Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1922857-The-Creature-Under-the-Bleachers
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #1922857
Ever wonder what lies down under those football game bleachers?
September 16th, 1983

Home vs. Lioncrest

The game was in the last quarter. The field lights were intense and pure white. The boisterous crowd roared in excitement in perfect football game decorum. Popcorn shot through the air and people rooted for the home team. Not to far away was the large high school. The parking lot wasn’t vacant tonight, no siree. There were cars in all different angles, conjoined and turned. The parking lot lights were bright white, almost blue it seemed. Far away from the exited and boisterous crowd in a red Cadillac were two teenagers finally loosing their virginity with each other. James was on top of Veronica, pushing his fingers through her tangled and explosive red hair and she held his neck hard. They tongue kissed passionately and James moaned exultingly. Veronica looked up at James. “Give me more big boy,” she says flipping her hair. “Oh don’t worry about that lollypop,” he says then he kisses her neck and he humps her, making the car rock. The windows had gotten foggy a long time ago and they were in the zone. They were really in the zone. James was voracious to get all into Veronica tonight, and nothing was going to stop him when they strapped on the new rubber. Suddenly there was a tumult roar for thee crowd that make James jump a little bit. Veronica laughed at him. “What, got the creeps? Hurry up and put it on before the cops come,” she smiles. She was right. This wasn’t even a car they knew, it was just a car that had randomly been left unlocked and would smell like sweat and other stuff by the end of the game, they had been at this game for quite a while now. James was just putting the rubber on when there was another tumult from the ground, but also a jovial laugh like a child. Both of them jerked their heads up. The jovial laugh caught their ear again, even over the roar of the crowd. The laughing indicated a very jaunty little boy of some sort. “You heard that right?” Veronica laughed.
“Yeah,” James said nothing for a moment then he looked back down at Veronica. “I’m sure its just someone coming back, they won’t see us,” he smiles and then he makes out with her again. But the jovial laugh causes Veronica to sit up and look worriedly at James.
“James I think there’s really someone out there, a little boy,” she says. James cracks a smirk at her.
“You’re so sexy when your scared,” he says. Veronica slaps James on his muscled and toned arm.
“I’m not kidding James,” she says and crawls from under him and over the armrest. James sighed.
“Fine, go look,” he says. Veronica’s butt was in his face as she sat in the next seat and wiped some of the fog of the window. When she looked out there was nothing out there except the faint white light that looked almost blue, and beyond that black gravel and darkness. “Where was it coming from?” She mutters to herself. “James check your side,” she says. James groans in irritation and then wipes off he fog on the window and stares out at the darkness of the other cars. There was nothing out there either. James was about to pull back, but then he saw something run through the cars. “Veronica, I just saw something,” James said. Suddenly that jovial laugh returned. “I heard it again.,” James said.
“So did I,” Veronica said. She sat staring out the window for another few seconds before she began to back away. She looked at James.
“Come on, we can do this later,”she says swiping up her panties from the floor. James’ jaw dropped and he grabbed her hand.
“What do you mean we can do this later? This may be the only time we actually can do this, unless you want to be a nasty slut and have bathroom sex,” he says. Veronica jerked her hand away.
“Are you calling me a nasty slut!?” She snapped.
“No, I didn’t mean-”
“Oh shut your ass James and help me get my clothes on.” she snaps.
James growls and starts to pull up his own boxers in the hot smelly car. Impertinently James pushed Veronica into the seat so he could get his jeans.
“I can’t believe your stopping this because your being a scared bitch,” he mutters. Veronica hits James on the nape of his neck and he roars in pain.
“What was that for?” He snapped at her.
“Ass. I’m not just some doll you push around and try and make love with, nor am I a female dog, mutt,” she snaps. Then there is the sound of basketball, loudly bouncing on the gravel concrete. “What is that?” Asked Veronica tugging on her bra.
“A basketball. Don’t you know your sounds?” He asks, his arms crossed over his bare chest.
“Shut it, “ she says looks out the window again. She screamed. There was a basketball bouncing all on its own, in mid- air. Beat…beat…beat…beat. Every time it bounce was like horror crawling right up Veronica’s spine, she tingled as she watched.
“James, pleeeease tell me this is one of your silly tricks with your friends,” she says, her voice going hoarse.
“Why would I be pulling a prank on the best night-or what was the best night-of my life?” James asks selfishly.
“I’m leaving, I have to find out whats going on.,” she says. She is opening the door and James grabs her wrist.
“Are you that stupid Vee?” he asks. Veronica stares at him with anger. “Have you seen any horror flick? You go out you get killed, you stay with the hot boyfriend you survive,” James said smiling with his teeth showing.
“Oh stop being so full of yourself, let me go,.” Veronica pulled her arm away and then open the door. When she stopped out with her dirty flip flops on, the basketball stopped bouncing and it stood in the white blue light like a orange earth. She gulped and put her other leg down. James groaned and then pulled the rest of his clothes on so he could follow her.

