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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1923525
Born in a world he is not apart of. Erdrick goes in search of his destiny.
Erdrick Ranger of the Underworld

By: Johnny Samuel

         The sun rose over the majestic purple Aaburg Mountains, and cascaded its light down into the sacred forest of Muirwood in the lush highland valley below.

Tonight would be the birth of the new moon, and mothers were preparing their new born babes for the blessings of the gods.  The mothers took their precious gifts to the sacred river of Chunok and bathed them near the Thunder Falls where the river cascaded over a high precipice to the lands of the middle world. After bathing the babes the mothers dried and wrapped them with silk.

With the young bathed and wrapped the mothers made their way to the temple of FeLarus the Mother of All Living things of the middle world. Each child when entering the temple was anointed by the priests and priestess.

Duina was one of these mothers waiting in line as the members of the Holy Order anointed the babies. She looked into the dark black eyes of her first born with great pride. She knew today was the day he little Erdrick would be blessed by the three bringers of life and light, and would be given the direction his life would follow. Erdrick looked back into his mother’s eyes with a smirk on his face. That smirk had been there since his birth one month before. Duina would tease him as she did on this morning in the temple saying, “What is the secret you hide in your heart little one, can you not tell your own mother?” This always made Erdrick giggle, for his mother was his source of all happiness.

It was Erdrick’s turn. Duina took him to the High Voice of Light, who in turn placed the little elf in the offering bowl in the lap of the statue of FeLarus. The High Voice gasped as the mystical tribal style tattoos began to appear on Erdrick’s infant body. This was quite normal for this showed what gifts if any FeLarus Mother of All Life bestowed on the child. Erdrick’s markings showed he was given the gift of FeLarus’s Voice, the ability to communicate with animals. His markings also showed he had the gift of wood lore, meaning he would naturally know what plants healed, could be eaten, and acted as a ward against the biting insects. Getting the gift of wood lore was rare indeed, but no one had received the Voice of FeLarus in over two thousand years. The fact that Erdrick was given both marked him has a blessed one, and would be expected to enter into the priesthood as a ranger.

The High Voice picked up Erdrick and took him to the alter of Elil Sky God and Father of weather. Elil would give his protection to the babies. The High Voice gently placed Erdrick in the offering bowl, and saw many magical and powerful wards placed on him with golden, silver and white, markings. Erdrick’s mystical tattoos marked him from his left cheek down to the tops of his feet. No other baby had ever been marked by the gods in such a manner.

The final blessing came from Karma Mother of the gods and director of life’s thread. She would determine what direction his life would go, whether to be a hunter, artist, priest, or tender of crops. Erdrick as before was placed in Karma’s offering bowl for his path in life. The High Voice could not understand what was happening. The High Voice had never seen this before. Erdrick’s eyes turned from black to gold. Normally the babies’ eyes would change to blue, or green, or brown. It was the eye color that marked their path in life. Green marked priesthood, brown marked a tender, blue marked an artist, and hazel marked a hunter. Never had Karma marked an elf with gold eyes.

The High Voice took Erdrick from the great stone bowl, and handed him to a priest. The Voice then gathered her robs up and walked to Duina. “The child is special; he has been blessed by the god like no other in our history in the middle world. You must go with Father Anza and I will be with you before the rising of the new moon. Duina nodded her understanding and with wide eyes followed after the priest.

Duina sat in an adder room with her blessed baby. High Mother Muser, highest priestess of FeLarus came and sat with her. They talked in hushed tones as High Mother Muser held and looked at the strange and powerful markings on Erdrick’s infant body.

Initiates of the Holy Order saw to their needs bringing food and drink. Duina tried to let the vast array of fruits and fish take her mind off of Erdrick, but it did not work. She only picked at her food. High Mother Muser tried to ease the mind of Duina. “Honey, I know that you are worried, but as High Mother of FeLarus these markings say that he will live a long and fruitful life. I can’t tell you what the golden eyes could mean, but as your aunt I would tell you how proud I am of you. Little Erdrick has that same smirk that you used to have when you were a baby. I remember how your mother would fuse over you with the hair ribbons and pretty dresses.”

