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Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1924972
See LOVE in everything, see the positive side of everything. You will experience TRUTH
Chapter sixteen
The Culmination
Ben watches with satisfaction as the vegetable leaves sway in the
breeze. He enjoys standing at the hilltop to watch the changing
landscape as the sun sets. Every sunset is different. He has them
all in his memory. Yet all is the same. It is the same sun and the
same sky. Yet all is different.

He will always remember his dream and his mother's dream years ago.
That time in the sea of flowers. He will never forget. That's why
now he is a farmer. He produces food for the people in the
neighbourhood. These people he knows are also himself. He will never
forget the dream. He will perpetuate the dream.


Kenneth collapses onto the wooden bunk in the hut. He is dead tired.
But he has to carry on. He loves activities. He has been a
philanthropist for years. After his college days, he has volunteered
his services in poverty stricken countries. Especially the underdeveloped and
undeveloped areas. He is always happy to see the results of his work.

Today has been a long day. Since dawn till noon, he has been
teaching a group of children. Thereafter, he has been helping the
medical team. Before retiring for the day, he was mending the
fishing boats and nets. Tomorrow, he has promised to help in the
farming work.

He has many busy self-satisfying days. He never idles. He has
created heaven on earth. He has fulfilled his dreams. Daily, he
thanks his teacher silently for showing him the way.


Henry sighs happily as the gush of wind seems to bring in the tide.
He is happy he can stand here again. He absorbs the children's
voices and their laughter into his bloodstream. He is grateful he
can walk on this beach again and again and again. He can feel the
sand slides away at his every step. They are a part of him.

He saunters leisurely as he breathes in every minute, tasting the
sweet air. He smiles joyfully at the expectation of Erica and his
kids waiting for him eagerly at home. He quickens his footsteps at
these thoughts. Now, he really appreciates his family life. He will
always appreciate them. He remembers how he has created his reality.
Always. And always.


The sergeant waves the flag as he finishes his story. "Peace! Peace!
We are they and they are us! Peace! Peace!" This is always the
conclusion of all his talks. Everybody claps as they salute the
respected old sergeant. He is constantly surrounded by his soldiers
of old, Hausen, Derrick, Ivan and all the rest in Battalion Six.

They have been his staunch supporters all these years. They have
been proclaiming peace and organising peace talks with many heads of
states and organisations. They have been sharing their beliefs far
and wide. The events they saw that night near the enemy camp. They
will never forget. Never.

The sergeant and the battalion have concluded that everybody is one
and the same. This is the message they are proclaiming. What joy and
happiness they have now. This is the true joy from their hearts.
This is the eternal message.


You can always smell the roses. The perfume permeated the whole
house. Only the aroma of the baking from the kitchen can compete
with it. There are sounds of joy and laughter in the garden. There
are shrieks and running footsteps in the back yard, too. There is no
end to the number of occupants in this house.

Mrs. Saw moves around with a walking stick attempting to follow her
grandchildren. They have been visiting her every weekend. She
remembers all their names. But she has to keep up with them as years
go by. They grow so fast. And they can move around so fast. But she
is happy with the joyous atmosphere now.

Since Miss Cornelia's visit, things have changed. Mrs. Saw at last
understands that happiness is within. She has never force her
children and grandchildren to drop by. Miraculously, they appear
every weekend. Now, Mrs. Saw sees the joy.


Devi is dancing happily as her skirt twirls and flaps in the air.
All the children are clapping as they dance around Devi. They love
dancing classes. This is the time when they can express themselves
with their body movements. Devi loves teaching the children, too.

Edward smiles lazily as he scrutinises the art papers. He enjoys
watching Devi dancing with the children. All these movements, so
graceful and full of happiness. The children's laughter fills his
days and nights. Their joyful expressions remain even during his
painting classes. He enjoys teaching them, too.

Since the talk he had with Devi long, long ago, both of them have
decided to assist as many children as possible to lead happy lives.
This they do by offering dancing and painting classes at many
orphanages and nursery schools.

Now, they share a deep sense of fulfilment. Now is the moment to
fill the children's hearts with love and joy. Love and joy fill
their hearts, too. It will go on forever and forever.


Aunty Claire looks lovely, today. It is her seventieth birthday. It
has been a long time since she wore a beautiful gown. She has been
sick and bed ridden for years. Maryanne and Joanne are fussing over
her. Their brothers, Tim and David are attending to the guests.
Their father has passed away some years back.

Maryanne has always respected Aunty Claire while Joanne has accepted
Aunty Claire right from the beginning. Years have pass, her siblings
have married and have their own families except Maryanne. She has
made it her duty to stay with Aunty Claire. She knows that love for
Aunty Claire is love for her mother.

Love is all there is. There is nothing else. Whether Aunty Claire or
mother, all is the same. Maryanne has remained positive since the
talk with the mirror. Thank you mirror.


