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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Young Adult · #1923546
"no parents, no rules" is the second chapter of hunter academy, a boarding school story
Part 2- no parents, no rules

Life goes on


         Images keep on flashing through my mind of them, Lips touching, holding hands, and well, being so happy. I wish that I was nick. Oh and to think that I thought he would’ve been happy for me. Fuck. I just, I wish that I could have been the one she liked.

         I am more attractive than nick. I am more popular than nick. I am more of a jock than nick. Why would she like him? I just want to have a girlfriend already. I mean maybe she will get jealous. I hope she gets really jealous.

         In the meantime I have to tough it out in science. I cannot learn one thing from Mr. Haley. He talks so loud and he is so aggressive. I mean really he must be gay. He wrestles, still. I need a tutor. Maybe Cece can help?

         Actually, maybe not. I will ask Angela. I heard she did it with Anthony on the first damn night. That would get Cece jealous for sure. She wants a man, not nick. Nick is a Dick, it rhymes for a reason.

Time for Change


         Rumor has it that David likes me! Oh my goodness! I mean ever since I heard that I have been hanging around him trying to give him a chance to ask me out or something. I can’t stay cool around him though. It’s like every time I talk to him now I act like a lunatic. Why can’t I just be a flirt like Claire and Cece?

         Cece is so lucky to be with Nick now. They are like the cutest couple ever! I want me and David to be just like that! Eep! Okay the more I think about it the more I need to make a move on David. Ladies first, right?

Okay so I IM’d him.

Me: Hey

David: Hi

Me: So Wutsup

David: nutin really

Me: samerz

David: soooo

Me: Wanna play questionz????????

David: Sure

         Questions is basically where you ask people really odd questions where they have to answer honestly! Perfect time to make a move!

Me: u ask 1st

David: kk umm why did u come to hunter

Me: my parents r freaken lunatics wbu???

David: I got a football schalorship


Me: Congrats! Umm……… how many girlfriends did u have??

David: 6


David: Okay, who do u like??

Me: umm.... personal

David: u hav 2 answer

Me: U say it first

David: No!

Me: fineeeee

David: SAY IT

Me: you

         You have no idea how much courage that took to say. I am like shaking waiting for a response. What if he doesn’t like me? What if he does like me? What if he doesn’t know if he likes me? What if this isn’t David. “What ifs” are constantly are cluttering up my brain. 

David: I am sorry Lexi you are really nice and all but I never thought of you as more of a friend before. There is someone out there for you okay?

Me: haha! SIKE! I don’t actually like you I just wanted to see ur reaction

         Why would I ever say that? Now he doesn’t know that I like him. Now I am not embarrassed but still. I feel like poop. I think it is cute that he used real sentences to let me down easy.

David: u had me fooled

Me: I no ;)

David: lol

Me: ttyl I gtg

David: cya l8ter

         Wow I just don’t know what to say anymore. I am calling up Cece. We need a girl’s night in tonight in our room. I just need time right now though, so I can cry my eyes out.

Perfect Two


         Life is good. Nick is really good. We are inseparable. Last night we were on the phone until 3 a.m. and all day we were together.

         We talked about our families and where we were from. We talked about the homework from last night. We talked about how tired we were. Most importantly, we talked about us.

         We had lunch in the courtyard and he paid for me. Nick is just the sweetest guy I have ever met. He holds my hand in public where everyone can see and grabs me by my waist from behind, just like they do in the movies. Everything a boyfriend should do, he does.

         We figured out what our song was going to be, “Perfect two” by Auburn. He told me that it describes us perfectly-the perfect two-swoon.

         It seemed as though each time we kissed we became even closer. The kisses we had are the kind that lingered. They stayed with me for days because of how much each one meant.

         His kisses were sweet. They did not push me to far ever. He always respected how much I wanted to do. I was the first one to take it to French. It seemed like he wanted me to take charge. He is respectful.

He is like a puppy dog. He will always stay loyal and never try to hurt you. He is playful and energetic and brings out a different side of people. I could never be mad at a puppy.

         Nick said that he is like that because “My feelings are the only ones that matter.” I can tell that he really means that by the way he is so gentle with me.

         When I went to class, he carried me on his back. He told me that I was as light as a feather. He always knows what to say to make me to smile.

         Nick is just perfect. We are just perfect. We are the perfect two.


Heart broken

         Anthony ruined me. We had sex on the first night of freshman year. What was I thinking? That isn’t my personality. I am no slut. I am the nerd who always ends up sitting on the benches at the school dances.

         Now I am not even a virgin so you know what? I don’t give a shit anymore. Tate- the school jock/jerk- asked me to tutor him, so I am going to. I going to not only tutor him but I am going to blow him away, if you know what I mean.

         So as student body president I am organizing the freshman kickoff dance. I am putting out the posters and starting to sell the tickets tomorrow. The dance is the next day. The guys have to choose quickly. Tate will be my date. He has to be.

         Okay so here it goes having sex, again. Why does that bother me? Everyone does it. I have to get over this.



         Why did I reject her? Why would I reject the beautiful Lexi? She obviously wasn’t kidding. I already knew that she liked me anyway. Just because Claire is my first choice does not mean that I shouldn’t be with Lexi. Anyway, Claire has been a real bitch lately and Lexi definitely has not.

         I think I am going to ask her to the dance. No, I know that I am going to ask her to the dance. This dance will be epic man! Angela somehow got all of the dorm parents to go out the night that it is.

         Apparently the parents are seeing if they can trust us. Dude, I don’t even care I just need to go with Lexi. I feel like the more she shows she doesn’t need me the more I need her.

         Here she comes!

         “Hey, um, Lexi, Can we talk?”

         “Sure, what?”