Duina smiled thinking of her mother, “Aunt Muse I know the gods would not have let me have this child if it was not their will, but it is the will of the gods for my child that has me worried.” “Tut, tut child. All will be made clear when the High Voice comes, and we go to the Great Vault of Tomes. If we cannot find any writings on this, then we will consult with the Bones, and see what the will of gods are. The gods are just and good, never forget that.”

After sometime the High Voice of the gods came. She did not speak but simply gave a signal with her finger for them to follow. They walked to the Great Vault of Tomes. The entrance was two peaked doors that filled the archway. The doors were emblazed with gold reliefs of ancient days gone by. Inside the vault bookshelves lined every wall and were spaced out evenly throughout the entire vault that was beyond words to describe its vastness.

They searched through the tomes with the help of the librarians on hand. The only information they gained was a single reference in an ancient tome written before the world was split into three. When the underworld was a land of great beauty and filled with dwarfs and elves. The tome spoke of days before the humans came that caused the War of gods. It was this war that split the world into three. It spoke of a leader with golden eyes that lead his people through troubled times. Nothing else about golden eyes was found.

Frustrated with their lack of success they went to the main temple of Karma inside the holy mountain of Elsgad. The great holy mountain was part of the Aaburg mountain range. It was the tallest peak in the entire chain. Inside was the holy city that shared its name with the mountain. The city was home for all the main temples of the three gods, and where mothers took their child to be blessed.

Once inside the main alter room reserved for only the highest of the Holy Order, the High Voice called for the Maiden of the Bones. A hunched old wizen woman wearing a dirty hooded cloak with long stringy white hair spilling out entered the room with the help of her gnarled cane. She was rumored to be the oldest person in all of the three worlds. In her age spotted hand she held a small faded purple bag. She made her way to the main alter and cast the bones from the bag into the offering bowl while chanting an incantation that none there could quite make out.  When the bones came to rest she gazed long at them, then began taking up the bones again to place them in her old worn bag.

“What did they say?” Duina asked. The old woman simply kept gathering her casting bones. The High Mother of FeLarus wrapped her arms around the scared young mother, and said, “Come now Seraph, tell my niece what the bones said.” Once all the bones were in their bag the old crone said, “This child is not meant for our world, not yet anyway. His place is below. A profound destiny lies before him one that he will shape with his choices.”

Duina would have fallen if her aunt had not been holding her. Seraph turned a sad eye to the ladies gathered and said, “I can tell you that once in my youth when the three worlds were one there was an elf. His name was King Satbiah. He was a great king and was loved by all including the dwarfs. He was the last High Elven King, for the darkness came during his reign. He led all the peoples in a war against the humans. They had forsaken the teachings and ways of the Great Mother FeLarus, and tried to wrest the power of the weather from Elil. They followed a different god that taught them of the forbidden art of Blood Magic. He took the men and women that were warriors including the dwarfs, and formed a grand army. Before he fought the last battle he sent away all those that could not fight to what is now the middle world.”

Seraph sat down on a stone pew complaining of her arthritis, before continuing, “Satbiah was my father. On the day of the last battle the Oracle said, Fear not for our king. Though today he rides to his death that we may live on, he will return. Again the golden eyes will return when the darkness would try and grow.” 

The High Voice put a trembling hand over her mouth and whispered, “Oh Elil protect us. Are we to give this baby to the dark ones that dwell in the underworld?” Seraph shook her old tired head under her hood and replied, “No High Voice, but his life will take him to the underworld where he will make his true path. That is what the golden eyes represent, the ability to create their own path in life. The choices this child will make will shape all three of the worlds. The first set created the three, the second will mold them, and the third will bind them again. That is what the Oracle said at the birth of my father. No one knew what those words meant until the darkness crept into the land.”

Duina could not hide he wonder, “Seraph you are the daughter of the last great king, and you saw him ride into the last battle?” Seraph looked into the eyes of Duina with sad ones of her own. Duina gasped as she looked into the silver eyes of the old woman. Seraph replied, “Yes dear, my eyes turned silver when I was given to Karma in the old Holy City. My mother was told I would live until the three have passed. So my dear with your son being the second of the gold eyes, I will have to endure watching generations being born, growing old, then answering the call of Karma until the third set of eyes bind the three worlds. What your son will mold them into I do not know, nor do I know how the third will bind the three for they are the Pathmakers. That is what your son will be known as Erdrick Pathmaker.” With that the Maiden of the Bones stood and shuffled back to her quarters.

