Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1922179-Belonging-to-her
Rated: 18+ · Other · Dark · #1922179
A girl makes her boyfriend hers forever...
It was a cryptic night. The light of the moon is all that made the landscape visible to his eyes as he ran through the woods. His heartbeat was rapid and his breathing deep. Partly from the running but mostly from his fear of the girl chasing him. She was the love of his life and she seemed like such a sweet caring person... How could this be happening? Thoughts of her raced through his mind as he desperately tried to escape. Suddenly he could hear her voice in the distance.
"Rick come back to me... You are mine" she said in her sexy cuban accent.
He froze and tried to control his breathing as he listened and tried not to give away his where abouts to her. Ironically he missed her and hated her at the same time. She was a beautiful girl. Curly brown hair and the most gorgeous green eyes. She was a petite 4' 11" and around 105 lbs. In Ricks mind she was absolutely perfect... except for the fact that she was trying to kill him,
"Im going to find you Rick"! She yelled.
Slowly Rick backed away from her voice and headed to some thick brush where he would attempt to hide. He made his way through the brush to the ground and covered himself with leaves and twigs. He could hear her footsteps as they echoed in the woods. She wasnt far and he now had no choice but to be still.
"Cutie patutie... Where are you? I am really hungry and you are making me angry"!
She was so close now... only a few yards away. His heart thumped and he tried so hard to be quiet he forgot to breath on numerous occasions. She was walking by when a branch fell from a tree and clacked its way to the ground right next to him. Mina stopped and looked for a few minutes. Rick could do nothing but watch her stare in his direction. She took a step towards him and something glimmered in the light... A lump formed in his throat as he realized that she had a gun.
"I see you Rick" She said pointing the gun at him. "Get up and walk towards me... I dont want to have to drag your body through these woods".
"Ok ok" Rick answered as he rose to his feet with his hands up and walked out of his hiding place towards her.
Throwing a pair of handcuffs at him she told him to cuff his hands behind his back. He did as she asked and she motioned for him to walk back towards the cabin that they were using as a weekend get away.
"Please Mina dont do this... We can go our own ways and ill never mention this to anyone"...
"You wish" she replied
They walked in silence back to the cabin and when they reached the front door his heart almost stopped.
"Get in" she demanded.
Slowly he went into the cabin and she pushed him into a chair before walking into the bedroom and bringing out duct tape and more cuffs. She cuffed his feet to the chair and then wrapped duct tape around his waist arms and chair so he couldnt move.
"I told you you were mine Rick".
She climbed onto his lap and looked deep into his eyes as she leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips.
"Ill always love you papi". she told him as she licked his face and neck.
"You wont get away with this bebe... i mean Mina"! He exclaimed.
"Sure I will. By the time anyone knows you are missing youll be here"... She lifted her feet and wiggled her toes. "And here"... she ran her hands over her calves and up to her thighs. "And here"... She massaged her butt sensually. "and here"... She rubbed her tummy up to her breasts. "And here"... she caressed her arms. "And here"... she wiggled her fingers. "And here"... she she grasped her sexy neck. "And"... she looked at the toilet. "But dont worry ill keep you alive for as long as I can so youll know what happens... You are mine".
She went back to licking his ears before biting hard into his left ear chewing ravenously until his ear was detached and in her mouth. She sat back on his lap looking down at him as he screamed and she started chewing slowly. Terrified all Rick could do is watch her as he tried to escape his binds. She swallowed and he watched his ear disappear into her stomach. She was actually eating him.
"Help"! Rick screamed but he knew that no one could hear him. they were miles from anyone. Mina smiled and put her hand on her belly, then licked the blood from his ear and face.
"You are so good Rick". She said as she licked his face some more then made her way to his right ear.
"No Mina! No no no"
She clamped her teeth around his ear and sat there listening to him beg and cry out for a minute before chewing it off and swallowing it down.
"Well Rick im done with my appetisers".
Mina climbed off his lap and went into the kitchen returning with a knife and 2 hot frying pans. She put the knife down on the table and took the frying pans and covered his ears with them. A blood curlding scream echoed through the cabin as she cauderized his wounds.
"Cant have you bleeding to death. I like my meat fresh".
She took the pans back to the kitchen and put them back on the stove then walked to the table picked up the knife and walked towards Rick.
"No more Mina...please no more"! A tear rolled down his cheek and she licked it off. She looked him over and stopped at his hands. She grasped his hand tight and slammed the knife down cutting his hand off clean. She put it on the table and grasped his other hand and slammed the knife down again.
"That should be enough" she said as she went and got the pans again.
After stopping his bleeding she took his hands to a meat grinder across the room and ground his hands into burger. She put it in a bowl and walked back into the kitchen. Soon the smell of cooking meat filled the cabin and he could hear Mina humming in the kitchen. About 20 minutes later she came walking back into the living room with what appeared to be 2 burgers complete with cheese, ketchup, and pickles. She sat indian style in front of Rick and took a bite from one of them. She rolled her eyes and moaned as she chewed.
"You are so delicious Rick".
She sat there and finished her two sandwiches in front of Rick before snapping on the tv and watching it as if he wasnt there. From time to time he could hear her belly gurgle as she watched tv. Soon she was tired and decided to go to bed. she kissed rick on the cheek.
"See you at breakfast sweetie". She told him as she layed on the recliner across from him and went to sleep.
Rick sat in the chair pulling and struggling to escape with no hope. He could hear Minas belly churning her food and digesting his hands and he was terrified. He tried frantically to stay awake and escape but after a couple of hours he fell asleep. Late the next morning he was awakened by her tongue and strong morning breath as she licked his face.
"Good morning papi". Im going to have breakfast but first... She walked to the bathroom pulled down her panties and sat on the toilet but then jumped up. "I have a better idea". she went into the kitchen and came back with a large five gallon bucket and put the toilet seat over it. She sat it next to rick and again pulled her panties down and sat. Rick watched in horror as he heard a couple of large plops. She wiped and went to wash her hands. She came back and showed Rick her waste. "See now I can see how much of you becomes part of me and how much becomes poo". she smiled.
© Copyright 2013 rickcordero (rickcordero at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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