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Extraterrestrials Planets

The word ‘extra’ means ‘additional’ and terrestrial means ‘thing related to us’ or our life. So, clearly extraterrestrials mean the life or thing which is extraordinary from us.
For this type of life many evidence have been founded. There is number of planets present in whole universe. So, it is not possible that there is life only on one planet. There may many planets which have life but it is not possible that each planet have carbon-based life. There is life on many planets in the form of micro organisms.

The UFO sightings are claimed by many peoples, contacting of UFO with radar, encounter of an alien by Americans and there is many evidence for another extra ordinary life.
For searching extraterrestrials life many methods are taken by scientists. They find extraterrestrials (ETs) mainly by checking radio signals which are coming from all over the universe. One civilization does not know that what kind of signal is sending by other. Many scientists are working secretly to find signals to become a scientist with contact of aliens. Many different and unknown types of signals are sending by scientists and waiting for its response. These all are for those who are technologically developed for sending and receiving signals, not for the life form of bacteria or any other micro-organisms. Scientists also searching the locations where life could exist, at present or even in past. By these discoveries a super earth was found near Red Dwarf star, Gliese 581, which is 20.5 light years away from us. It caused an excitement for the scientists because it had some climatic conditions, which are also present on our earth. Astrobiology is that word which means the development and testing of theories about extra terrestrial’s life, its other names are exobiology or xenobiology. The ETs lives are also formed from simple bacteria to intelligent beings. Most scientists want to proof that there is another planet where life exists and aliens are also present. For it many theories are made by scientists.
Numbers of scientists were also working in SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence). It searches a limited range of frequencies at one time to find ETs scientists are donating more and more resources, what they have? But still today they haven’t get success in it. SETI conduct an astronomical search with radio signals which travels with the speed of light i.e. 3.0X108m/s.
There is at least 125 billion of galaxies in the universe and 10% stars are similar to sun which are revolved by planets, observed by Hubble Telescope. It is also observed that there are 6.25X1018 stars in universe and 6.25X109 billion are having life on their planets.
Many lives are also present in our solar system on many planets and moons. Let’s take the moons of Saturn.

One of its moon is Enceladus. It is the inner most moon of Saturn. The craters which are shown on it are not larger than 3.5 Km by measuring their diameter, where other areas of it have no crater. Its surface temperature is -2010C(-3300F). It is said to be as puzzling ice world. The particles which are found on it are ice, water vapour and organic compounds are traced from Enceladus’s surface. Warm spot centered on the south pole of Enceladus, which is a sign of internal heat leaking out of the icy moon. Scientists are considering that its south pole is very cold. It is sixth largest moon. This is all suggested by Cassini Probe’s flyby of Enceladus’s. Carbon dioxide, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and oxygen are found on it which is necessary to rise up life. It is thought that 99% of water ice is present on it. The other moon is Titan, which is the largest moon of Saturn and second largest of our solar system. Scientists think that they might be able to find liquid pools or rivers of methane and ethane. The water would be frozen because Titan has low surface temperature of -1720C or -2820F. Scientists also think it is a mysterious moon.

Titan is classified as a moon but is larger than the planets Mercury and Pluto. It is not a planet but has a atmosphere similar to planet, which is more dense than Mercury, Earth, Mars and Pluto. It is said that may be its environment is similar to our Earth. After all this, scientists also believe that on Titan lakes of ethane exist, which contain dissolved methane. It also has building blocks of ammonia acids. From some researches it is showed that there is aliens or micro organisms must consuming hydrogen, acetylene, ethane and giving methane. It is the only known moon that have atmosphere and must be hydro carbon ocean present in its polar region.
The Jupiter’s moon ‘Lo’ is one of the most exotic place in our solar system, which support an atmosphere and chemical included for developing life on it.

Volcano occurs on it that’s why it is one of the most known volcanic body with flowing lava. When its mountains were observed then they exceeds 16 kms, means much taller than earth’s mountains. Its temperature is too cold but can be able to support life. From discoveries Sulfur Dioxide were found on it, which is main component of the clouds.
The fourth largest moon of Jupiter is Europa. It also seems to have life on it because it is coated with frozen water .

Astronomers believe that there may be ocean on it but deep after 10 Km from its surface. Its upper layer cloud be icy but at deep water is liquid. If ocean is present inside its icy crust then it may contain microbes or any bacterial life.
We know that Venus is second nearest planet to the sun or star in our solar system. Its temperature is much more than that of earth. Scientists said that there must be microbes in 50 Km above the surface and water vapour is also detected in its cloud.

The researchers found Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide.
Fred Hoyle has proposed that life may exists on comets, as some earth microbes managed to survive on a lunar probe for many years. In 1996 on a meteorite nonbacterial structure were found, its electron micrograph shows fossilized bacterial life form. If ETs or microbial life will found on another body of our solar system, it would still needed to be proven that such life did not originate from earth in recent or distant past. It has been said that about 1 million years before some organisms from earth were left it due to problems of asteroids and comets, then they landed on Titan to survive.
Our scientists have also founded an another planet which is 50% larger than our earth. It gets its name 581C-gilse and it revolves the star named as 581 Gilse which is 20.5 light year away from us. Scientists said that it might be a rocky planet or surrounded by oceans. Its temperature is between 00C to 400C and has liquid form of water on it.

