Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1923218-The-Host
Rated: E · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1923218
This isn't just an invasion; its a war.
DISCLAIMER: This short story has nothing to do with Stephanie Meyer's work, The Host, which I have never read, plan to read, or even see the movie. The only similarities between these two stories is the idea of humans as hosts for aliens, otherwise I am not sure what else could be similar. Enjoy!
PS: This is the first part in a three par short story trilogy titled The Harvest.

The painting was pulchritudinous. Light was shining incandescently in the room as she painted. She held the pallet with an expert hand and the brush wavered as she decided where she should continue. The painting was of a mountain over the ocean, doves flew in the air. The light shimmered off of their wings, and the trees at the foothills of the mountains were greener than the earth itself. There was a river running through the mountain and into the ocean. The horizon of the world was a brilliant orange. The sun was still rising in this painting. This world she had created. She decided that the mountains needed a little more magenta.
She swirled the brush around in purple and red, and held it up to the painting. She was just about to set the brush down on the mountains when the door bell rang. She gulped and was ripped out of the trance. Her golden brown hair shimmered in the light, and her green eyes exploded like flowers.
She turned and the doorbell rang again. Sighing she stood, pulling off her apron and heading to the door. As she walked, the doorbell rang again.
“I’m coming! I’m coming!” She said and hurried through the kitchen and to the front door. She swung it open to see a teenage girl with cherry red hair, pale skin, and chocolate brown eyes. Stephanie was stunned. She smiled a little, staring at the girl was like staring at an angel. She was just so stunning. The girl’s features, when you got an even closer look at her, were so perfect she looked as though she may have been sculpted by Michelangelo himself.
Stephanie gulped, and her smile was no longer forced. “Well, hello.” She said. The teenager smiled. A bird chirped somewhere distantly and the girl seemed to have caused the music.
“Hi, my name was Lillian. I was just wondering if you had anything to eat.” she said, her vivacious brown eyes stared at Stephanie. Stephanie was flummoxed. Her asking for something to eat? Lillian looked as though she could have been a model, a well fed princess, but here she was on her porch, asking for something to eat.
Stephanie hook her head, so taken aback that the girl had to tap on her shoulder to ger her attention. “Um, of course. But might I ask why?” Stephanie said. Lillian frowned and took a deep breath, she made a move to step in then stopped herself.
“May I?” She asked. Stephanie moved out of the way and Lillian stepped inside. Stephanie looked out both ways for a moment, then she pulled back into her house. She locked the door behind her. Lillian stood in the middle of the foyer, the kitchen right behind her. She was staring right at Stephanie with those eyes.
Lillian began to speak. “You see, I’ve been wandering across the city for some time. My parents, they kicked me out. They said that I was disgrace to them, that I wasn’t worthy of their love. I began traveling around the city with only a few dollars toget by on. No one would take me in, but even so I continued on. I soon came across your neighborhood. People gave me smiles and asked me if I’d like to stay. Of course I declined, I didn’t want to be a burden on such people. They looked like they were in their fifties and sixties.” Lillian said. Stephanie was confused for a moment.
“They were old is all I’m saying, they had enough on their plate as is with the arthritis and Alzheimer’s.” She says. Stephanie’s laughs jovially.
“Yeah, of course. I guess I’m the lucky young one today.” She said. Lillian smiled at her and her eyes gleamed. They stood there staring at each other for a few more seconds, then Stephanie began to move towards the kitchen.
“Well, lets get you something to eat I guess.” She says. “What do you like?” Stephanie asked form the kitchen. Lillian lo0oked around the foyer area and also the hall that led to the kitchen. She stared at he elegant and picturesque portraits that had been painted by Stephanie. She was amazed at how life like they wre, how they stood out with vitality.
Stephanie walked into the hall that was leading to the kitchen, and Lillian turned to her.
“You, painted these?” She asked with a smile. Stephanie laughed and walked to stand next to Lillian as they both looked up at the aggrandize portrait of a dazzling city, painted so lifelike it looked as though you could walk right in.
“Yes, took me a while, but I did it.” Stephanie said smiling up at her work. Lillian smiled at Stephanie.
“They’re austere.” She said. Stephanie beamed with pride.
“Why thank you.” She said. Stephanie looked at the picture once more and then began to the kitchen. Lillian trailing behind her.


