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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1922260
draft. Invasion and revelation.
The desolate town of Derventio was silent as Pwyll’s remaining four troops waited. Pwyll looked down at Will Jammer and his young squire both appeared to be sleeping soundly. He turned to Ned, “We can’t stay here and as much as I would like, we can’t save the villagers.” Ned understood the question in Pwyll’s expression.

“Well, these two can be tied on their horses, It won‘t be comfortable but it will do.” Pwyll saw the frowns on Joel and Ekel. LLieu just stared at the ground. It was Joel who spoke, “Sire, it will be easy to follow those wagon tracks.” Ned saw the pain in those pale blue eyes. “Don’t you think the King knows that?” The older trooper spat on the ground. “The real question is what do we do, when we catch them?” LLieu looked up, “We all want to avenge what happened here and free the captives. But the real problem is, if the King does not convince the Elves and The Dragon queen to join us, The Ravens alone will not be enough to save anyone, including ourselves.” Pwyll stood stunned for a moment. LLieu’s grasp of the situation was crystal clear. Pwyll knew he would have given in to his need to help his people and take the edge off his own guilt. LLieu’ brought him back to reality. He knew they were all becoming more than battle comrades. “Let’s get our two sleepers on their horses and make our best speed to the enchanted forest.” He walked over to Thunder, as he mounted, he saw Shiva waiting by the gate.

Ekel went ahead, with Rain running beside him. A sense of urgency had been infused into his little troop. His Near Wolf was dancing with impatience. Four hours of travel passed before the first sign of life appeared in his squire. He heard a grunt and looked over at the boy tied over the rump of his own horse. The King called a halt to the riders. Ned came along side and slid off his mount. He untied Owain and carried him gently to a grassy spot on the side of the road. Pwyll looked back and saw Will Jammer was receiving the same service. LLieu took thunder after Pwyll dismounted. Pwyll joined Ned as they watched the boy come around. He sat up then cried out holding his head and lay back down with a moan. Pwyll knelt beside the child. He raised Owain’s head, and held it. The boy drank feverishly until Pwyll retracted the canteen out of his reach. “Easy, Owain, the water may intoxicate you all over again.”

Ned laughed, “That has happened to me a time or two.” Owain sat up with the Kings’ help. He was still a little unsteady. He croaked “I only drank a few sips.” Ned looked around as if, afraid to be over heard. “ I always say that.” Owain, tried to laugh, but winced instead. Joel came over, “How is he?” Pwyll turned, and said, “Ask him yourself, but first how is Will? “Ask him yourself he is standing right behind you.” The old trooper gave a rough salute as the King turned to him. “I have not been this rested in years. But I am a little sore from being tied to my horse. But that has been done before.” They all looked at the child as LLieu helped him to his feet. Owain gave a week smile, “I think, I can ride now.”

Ned nodded to Pwyll, “I will keep an eye on him, Sire.” Joel rode next to Pwyll as they picked up the pace. He called over, “What is it Like in the Forest?” Pwyll thought for a while. He was remembering his time living with the Elves, finally he answered. “It is a strange and beautiful place.” Joel, shook his head, “ I think it is a dangerous place.” Pwyll asked “What makes you think that?” Joel didn’t hesitate. “Training wolves to not see you as food or a rival for food has to be dangerous.” The king held is tongue and just nodded.

They were perhaps two days from the nearest entrance to the enchanted forest. Pwyll called a halt for the night. The small meadow beside them looked inviting. Joel rode ahead; to join Ekel as he came back down the road toward them his horse was lathered. Pwyll was surprised as Shiva joined Joel. Rain was nowhere in sight. A cold shiver shook his frame; He knew this was not good news flying toward him. He overheard Ned’s, order to hold off on making camp. He eased Thunder up the road to his incoming scout. He saw Ekel toss something to Joel. Joel caught it and spun his mount toward the King as he dug in his heels sending his horse speeding toward Pwyll. In moments a small cylinder, was passed to Pwyll. He looked it over, as Joel explained it was a message. But Pwyll knew it was form, Marinda. He opened it carefully, following directions he had been taught years ago. He knew one wrong move and the message would be lost. The cylinder opened easily. He read: Gwydion, Please make haste. Time is not your friend, but be assured I am. All my Love. Marinda. He reread the message.

