown speed, some of us can't help but wonder if there's even a point.

A Reason to Continue.

When in the end, it all comes down to oblivion, to Nothingness.

But I'm here to tell you NOW that there IS a point!

It's this: experience.

Even if our species dies, surely another intelligent race is out there.

And even in trillions of years when our galaxy is consumed or the universe implodes, there Will Still Be Others, somewhere..

Why are we here?

To Be.

What is our purpose?

To Do.

or at least..so we think

We scurry like selfish parasites, the majority of us devouring and destroying our home, our planet.

But there is Hope. Despite how dark things get..there is always hope.

We have the ability, to mature into something much greater, into who we are Meant to Be.

The Observers of Existence, the Guardians of Knowledge, the Bright Adults in the Big Black Abyss.

Or at the very least, the Curious Creatures of Earth.

Can you not See this?

Do you not agree?

We each have our ideals..

But I can not grasp those of the Blind.

Or refuse to.


Does that not make Me Blind?

What is Light to one,

Is Dark to another

I see all things as true to those who take them to be.

A person can live their whole life believing in a lie, supporting a false cause, or not caring at all.

Whatever you take from what you are given, is what is left, which is what Truly Is.

A victim may forever be in the shadow of what they experienced, even if it happened half a lifetime ago.

But for them it could be a reoccurring nightmare that never goes away.

But in The End, the VERY END, does it matter? Does anything?

Even if an infinite number of alternate universes exist, at some point it will All End.

And there will be only Nothing.


So...what will experience matter then?

When all is done and erased.

But did Everything not start from Nothing?

The Circle's Beginning is Also it's End, why would Existence be any different?

It starts where it ends.

It ceases where it begins.

So...does anything matter?

To which I answer with a question in turn:

What do You think?


And from That, through some trace, All Other Answers can be found.

For Inside is Outside, and Exterior Within.

The Circle is an Infinite Cycle.

Where we choose to start

we too choose to end.
© Copyright 2013 Cursive Kane (cursive_kane at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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