Lillian bit down into the sandwich with a desire to let it never see the daylight again. She gobbled it down and another in only a few minutes. Stephanie was making the third sandwich when Lillian was next to her in a quick instant. Stephanie gasped with shock.
She laughed and Lillian smiled. “Oh, Lillian, you move quickly. But, I think people would expect that for a girl your age.” Said Stephanie. Lillian giggled.
“Oh, yes I do get that a lot. You are so kind. Allowing me to come in and giving me something to eat. Most people aren’t so kind. I think you understand that.” Lillian said. Stephanie smiled as she gave Lillian the next sandwich.
“Well, I couldn’t let such a girl like yourself stay out there, in the rain as you might say. How old are you by the way Lillian?”
Lillian swallowed the last bite of her sandwich and spoke. “Sixteen, it hasn’t been easy, not exactly the teenager experience I would have thought of. It’s a life though.” Lillian said shrugging her shoulders. “What is that you do Miss….” Lillian trailed off.
“Stephanie, Stephanie Hughs.” Stephanie said, walking over to the table and sitting. Light was flooding into the room, and Lillian looked like an angel sent from heaven in the light. Though, Lillian did look a little unsettled while in it.
“Well, Miss Stephanie Hughs, what do you do?” She asked.
Stephanie looked at the table. “Well I do a lot of things. I’ve jumped from job to job over the past five years. I’ve begun writing a novel which I don’t think is going to urn out well.” Stephanie said.
“Do you sell your art?” Lillian asked. Stephanie was taken aback. She’d never considered selling her art. It was more of a thing that she did for recreational purposes, for fun. Nothing that she believed she could get money off of.
“Well, actually no. I never thought of selling my painting until now.” She said. Lillian laughed.
“Really? Why not? You’d be a female Da Vinci.” Lillian said.
Stephanie blushed and waved her hand. “Oh no.”
“Oh yes.” Lillian said and Stephanie couldn’t help but just turn red all over the face.
“Stop flattering me.” Stephanie said. Lillian smiled.
“In this situation, I think flattery will get me everywhere.” She smiled.


Nightfall came not much later after that conversation, and Lillian had been given one of the guest rooms, in fact it was the room right across from Stephanie. Lillian stared at the bed as though it were foreign.
Stephanie stood at the door. “Is there something wrong?” She asked. Lillian turned and shook her head.
“No, its just…It’s just been so long.” She said. Stephanie smiled and walked forward. She and Lillian sat on the bed and Lillian felt the silk covers. The blinds on the window were open, they showed the lake shimmering in the light of the still rising moon. Fireflies were flying around, lighting up the night. Stars on Earth.
Stephanie put a hand on Lillian’s. Lillian and she locked eyes. “I just want you to know that you are now one of my priorities. And, even though it’s been a long time since you’ve been taken care of, there is nothing to worry about with me.” Stephanie smiled. Lillian hugged Stephanie, Stephanie hugged back.
“Thank you.” Lillian said.
“There’s no need.” Stephanie said.

Stephanie pecked at the keys on her laptop dexterously. Her fingers flew over the keys and her glasses stood on her rim on her nose. She was on chapter thirty four of fifty six. She was finally at the part where her heroine was captured by the Dark Prince. She would have to use magic to escape, but she finds herself unable to do so…
I felt static pulse run up and down my arm as I tried to use the spell. It felt like I might combust from the pressure. It was so annoying! Sevathan laughed jovially.
“Silly little princess. You think that you can use magic? This is my chamber. I have forbidden such things. If you truly believe that you can escape, then you are no hero. You are a fool.”
Sarafina growled. “I’m not the one adorning such atrocious wear.” She scoffed at him. Sevathan growled.
“You won’t be saying that when I kill you brother.” He said. Sarafina fell quiet, and she stared at him.
“Where is he?” She snapped at him.
Sevathan smiled over his shoulder.
“And ruin the mystery of the moment?”
Stephanie was ripped out of her world when there was a small knock at her door.
Lillian stood the doorway, adorning a white robe that belonged to Stephanie. Her hair looked like it was fresh out of the water.
“Lillian. You shower fast.” Stephanie said smiling. Lillian shrugged.
“I didn’t realize, it’s been so long since I’ve taken a shower too.” She said. This made Stephanie perplexed. The girl had smelt as through she’d just run the fields of daises and roses.
“Oh, well it’s good that you got to take one. What would you like for dinner?” She asked, standing. She checked the time at the bottom of the screen on her laptop: 8:39pm. She shook her head and stood, putting her glasses on the keyboard.
“I’m not hungry, a snack would suffice.” Lillian said. Stephanie shook her head.
“No my darling, you can’t go to bed hungry. You need to eat.” Stephanie says making her way down the hall towards the living room. Lillian followed.
“Oh Miss Stephanie, you don’t have to. I swear I’m fine.” Lillian insisted. Stephanie waved her hand.
“That is the hunger talking.” Stephanie said. Lillian laughed.
“Whatever you say.”


