Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1923363-Waltzing-Blind
Rated: 13+ · Other · Dark · #1923363
Allister Grimm arrives to the Victory Ball.
The ball was just starting when Allister Grimm walked in.  All about the massive room were couples swaying to the left and then to the right in rhythm to the music playing from the various string instruments of the band.  Masks of differing colors were seen on every face of every guest in the room, some featuring angelic beauty, and some with the look of demonic allure.  Allister was wearing a mask of the color blue, featuring a face made up in laughter of the most sinister of sort.  People looked on as he walked past them in his blue mask with the malicious looking smile, but soon went back to their dancing.

Allister walked over to the table with all the food on it.  The amount of fine cuisines laid out on it would have made any normal guest at this event smile with gluttonous  delight.  He grabbed a small sandwich, lifted his mask a bit, and ate it at an attempt to seem normal in the filled room.  Still the band strummed on with their stringed instruments, the song soon grew ever-more somber.  Allister looked over and found a young girl sitting by herself.  She had fine red hair and deep green eyes, both complimented by the dress she was wearing, her mask had the features of a smirking angel, and a feather stuck out of the top.  Allister walked over to the young girl, "Would you care for a dance?  Such an event like this should not be met with loneliness."

The young girl got up and looked at his mask and said, "With such an interesting mask, how could I say no?"  Her voice was soft and delightful.  Allister took her hand and led the young girl to the center of the dancing.  He then took her other hand and began a waltz, to which the music required.  Allister followed the music, swaying back and forth and spinning the beautiful girl as the music instructed.

Soon the band switched to a slower song, which warranted a monotonous swaying back and forth, to which Allister reluctantly followed, as this is what the normal guests were doing.  The young girl seemed to pick up on this reluctance, "I see you are no fan of this dance either."

"I prefer something with more spinning, if I am to be honest."

"It is a lot more fun that way, isn't it?  All this swaying is quite boring."  She said with a laugh, the feather moved a bit with the movements.  "May I ask about your mask?"

"You may ask me anything and I shall answer."

"Serious, huh?  I like that.  Why did you get a mask with such a …serious look to it?"  She asked with yet another laugh.

"The mask is laughing, how can it be a serious mask?"

"A smart one too, rather I should have asked, why do you have a mask with such a, um, malicious laughter to it?"  She said.

"Too many people wear happy masks, I prefer to switch things up a bit."  Allister said.

"And what do you think of my mask, huh?"  She asked quickly.

"I like the smirk.  It seems to have a deeper intent to it."  Allister said.

"A deeper intent?"  She asked.

"Yes, look over there at the fat woman in red, her mask is smiling.  You can tell that the mask maker simply made that mask smile for the happiness of the occasion.  Your mask has a smirk to it that seems to be hinting at a deeper intent on its part.

"I guess you are right, I enjoy it personally."  The young girl said, her soft voice coupling together with the music, which started to wind up to a higher speed once more.  The two seemed to feel the energy between each other and began a fast dance, a dance too fast for the rest of the room.  On the second spin Allister spun the young girl a bit too far and she bumped into another couple, both of whom seemed quite mad.  Allister pulled her back and both laughed and walked off of the dance floor.

Back at the table filled with food the two were talking once more.  "I wish I could've seen the look on that lady's face!  She sounded mad when I bumped into her!"  The young girl laughed.

"Yes, that was rather fun, wasn't it?"  Allister said as the music began to die down and the lights dimmed further, except for the ones at the top of the staircase at the front of the room, the lights grew brighter there.  Soon Prince Alex appeared in the bright light, at the top of the staircase.

"I hope you are all having a fabulous evening so far, everyone!"  The prince yelled out at the room, the room applauded.  "It is with my great pleasure to welcome you all to the Victory Ball!  Without all of your funding we could not have made this glorious and total victory possible!"  Once again the crowd applauded.  "Yes, just think, those savages in the West could've hurt a few of our boys if it wasn't for all of your donations!  To this I once again thank you!"  Another applause.  "Now let us go back to our merriment.  I hope with my greatest hope that you all enjoy the rest of the night!"  The lights on the staircase dimmed down and the prince walked down the stairs to join the dancers on the floor and to thank the richer of the nobles for their money.