         “In private”

         Once I said in private, Cece- who was walking with her- gave her a suspicious smile and walked away.

         “What?!” she said with a smile

         “Will you go to the dance with me?” I said, now also smiling, hoping for the best.

         Her smile faded “I’m really sorry David.”

         “What, I thought you liked me?” I was upset now and extremely embarrassed.

         “I do, it’s just that now that you said what you said when we were IM’ing…” she trailed off

         “What, what did I do?”

         “I wasn’t your first choice and I deserve better.”

         The moment she said that I knew that she was right. She wasn’t my first choice than and she does deserve better. I need to be better.

         “So, bye.”

         “Bye David.”

         When she walked away I could feel what she must have felt when I rejected her, Anger, hurt and humiliation. I think that I felt something else though too. Fight. I am going to fight for Lexi, and win.

The Dance


         This place is decked out. The atmosphere is amazing. Strobe lights, a disco ball, punch, music, this place has it all.

         So Angela didn’t want to go to the dance with me. Apparently she is going with that pervert Tate or something. Now I came all alone and it is so weird. Everyone has a date, but me.

         I saw Nick and Cece come in. They were in front of me. They are like, the “it couple” of Hunter. They are always the happiest people-when they’re together- with smiles on their faces and hands intertwined. It is funny to me how the strongest, happiest couples haven’t “done it.”

         I also saw Lexi walk in, but she was alone. I was going to ask her to dance but then David told me that she was all his.

         “Hey, Anthony how’s it going?” David decided to start a conversation. I guess probably because he also didn’t have a date, even though he could have asked any girl in the school and they would have said yes.

         “Hi, it’s going good.”

         “So do you have a date?”

         “Naa. Why don’t you have one?” I asked starting to regret asking because he seemed to be about to get started on a long speech.

         “Well it’s kind of a long story, but tonight I am totally going to get Lexi to-“He was cut off

         These crazy sexy ladies come grinding on me. Oh god they felt nice on me. Maybe tonight won’t be so bad for me.

         I sort of wanted to hear the rest of what David’s story. I mean then I could have not been so surprised at what happened next. At the moment, grinding with the foxy ladies was more important.

         Next thing I know David is on the stage. He turned off the music and told us to listen up through the microphone. What the fuck was he doing?

         “Okay so this week I really screwed up with this girl,” he began

“I had my chance with her but I didn’t take it and I am so sorry about it,” he seemed to be looking at someone in the crowd but I couldn’t tell who.

“I want a second chance.” He was still looking at the girl.

“This song is dedicated to the girl. I hope she forgives me, and you know who you are.” He was still staring at the girl, who I now realized is Lexi.

         He picked up the guitar and started to sing “Stay” by Rihanna and Mikky Ekko and David was one damn good singer.

         I saw Lexi and she was crying-happy tears of course- while all of her friends pushed her up onto the stage. I never saw anything like it in my life. When they kissed at the end of the song the cheering was just magical. So magical it made me feel alone.

When dreams come true


         When he says my name it already makes me swoon, but now I don’t even know what is happening. This is the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me and I don’t ever want it to end.

         When we make eye contact I feel like I am just going to fall into his arms. He is everything I want and everything I need. The way he sang for me made me feel like the luckiest girl alive.

         I love when dreams become reality.



         Cece came to the dance looking beautiful as ever. She wore high heels so we could be close to the same height. She is just the best girlfriend ever.

         After the whole Lexi and David drama ended they played our song. We slow danced. As we were dancing a different feeling came into play than ever before.

         While dancing it was like there was nothing separating us, not lips, not hands, not anything. I could feel every breath she took and tried to make mine be in sync with hers. When I finally got it she whispered to me.

         “We are definitely the perfect two.”

         “Definitely.” I couldn’t help but smile.

         Just then she did something unexpected. She grabbed my hands and lowered them. I didn’t want to violate her but I was waiting for her to do that.

         “Now we are perfect” she answered with a shy smile

         What I said next surprised me more than it must have surprised her. “I love you, Cece.” I didn’t mean to say it but I knew that it was true.

         “I love you too.” She said and pulled me up against her. This time I made the move. I brushed the hair out of her eyes and kissed her neck then her check than her strawberry flavored lips. It was special.

         “Let’s go back to your place” she said looking really pleased.

         “Anything you want love,” I replied. She already knows that I love her, so I don’t see why not to say that.

         So we did go back to my room. She fell asleep in my bed with me that night. No, we did not sleep together, in the sense of having sex; it was too early for that. She just fell asleep in my arms.

She looked at me when we were laying there, kissed my fingers that were around her waist and said “We are perfect”

Her feet dangled between my knees because of our height difference. I couldn’t fall asleep that night. I loved her so much that I just looked at her for hours on end.

She snored very lightly in her sleep. Most people would think it was annoying but, funny enough, I wouldn’t have changed that. I wouldn’t have changed anything about that night. That night is perfection and we both know it.



         The dance is terrible. Angela is constantly watching Anthony and the hoes and I am constantly watching Cece and Nick.

         Yeah she is so fucking good at doing me but god damn, I bet Cece would be better. Angela and I have nothing in common, and never will.

         Luckily we both decided to use each other to get our real loves jealous. Jealousy runs through everyone’s mind no matter how happy they are. It especially runs through ours.

         I guess you could call us friends with benefits. It’s just the only difference is that Angela and I are practicing for something better, and if we fall for each other we don’t have to stop it.

         I hate being jealous. Why can’t I just like Angela? She is hot and desirable. The only problem is that she is no Cece. Yeah, I am jealous at the moment. Would you be jealous if the girl that you like was sleeping with one of your best friends? Well I am.

© Copyright 2013 Valerie Gibbons (lizzy911 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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