“What is this?” Lillian asked as she looked at the flat screen TV in the den. Stephani looked over the counter and smiled.
“So I assume that you’ve never seen TV?” She asked. Lillian shook her head. “Oh, you’re not missing anything. All the shows on there are crap.” She says as she pulls out a can opener.
Lillian stared at the TV. “I guess so.” She said spinning on her heel and heading over to the kitchen. She sat in the bar stool chair and looked over the counter. Stephanie looked to be struggling with the can. Lillian was next to her in a moments notice. Stephanie gasped.
“How did you-”
“May I?” Lillian said not answering Stephanie’s question. She took the can opener and the can. She stared at the can opener and then she put on the counter. She gripped the top of the can and she closed her eyes. Stephanie stared, and then suddenly the top of the cane came off with no effort at all. Stephanie gasped. Lillian smiled at her.
Stephanie stood agog, unsure how to continue. She put the can on the counter. She then shook her head took a deep breath. “Uh, you know what, we can just got get some McDonalds. I think you’d like that much better than my own cooking.” Stephanie said. Lillian shrugged.
“Whatever you would like Miss Stephanie.” Stephanie thought about the can the entire way to McDonalds. She almost ran five lights staring at Lillian who was engrossed in playing with Stephanie’s iPhone.

Lillian bit down into the burger and she smiled.
“What an exquisite meal.” Lillian said as she put the Big Mac down on the tray.
“Yeah, if you call artificial cow meat exquisite.” Stephanie muttered. She dug into her salad. “Lillian, can I ask you a question?” Stephanie asked her. Lillian tilted her head.
“Sure,” She said. Stephanie wasn’t sure how to begin, but she asked out loud.
“Are you a Vampire?” She said. Lillian burst out laughing , her head cocking back. Everyone stared at Lillian like she was a psychopath. She wiped a tear from her eye and shook her head.
“What a idiosyncratic question, Stephanie.” Stephanie could only stare as Lillian smiled and ate a few more fries. She spoke again. “No, Miss Stephanie. I am not a Vampire. Vampires don’t exist. I think you of all people should know that. You are a very erudite lady.” She says. Stephanie stared at Lillian for a few more moments as Lillian took a few more bites of everything, and a large gulp of er drink. She shook her head and ate the rest of her salad. They were quiet for the rest of the time.


As soon as Stephanie and Lillian returned home, Stephanie told Lillian she would be in her room if she needed her. She practically sprinted to her bathroom and snapped the water on. She locked the bedroom door and then slid into her seat at her desk, opening a Word file.
Dear Diary,
Today, a pulchritudinous girl came to my home, she said she was homeless. She is very sweet, and she has a good spirit. But, she is peculiar. She doesn’t know what a TV is, she opened a can with just her bare hands. She moves like lighting- appearing next to me in less than a second- and she seems lost by the world. I don’t mean to be so suspicious about her reasons for these things, but I am starting to get worried. I still have my theories. Even though it is very fictitious to think in such a manner, but I am starting to believe that she may be a Vampire, or a demon. I can only think of what she could possibly be. She worries me. I’ll keep you updated as I go along.