"Quite a charmer, isn't he?"  The young girl asked, Allister almost forgot she was there.

"He does know how to speak in a charming tone."  Allister said.

"Why are you here?  How much did you give to the war effort?"  She asked.

"A considerable amount, enough to get me here.  How about yourself?"

"A considerable amount."  She said with a playful tone to her soft voice.

"Mocking me know?"  Allister laughed.

"Yes I am, was it too obvious?"  She laughed.

"Just a bit, care for another dance?"  Allister asked, the music was coming back.

"No, I need to..uh.. freshen up… yeah that's the proper lady term I was looking for."  She laughed.

"Understandable."  Allister said as the young girl walked off.  He walked away from the food table, he figured it best to not be around the young girl any longer, as that could appear to be not normal.  He never even got her name.

Allister walked over to the bar and took the only empty seat, the bartender found his way to him quickly, "Do you have apple juice?"  Allister asked.

"Yes sir, we have apple juice."  He looked at Allister strangely.

"Can I just have a cup of that?"  Allister asked.

"Sure…sir, I'll get you that right away."  The bartender said in a disturbed tone as he left and soon came back with the cup of apple juice Allister asked for.  Allister lifted his mask a bit and took a sip.

"First time I ever saw a man get plain apple juice at a bar before."  A scratchy but deep voice said to Allister.  Allister looked over and saw a man with long, white hair, and a mask on that featured a demonic looking being with a straight face.  Neither a smile nor a frown could be found on the mask's mouth.

"I like apple juice, and I don't like to alcohol."  Allister said to the man.

The gray haired man laughed from behind his still mask, "Alcohol makes everything better though!"

"It also makes me unable to walk.  And think."  Allister said, taking another sip of his juice.  "Apple juice doesn't make me pass out."

"Well that is why it is a boring drink!  I can never get you non-drinking types.  Missing a bloody good time you are!"  He laughed once more in his scratchy voice.  Both men allowed a quiet to set in.  Allister sat still, drinking his apple juice while the gray haired man yelled for another drink, then as if disturbed by the silence said, "How about the prince's welcoming speech?"

"I wouldn't really classify it as a speech, though he does know how to speak to please."  Allister replied.

"I can't call you wrong there.  I wonder where the king's been as of late?  The prince has been ruling since last month it seems."  He said as he took a swig of his drink.

"I wish I knew that myself, I guess he got tired of speaking to the nobles.  Or he got sick."  Allister spoke.

"I doubt he has let an illness beat him, not a man such as him.  Odds are he got tired of those damned nobles and their posh attitudes, they practically forced him into the war I say."  The gray haired man blurted out, the drink seemed to be taking effect, as he was saying more than he should have.

"Oh really?  I am intrigued about this thought of yours, please go on."  Allister said, wanting to find the man's true thoughts on the war.

"The nobles wouldn't shut up until that land was ours, at least from what I have heard.  I heard threats to oust the king and let the prince take the throne with my own ear!  So I guess the king gave them their bloody war, and as soon as the business was done he got tired of letting those rats rule him, because as you know, the ones with the money are the true rulers of the land, the king is simply a way for them to have their way a bit easier and cheaper."  He said, soon after letting out a burp that smelled of various fermented beverages.

"Very interesting thoughts.  But how have you heard all of this?  Were you close to the king?  Surely you must be a noble to be here."  Allister asked.

"I was close to the king, indeed!  Closer than a brother!  Some could say that I was practically him!"  He said with a booming laugh.

"So how have you not heard from him?"

