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Rated: E · Short Story · Dark · #1925540
Can police truly protect you from the fear lurking behind.
Jimmy ran, his heart pumping fast. He must run no matter what. There was something behind him... Was it Invisible? Jimmy had felt the clawing at his face earlier so there was something there; it was so dark he could not see it anyway. There was no way Jimmy would stop unless he was inside a police station or a place very crowded. It was inevitable though that Jimmy would eventually break down with fatigue. What could the creature be? Whatever it was Jimmy could hear the wet snarling and thumping of large feet getting closer no matter how fast he ran. "C'mon! C'mon!" Jimmy yelled, pushing his already tired legs harder. Jimmie's throat tightened hard. His mouth filled with congestion from running way to long. The chilly night air caused hairs to stand on end all over Jimmie's body. His eyes watered. Finally he submitted and fell down; Jimmy could run nor walk no more. Soon he wouldn't walk at all because the invisible beast sniffed at his legs in the darkness, a feeling of wet drip, drip dripping from the sinister creature's mouth, black fur camouflaged against the night sky. Jimmy felt course fuzz rubbing against his skin, wild animal eyes piercing into his very soul. He tried to scream; Jimmy opened his mouth but could not utter a sound. It was about this time that Jimmy felt the gnawing and gnashing of teeth upon his very thigh. Blood gushed out as tendons, veins and bone broke apart from each other. Jimmy fought back tears as he heard the beast munching and the flesh shearing in the city dusk. No one was nearby to lend a hand and if they saw what was going on would they? It was hard not to scream so Jimmy did and as soon as he let out the shrill the animal belted out a terrifying howl that broke a street light nearby. The bulb had brightened before bursting from the beast's howl to reveal the creature was not invisible but just shrouded. The beast stood up two legged and came down on all fours on top of Jimmie's body, cracking his ribs. Jimmy yelled at the top of his lungs but was immediately silenced as the monster sunk its teeth into Jimmie's jaw and tongue ripping them away from his body. Still alive, Jimmy kicked the abomination with his good leg. The creature looked like a giant wolf. Bleeding profusely from mouth and stub, Jimmy stood up and limped as fast as he could in great pain. The police station was so close. Jimmy slipped on his own limp and blood parts and saw the wolf-man in midair. The creature came down on Jimmy and now Jimmy was barely alive. There was no more that Jimmy could do but lye there. Before the dogman could do anymore damage a whistle blew. Vision slightly blurred but good enough to reveal a few things; Jimmy moved his head ever so slightly to see a man in police uniform. The large dog ran to him but somehow now looked different. The dog looked like a police dog, German Sheppard. The officer called in for more police using his radio. 'Good.’ Jimmy thought 'Finally.' Police cars lined up a few minutes later. More than one officer got out of their car as well as other law officials from the station and made their way to Jimmy. The police stood over the poor, dying individual. His eyes widened as he saw a shift in the officer's skin as what looked like painful changes were taking place in the law enforcement's features. Their mouth and noses came together like a dog's snout, Eyes turned bright colors as ears became pointy and teeth large as well as sharp. "Dig in, boys!" a police chief looking wolf gruffed. They all bit into Jimmies flesh, tearing it apart. Jimmy finally died but not before hearing one of the cops bark a few words. "They say we are all pigs! I say nay, we are wolves in sheep's uniform!"
© Copyright 2013 Jay W. Eccent (jayweccent at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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