By the time he had stepped out to follow her she was across the parking lot. He ran to catch up with her. As he was running, he heard no echo’s of his own feet, but smaller echo’s like a child's feet. He whipped around and saw a shadow of a little boy fly past him.
“Vee! Over here,” he yelled stupidly. Veronica swirled around her long red hair sweeping around her she came to him. She looked up at him.
“To scared?” she smiled and turned. James licked his lips as he watched her butt move up and down. They walked the parking lot a bit longer before James and Veronica both stopped a the sound of a little boy laughing and giggling and playing with action figures. “You hear it too?” asked Veronica. A chill ran through the parking lot. The little boy’s laugh went loud for a moment then he stopped. Veronica screamed and James turned around. Right behind them the boy was sitting criss-cross-applesauce. He put his hands up to the sides of his head. Veronica gripped James tightly. Suddenly the boy began to twist his head with sickening crunches and popping. Veronica screamed and James began to pee his pants. The head was all the way around.
The boy had blonde hair and glowing white eyes. And then in a demons voice it said, “Wanna play a game?” Veronica and James took off as fast as they could across the parking lot with the little boy laughing. They were at the public restrooms when the little boy came around the corner and giggled at them. His face was cut up and his hair was patchy, his clothes were bloody-no they were leaking with blood, it pooled around his feet and then James cried for mamma and Veronica screamed loud, but no one heard. The game still had a few minutes left, and to the boisterous crowd the screams sounded like players tackling each other. James took Veronica in his arms, his pants reeking of piss, and he ran, he ran like the wind. Suddenly he tripped over a rock. They both connected with the ground with fierce force and they were almost behind the bleachers-under them really. James looked back. He hadn’t tripped on a rock, but a head-the head of the little boy that was gushing with blood. It smiled at them and then said, “I miss my mommy and daddy, they used to play games with me,” Veronica gripped James like he was her last lifeline. Suddenly when they turned around the boy was there, no head, but neck and body. James stared terrified of this sight and the little boys bloody body was suddenly breaking like it was made out of wet sand.
The game had three minuets left before it was over, Home had 56 and the Lioncrest’s had 53, the game was at a neck and neck moment and the crowd was full of pure anticipation to see who would end up on top in just three minutes. It was possible alright. Quarterback Johnny Martin was running the ball to the touchdown at the left side of the field and his parents were cheering their heads off.
Home-Veronica and James.
Lioncrest-The little boy.
Veronica tripped over a one of the bars under the bleachers. James was trying to get to her, he was sweating and crying like a little baby as the little boy grew closer and closer to them, every step he broke more and more.
Martin was almost at the touchdown but he was suddenly tackled by Harold Marsh of Lioncrest.
James threw a huge rock at it, and the entire little boy, that was breaking apart, was destroyed.
There was a ramble and a gasp of shock that ran through the crowd.
James and Veronica stared, but then something wet and slimy grabbed her shoulder and she screamed and tried to crawl away but the boney boys hand ribbed her like a vampires iron hand. “JAMES! JAMES!” Veronica screamed, but James was terrified of the creature staring at him now. It smiled in the darkness and put one bony finger up to his lips. “James, James!”
One minutes in counting and they were kick staring the game again, the crowd was on the edge of their seats and Martian threw the ball to Jason Killard who caught it, he had to run down the field as fast as he could. 5o years left, 40 yards left-
Veronica fought harder and harder, but the Creatures bone dead teeth were getting closer to her neck-
20 yards left…10 yards left-
Veronica screamed on last time before she was sucked into the darkness and there was crunching and twisting an deadly screaming.
James bellowed in fear and scrambled to his feet. Home cheered, and Lioncrest roared in anger. Suddenly something slapped his face. He looked down slowly in his lap. He screamed and ran. He ran and ran until he reached home. The thing that was in his lap was her face. He face with no eyes, no smiling teeth, no red hair. It was like a bad Halloween mask, only really bloody.
The creature under the bleachers laughed it laughed. “Run little boy, run!” he bellowed into the night.

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