Seeing the old Maiden of the Bones was going to tell no more the three ladies just looked at the baby. One with suspicion, one with pity, and one with the only way a mother could look at a child and that is with love.

Twenty two years later Erdrick was a ranger. He had gone very fast through training, but promotions were hard to come by. In fact after receiving his bow showing that he was a ranger he never saw another promotion. That was something Erdrick was used to. Because his golden eyes marked him as a person of the underworld making friends and getting recognition was impossible. He was not even allowed to teach initiates in the knowledge of wood lore. After receiving his bow after he joined the librarians. Even they did not talk to him, and he was given the night shift so no one else could see him in the Great Vault. When he had free time he would visit his mother, the only person in his whole life that made him feel normal.

Erdrick was traveling to his mother’s village to spend the Harvest Festival at home. He had been hearing hunters and rangers in the woods racing among the trees fast on the heels of some prey. The thought of hunting the prey took him to the time when he was hunting a squirrel and found he could talk with animals. It is very hard to hunt something you can talk to. Since that day he simply ate fish and veggies. A smile crept across his face as he remembered the look on the Arc Ranger’s face when he came back with the squirrel on his shoulder and not on hunter’s prey line. He named the squirrel squeaker. That squirrel was the only friend he had. When the squirrel died of old age Erdrick could feel the pain and release of his passing.

Erdrick learned in the tomes in the Great Vault that he had bonded with the squirrel. When a ranger with the gift of FeLarus’s Voice first talks to an animal, the elf is then bonded to that animal. Each feels the other’s pain, and joy. Squeakers passing had hit him hard. Since then he had not bonded with any other animal. He simply could not handle the pain of their passing and the loss he felt afterwards.

From the noise in the woods the rangers and hunters had their prey trapped and was going in for the kill. He understood why they had to hunt, but still did not like it. When he had to bring back a pelt to earn his bow as a ranger, he and squeaker found an old deer. The deer wanted to be released from the pain of his old age. His knees were swollen with arthritis and his heart was weak. Erdrick had cried when he fed the old deer a broth that would allow the deer to sleep, so he could not feel the knife slide across his throat. After the kill he thanked the spirit of the deer and honored him, then he built an alter to FeLarus over the cairn he made for the body of the deer, and prayed that she would take the spirit of the deer into her realm where death could not enter.

Erdrick was nearing the village when he heard a cry for help. He stopped and listened intently. The cry came again, “Help!” He knew it was coming from the prey and he could tell it was wounded and scared. He could not ignore the cry; he strung his bow and nocked an arrow. Taking a deep breath he left the path and entered the woods.

Erdrick crept to the scene where the cries were coming from. He was surprised to find the cries for help did not come from a deer, squirrel, or a wild boar. They were coming from a feared Blood Wolf. It was injured badly and was not going to last much longer if the hunters and rangers had their way. Erdrick was confused, Blood Wolfs were creatures from the underworld, and how this one came to be in the middle world he did not know. What Erdrick did know was he had to help the Blood Wolf. A force that he could not understand was driving him to action.

Erdrick stepped into the clearing and walked to the rocky outcropping where the Blood Wolf was cornered. The wolf turned its fierce red eyes toward Erdrick and let out a low growl. Erdrick slowly un-nocked his arrow, and put both the arrow and bow on the ground in front of him. He could hear the cries from the hunters for him to get out of the way, and to not drop his weapons. He walked slowly toward the large Blood Wolf and said, “Great predator, I come not with malice of heart, but with a kind hand of friendship. I will do you no wrong, but will heal your wounds. I am not with those that hunt with long claws and flying sticks that bite.” Erdrick by this time was beside the wolf.

It was massive, the size of a full grown great bear of the caves. He knew from texts that Blood Wolves could see in the dark and had the speed and agility of cats, the large fangs of the Sabre Stalkers found in the plains.  Its hair was thick like that of the great cave bear too, but was soft like a dogs. His overall appearance was that of a wolf. This creature was the product of blood magic, and was an abomination. At least that is what he was taught. If that was true though he should not be able to talk to it.