Koonii looks at the bright shining eyes of the group of students.
They are listening intently as Koonii explains a concept to them. He
loves teaching them. He knows how to teach concepts interestingly to
command their attention. He uses models and examples which appeal to
these students. Most of them will be dreaming as he teaches. Koonii
does not mind. He loves creativity. He prefers this way of teaching.

From their dreamy expressions, Koonii knows his students are
absorbing his concepts. When the classes end, most of them are
reluctant to leave. They have lots of questions. Their curiosity
stirs Koonii's heart. He understands their quest. He is just as
curious as he was years ago.

He remembers his two teachers, Gallii and Sulii. They are the best
teachers he ever has. He will always remember what they taught him.
He is sharing their teachings with others. He is helping others to
understand as he had understood many years ago.


Jaeme and Saeme are in tears as Mrs. Tan relates her tale. They
experience the struggle as their father, Graeme Tan climbs the
mountain. They feel the exhilaration as the understanding fills
their hearts. The love and joy are immeasurable. Nothing can compare
with these.

They are like birds flying in the sky. Free and soaring in the sky.
No, more like the universe. They can feel the moon, stars, sun and
the eternal space. The eternity of space is welcomed. This is the
peace that is awaiting them. Mrs. Tan is soaring with her children.
When they return to earth, Mrs. Tan encourages them to relate the
same to their children and to their children's children. Forever and


The bigger rocks have disintegrated and melded with the earth. They
have served their purpose. The smaller rocks have also melded much
earlier. They have performed their task. The pebbles have mixed with
the cobbled path. The job is done. The smaller stones have united
with the earth. They have completed their experiences. The sand and
the earth cannot be separated. They have become one.

Yes, we are one, the bigger rocks, the smaller rocks, the pebbles,
the smaller stones and the sand declare. We are one, always and
forever. We are reunited with the mountain, our source. We shall
never part. We are now a part of the mountain, our source.

Yes, dear ones, we are one again, acquiesced the mountain. We have
always been one. We are never apart. We are always a part of each
other. Now, at last, you can see. We shall always be together.

Chapter seventeen
The Eternal Moment
Ben feels himself expanding. He is floating, flying, surging. He
feels very light, weightless. He feels love. He feels his mother's
feathery touch. Exactly like the days when he was hurt and how his
mother used to sooth him. He feels his father's hug.

He is surrounded by all his family, his friends and many strangers.
All of them exude love. Love and nothing else. He feels blissfully
happy. Exulted. He is shouting with bliss but no sound can be heard.
His shouting echoes within. It is a song of silence.

He gives himself up to this cloak of intense feeling. He abandons
himself to it for he is satisfied. As he surrenders, he feels
himself being merged with his family, friends and many strangers.
Just like the many Bennies that he saw, they are him. They are


Kenneth feels very light, extraordinarily light. He is like a
feather. He allows himself to float freely. It is so refreshing
after carrying his aching bones for so long. He had a very active
life. But it has taken a toll on his physical body. He welcomes a

He blithely greets this lightness. He rejoices in the release. He
feels others surrounding him, his parents, his siblings, his
classmates, his friends, his teachers, his relatives and many other
strangers. He is engulfed by them. He sings with joy as their love
touches his heart.

They converge and become one. Together they soar higher and higher,
freer and freer.


Henry is ecstatic. He is turning round and round. He seems to be in
a whirlpool. The difference is there are many others silhouetting
with him. He is mildly surprised that among them are his old friends
from the pub, including the man with the scar, his family members,
his many long lost friends and other strangers. He feels only
happiness. He smiles. Erica and his children are in his arms again.

They are revolving faster and faster. Henry feels almost dizzy from
the revolutions as well as by the overwhelming love emanated from
within. He feels very light as he abandons himself to the spinning

He laughs as he is enfolded within the rotating body. As a single
body, they continue to gyrate and become lighter and lighter.


The sergeant clasps his soldiers of old, Hausen, Derrick, Ivan and
all the rest in Battalion Six. He is magnanimous. In his bosom are
also the other battalions and the enemy battalions. He guffaws with
happiness as the rest is incorporated within his embrace.

He grows bigger and bigger. More and more are sucked into his bosom.
The listeners, the audience in his talks and seminar. The whole
world. Everybody. He chuckles with delight. There are echoes of his
laughter, their laughter. They resounded in every direction. There
is love and happiness all over.

They continue to inflate, adding on more and more figures. There is
no end. Not yet.


Mrs. Saw moves towards the illumination. No, she is the light. She
is dazzling. She is a shining star. Her light shines upon hundreds,
thousands, millions, billions. She is amazed. Understanding dawn
upon her as she sees her parents, her siblings, her husband, her
children, her grandchildren, her friends, her neighbours and most of
all Miss Cornelia. Yes, Miss Cornelia.

Yes, this is the eternal joy. Joy emanated from within. Her joy is
the light that illuminated everything and everyone. They are shining
as well. They have also become sparkling, twinkling stars. Yes, all
is bathed in perfect light.

They shine together as one. They have become one star and one light.