Lurid and lucid light filtered into the house. Stephanie awoke, her pupils dilating as she did so. She sucked in the air around her and stretched. She was in a picturesque white nightgown that matched the light that filtered into her room.
She looked around, everything in place. Microsoft Word still open on her laptop, the bathroom door still open. Last night seemed to have faded from her mind, turning into nothing but a grey cloud of pictures.
That was until she heard the soft knock at her door. She gulped, timid and stunned. At first she wished it had all been a saturnine dream, that it wasn’t real. Then she wished that maybe the girl had been playing with her, maybe that was just her nature.
Stephanie shook her head, her head reeling.
“Uh, coming.” She said and slipped her legs out of her bed. She quickly stood and hurried to the bed room door. She opened it, and there stood Lillian. Stephanie gasped. Lillian was stark naked, the only thing covering her was the cover she had taken from the bed. “Lillian!” She said aghast. “I see that you’re awake.” She said.
“I’m sorry for my lack of clothing. I think it would be optimal if we were to buy me some.” She said.
Stephanie was appalled. She didn’t understand. What did the girl plan to do? How long did she plan to stay? Did she believe that Stephanie was going to care for her, for so long that she would have to have clothes? Stephanie gulped.
“Well, Lillian as much as I would like to oblige, how long do you plan to stay?” Stephanie asked. Lillian shrugged.
“I don’t know. For as long as it may take me to get back on my face. You have been so kind that I think that I could finally get myself back together.” She said smiling. Stephanie was before herself. She couldn’t think of anything to say. So, her mouth spoke for her.
“Okay then, how about you go put on your old clothes and we’ll go up to the Mall.” She said. Lillian smiled and then she hugged Stephanie, the cover falling.
Stephanie shivered and then she returned the hug very cautiously.
“Oh thank you so much Miss Stephanie! I’ll be right out.” She said ecstatically and she picked up her covered and headed to the room.
Miss Stephanie shuttered.


The Mall was packed with people who were chattering on the phone, texting, and trying to buy the latest and hottest items on the market. Kiosks were corwed with people who were trying to buy the useless crap they sold there.
Lillian was enthralled and mesmerized by the Mall. She asked every few seconds about everything. Every thing people wore, every shop, every item. Stephanie, though she was a little agitated with the confused girl, was more than willing to answer.
They soon made it to the clothing stores, and the designer markets. Lillian grabbed anything she could fit. Everything for the dull grey colors to the vivacious and vibrant yellows and purples.
Stephanie smiled at the cashier who eyed Lillian like she was a puppy. “A hefty purchase today Miss Hughs.” She said. Stephanie nodded, forcing a smile.
“Yes, anything for the young ones.” Stephanie said, but she didn’t think that that counted for Lillian.
“Well then, lets mark everything up.” The cashier said, and so the long tedious process began. The process was staggering: 0 to 50 to 175 to 197 to 270 to 390.
Stephanie w4as dumbstruck at the grand total of $746.54, which was purses, accessories, dresses, shirts, shoes, and sunglasses. Stephanie’s mother would have done a triple back flip if she had to pay such prices. Stephanie reluctantly pulled out her wallet and pulled out the Chase card. The cashier reached out for it, but Stephanie didn’t want to let it go, but she bit her lip. Letting the card go.
In the end, they walked out of the mall with Stephanie and several High Schoolers, who were attracted to Lillian, carrying the opulence of bags out to the car.
“Thank you sooooooo much Miss Stephanie.” She said kissing Stephanie on the cheek. Stephanie smiled and started the car, prepared to continue her last diary entry.


