Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1925315-Dissembled-Dreams--
Rated: E · Poetry · Dark · #1925315
Madness, Sanity, Horrid visions, Loss of reality.
The ominous veil-
Unseen in aphotic nights;
Thus holding cryptic secrets,
Including upcoming events of my life—

Unborn ages, tragically trapped inside,
Oozing with despair and grief;
For 'tis now ruptured, unable to hide-
Thus bringing (life) no relief—

Behold, my eyes, set upon demise-
Fixed fate, to solemn slumbered gloom;
Right in front of thy dead, pallid eyes,
Lies decayed, acrid flesh, in grey tombs—

'Tis as if a dream, gone horribly wrong,
In a deep sleep, impotent to awake-
Yet my sanity hath been gone all along,
Someone save me, for Heaven's sake!

Lo! I hath finally gone mad!
Decrepitude thoughts and mind-
Lain in the sepulchre,
Dead eyes, predominantly blind—

Tho’ I see my fate,
I do not weep-
I smile, because I have departed,
For my eternal sleep… 
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