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is this exactly how others see the concept of life? |
The Trash Can of Life page 1 Looking through the challenges of life, it makes you realize what could have been, and what you could have achieved. Then realization comes to bare. That each and every one of us is born with the disablement of disbelief. Allowing it to destroy the very essence of our lives. It engrains low self esteem, low self worth, and hampers our self confidence. Then it ensures that the person we could have been will never be released, nor our dreams ever attained. We then find the trash can, shinning and gleaming, buried deep within the darkest caverns of our thoughts, incarcerating the secrets of our past lives. In Fear and trepidation we slowly lift the lid of the can to reveal a mass of entwined ill thoughts, under achievements, insults to our failings, that over time have been deeply engrained and endorsed within our souls. Daily we fight against the negative persona entrenched in our lives, chocking and vomiting on reality as it convinces us that we are not worthy of anything and that all we do will fail. Swamping the heart and soul with contempt and disbelief in the person we actually are. (cont) page2 We return to the trash can on numerous occasions to bury more hurt, anger and frustration, intensifying and compounding all the pain and failures of yester year. Confirming the expectations of others that we will never attain to there conformity of life. As the trash can slowly simmers under the heat of hatred, bubbling, fermenting and encompassing the destructive venom of anger, frustration and torment. It begins to seep an acrid corrosive acid deep within the veins of life. Destroying with such a scorching heat and ferocity causing incomprehensible pain and suffering. Remember back to times past. As a child you were a care free spirit. Your heart and mind blowing like a summer breeze, full of warmth, compassion, joy and happiness, Always moving, never settling, never conforming to the restraints of others, just encircled by the beauty and passion of free will. Now take your trash can. Begin to empty it contents. Face up to the ill thoughts, fears and pain of the past that constantly manifest and condemns your spirit. Take a stance as the trash can hungers for more and encompass your true life. Bringing closure to the rotting, festering and moulding actions of your emotions. (cont) page 3 Destroy the paralytic state of confusion, by rising up and conquering each hurt, resentment and slanderous accusation with the conviction of self belief. Release the spirit of freedom buried deep within, by kicking, smashing, buckling, and obliterating that trash can. Mangle and flatten that can for one last time and consign those injustices to the beyond, never to enslave you again. Expose the garbage of condemnation and failure, that has haunted you by living of the lies and deceit buried deep in the belly of life, and condemn it to the fiery furnace of truth. Be like the warrior, rising from the trenches. Take the battle of life to your adversaries. Though your frame be bent, twisted and contorted by the confliction and weight of injustice, rise like the lion, stalking it prey, slashing and tearing so deep into the deprivation and despair that once held your mortal being. Devour the impurities with a cleansed and pure heart. For a time I was oblivious to my foe, and the destructive nature of its course. With realization came a release and I began to face my trash can, the hurt, misery and torment my adversary once held. (cont) page4 I have now slain the ghosts of the past, standing as tall and firm as a mountain. My soul flies like a bird to the highest heights of freedom, harnessing those dreams of a pure heart forge from the furnace of truth. Knowing I have been set free from all my fears never to be entrapped or snared with the weight of despair, my heart has healed and my spirit set free. I still carry the scars of war with memories that will stay, remembering those thought that once was, but with a knowledge that the poison of injustice has been removed. Freedom is now my bond, truth is my light. It shines with such intensity, blinding my adversaries into confusion, so never again will they be able to thwart the freedom and achievements I have now found. |