He built up a rock shielding to protect the wounded creature while he gathered herbs to make a poultice to fight any infection that may have gotten into the wound. While he was gathering the herbs in the clearing he was approached by Adas Arc Ranger and the hunting party. Adas was the commander of all rangers in the middle world. His hunting party was made up of notable hunters, and rangers.

“What is the meaning of this Erdrick Pathmaker? Why are you protecting this vile abomination? I have put up with your little quirks in the matter of hunting, but this is a Blood Wolf. Now step aside and let us do the work of FeLarus.”

A rage came over Erdrick, “And who said it was FeLarus that ordered this creature to die? Is she not the Mother of All Life? Last I checked this wounded animal is a life form.”

“I will not tell you again, so I will order you ranger Erdrick as your Arc Ranger to stand aside and let us finish this hunt!”

Erdrick did not budge, but instead unsheathed his sword. “I will not move, nor will I allow you to kill this animal. I have the Voice of FeLarus and I can talk to him, so I will protect him even to my last breath!”

Adas was tired of this little weird elf, so he drew his sword as well. “If you want to side with this abomination from the underworld, then you side against your own kind. I knew you were no good, your eyes from the underworld told everyone that.” Adas charged Erdrick. Erdrick quickly sidestepped the charge tripping the Arc Ranger in the process. When Adas hit the ground Erdrick chanted a quick spell and felt some of his life force leave him as vines came to life like snakes binding everyone where they were.

He walked to the Blood Wolf and applied the poultice. The wound was made by a spear point. If not for his thick hide it would have killed him. After applying the medicine Erdrick found the wolf also had a broken front leg. He splinted the leg and made a hasty litter. After moving the Blood Wolf to the litter he threw its strap across his chest and began dragging the wolf out of the clearing and back to the trail.

He waited until he was on the path home before he released the vines from their spell. Using all of his training he hid his tracks and made his way to the village and his mother’s home.

Luckily his mother lived on the outskirts of the village deep inside the Erwood, so he drew no attention from the villagers. At his mother’s simple stone cottage, Erdrick continued the treatment of the wounded Blood Wolf. Erdrick’s mother was proud and worried all at the same time.

“Erdrick, you realize that by saving this creature you are sealing your fate with the rangers, and your own people.” Erdrick knew that this would mean his exile. “Mother I cannot just sit by and do nothing while this animal was crying out for help.”

Duina knew it was time, so she told Erdrick of his Blessing Day when he was given to the gods. “Mother, why didn’t you tell me of this earlier?” Duina walked to the kitchen window in the one room cottage and softly wept and tried to explain. “Son I was afraid that if you knew of the blessings the gods gave you, you would leave to go seeking your life’s path.”

Erdrick finished dressing the wounded Blood Wolf and scratched him behind the ear. “Was no one told of this? Is that why I have been shunned my whole life?” Duina told Erdrick that an initiate of the Holy Order had overheard only part of what Seraph said. Erdrick could not believe what he was hearing. “So I have been shunned, ridiculed, and looked over for promotions because some Holy Order newbie overheard Gold eyes meant that I belonged in the underworld?”

Duina could not sooth her son’s pain of what he thought was betrayal, and could see the Blood Wolf was reacting the same. The large predator began growling, and looking for the target of Erdrick’s rage. “Son, the fact that you can talk with a creature of the Underworld only proves what was said, but remember your name is Pathmaker. That means you shape your own destiny, Karma holds no sway over you. That is a true gift. Now look at yourself then look at your bond mate. See he too is reacting to your anger. You must learn to control your emotions my son, for if you do not they will be the death of you or those you love. You hold a great responsibility, go talk with Seraph. You are not in your right mind right now, you need wisdoms voice in your ear.”

Erdrick knew he was not thinking, when he had dressed the wounds of the Blood Wolf he had used a simple healing prayer to speed his recovery. “Mom is right, I am not thinking right. When I prayed I bonded myself to the Blood Wolf. Well what is done is done, but I do need the voice of wisdom in my ear.” Erdrick thought when he saw the Blood Wolf try and stand to protect Erdrick. Erdrick agreed and went to talk to Seraph, after he soothed and hid the Blood Wolf in his mother’s vegetable cellar.