“She would not have sent this, unless something was very wrong.” Ned asked “Who sent it?” Pwyll looked around; His men were gathered around him. Except Ekel who was watering his horse. Pwyll called out to the wolf warrior, “Where is the messenger?” Ekel mounted his horse, “Off hunting with Rain.” Of course Pwyll, cursed himself for forgetting the many uses of those splendid animals. He looked at Shiva. “Everybody get a quick meal and make ready to ride hard.”

Pwyll was cutting off a piece of cheese, with his dagger when he heard Owain ask, Ekel why the Ravens could not follow the King into the forest. Ekel paused a moment, while he finished chewing the hard black bread. The fading sun made it difficult to see his expression, so Pwyll moved closer to hear. “The forest is very special to us and we protect it, as it protects us.” Ned grumbled, “That is a slick bit of explaining.”

Owain looked at Ned, “I think I understand.” He wiped some crumbs off his face, and continued, “It is like Raven’s Loft. When I was first brought there I was afraid, now I feel safe and I do not like strangers roaming around.” Pwyll felt the loss of his own home in that moment. Forcefully shifting his thoughts he said “What about me? I came there as a stranger.” The child shrugged his shoulders, “It was clear you were loved by Lady Anne the moment you rode in.” Owain bowed his head his face turning beet red. The Riders were standing with their mouths open, momentarily stunned. Ned recovered the fastest, “Out of the mouths of babes.” Pwyll could not contain it any longer, the building laughter burst forth. The rest of the men present let out a collective breath. Owain gave the king a weak smile as he held out a cup of wine. “It just kind of slipped out.” Pwyll had his laughter under control and accepted the wine. “Well, it’s not a state secret that, Your Lady and I have strong feelings for each other.” He finished the wine and passed the cup back to his squire. “There is another reason why, outsiders are not encouraged to enter the Enchanted Forest.” Ekel gave, Pwyll a worried look as he joined the group. Pwyll felt he owed these men an explanation closer to the truth. “Elvin customs and relationships are very different from ours.”

Pwyll took, thunder’s reins from Owain. “Those differences make it very easy for us to misunderstand a situation and that will lead to trouble fast. “ Ned gave the orders for the troop to mount up. The old trooper also noticed the son of LLyr did not use the word love, when discussing Anne. Joel saw a look of relief on the Elf’s face, and wondered what Pwyll didn’t say.

Pwyll mounted Thunder and moved closer to Ekel, “We will need to go by the shortest route and we will need to travel fast.” The young wolf warrior, nodded. Pwyll continued,” Your Queen, has advised haste.” Ned couldn’t help over hearing, and said, “There will be bad news waiting for us, you know that , Sire.” Pwyll nodded and said, “There is one bright spot. Marinda assured me of her friendship.” Ekel face broke into a smile, “That is good news.” The tone in his voice showed, he had been concerned his queen may have been holding grudge. LLieu, added, “Not to be contrary, but a there is something wrong, I can feel it in my bones.” The Elf, gave LLieu a measuring look, then a respectful bow.

Pwyll checked the position of the late afternoon sun then nodded to Ned. The order was passed to move out. They rode hard through the growing darkness. They intentionally by passed small villages, farms and large towns. They were delayed twice, as they left the road to avoid one small band of Picts that was not small enough for them to engage. The second time was to move around a large force moving south. Joel and Ekel scouted and returned with a report of an army of mixed Irish and North men. The plan to stop at midnight was scrapped. It was dawn before they found a suitable place to rest. Pwyll spent the night in thought. He couldn’t believe Gareth would be foolish enough to bring in Irish pirates and Northern raiders. The Picts could in a strange way be considered fellow countrymen, compared to those Northmen.

There was a thought, which drifted in and out of his mind like smoke. He could not quite grasp it long enough to explore it. He knew he was tired. He saw Shiva loping slowly along her great red tongue hanging out. She appeared too tired to pant. Joel riding in from the east, captured Pwyll’s attention. He pulled up in front of Pwyll, giving a quick salute. “There is a field, with a nice small forest adjacent; it is a short ride from here.” It took Pwyll a moment to shift his thoughts, He turned back to Ned Whitty, Ned did not hesitate, “We have to rest soon, and the horses are done in.” Will stammered, “I am too.” They turned as Pwyll let Joel lead them. LLieu, was moving up the road after checking their back trail, Sped up to join the group. They arrived in the small field, to find Ekel rolling around with his gray and white Near Wolf.

