Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1923691-Projekto-Nosferatu--draft-Ch-1-Part-2
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1923691
What are the tigro? Why are Jonatan & Miria wandering through the wastes of old Ohio?
Who and what am I? Am I really a... monster?

[A picture of Jonatan and Miria will be placed here when applicable.]

"I understand you have questions. I will try my best to answer them, little Jon." A familiar voice hung in Jonatan's weakened mind. Raphi...

He fell to the ground. The pain and hunger were too much, he couldn't stand it. Slowly, his vision faded to black.

         I woke up in pitch black. This was... the lab cellar? Yes. I was laying down in a Cryo-tube; I must have just been melted out because the built-in bed was still chilly and damp. I thought if I didn't get out I would probably catch a cold, but then I remembered they kept the whole structure sterile; even the lower levels where they conducted the more... abrasive experiments. Even so, I got up and out of the tube. Immediately I'm greeted with a frightening auto-voice unit. The lights suddenly flashed on, nearly blinding me.

"Good m-m-morning, unit #100-000! You were in t-temporary s-s-stasis for 843.67 hours. Congratulations on-on successfully completing t-training, your release or-rder should arrive at this Installation b-by 18:00 hours tomorrow!" It cheerfully shouted.

"Auto, do I have normal unit auth. level D6?"

"Your c-c-command authority has been m-maintained. Sch-scheduled for deletion in 71.3 hours."

"Good. Auto, please open the MGE."

"It would b-be a pl-pl-pleasure, unit #100-000! What co-coordinates do you wish to set?"

"AJAX Training Sector, energy translation frequency 456.88."

"Ah, still th-think you're a little rust-sty with projectile systems? I c-cannot blame you."

         Suddenly the mirror wall to the left began to move like surface waves on a body of water, endlessly rippling. I walked into the oozing matter and found myself warped through space and brought to a room filled with laser rifles. They were all tuned down to a point where all firing one could really do is trigger a light sensor at a precise point; as at this time they could only shoot high-frequency semi-visible infra-red light. When I leave I would be given a real weapon for self defense out in the world, but right now that wasn't important. He went to ask Raphi, his Guardian, those last few questions. Just one more time.

What is a tigro? Tigro means "tiger" or "cat" in Esperanto. The tigro are a catlike humanoid species that was formed at an accelerated rate due to mutation caused by excessive electromagnetic radiation, after the Second Holocaust or WWIII when Russia and the US from the old world wiped each other out and destroyed a large portion of the rest of the world during nuclear war. The human species as it originally was had been annihilated completely. I will not describe HOW they reached their current form, such would take far too long.

         It's 6:00 PM on the dot. Miria and Raphi should be ready now.

"Auto. Requesting unit status monitors for units A-#099-987 and B-#098-934"

"Op-opening screen for target A. T-t-target B has already l-left my jurisdiction on this-is Installation."

Raphi was out of Auto's search boundaries? Odd.

"Target B located, opening screen. T-t-target A has opened a secondary-ary-ary status monitor."

Miria was now facing me, and I could see Raphi walking toward an MGE on the other screen. "Well, when are we jumping out of here, Jon?" Miria's image quietly asked.

"As soon as I pick up my Stunner and get authorization."

"Good. Auto just gave me mine and my MGE is running. Don't want to waste the Installation's power."

         I shift a glance to the left and see the mirror wall start to shimmer and ripple. Out of it comes a small silver pistol with blue paint highlights and a black handle. Where on a normal projectile weapon there would be a hole in the barrel, this system used magnetic amplification of radiation and used a lens series to concentrate and fire high frequency pulses of energy. It utilized AA batteries instead of bullets and had a special load/eject system made just for this model. This was the Tesla pistol, or Stunner. All kloni trained as soldiers, even the higher level alfa-soldato like myself received these when we first go out in the world to fend for ourselves.
         "Move it, Jon! Don't you want to go?" Hearing this I immediately stand up and nod. The three of them were now all connected by status screens, each in front of a shimmering mirror-wall. Together they got ready to jump in and leave the Installation behind, as Fate had destined for them.

"3... 2... 1... GO!"

This is part 2 of 3. Once the draft for part 3 is completed I will put them together and edit it all. I will then delete all 3 drafts and place the revised first chapter on my portfolio. I will do this with each chapter and it's parts till there isn't enough space, then I will delete the oldest entry to make room and keep going till the novel is copied down, revised and finished.
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