Since his mother’s village was a few days travel from the Holy City of Elsgad, he packed a few supplies and stuck out using trails only he knew of. “I cannot have any rangers or hunters finding me now.” He said to himself as he took to his secret paths in the forest.

He was one day from Elsgad and was getting ready to camp for the night, when he spotted a campfire burning on a hill across the valley from the hill he was camped on. “Who is camping out here? I hope no one has found my game trails. Well better go and see who my neighbor is, without them knowing I am being nosey.” Erdrick left his stack kindling in the stone fire ring he had made and made off for the distant light.

Erdrick used all of his skills of stealth approaching the mysterious campfire. “The fire did not look that far away when I first saw it. I cannot even see my hill anymore. I don’t remember ever being here.” He thought as be made his way. This was strange for any ranger, for when a ranger walked any forest, plain or delta he remembered, rangers called this foot memory. Since Erdrick had called this forest home during his youth his feet should remember this ground, but they did not. Never the less onward he went making his way up the hill toward the fire.

He climbed an old oak just outside the firelight and eased out onto a limb that stretched out high over the campsite. “There is no need to slink about like a shadow cat young Erdrick Pathfinder. I have been expecting you.” Erdrick was shocked. “I am sure I made no sound, how could anyone hear me?” The young ranger stayed where he was and surveyed the campsite. All he could see was a hunched figure sitting on a log by the fire, and the Blood Wolf he rescued. From the voice he knew it was an old lady, and that old lady was Seraph.

“Come down from that tree young one. This is no trap. There are no rangers here to arrest you for rescuing that Blood Wolf. I am surprised you did not bring him with you. You are bound to him if I am not mistaken.” Erdrick climbed down and approached the fire.

“How did you hear me, and why are you here in the forest? What are you doing with my Blood Wolf? Do you not fear him or the other creatures of the night?” Seraph cackled at Erdrick’s words. “Boy at my age I never fear any creature, be they of the night or day. I have something that keeps them at bay.” With that she pulled back her hood and Erdrick saw her silver eyes for the first time in his life.

Erdrick was taken aback by the site. Seraph gave a toothless grin and continued, “You see you are bound to more than a Blood Wolf ranger. We three are bound together.” Seraph then told Erdrick what she had told his mother on his blessing day in the Holy City of Elsgad. “So you see we are bound. It is our eyes that bind us. I know you have many more questions. There is more to the story that I did not tell your mother that day because it had to be told to you first. So I have waited these twenty some odd years. When you get to be my age though what is twenty odd years?” Erdrick shrugged his shoulders in answer to the question.  “Only that long” Seraph snapped her fingers. “My young golden eyed ranger.”

Erdrick waited for her to tell him the rest of her tail, but was disappointed when instead was told, “Now go and get us some supper. Take your Blood Wolf with you. This tale will not be told on an empty stomach. I know you do not like killing creatures, but there is a stream on the other side of this hill. I am sure there are big fish in it.” Erdrick mumbled a yes mam and walked toward the stream he was told of. The old crone called after him saying, “Do not be so disappointed my young ranger; you will get your answers to all of your questions.”

Erdrick and his Blood Wolf walked down the backside of the hill and came upon the stream. It was very big for a stream. “It is more like a small river.” Erdrick said to his wolf. “Come on, let’s go fishing.” Erdrick was strapping his three prong fishing spear tip to a sturdy limb, when he heard a great splash. He quickly looked up to see his wolf standing on a small sand bar in the stream with a fish in his mouth. Erdrick laughed at the site saying, “Crazy wolf, you are scaring off the fish.” Having finished making his spear Erdrick walked over to his wolf and patted him on the head.

Erdrick waded out into the stream. He had to be careful not to go too far in for he could tell it was a very deep stream, and the cold clear water was moving fast. Standing in water that was just above his waist he began spearing the fish as they swam by. Erdrick was amazed at their size. “Hey wolf, look at the size of these fish. This is the best haul I have ever landed.” The haul would have been more but the wolf was eating most of the fish lying on the side of the stream.