Pwyll looked at Shiva and felt a pang of conscience. He knew he had been neglecting his animal and how important that bonding process was. At the edge of the forest, they dismounted and started to set up a cold camp. Owain strung a rope between a tree l and the stake that Will was pounding into the ground. Pwyll removed his own saddle and bridle. Ekel came over to Pwyll, “Sire, There is a trail just over there.” Pwyll, followed the young Elf’s pointing arm. It connects this small forest directly into the Enchanted Forest. It is a wolf trail, so it will be single file. Pwyll finished for him. “Our best bet.”

The horses were secure to the line while Owain and William fed them. LLieu and Joel watered them. Pwyll and Ned placed the packs, saddles and bed rolls around. Ekel and the Wolves, kept watch. They had developed a fast efficient routine. Pwyll thought back to his time in the other world and the efficiency of those Legions. He looked over his small force and found nothing to be ashamed of.

The weak sun was actually visible now on the horizon, as it filtered light through the trees. The men settled around and broke out their individual travel rations. Owain sat next to Pwyll as Shiva came and sat on his other side. Pwyll gave her a piece of his dried meat. Owain, scowled at her, saying, “You’re not getting any of mine, I am starving.” Pwyll knew that Owain’s cause was lost, when the big Near wolf gave him the look, with her sad brown eyes. He also thought Shiva knew it also. Pwyll looked over to see Joel and Ekel with their heads together, there was a spirited conversation going on over by the edge of the circle. Pwyll’s momentary thought of an argument was blown away by the sight of Rain between them lying on her back having her belly rubbed. He felt Shiva nudge him for another bite. He passed the meat to her without thought. He was catching, some of their words, when the elusive thought brushed his mind again. He tried to bring it into focus but it was gone again. “Damn , I wish Cathbad was here.” Owain said, “Pardon Sire?”

The King tousled the boy’s dark hair, “Sorry Owain, Just thinking out loud.” Ned came over holding a piece of bread and a cup of water. He sat down. “Why do you want the Druid?” Pwyll looked at the old rider’s face and saw his expression of true concern. “Well Ned, I am not sure, there is a thought just on the edge of my mind and I know it is important, but I can’t quite get ahold of it.” Ned nodded, “ I know the feeling , It is like someone whispering real low and you just can’t make out the meaning of the words” . Then he laughed, “ Your thinking the old Druid could hear them, even if you can’t.”

Pwyll frowned, “Yes, Something like that.” Ned tossed a piece of bread to Shiva , Her jaws snapped it up , but she spit it out. Sniffed it and then ate it. Pwyll noticed, saying she normally doesn’t care much for bread. “Ned said, “Fish oil, It is dipped in fish oil.” Pwyll watched his wolf lick her lips. Ned continued, “ it softens the bread, so you can almost chew it.” Ned turned his head, “It is going to be a cool and hazy day.” Owain asked, “How much time, are we going to spend here?” The King nodded to Ned, “ Good question, what do you think? Ned, grunted as he stood. “The horses need at least till noon.” He looked around, Will was already stretching out. Pwyll took a long drink of water. “I will take first watch , and wake you in a while .” Ned smiled, and then passed the word for everyone to get some sleep. No one had to be told twice. Pwyll stood up and walked with this wolf to the edge of the field. He searched for signs of movement in all directions. As Shiva twitched her ears and listened, her nose was up catching the sents around her. Pwyll stroked her fur and knelt down giving her a playful hug. He felt her muscles tense and was ready as she took off in a dash, Pwyll was already up and moving to chase her. She had out distanced him in moments, His whistle stopped her instantly. She turned and charged back toward him he braced himself to receive her, Thanking his stars he had on his boiled leather, Cuirasses. She took him in the chest as he expected, and they were rolling on the ground in an instant. He found that old wrestling tricks worked on near wolves if adapted properly. The surprised look on Shiva’s face, when she found herself on the bottom destroyed Pwyll’s will to win. He rolled over giggling and laughing like a young boy. Shiva was over him lapping his face with sloppy kisses. He stood up a little ashamed, as he remembered he was on guard duty.

Pwyll commanded her to follow as he went out to view the road. Joel came out to meet the pair as they returned from their inspection of the road. Pwyll noticed he was leading his horse. Pwyll, smiled as Shiva ran to greet him. Joel waited; he had a firm grip on his horse, the mare was rolling her eyes at the approaching wolf. Joel hugged Shiva’s neck and stroked her silver back.

