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I see his scars as a testament of who he is and how strong he is. |
*GRIFFIN* I'm at a party. Well I guess it's supposed to be THE party of the year. I wouldn't know I stopped going to parties two years ago after I graduated. I'm only here for one reason and one reason only. That reason would be the sexy little number who's drunkenly dancing on the table in the middle of the room. Caden, my little brother's best friend. Even drunk out of his mind he's still the most self-conscious person I know. There he is dancing in front of everyone and yet he still somehow manages to keep the left side of his face hidden. I know he's ashamed of what happened to him a few years ago, and that's why he goes out and gets drunk, trying to act like there's wrong, but I can see through that. I watch as some douche tries to grab at his butt. Okay, I think that's enough. I go up to the table and tap his hand to try and get his attention. "Caden, come on man let's go." There's a chorus of awe's from around the room as the guys protest me interrupting their show. I just level a glare around the room. "No, I'm having fun." "I think you've had too much fun, come on." "Look at them though Griff." He whispers to me. I look around, not sure what I'm supposed to be seeing. "Yeah?" "They are actually enjoying this! I look good for once!" He twirls around drunkenly and when he does there is a collective gasp as everyone gets a good look at the left side of his face. Everything goes quiet for a minute before the shouting starts. "Look at the freak!" "Oh my God, I can't even bare the sight of it!" "Get out of here scar face before you scare everyone to death just by looking at you!" I could just about kill everyone for their cruelty. They don't know how much it actually hurts Caleb to look in the mirror everyday and relive everything that happened to him that night years ago. I look at him to notice he's starting to cry, and I'm not the only one that's noticed. "Come on baby, we need to get you out of here." I whisper soothingly. He looks at me questioningly and it takes me a second to realize that I called him baby. Oops, I didn't mean to let that slip, but I can't take it back now. "G-Griff?" "Come on, Alex would kill me if something happened to you." I tug lightly on his arm, but even the slightest tug throw's him off and he falls completely off the table. I'm barely able to catch him in time. I hear more people laugh and I tell him to ignore them, as I help him on his way to my car. When we get there he stops me. I turn around and raise my eyebrow in question. "Why Griff? Why does everyone have to be mean? Why does it matter that my face and body are scarred up?" He's crying again, my poor baby. "Why did it have to be me? Now I'm ugly and no one will give me a second look." Now for some damage control. I've been over this with him time and again. "You're not ugly; when you were up there dancing every eye was on you." It's true too. When he exudes the confidence and ignores his scars, everyone else does to. "You're just saying that to make me feel better." "No I'm not, but does it make you feel better to hear it?" He nods slightly. "Look Caden, all you have to do is act like the scars aren't there and dance like you were tonight and I guarantee you can get any guy you want." I just wish that guy were me. He has no clue what watching him dance does to me. What just seeing him walk and strut around everywhere does. "I-I don't know if I can." Okay I'm probably going to regret this in the morning, but I think I really need to let him know how sexy he is. I gently push him back against the car and cup his scarred cheek with my hand. The scars really don't bother me. I see it as a testament to who he is, and how strong he really is. He was beaten and burned to an inch of his life and he's still around. My scarred little beauty. "W-What are you doin?" You know for how drunk he supposedly is he is amazingly well spoken. I wonder if he was using it as an excuse to get away with the dance and feel sexy. He doesn't need to try. Someone should have told him that a long time ago. "Do you really want to know how sexy I think you are?" I whisper in his ear. I hear him swallow deeply and I smirk. "Y-you?" "Yes me Caden! Are you really that blind?" "W-what are you talking about?" "This." With that I lean in and barely get a glimpse of his wide eyes before I press my lips to his. He moans at the contact. Wow, is all I can say. I never imagined that just the brush of his lips would feel so amazing. From his moan I'm assuming he feels the same way. I pull back and see the shocked expression on his face. "You can't tell me you still have no clue." "How is that possible? Just look at me! I'm scarred!" "You're beautiful." "No, this is just a joke is all! It has to be. Just some sick cruel joke!" I push myself up against him so that he can feel what he does to me. "Does that feel like a joke to you?" He shakes his head. I grab his face so that he can look straight at me. "That's all for you, baby. You don't even know how hot and bothered it gets me every time I just see you move. I can't keep my eyes off of you." "But my face! My body! You know the scars aren't just on my face, just look!" He rips his shirt open. Wow. Okay, so my original assessment of his drunkenness might have been correct. I look at his chest and notice all the scars lining up and down. It's then that I notice how skinny he really is. He hides it well. Despite all this it doesn't bother me. He's just Caden, and I love him. "Yes, I see, and you know what I see?" He's shaking now, though from fear or anticipation I can't tell. "N-no." "I see Caden, the guy I fell in love with. My scarred beauty." "Really?" "Yes, now I have something to ask you." "W-what's that?" I lean down so that I can whisper in his ear. "Tomorrow morning when you wake up and aren't so drunk, I want my own personal dance just for me." I delight in the shiver that runs down his spine. With that I bend down and give him another kiss. I can't wait for tomorrow to come. |