After stringing the catch the ranger and his wolf made their way back to the camp site. Erdrick kept looking at the wolf and thinking, “You need a name.” After a few steps thinking, it stuck Erdrick. “I know what I will call you. Your name will be Lokar.” Lokar was a famous ranger that had the Voice of FeLarus. He was bonded to the largest cave bear ever seen by any elf. Lokar was known for his hunting prowess, speed, power, stealth, and most of all his appetite. When the wolf heard the name Lokar he responded by looking at Erdrick and wagging his tail. “I am happy you approve of your name friend. We do not want you to be angry, because you would eat all the fish.”

Erdrick and Lokar returned to camp where Erdrick began scaling the catch. Seraph had spits ready made for the catch and skewered the fish, then placed them over the camp fire. She reached into an old blue pouch and sprinkled some of its contents over the fish. The aroma was the best smell ever to cross Erdrick’s nose. He licked his lips, and looked to Lokar only to see the wolf mirroring him. Seraph cackled as she turned the fish over cooking each side until the meat was golden. “Be patient my young ranger and pup. Soon enough your belly and curiosity will be sated.

After eating their fill Seraph as promised continued her tale. “I know you have many questions, so I will begin with this. Karma in her wisdom gave my father the first set of golden eyes. It was his decisions that made the three worlds. You have been given the second set of gold eyes, so your decisions will mold the three worlds. Karma will only lead you to the places where you need to be, but she will let you write your own destiny. So you must be wise and think carefully. You must always know that your choices effect more than just yourself. You and I are bound, because I was given silver eyes. That marked me as the teacher of the three. I failed with my father. After his death I swore I would not fail anymore. It was my cowardice, and stubborn pride that caused his death.”

Seraph’s eyes leaked small tears at the memory of her father’s death. “The Oracle tried to teach me of my responsibility, but I was young and thought I had all the time in the world. When the darkness came I was unprepared to carry the mantle Karma put on my shoulders. After we fled the armies of Bamara we were led to the middle world by the Light of FeLarus.”

“Who is Bamara? Was he the human leading the armies?” Erdrick asked. “No child, Bamara is the name of the god of darkness, death, and disease; teacher of blood magic. When the Great King fell in battle only a few of the elves and dwarfs were able to escape. FeLarus guided the elves, while Elil guided the dwarfs to safety.”

“What happened to those left behind? Why did the gods leave anyone to Bamara? Are there still elves and dwarfs in the underworld? Who guided the humans out? What happened to the humans? Not all of them were evil were they?” Erdrick could not hold back his questions any longer. They came spilling out of him like water bursting out of a cracked dam.

“Easy child, I will answer your questions. No one lead the humans out because it was Bamara that lead them from their homeland to the great plains of what was Eurul. No one knows where they came from, only that they came.  The humans were met with open arms of friendship. They repaid the kindness of the dwarfs and elves with violence. They burned, killed, and enslaved. All this they did in the name of Bamara their god of power.” Seraph remembered the horror of those early days when the darkness came.

Seraph was a pretty young elf princess. The Oracle was her teacher. The Oracle was a great seer gifted by the gods to help direct leaders in ways of peace. All clan chiefs, kings, queens, and even farmers, merchants and others would come to her for her special sight. Ninli was the Oracle’s name. She was tall and very beautiful. Her skin was the color of honey kissed by the sun. Her hair changed color with the seasons. Though she had many beautiful features it was her eyes that drew attention. They were the color of quarts marble. Many a male elf fell to the charm of the eyes that sparkled in any type of light. She could marry, but every time she was asked she would only say, “I know who the right one is, and I will search for him when it is time. I have seen it.”

Seraph was just as beautiful though her hair was the color of pure sunlight. She too was wooed by many young nobles’ sons. They had no chance of winning her heart, for it belonged to another. Eukos was his name. Though he was not of noble birth, he was noble in action. Eukos was a simple farmer that toiled a patch of land that Seraph could see from her chamber tower’s window.

She had never noticed him before, but that all changed on what she thought was a very ordinary afternoon. She was out ridding when she was supposed to be attending her lessons with the Oracle. It was so beautiful outside she decided her lessons could wait. She knew that with the humans invading the land she did not need to be out ridding alone; but they were so far away, and when you are young danger always seems far away. She went to the stable where the stable boys readied her horse named Luga after a fabled winged horse. Oh how Luga could run.