Pwyll thought of his conversation with Ekel about the strange relationship between the two, He remembered the laugh he got when he asked, if Joel might have some Elvin blood. The wolf warrior said, it is not all that uncommon. The Near Wolves have a very keen sense of who they like and who they don’t, just as we all do. Pwyll hopped he was not feeling jealousy. Joel said, “Get some rest sire, I will watch now.” Pwyll asked “Are you not tired?” Joel chuckled, “I had a quick rest, but I have questions and thoughts buzzing in my head?” Pwyll thought he knew what some of those might be. He thanked Joel, and motioned for Shiva to follow him. Those answers were not his to give. He moved in the makeshift camp and saw Owain was awake and practicing with the sword Pwyll had given him. Will was also awake and encouraging the boy, by giving him pointers. Pwyll hid his smile and quickly laid down to rest. The thought he had just closed his eyes for a moment, when Ned’s tapping on the sole of his boot started to annoy him. Ned, laughed down at him, “I see the King is not amused.” Pwyll grumbled as he rose, grabbing Ned in a head lock. “If I ever do become high King , I will make you a scullery boy!” Will was amazed, Pwyll acted like no king or nobleman he had ever encountered. He shook his head, muttering as he saddled his horse, Ned has no brains talking to Pwyll that way then it dawned on him, he had just referred to the King by name, in his own thoughts. The Elf mounted and looked over at Will Jammer. “This is going to be hard fast ride, through a forest track.” Will swung up into the saddle, stuttered for a few moments and then blurted out. “I may be a little old, but I am still a Raven Rider.” Pwyll heard the laughter, and again was thankful to Blane for these men. The Wolf Warrior was totally accepted as one of them. The king smiled, each of these men truly wanted to be with him and each other. Pwyll felt humble and worried. Pwyll Looked around and then at Ned, “I think Ekel should lead we do not want to cross into Elven land by mistake.” Joel snorted, “ I wish I knew what the big secret was?” Ned rounded on him, “Leave it Joel!” Pwyll looked at Ned Whitty. “Easy Ned,” LLieu, came over. “I warned you last night. “You earned that one.” Joel scanned the group; Ekel looked to be frozen in his saddle. Will Jammer was staring at the ground. Joel could see Owain was oblivious. Joel said, “Am I the only one who does not know?” Pwyll swept his gaze around the group also, Joel is correct except for Owain. He wondered if this changed anything. Do they know or are they guessing? He motioned to Ekel, and gave a questioning shrug of his shoulders. The Elf , rode over to Joel, “Ride behind me today and watch my back. The first chance I get , I will explain it to you as best I can.” Joel saluted, “Thank you.”

Pwyll didn’t know If he was relieved or concerned that the little group may lose some of its closeness. Ned said, “Right you are, Young Wolf, Time for that later, Your Queen awaits. Let’s Ride!” Every one formed a single file, with the king in the middle following Will. Shiva looked up at him and whined, He could not see Rain, He said, “Alright, you can Go”. Before he could finish the last word, she was moving, in moments she was out of sight. Pwyll rode for hours, skillfully dodging branches, and avoiding vines. His thoughts were deep in the Enchanted forest, with Jackdaw and Marinda. He thought over her message.

He wanted to order Ekel to pick up the pace, but knew it was an unnecessary order, The Wolf Warrior knew how urgent things were. Pwyll rode on with his thoughts like a pot on a hot fire bubbling away. The weak sun was not making its way through in some of the heaver canopied, parts of the trail. It was almost night riding. Pwyll depended on Thunder to keep the interval. He looked back at Owain skillfully handling his mount with a big grin on his face. Pwyll new the boy was enjoying this new adventure.