"Well, just because he's royalty doesn't mean that our friendship wasn't a normal one, and friends drift apart sometimes.  He started acting too much like a noble for me towards the end of the war, so I decided to leave him be.  The various threats I heard didn't help, I didn't want to end up dead just for being in the room when an assassin decided to strike or something of the like!  So yes, call me a coward, because I am.  I left the king so I could live and ease my burden, as being friends with a king is quite burdensome!"  He said, then he rose up and went to move as he shouted out, "Yeah, I hope the bugger is okay wherever he found himself!  I doubt anyone will be seeing much of the king anymore!"  Then the man with the gray hair passed out.  Allister looked around and saw a great many people staring, the bartender simply shook his head in disappointed.  Two guards came in and removed the man from the ballroom.  Allister had finished his apple juice, he got up and left the bar area then checked his watch and noted that the hour was growing late.

Allister grew annoyed at the stuffiness in the air and decided he needed some fresher air.  He found his way to the royal garden, which looked of unmatched beauty in the moonlight.  Allister looked up at the clear sky and took in a deep breath of clean air, something his lungs were not accustomed to.  He soon found himself lost in his thoughts until a voice broke the silence.  "Strange that anyone would be out here when such festivities are going on inside, a gardener would go as far as to say that is… odd…"  A hollow voice said from beyond the plants.

"And to whom is calling me odd?"  Allister said as he searched for the source of the voice.

"Just a lonely gardener, who himself is a bit of an oddball."  A demented chuckle came from behind Allister, he turned and saw a small man with an aging look to him.  "It's quite fun to hide behind the plants and talk to people, they don't know where I am, seeing how I am so small."  The same chuckle occurred once more.  "But I guess I should ask properly.  Why are you out here?"

"I needed some fresh air."  Allister said.

"Come now, there is no need to be so.. um… serious with me, yes, serious is a nice word to describe you.  If you are afraid to be honest, then I shall not be."  The gardener said.

"Why are you out here then?"  Allister asked.

"Because I'd rather be with my plants then those people.  Plants are nice things, you see, they consume only sunlight and then only give in return.  They ask little but give much.  The complete opposite of those monsters in there, and no doubt yourself."  He said as he felt a plant next to him.

"And why are we monsters?"

"You nobles are all monsters.  You ask for much and you give little"well, anything good, I should say.  The only thing your kind is good at is giving the land poison."  The gardener spoke.


"Yes, poison.  You nobles build and build your stupid little factories which then pollute the air, which kills the plants.  It really isn't a nice thing to do, especially to plants."  He said.

"Then will it please you if I told you that I am no noble?"  Allister said.

"Yes it would, but I would not believe you, for then why are you attending this little 'Victory' ball?"  The small man said.

"Because I wanted to."

"Ah, are you sure there isn't a bigger reason?"  He asked with a smile on his face.

"I am sure.  Crashing noble balls is kind of my way to entertain myself."

"I think you are still lying."  The chuckle started once more.

"Maybe I am, maybe I am not.  I honestly do not care what you think of me so long as you keep up the good conversation.  If you wish me a noble then I am, if you think me not, then I am not.  Maybe I just want to have a little fun, who knows?  Maybe I'll find myself exploring the castle later for some thrills."  Allister said.

"Wise words from a man with such horrific laughter on his mask.  You wish me to keep you entertained for the time being then?"

"Yes, until I grow tired of this garden."

"I do not understand how one can tire from a garden, but regardless, if entertainment is what you want, then I shall share with you the story of the last time the king almost got killed!"  He said in a shrill voice.

"Very well then, I heard brief talking's of the attempt, but never heard the full account.  Murder plots interest me anyways."  Allister said.

"Very well then.  You see one day the king decided to host for himself a small gathering of his dearest lords, and they were to have a great and plentiful feast.  Oh how great this feast was supposed to be!  Sadly, it never came.  As the king and his lord were about to get their main course a servant came running out holding his throat.  You see, this servant was skimming some food for himself from the plates, and unfortunately for him, the plate for the king was poisoned with I believe nightshade, the poor boy.  He died right in front of the king.  Of course after this the feast was called off and all the little lords went home, and the king stayed alive."  The gardener said, still petting his plant.

"Were you questioned at all?"  Allister asked.

"Why of course!  They asked me if there was any deadly nightshade in this garden, to which I said no.  But, of course, you must remember that they did also ask me what it was that killed the boy.  To which I said nightshade."  The gardener said, his plant seemingly attached to his hand.  "Plants are such a beautiful wonder…"  He then seemed to lose himself to the thoughts of plants.

