Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1925658-Hortons-Life-Theory---Chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Philosophy · #1925658
The introduction to my theory of life.
Chapter 1 - What Is Life?

         Have you ever wondered "What is life? What is this story of steps that i take? Why does this happen?", because it is something  that i wonder every time i take a step forward with anything. It is something that i wonder while writing this chapter. It is something that i wonder while working on the creation of a video game. This book will explain the theories that i come up with on a daily basis about everything that has to do with "What is life?".

         Let us begin with what i like to call "Life Is Game" Theory. This is based off of the idea that a game is something that has a goal but has unnecessarily difficult obstacles in it that push you away from the goal. Most people, which i like to call "players of life", think that a game is something which they would do for fun - which is to feel accomplished for completing a somewhat difficult or daunting task - which is completely true in all honestly, that is the reason why video games, bored games, and sports exist; but what most people don't understand is that life is a game, if you look at the definition of a game. In life, culture, religion, and society all give out obstacles that push us away from our goal... But what is our goal? What do people want to accomplish in the grand scheme of things?

         To answer the question is not so simple as to just ask it. Most people think their goal is to be successful as a person in society, but this is wrong. Our goal, as animals, even in society or religion or culture, our goal is to breed, to have sex. This is our low-level goal, this is our goal for basic human survival. Let's take a look at our level system for goals...

         At the lower level, we have basic instinctual needs as animals: breathing, food, water, homeostasis (energy conservation), excretion (of waste), and sex. These are known as the basic Psychological needs as human beings. We'll take a look at the higher levels later on when we begin discussing them. You should understand how these needs are very basic, the "sex" need is the need to replicate, to breed. Now, the way i said our goal is to breed sounded very high-level, as if that is the only goal that we have as humans. This is false.

         As human beings, our goals for "survival" only include the basic low-level psychological needs that i listed previously... But as human beings, our goals for society overall instead of the minor unit of society (which i will get into later) are different. These goals include input into the society, to believe what you put into the society is truly good and will do nothing but help other people in the society. This is one of those accomplishments that cause slight euphoria in the mind.

         The last paragraph must have sound contradictory to my prior statement about sex being the basic need for us in the level of society... well, that is because i was being contradictory. This book will contradict itself more than it pleases to. The reason for contradiction to arouse so much is because this book is a mixture of all of my theories about life mashed together. The purpose for such a mash of ideas is to get you, the reader, to think about every single one, how they work or don't work with each other, and figure out for yourself which one works for you. I suggest you turn to the next chapter only if you're prepared for the annoyance of utter contradiction of everything i say by my own words.

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