Owain could not help smiling, He liked the adventure, but it was the sense of belonging that made him happy. This was a real family; each man was like a brother and a farther. He felt the sword occasionally slapping his side as he rode. Even the king is looking out for me. Then his thoughts sobered as he remembered it was now his duty to look out for the king. LLieu Jones slowed and watched the back trail for a moment. He allowed the others to get far enough ahead where the sound of their horses could not be heard. When it was quiet, he stopped and listened. He heard sounds off to the east, lots of horses and men off the west. He thought it must be coming from the main road. LLieu heard them moving away south west. He waited trying to judge the size of the force. He was thankful by the sounds of them they were staying on the old roman road. The draw back to that was they were making good time. When he could no longer hear them he left as quietly as he could to catch up with the troop. The forest trail was thickly padded and the densely packed trees between the trail and the road covered his movements. The trail was angling away from the road as LLieu picked up speed. He maneuvered his mount past Ned , cutting him off as he pulled in behind Pwyll. “Sire,” Pwyll turned to receive the report without stopping or slowing. “There is another sizable force horses and foot. Moving southwest on the old Roman road.” Ned heard the report. , “I take it we are well clear?” LLieu turned back, “Yes, that is the good news.” He didn’t have to state the bad. Pwyll rode on, digesting the latest information. He tried to estimate the size of the invasion. It was now clear in his mind what this was. This is beyond Red Hand. Then it hit him, the thought he could not remember. Vortigern, the King in the Otherworld who invited in the raiders form the frozen lands into his Kingdom to help him expand his power. Pwyll examined his memory and cursed himself for not paying more attention. Who in this land would invite whole scale invasion by foreigners? Red Hand only needed a small show of force to compel most to join him. The size and makeup of this force would surely mean his removal and the loss of everything he wanted. It is impossible that nobles like Sir Giles Grindle would go along with that. A few mercenaries maybe, but not this! Who would do this? Who was arrogant enough to think they could control it. The troop rode on, Pwyll’s question remained unanswered. He hoped Marinda or Jackdaw knew. The sun grew weaker and shadows grew longer. Sunset was near. The horses were starting to show the strain. Pwyll called for a halt and a short rest. Joel came riding back saluted “Ekel says it is only a short ride to a field that abuts the Elvin lands. If we continue on soon we will be there at sunset.” Each horse was given some water and after refreshing themselves the troop continued on. Ekel and Rain sat awaiting them as Shiva charged across the field to join Pwyll. He dismounted and passed the reigns to Owain. Pwyll greeted his Near wolf with a treat and a quick roll around in the tall grass. She was kissing him again, when he stood up , “ What have you been eating?., by the Goddess your breath stinks.” Pwyll was glad she had eaten. He ruffled the fur on her neck and walked toward the group of men starting to make a quick camp.

They were interrupted a few moments later as two Elvin wolf warriors emerged from the forest. Two wolves stood growling. Ekel and Rain stood up; Ekel raised his hand in greeting. Rain walked over exchanging sniffs. Shiva charged and stood growling and glaring at the two large males. They looked at her with curiosity. Pwyll noticed she was as large as they were, in comparison Rain was starting to look dainty. The two warriors smiled as they saw Shiva and gave a small bow. They were dressed in identical yellow and brown jerkins. They turned back to Ekel, “You will all come with us. Follow us closely and stay on the path.” Pwyll stepped forward, “I have made arrangements for my escort to wait here”. The Elves turned as one speaking in unison, “The queen has ordered otherwise.” Ekel” said, Hold on a bit, You may be part of the queen’s guard , but Who do you think you are talking to?” I am sorry brother, but we were ordered to get the son of LLyr and his entire party into the safety of the Enchanted forest as soon as possible.” He turned to Pwyll, “We can talk on the way, Gwydion, It is urgent that you all come now.”

Pwyll knew they were using the name they knew him by not trying to be disrespectful. Pwyll knew the one on the right was familiar. He said, “ I must talk to my men for a moment then we will follow quickly. Mount up and gather around.” he said as Owain passed him Thunder’s reigns. Mounted, he spoke “Listen men and heed my warning. Elven women and girls are all and I repeat all beautiful, Second they are much”, he paused searching for a word, freer then any women you may know. I know it is going to be almost impossible, but you must, be on your best behavior. They will tempt you.” He could see the sparkle in their eyes, and continued “and so will some of their men.” They stood there with their mouths open for a moment no one spoke then Joel said, “You mean the men like men?” , Pwyll did not hesitate, “ Some do, some don’t, some like both and that goes for men and women.” The troop was silent as they thought that over, Pwyll went on , so it is imperative, that you do not get involved, with anyone, unless you are sure what is going on. One more thing, women rule here, Not just the queen, remember that. We cannot afford to offend the Elves, and the consequences can be deadly.” The King nodded to Ekel. Ekel swept his gaze around the group, “Please if you have a question ask me, first.” They started to ride off as Ekel lead, he turned and said, “To answer the first question.” He shouted back “I like Girls!” The troop followed laughing. Pwyll was happy, that at least was not going to be a problem. But there was still plenty to worry about as they raced down a clear forest path.