"I'm going to head back in, I have had enough of this garden."  Allister said, the gardener seemed not to hear him.

Allister stopped on his way back to the ballroom, he decided that he wanted to see the view from the top of the wall for a few minutes.  He climbed the stairs and reached the top, then looked out at the countryside in front of him.  The castle was the lone structure in this part of the country, far detached from the cities and towns with all their people.  Allister heard footsteps behind him, "Fine night, no?"  An accented voice said.

"Yes, it is a nice night.  Feeling for a bit of fresh air as well?"  Allister said.

"One could say that, one could also say that I am a bit bored of the festivities."  The man said, he wore very fine clothing, even for a noble.

"Why is that?"  Allister asked.

"Nobody wants to hear a good story at these things anymore, they all just want to talk about money or war or something boring."  He said, lighting a cigarette.  "You don't mind, do you?"

"Not at all, though those things do kill you."

"Yes, I know this, but I started them when I was young and now I can't stop.  'Tis a folly of mine."  He said, taking a breath of smoke in.

"What story have you been trying to tell everybody?"  Allister asked.

"The story of the treasure of the princes.  Are you familiar?"

"No, I am not."  Allister lied.

"Ah, then would you like to hear?"  The noble asked.

"Sure, I enjoy a good story."  Allister said.

"As should every person.  This treasure that I speak of is a treasure passed down from prince to prince, and sometimes from king to prince.  Nobody knows exactly what this treasure is, but it most definitely exists.  Some say it is knowledge, and some say it is something of unimaginable wealth.  Many have tried to steal it, but always make it just outside the prince's room before they either get caught or turned away.  I was thinking of trying myself, just for fun."

"How would you get past the prince and his guards?"  Allister asked.

"Well the guards are not going to be guarding the back halls tonight, only the entrances to the halls.  If I can get past them I should be all and good."  The noble said, his cigarette now almost out.  "It would be fun to give it a try though."

"And if you get caught?"

"I've always been good at improvising."  The noble smiled.  "But I suppose it is time for me to be off, twas fun!"  Then the noble was gone.

The music in the ballroom was stuck in a loop of slow songs, to which nobody was dancing.  All the guests were now either conversing or eating or drinking.  The night was drawing later, some guests were even starting to leave, but only a few.  Allister walked through the crowds of talking nobles and found himself back at the food table.  He went to take a sandwich but a hand grabbed hold of him, "You are a hard person to find tonight!"  A soft voice yelled to him.  He turned and saw the red hair of the young girl he had danced with earlier.  "You really like the food, huh?"  She laughed.

"Yes, these mini sandwiches are very good."  Allister said in response.

She laughed again, "The night's starting to get boring and I wanted to find you before I left!"  She said.

"Why?  Am I that much of an interesting person?"

"Yes!  Yes you are!  I just wanted to give you this before I headed out."  The young girl passed a note to Allister, he opened it and read the writing, it was her contact information.  He noted that her name was simply put down as Red.  "Quite an interesting name, Red."  He laughed.

"Well, seeing how we're in masks I can't tell you my real name yet.  But make sure you get in touch!  I have to get going now."  She ran out of sight quickly, to Allister's amazement.  The music then began to die down and the lights once more grew brighter on the stairs.  Prince Alex climbed the stairs and yelled out, "Once more I would like to thank you all!  It has been a wonderful evening, but I do tire!  You all may stay as long as you see fit, I hope your night stays wonderful, as I know mine will!"  Then the prince was gone out of sight.

Allister looked over at a guard near him and asked, "What does he mean by 'I know mine will' if he is going to sleep?"

The guard snapped out of his haze and looked at Allister in surprise, "He is attending to his wife, of course, milord."  Allister had forgotten about the wife of the prince that was taken bride in the middle of war.  The guard continued, "And by tired he means horny, to which you could have guessed."

"Quite blunt for a guard, aren't you?"  Allister said.

