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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1924292
Dathaniel may have made the biggest mistake of his life. But does he know that?
It was the screaming that he hated the most, if he could just block it out it wouldn't be  so bad. But he couldn't stop himself from hearing them, his sisters pain filled screams. Worse yet he couldn't stop her from crying, how can he when the men causing her pain were twice is size. No, all he can do was sit and listen; sit and ignore her pleas for help. Dathaniel hated himself for letting his fear control him, he didn't deserve to be called human; he could have tried to save her.

Young Dathaniel sat in the same corner with hands clenched as his poor sister called out to him. Her small voice was croaky and nodoubt hurt from all the screaming. It was like nails on a chalk board; bleeding ears seemed so posaible at that time. The voice grew louder the pleas more urgent. They changed suddenly; became more clear. They were no longer Dathaniel's sisters cries but someone else, someone familiar. She was young like his sister but her voice held no sense of helplessness. Instead of pleas of help they turnes to pleas of recognition. They asked him to wake up; to come back. Dathaniel wondered why he had to wake up, he wasn't asleep. But soon he realised he was indees asleep. His sister couldn't be just within the shadows calling for him; she was dead.

Dathaniel opened his eyes slowly, cautious of the daylight. But still the sun caused pain as it blared in his eyes. The hot sun was directly over him, that meant it was most likely noon. He hadn't been sleeping long at all, though he doean't remember falling asleep at all. The voice from the dream spoke still as the girl echoed her relief with words. He looked up to the source; those gold eyes always seem to entice him. This mysterious girl, who was no ordinary girl at all, had come into his life eight years ago. He still doesn't know who or what she is but he still longs to know. The day he met her still plays in Dathaniel's head to this day; seeing gold eyes, following them, finding her in this meadow, her tryimg to kill him. Dathaniel still can feel her ice cold hands around his neck. Bur still he just smiles at the memory. It is after all how he cam to know this wonderful creature.

"Are you alright, Dathaniel?" The sweet elegance of her voice and the purfect puncuation of each syllable has always dazzled Dathaniel. She always spoke with such refinement.

"I'm fine... Just a bad dream." Confusion swept across the girls face. She was still unaware of many 'human' habits.

"Dream? What is that?"

"Sorry I forget you don't sleep... When humans rest they dream, dreamings kind of like a world we go to that can be good or bad."

Dathaniel watched the girl proccess the new knowledge. Her gold eyes scrunch up as do her ebony lips. The girl was indeed unique; gold eyes, black lips and hair that put a starless night sky to shame. But what made her even more odd, odder than the two inch black nails or the canines that protruded from her lips was her ghostly white skin that felt like ice cold silk. The flawless smoothe skin was one of the things that caught Dathaniel's attention when they met; after of coarse he woke up after blacking out fro lack of oxygen. That meeting was as eventful as the first as she was completely naked. It took some time to convince her to wear the clothes he brought the second time but she eventually agreed. For awhile she disn't like the clothes but she grew to like them, now she asks for new ones often.

Even after so long Dathaniel still knew nothing of the girl not even her name; he soon started to just call her Goldie. She seemed to like the nickname ao it was never questiones. But that never stopped Dathaniel from asking the questions. Hetried almost daily to learn more of this strange being, but in the ens she would just look at him with those gold orbs and he'd forget everything.

"I understand it now!" The sudden sound nt only startled Dathaniel but a few birds near by as they fled the scene.

Goldie seemed pleased with herself and Dathaniel couldn't help the smile that spread across his face.

"Is there anything you can do to stop the dreams?"

"No not really but if you just wake me up whenever I'm having one that'll be great."

Goldie agreed as she smiled. Such a smile was beyond rare. Though the girl shows her emotion through her voice it never reaches her face. As id it is frozen still; no emotion is ever shown, not even pain. So much mystery lie with thia girl, a mystery that is begging to be discovered. Dathaniel watched the the girl swearing a silent oath that he will be the one to find out.