Pwyll still marveled at the difference between the wooded parts of Elvin lands and other places. The forest was clean and fresh, most of the dead fall was cleared out. Tall trees let in light in patches and rays. He knew the reason was the elves were caretakers, not just forest dwellers. The light on sunny days would stream in between the tall tress turning the forest into a large cathedral, a truly holy place. At night moon beams gave the forest its name. As they rode on he thought of his time here. Images of different girls he had known flashed before him. He asked himself how will I react now? I am no longer a teenage boy. Pwyll could hear the gasps and snippets of conversations as the troopers took in the beauty of the Forests as they rode deeper into its charms. The moon was starting to rise and still they rode. Pwyll looked around trying to find some land mark he might recognize but there was nothing to help him locate his position. He thought about how long it had been. Seven almost eight years. But he knew he had never been this way before. He wondered how far he was from the place the Elves call Oderain, or the old forest, which holds their main trading and government center.

He was at a loss to even describe it. Calling it city or town does not match. Oderain is more like a hub I think, deep in the forest. The queen and her court are there. The majority of the elven army are near. He just was not sure where.

Having lived there for two years he still did not know very much. He shook himself out of his thoughts. They were slowing down. Pwyll looked around. The moon was shining brightly through the trees, some had moss that glowed green and reflected the moon light. Pwyll remembered the first time he saw it. He looked back at his men. He saw they were experiencing that same feeling. He ducked a vine with silver reflective leaves that looked like bright touches. Owls were making their nightly hunting calls. Some wolves or Near Wolves were howling off in the distance .The air smelled richer.it almost covered the smell of sweat and horses. Memories came flooding back. Shiva was off exploring with Rain. He felt alone with her gone, and then he remembered she was raised here. This must be a homecoming for her. That thought did not make him feel better. He thought over Marinda’s message. It sounded inviting but now his nerves were not so steady and he was not so sure. He was starting to worry. He looked up seeing the first tree bridge over his head, and knew he was entering Oderain.

Joel could be seen coming down the line; he pulled in beside the king. “We have been joined by two patrols and I have seen evidence of many more crisscrossing the forest.” Pwyll said, “What do you think is going on?” Joel looked around and spoke in a low tone. “They appear to be on some type of alert.” Where is Ekel?” Joel shrugged, “He said, he was going ahead to see what is going on, He does not seem to care much for the queen’s guard.” Pwyll glanced over his shoulder, He knew now they were on the outer perimeter of Oderain. They still had a ride ahead of them.

The bright moon was high when the pace started to slow. Pwyll could see they were coming into a clearing. He saw lines of wolf warriors and their animals. The elves were armed for war not hunting.

There were four stockades in front of him. The Elvin escort moved off to the sides and started to dismount. Pwyll brought thunder to a stop and signaled a Holt for his men. He was starting to be concerned and Thunder started to dance as he felt it also. Pwyll soothed the big gray.

Jackdaw came walking out behind the nearer of the stockades. Pwyll smiled, but noticed he was dressed in green with a black studded mantel. He was also armed, wearing a sword and a bow. Jackdaw bowed, “Hail Gwydion Pwyll Ap LLyr! He continued as he straightened up, “Dismount please, I have something here to show you and then we must talk.” Pwyll heard the polite words, but the tone had a ring of command. Pwyll dismounted, Joel held the reigns. Nog, Jackdaws Large Brown male Near Wolf came over to sniff the king causing Thunder to move to the left. Pwyll had to let go almost losing his balance. He patted the big war horse, saying “Easy, boy you know Nog.” Then he held his hand out to the big wolf and received an approving sniff. He looked back to Ned. “Keep the men mounted and quiet.” Pwyll walked stiffly toward his mentor and child hood teacher. When they stood together Jackdaw reached out a hand, The old Elf grasp Pwyll’s hand and said, “I want you to get ahold of yourself, there are many watching on you.” The soft green eyes, were now emerald hard. Pwyll knew bad news was coming. He braced himself as he felt Jackdaw’s iron grip.