"Most are drunk by this time of the night at these things, you can say what you damn well please."  The guard said, adjusting his stance.

"Good thing I don't drink alcohol, but don't worry, I agree with you telling me what you please.  And if you don't mind my asking, why was his wife not in attendance this evening?"

"She is ill, milord.  In fact, I had to take her up some soup earlier myself.  I'd reckon I was the last one to see her, and she wasn't looking too good."  The guard said.

"Shame, she missed a good party."

"Good for you at least, I don't get paid enough nowadays to stand around here watching you nobles flirt."  He said.

"From my understanding not a lot of people get paid enough nowadays."  Allister said.

"Damn right there.  Finally a noble that understands, we underclassmen don't get paid bloody enough!  I'm  royal guard and I barely get paid!  I guard the royal family and they can't even pay me because of the bloody 'war effort.'"  The guard said with fire in his voice, "It's worse for the tradesmen!  I don't even see how they live!  The nobles need a bloody awakening is what they need!"

" What do you mean by an awakening?"  Allister asked.

"I dunno.  A death or something.  Not that I would wish death on anybody."  The guard said, "But I better stop speaking before somebody important sees me talking to you.  My kids won't be able to live without this petty income."

"Very well."  Allister walked off.  He checked his watch once more, it was nearly late enough to begin his plan.

The guards watching over the darkened staircase were distracted as Allister slipped past them.  The hallways were empty and offered no opposition, the castle was still laid out exactly as the map had said it was.  Just as he was to turn down the prince's hallway, Allister heard the door slam open and hid behind a suit of armor that served as decoration.  Allister heard the enraged voice of Alex from down the hallway before the prince came running right past him, "GUARDS!"  He screamed.  Allister waited until Alex was out of the hallway and then ran down to the room the prince came out of.  The scene inside was horrific, blood was splattered on every part of the room, in the middle laid Alex's wife with her body torn to shreds.  Allister felt himself gag a bit before he heard the swift approach of footsteps, he ran off to hide.

From his hiding spot, Allister could hear everything, Alex was screaming, "How could this happen!  My beautiful wife! Dead!  You guards should have been on better watch!  Who would want her dead!?"  The prince's screaming turned to sobbing and soon crying, "…My beautiful wife…"  Allister could not get into the room now without being detected, whoever planned this murder also ruined Allister's plans.  He headed back to the ballroom.

In the ballroom everyone seemed to be oblivious to the death that had just occurred.  Prince Alex managed to keep the happening quiet.  Allister noticed more guards in the room, especially at the exits, nobody was leaving now.

The conversing was soon broken by the slam of doors, Alex appeared at the top of the stairs, "Whoever murdered my wife better step forth or I will kill every single one of you!"  The crowd murmured and realized the gravity of the situation, hysteria then set in.  Murmuring turned into yelling, Alex raised a gun and shot into the air, "Shut up!  I simply ask that whoever did this turn themselves in, or else!"  He shot the gun again.  Nobody stepped forward.  "Fine!  Have it your way, murderer!  I'll just kill this woman at the bottom of the stairs."  He pointed his gun at a noblewoman at the first step.  A shot fired.

Allister closed his eyes at the sound of the shot, he heard the sounds of a body rolling down multiple surfaces.  He opened his eyes and saw the noblewoman still alive, and Alex dead, his body caught up on a stair about halfway down.

The crowd of guests stood in silence at the sight of the dead prince.  The guards moved in to check the body, then carried it off.  Still nobody moved from the shared fear creeping around the room.  Allister felt no pity for the prince, but was saddened by his lost chance, he would now never get what he wanted.  He sighed and slinked through the crowd, trying not to draw attention.  The guards at the doors leading outside were gone.  Outside Allister found the car waiting for him, as was planned, he got in.

"So, how did it go?"  Jory asked, his hands on the steering wheel.

"The prince is dead."  Allister said.  Jory grew alarmed and started driving. Allister told Jory of what had happened, Jory shook his head as the car then drove off into the night.
© Copyright 2013 Jimmy Grelli (elfinlocks at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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