Her long hair flowing behind her as Luga galloped over the fields. The day drew on, and both Luga and Seraph were tired and needed rest. After jumping every fence she could find, Seraph knew her beautiful Luga needed an award. She dismounted and walked Luga to a nearby apple tree so they could both get a sweet treat. After a couple of apples for the both and a good rub down for Luga; Seraph decided it was time to take a leisurely ride back to the stables and home. She knew the Oracle would be mad, but mused, “She can see the future, so surely she knew today I would enjoy the day with Luga. Therefore she has no reason to get mad by saying I did not tell her. I mean really Luga why would I have to tell someone something that they already knew?”

Seraph always talked to Luga when they went out on their rides. Satisfied with her logic she placed her foot in the stirrup o climb onto Luga for their ride home. At that moment a group of human warriors came out of the stand of apple trees. “Hey look her boys; it seems he found us a real pretty little elf.” The one in front of the group said. He grabbed Luga’s bridle as he spoke. “You will not come near me. I am Seraph daughter of the Great King Satbiah. If you hurt me or touch me he will send out his great army to hunt you down.” Seraph cried out trying to appear strong when inside she was in a panic.

It all happened very fast. One of the men had walked around and grabbed her from behind. He held her so tight her lungs fought against the crushing force to draw breath. The men then started ripping off her clothes, making lewd comments. She tried to cry out for help, but the one holding her was only using one arm. The left the hand free to clamp over her mouth. She had heard stories of what human men did to the elfish women.  She could feel the soft breeze caress her bare skin as the humans ripped her clothes.

Seraph was wrought with fear, she struggled but those arms were like vices holding her in place. Then in an instant she was on the ground, and Eukos face filled her vision. He helped her up and asked if she was ok. She replied with a shaky yes. The young farmer helped her on Luga then tied the lead reigns to his saddle so he could escort her home.

Seraph could still hear the warning bells toll in the towers of the city as she came back to the present and away from that horrible memory. Erdrick was looking at her with concern in his eyes. “Seraph, what happened to Eukos?”

“He died with my father. He and I had grown very close and we were to be married, but the war was upon us and he marched off to his death.” Sadness swept over Seraph. “Many good elves died that day so we could be safe here in the middle world.”

Erdrick’s heart went out to his teacher. Seraph gathered herself up then said, “Well we have much to discuss.” All that night and for many nights after she instructed Erdrick about his responsibility, and the laws that govern his gifts.

“So I cannot bond with more than three animals?” Erdrick asked. “No little one you can bond with more than three, but you must be very careful. Remember your mind can only process so much information until you lose your mind. When you bond you join your mind, life force and emotions to that animal. It is possible to lose yourself in an animal, so be very careful.”

Day and night the lesson’s continued until one day Seraph told Erdrick, “Your lessons are over. I am always in your thoughts. If you need advice or wisdom beyond your years simply think of me and I will hear you. Now it is time for you to go. You cannot stay in the middle world; you must begin your journey to the underworld. I know you will want to say your goodbyes to your mother, so I give you this hearth stone. It will project your image to your home, no matter where you are. It was my father’s. My husband used it too on that last day, but enough of that. The underworld is your first stop on a journey that will take you to places elves have not trod in many a long generation. Take this compass. When you need direction it will guide you, for it does not always point to the north, but to your destiny. May FeLarus be with you, and Elil protect you Erdrick. The hope of the races of light goes with you. Fare thee well.”

Erdrick could not sleep well that night, as thoughts of the underworld filled his dreams. When the morning dawn found Erdrick he was sitting up alone by the campfire. He did not know when Seraph had left. It was only he and Lokar now. He took out his hearth stone and spoke to his mother. The tears in her eyes, was almost too much for him to bear. He knew though that he could not shirk his responsibility to the people of the light. After saying goodbye to his mother, Erdrick broke camp and prepared for the walk into the unknown. “The compass shows we go to the east Lokar, so let’s be off.”

Ranger and Blood Wolf walked off the hilltop and to their destiny.

© Copyright 2013 Johnny Samuel (jonny_samuel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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