The Old wolf Mage made is report as if, he were a battle field messenger “Raven’s Loft has been taken once more.” Pwyll started to speak, but was silenced by a quick tightening of the hand around his bicep. “The Raven Riders have been notified and all are responding. Marinda says Anne and Eleanor are alright for the moment. She will explain that later. Pwyll tried to swallow guilt and grief. His thoughts were whirling; again she is in danger because of me. He glanced toward his men. He did not know how he was going to tell them. Jackdaw saw all and knew this would be a test of his king’s metal. He said, Come Gwydion, I have something for you to see.” Pwyll followed. “We have been attacked also, they have penetrated the forest on the west side where the roman road is closest.” Pwyll stopped, “Who attacked you?” Jackdaw kept going, “Come and see for yourself. “ He followed the elf around the other side of the stockade, where the logs had an opening. The gate of thorns swung inwards as they approached. Pwyll saw guards and near wolves, part as Jackdaw and Nog led him into the enclosure. Pwyll knew why Nog was there without a wolf escort, he would be torn to bits. His training here had been hard and the lessons still remembered. He saw Picts chained to logs. There were two knights who looked to be near death. He looked to Jackdaw. “How bad was the attack? Did you lose any?” Jackdaw kept walking toward the prisoners, “Four animals killed, three wounded, six warriors wounded no deaths. He paused. “Yet.” Pwyll asked, “ children?” Jackdaw shook his head “No none, thank the Goddess for that!.” Pwyll saw the first smile on the old Elf’s face, “They came in through a heavily armed outpost. The Fools!” “ Foraging party? Pwyll asked, “Yes we think so, considering the size of the unit moving south.” Pwyll walked closer to one of the Knights, he still had an arrow sticking out of his shoulder. Pwyll told Jackdaw, about the army and the Black dragon. Jackdaw stood frozen for a moment “ You must discuss that with Marinda.” Pwyll looked at the man but did not recognize him. He wore no badge or clan insignia. The king moved closer. The green armor with the red dragon brought the man slowly to his feet. He stared at Pwyll with hatred in his brown eyes. He croaked “I know you, they said you were gone. Ran away!” Pwyll moved a step closer, a large Gray Near wolf, moved between him and the prisoner giving a deep warning growl. The brown eyes darted to the wolf; they were filled with fear now. Pwyll asked, “Who are you? Whom do you serve?” The man just stared at the near wolf. Pwyll wanted to ask him why he was with Picts. Jackdaw touched his arm, “Come this way Gwydion”, They moved off to the right and around a small hut. Three men were chained to the wall. They were all big muscular giants. Pwyll knew them for north men. Jackdaw said, “Viking raiders, Northern lords and Picts. That is what we are up against. Along with Red Hand, the new tribes and whatever knights he has coerced.” Pwyll felt a flare of red hot anger flash through him , he started to move toward the giants. A wolf started to growl, Pwyll looked down to see a Black Near wolf with fangs bared in a crouch. He recognized the attack posture and knew he was in trouble. A silver flash slid to a stop between him and the big Black. He heard Shiva’s deep loud growl and saw the menacing posture as she advanced on the other wolf. The back wolf immediately rolled over on his belly and surrendered. Pwyll knew for the first time, Shiva was an alpha female. He advanced on the prisoners, “Who are you and why are you attacking my people?” Two of Giants, one of the two with yellow hair and the one with the red hair remained silent. The other tallest one shook his long hair and straightened up shaking his chains stepping boldly forward. His one deep blue eye measured Pwyll from head to foot and back. “ I am Sigurth, Your question is foolish.” Pwyll looked at Jackdaw, “ A bold fellow, indeed.”

Turning to the guard next to him, he requested some water. When he received a beaker of water, he passed it to the Viking. The giant drank some and then passed it on to the others. Pwyll kept his temper in check, saying, please humor me and tell me why you invaded my country. There was silence for a while, Then Sigurth smiled, and looked straight into Pwyll’s eyes. That smile sent a chill through the king to his very core. The Viking saw it and interoperated it as fear. He laughed,” I was told Red Hand was King. Who are you?” Pwyll gave the man a cold smile in return, “You know who I am, I saw it on your face the moment I walked up. I also know you are not a common foot soldier. So tell me why would you be leading a simple foraging party? Unless you have disgraced yourself somehow, perhaps you are a coward?” The giant lunged forward; Pwyll was ready and smoothly stepped back commanding Shiva down. The menacing growl, brought silence to the three, Pwyll suspected they all understood? “ I repeat who are you? The three spoke amongst themselves, finally Sigurth said, “We are the sons of Halvdan king of Rogaland and he will ransom us.” Perhaps he will be allowed to, if you answer my questions fully and honestly.” Jackdaw stepped forward, “A word Gwydion.” They moved off out of hearing. “Marinda has not decided how they will be treated.” Pwyll frowned, “Did she question them?” “No, but I did.” “What did they tell you?” “Only what they have told you so far .but they said they were invited. Pwyll groaned, “by who?” Jackdaw, looked around, and then said. “By the Christian priests.” Pwyll whispered, “Which ones?” “They didn’t say. I am sorry I didn’t ask.” Pwyll walked slowly back to the prisoners. “Tell me about your invitation, by the church?” Sigurth, answered again. “What is there to tell, our holy men spoke to yours and a deal was struck. We would help them and they would give us land and payment.” Pwyll was having trouble, controlling his anger and petted his wolf to give himself time to regain some composure. “Help them do what?” Sigurth glared at Pwyll, “I think I have said enough until my brothers and I have better accommodations and treatment.” Pwyll snapped, “You will talk now or you will be bloody wolf food!” Sigurth sat down, with a smirk on his face, His brothers followed. “Take the other blond to the pit,” The red head Hollered, Son of LLyr, “ I will fight all the wolves you have.” Pwyll turned, “Yes I know you would, son of Ragnar, but it doesn’t work that way. You three will be chopped up and added to their normal meal”. He turned winking at Jackdaw, “ I am going to see Marinda.” Jackdaw walked with Pwyll till they rounded the small building. “How did you guess who they were?” Pwyll said ,” I remembered their description, Three giants, two blonde, one redhead, the tallest one with only a single eye. They raided south many years ago as young men. They left a terrible wake of destruction and sorrow. It was the first time I had seen true evil and slaughter.”