As the birds came back so did their songs. The beautiful sound was something that could only be found in the deepest parts of the wood. After the many fires and hords of people that marched along the edge of the woodland not many animals wonder to close to the small town. The reason for the riot was simple; many people habe gone missing. The police officers aren't doing anything about it, or atleast thats how the towns folk see it. But there is no clues of what happened to them. The variety went as far apart as the sky and ground from young girls no older then 3 to old men of 70. Dathaniel had asked the girl if she knew of the dissapearences but she would only shake her head and the conversation would end at that.

Dathamiel's thoughts went to the other day when another victim went missing. The term victim is mocked by some as they believe that the missing have just gotten lost. No victims only poor fools who have wandred too far. But others beg to differ. Yesterday was a girl of 9. She wandered off all the time but always returned for dinner. But two nights ago sh didn't. Dathaniel never knew the girl or her family but he gave his support and condolences to them anyways. He was well aware of what loosing someone you love was like. Dathaniel was so engrosed in his thoughts he didn't notice the shadow forming behind him. The sound of twigs snapping went straight in one ear and out the other. Dathaniel was oblivious right up till it was too late.

The sudden preasure made Dathaniel fall to the side. The giggles of his attacker echoed off the walls inside his head. A smug grin formed on his face as he rolled in order to pin his 'attacker'. Goldie giggled that small giggle as she stared innocently at Dathaniel. The smirk that made its way onto Dathaniel's face showed mischieve as he raised his hands up eingers set in attack. Goldie gave but a glimpse of fear as Dathaniel started is own assault. The girl was verz ticklish and never stopped laughing. These were the moment Dathaniel loved the most as it reminded him of hgs sister.

It wasn't long before the girl was begging him to stop. Dathaniel did but not until he got a few more laughs.

"Now you best tell me why you attacked me or else." Dathaniel raised hir hands again to prove his point.

Goldie giggled a bit more before she finally found her breath.

"You had a sad look on your face, I wanted it to go away."

Dathaniel got up off the small girl and sat there with a small smile. He helped Goldie sit up aswell amd proceeded to dust off all and any dirt on both of them.

"What were you thinking of?"

"Another person went missing, a girl." Dathaniel notice the girl get angry something he had never seen.

The feeling was unusual. He felt uneasy as Goldie got up and stormed towards the trees. Dathaniel wanted to know what was wrong but she was gone before he found his voice. Not knowing what made her upset made Dathaniel even more uneasy. He thought of following her but he had never gone further than the meadow. So with a sigh Dathaniel laid down and hoped she would just come back. It wasn't long before he fell asleep again, a sign of all the hard and sleepless nights he has had. Sleep was hard for many reasons, especially at night.

This time when Dathaniel awoke it wasn't because of Goldie but a scream coming from hir town. The cry came once more before more followed. Dathaniel looked to where the had gone for a split second before leaving for the town. He hurried through the trees effetlessly as it was something he had grown use to doing over the years. Within minutes Dathaniel had broken through the woodland barrior and was heading towards the riot. It turned out to be only a few meters down from where he had exited the woods. The number of people gathered around the scene was incredible. You would think everyone in town was there. And they probably were.

Dathaniel had to see what was causing the panic. He pushed passed bystanders and made his way to the center. When he drew close he could smell the most foul smelling thing in the world. There was no way to discribe it only it was bad. Jnd when he broke through Dathanial saw where the scent was coming from. There on the ground was what was left of Martin Blake, a 4 year old box that helped his father in the bakery. The sight was gruesome; half of the small boy remained and the half that was still there was a leg, half his torso with only a few of the insides left. But worse of all was his head, barely attached with his eyes and mouth wide open with an unheard scream. Many could not bare the right or smell and left quickly. But Dathaniel only stared at the boy until he felt something watching, not the boy or the croud but him. Dathanieil looked up towards the woulds and he will never forget what he saw.

Gold eyes.
© Copyright 2013 Raine Dycer (netherway at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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