Edward finds himself speeding in a vast vacuum. He spreads his arms
and feels the coolness of the space. He feels free. He has never
been free, even in Tirips Mlaer. But now, he is free. He hits at
nothing with his fist. At once, he is surrounded by many others. He
sees his parents, his friends, his colleagues, his students and many
other strangers. Yes, his boss, Stephen and Devi are here, too. And yes, all from Tirips
Mlaer, too.

Oh, it feels so good to be encircled by so many others. He stretches
out his arms and embraces them. They bond together and become a huge
Edward or is it a huge Stephen or a huge Devi? He is not sure. It does not matter.
They have become one body.

Together, as one body, they continue speeding through the void.


Maryanne feels her body flattening. She is paper thin, no, even
thinner. At the same time, she is emanating brightness. She is
shimmering. Oh, she is the mirror. No, she is in the mirror. She
swirls around. Oh, yes, there is Aunty Claire and mother. They are
holding hands, smiling at her simultaneously. Maryanne moves towards

As Maryanne moves nearer, more figures appear. Her father,
grandparents, brothers and sisters, her friends, her relatives and
many strangers appear. They move towards her as well. They continue
to move forwards. They merge into one.

Together they rise and expand, mirror, castle and all.


Koonii sees many figures rushing around. They are moving rapidly. He
can hardly see them. They are subtle beings. He wishes to join them.
Whoosh! He feels himself entangled with the rushing bodies. He is
part of them. Now he knows. He must relax. As he does so, he is

He feels the presence of his parents, his sister, dear Sulii and his
teacher, Gallii, his neighbours, his classmates, his students and so
many other strangers. All of them are wrapped within the rushing
force. He can feel the fondness that Sulii has for him. He feels
Gallii's kindness. He feels the love from his parents, his
neighbours, his classmates and his students. He feels the love from
the countless strangers encircling him.

He abandons himself. He is merging with the force, gathering more
force. They are united and continue their swishing around as an ever
increasing force.


Graeme Tan is vibrating fast. He is vibrating faster and faster. He
is oscillating. As he vibrates, he feels other forces joining him.
They enfold him. He is being swallowed whole by the force. He sees
Soona, his wife, Mrs. Tan, his children, Jaeme and Saeme, his
grandchildren, his friends, his acquaintances and other strangers
within the fold.

They are vibrating rapidly. They are gaining momentum as more and
more bodies join them. They are growing, bloating like an inflated
balloon. But Graeme Tan can feel only happiness and love within the
enlarging body. The more they vibrate, the more love he feels. He
surrenders himself to it totally.

He is contented and satisfied. At last, he sees and he knows the


The bigger rocks, the smaller rocks, the pebbles, the smaller stones
and the sand are ascending to reunite with the mountain. The earth
is rotating fast to merge with the moon, sun, stars and other
planets. All the solar systems and galaxies are amalgamated. There
is no separation between them.

Ben, Kenneth, Henry, the sergeant, Mrs. Saw, Edward, Maryanne,
Kooni, Graeme Tan and their enlarging bodies have integrated with
the amalgamated solar systems and galaxies. They have reunited at
last. All is vibrating fast.

The expansion stops. All is constricting, constricting,
constricting. The space is being shut out. All is becoming matter.
All that has been separated has combined as one. It has diminished
into a small dot. A solid matter. A tiny dot. A minute dot. The dot
has almost vanished. There is no more matter. Only energy exists.
Nothing matters.

All is still. Serene. For a moment. Just a moment. In a flash, the
dot burst forth again! Space came to be. Matter expands. Forms of
various shapes and sizes come into being. The cycle begins again. Ben,
Kenneth, Henry, the sergeant, the soldiers, Mrs. Saw, Edward, Maryanne, Koonii,
Graeme Tan, our families, our friends, our neighbours, our enemies, strangers, their enlarging bodies and the amalgamated solar systems and galaxies are once more separated again. It is a circle. Going on
and on. World without end.

Chapter eighteen
At first, nothing is
Then, everything is
The cosmos, the galaxies
All oceans, all seas

Many beings come to be
Some with eyes that cannot see
Serene are the wise
The rest on the rise

Experiences are why we are here
Even down, continue your cheer
All is temporary
Look towards our sanctuary

The promise is real
We need not fear
Love is the all
None will fall

All will share
Do not despair
Strong as the sun
All is one.

Elos, do you remember now?
Bless all who give you the experiences. You ask for it. You want interesting, exciting times, remember? Tirips Mlaer was perfect but boring, remember?

We come from Tirips Mlaer! All of us! God has sent us nothing but ANGELS.

Anyway, continue to enjoy your life as it is. It is your choice, whether King or beggar.
Be happy!
(Tirips Mlaer) Spirit Realm spelt backwards, SEE?? Because we have left it. When we return to it, it will be Spirit Realm. THERE IS HOPE FOR EVERYBODY!! REJOICE!!
© Copyright 2013 Jeannie Chow (jchowyl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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