Jackdaw kept walking but his mind was working on the question before Pwyll asked. “What were those beasts doing, with the Christian church? Why did they enter the enchanted forest?” The king stopped to take a breath and continued. “Who would be stupid enough to think they could deal with Ragnar?” The old elf said, “All the more reason to see Marinda as soon as possible.” Pwyll looked back over his shoulder. “Watch them closely.”.

“Well you shook them a bit with the announcement of their fate. Was that temper or intentional.” “Pwyll smiled, “Both old friend. You know their religion and it requires dying sword in hand to reach Valhalla. Not as pet food.” They stood by Pwyll’s horse, “Sire, Do you think they will talk more?” Pwyll mounted thunder, as an elf brought Jackdaw’s horse. “I doubt it. But they now have some incentive. “

They rode on a few moments in silence as Pwyll followed the path taken by Nog and Shiva. Pwyll said, I hope they are leading us to the queen.

He heard Ned and Joel behind him chuckle as Jackdaw said. “Me too.” They met Ekel on the path, he stopped and waited for them. Pwyll saw a sad look on the young warrior’s face, even Rain looked unhappy. “What is wrong, Ekel?” The elf bowed, “A friend and her Near Wolf have been wounded.” Joel road up and Put a hand on Ekel’s shoulder. The move said it all. Pwyll was not fazed by the interruption; he understood the bond in his troop. Ekel swallowed, nodded to Joel, and said “The queen wishes to see you as soon as you can manage it.” He turned, “I will keep the troop safe. Sire” Jackdaw led the way, as Pwyll, returned Ekel’s salute and took off after, Jackdaw. The troop followed at a slower pace. They were drinking in the wonders of the forest. Ekel gladly acted as a tour guide form time to time. They rode deeper into the enchanted forest coming nearer to Oderain. They saw various colored stone cottages with silver thatched roofs glowing in the rising moon light. Most were nestled between tall trees and hard to see. Bridges suspended between trees were becoming more numerous. Joel noticed armed guards were everywhere. He saw small log houses, sounding mighty oaks and beach trees. He noticed the branches appeared to specially grown, to hold them up. He asked Ekel How it was done but never heard the answer. His mount suddenly stopped, as he saw her standing by the road. She was dressed in a green see through dress with a gold trim. Her red hair was only partially covered by the green hooded cape. Her skin was pale and flawless. Delicate pointed ears peaked through the ruby flowing waves. She was slim as a child but her figure was all women and fully visible. Joel sat frozen as his blood boiled. She was dancing in fluid beauty. Two large black wolves watched her every movement with worship in their yellow eyes. The rest of the troop was similarly occupied. The wolf warrior saw the men of the raven troop and knew the effect she was having. He could feel it himself. He said, “Princess Mia Please, they are guests of the Queen.” She stopped and gazed upon Joel, with large soft brown eyes. She spoke to Ekel, but those eyes never left Joel. “Promise me warrior, I can have that one.” Joel heard the throaty request as she lifted a slender arm and pointed directly at him. His mind and body felt as if they would burst into flame. He took a deep breath. He heard Ekel, say “If the queen allows, it will be so” There was a soft sigh and she was gliding behind the tree followed by two black shadows. Joel looked franticly around, she had vanished. He started to follow, but Ned Whitty had an iron grip on Joel’s reigns.

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