As they drove along the highway, they listed to We Are Young, by F.U.N.
Lillian seemed to like it a little bit to much, she learned the lyrics within oen minute of the song, it was seemingly effortless. She didn’t get one word wrong the entire time. Stephanie kept glancing sideways at Lillian who shimmered in the light ogf the day. She saw small sparks of static coursing across her phone, and noticed how the A/C seemed to be wavering as they drove. Stephanie couldn’t help but assume Lillian was causing it.
Finally, Stephanie cut off the music. Lillian looked at Stephanie, perplexed.
“Lillian we need to talk.” Stephanie said as they were getting off on the Exit.
“Okay, sure.” She said, putting Stephanie’s phone back in her purse. Stephanie sucked in a deep breath.
“What are you?” Stephanie asked looking directly at Lillian. Lillian was perplexed at first, but then she sighed.
“I knew it would come to this,” She said. Stephanie was all ears now. Lillian bit her lip. “My name is not Lillian, but Silivana. I am not of this Earth.” Stephanie’s jaw dropped. She turned on the curve that was leading towards the bridge where the Finatte Estates began. “I am part of a race of Aliens that has been watching humans closely for the past three hundred years. Just recently, one of your space hubble’s reached the Oort Cloud. Our kind is a species that is neither solid or liquid. We are like ghost, but we are also much like your mythical creature you call vampires. We do not react well to sunlight because we come from the darkness. We also do not truly take on a physical form, but we do infect the bodies of beings. The Host would become immaculately stunning and irresistible, much like your vampires. We have been observing you for so long because we have been deciding the fate of humanity. We have also been looking for one Human that would host one of our kind, we would use the human to regenerate our race and the human race. We would rebuilt the species that is known as the Homo Saipan
In doing this, we would be creating a better world, a utopian world where both of our races, and the new race, would live in harmony. As one. But we would fist have to get rid of this planet. Homo Sapiens have been destroying what was once ours. We were not always of the Oort Cloud, but once of this planet. We have changed much since then, but now is the time. The end is near, the Harvest is coming.” She said. Stephanie didn’t know what to say. She was not only motified, but she was so intrigued that she might have fainted had she been standing up.
Suddenly, someone from behind them honked the hork. Stephanie looked back at the road. She screamed and they hit the stone railing of the bridge. The car spun around several times and Stephanie screamed. She then smashed through the stone railing of the bridge and then she slammed into the bottom of it. The air bags smacking both of them in the face. All went black.


Stephanie woke up, incandescent light shining and slamming onto her face.
She gasped and looked around. It was getting dark, the sky was a light orange. She stared at the light and found that it was coming from Lillian’s- Silivana’s- hand. She put a finger to her lips.
“There is no need to be afraid. I am merely going to heal you.” Lillian/Silivana said. “Your arm was broken in the crash, I had to get us out of there quickly if you were to survive.” she continued.
Stephanie gasped and looked at her arm. It was bent at an impossible angle, the bone stuck out, and blood had drooled onto the stones below it. She nearly screamed, but bit her lip under Lillian/Silivana’s orders.
“This is only going tp pinch. I swear.” Silivana said. Stephanie didn’t know if she could trust her, but she had to. She had to trust the girl with beaming light swirling in her hand. She nodded. “Okay, here we go.”
She lowered her hand and then the light that was swirling in her hand broke off into their own cells. They swarmed around her broken arm, making more effulgent light. It pinched, but it didn’t feel like agonizing pain she had been anticipating. Slowly, her skin repaired itself, and the broken bone snapped back into place. The light shimmered on and then slithered into her skin. It ticked. She moved her arm and she smiled. She looked at Silivana.
“Thank you.” She sad. Silivana smiled.
“It is nothing.” She said. Stephanie slowly sat up. She looked around the creek, her car was nowhere in sight. She sighed. Thousands of dollars down the drain.
“So, before, when you were talking about your mission and what you were, who is the one you’re species has chosen?” She asked.
“You. You have shown compassion and loyalty, even though it was hard. You showed what no other human has shown to me. You have proven that the human race is worth living, and you have also proven that the human race is worth living with.” Stephanie beamed.
“So, who will I host?” Stephanie asked.
“Our Queen. She and you shall become one when they-”
Suddenly there was warping wind. It whipped and the trees wavered. They looked around. The river water suddenly started to crash. There was an enormous thudding, like propellers, and a force that made the earth shake under them.
“What is that?” Stephanie yelled over the wind. Her hair whipped around her.
Silivana looked at her and smiled.
“They have come, the Harvest has begun.” She says.
Then above their heads, a gargantuan mother ship sat, but Silivana gasped when a missile rocketed towards the earth.
“Oh no. No, no, no, no!” She screamed and stood.
Stephanie stood as well.
“What’s happening? Why did they shoot?” She asked, her heart beginning to slam against her chest. She turned to Stephanie.
“I was too late. I decided too late. They have declared war. Declared the extinction of the Human Race.” Silivana said. Goosebumps ran up and down Stephanie’s body and then there was a enormous explosion.
Flames danced along the horizon.
“First Contact.” Silivana said and that’s when the screaming started.
© Copyright 2013 JLMC (jlmc at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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