Drake Equation

There is only one way to estimate the number of technologically advanced civilizations that might exist in our galaxy i.e., "Milky Way”. When Dr. Franke Drake was working in the national radio astronomy observatory in green bank then he derive a means to mathematically estimate the number of life. It was formulated in 1961. The equation is,
N=R*fp ne fe fi fe l
N=The number of communicative civilizations
R*=The rate of formation of suitable stars
fp=The fraction of those stars with planets
ne=The number of earth like world per planetary system
fe=The fraction of those earth like planets where life actually develops
fi=The fraction of life sites where intelligence develops
fez=The fraction of communicative planets
l=The life time of communicative civilizations.

Extraterrestrials life

The word alien is I think one of the most popular among all together with Unidentified Flying Objects(UFO). Many people’s all over the world see UFOs and report it to the astronomers some reports were hoax may be for popularity but some of them are not hoax and remained unexplained so may be UFOs. Everyone knows that aliens come to earth at every 3 minutes and many other events have took place which is unexplained and forced us to call it UFOs. After knowing all these things many of the people does not believe in aliens. What’s the reason? I think maybe they are foolish, stupid and many others. They do not think that, all the scientists were foolish that they were not doing research on aliens. SETI is not a stupid organization that they are wasting time and money. There must be any reason that is why they are doing research on it. The atheist of aliens cannot believe in anything we know, we cannot see air, so they say that there is not any presence of air on earth and talk like foolish or mad person.
We know that in Ice and in fire life can be possible and if our life is carbon based then there must be any other element or mineral based life can be possible at any place. On Mars we can see ice caps and oceans then there must be any aquatic creature can be possible. If twin sun can found the we may find twin of our earth anywhere. So there was my simple thinking according to me. An alien is also captured by the earth peoples, it cannot be a hoax, Peoples can think unlimited not good but bad or thinking of foolishness and if they are not thinking then also they are illiterate. I challenge, so dear parents take care!
According to me aliens are present, they want to meet and help us but may they feel fear from our scientists because they will start conducting research on them before keeping them safely. So the aliens can survive freely. I think there is some relation between aliens and ‘The Bermuda Triangle’. In the whole universe many aliens are present. If one of them is enemy then others may be our friend. The UFOs may contain our friend who want to help us or want to say something but cannot be able to do.

Whenever the word ET comes to our mind it fascinates us something amazing wild or cute with intelligence greater than us. But according to me aliens have super natural powers. Here, the thing is not that they exist. In fact, the question is that, if they exist, what is the proof? Only logic like. I want to say that here I am not giving my views about life in outer space; I am only talking about ETs life. It can be said that the aliens which may exist in this universe can be divided into three categories-
(i)Powerful than us
(ii)Equal in power than us, and
(iii)Low in power than us
The two last category as I can assume as we are unable to find that two categories of aliens with evidence. But at some places we can found bacterial life on some planets. We have seen only the first category of aliens.
Another point related to first category of aliens is the reported news of UFO sightings. Those UFOs must contain aliens or may send by aliens. They would lived in a certain condition and we also. Their everything must be different from us. It is only third or fourth century of science, where it is developing fast. From about 150 years we are on the path of becoming developed in technology. So, it is now very difficult for us. A question now arises ‘Are aliens present in our solar system ?’ I also think positively about them, but they will be of first category of aliens. They will be lanced with super powers. These aliens may have living in a hypothetical world where everything has its speed greater than speed of light or the latest technology which they used or discovered.
I have discussed number of planets below which have compounds and elements to support life, some of them have bacterial form of life, but the Red Planet’s observation forced us to say it may have life in past. There is nine planets in our solar system but the life exist only on one planet i.e., Earth as we think. But I think that there was life on ‘Mars’ many years ago or may be at present. Scientists are researching for life on it at present, among all planets. During researches water(H2O), Methane(CH4) and Hydrogen sulphide(H2S) were found on mars and many other which can be raise up life. On it water is seen large amount; rivers like structure are seen on it in the craters. Ice caps were found on it, so it means its temperature is too cool than that of earth. Ozone(O3) is also present on mars in 30 part per billion(ppb) which cannot be able to reflect the ultraviolet rays of sun. The amount of Carbon Dioxide(CO2) is in 95.32% and nitrogen(N) is present in 2.7% according to researches.
But we can’t have to think about the gases and elements of Mars because two things are founded on it which indicates that it may have life in past or at present, but not be carbon based. That things are ‘Pyramids’ and ‘skulls’ founded by astronomers.

The Pyramids said to be hills or mountains on the surface of Mars. From a low resolution image, but it has perfect symmetry similar to the Egyptians Pyramids of earth, the Pyramids are found in the ‘Martian region of Mars’. Which is also known as ‘Cydonial Region’? The images which are captured by the Vikings missions of the Martian surface in 1970; it closely resembled a face, which is such like as humans. This structure as thinked to be built by intelligent life being, which are more intelligent than us, these pyramids structures are revealed by the photos taken of the Cydonial region. Among all the pyramids O& M Pyramid had a perfect symmetry. The pyramids had a perfect symmetry. The Pyramid had were located near the’ Face of Mars’.

It is said that the faces of Mars may be constructed by inhabitants of the city which is situated near the pyramids of Mars. There has been a vast body beside the pyramids, which contains water. These Pyramids may be built firstly on Mars and then repeated on earth, because the Mars Pyramids are covered by soil, so it indicates them many years old. And the second thing is the skull, seen on the surface of Mars. These looks like head of dogs or any other animals, some of them are seem to be of humans.

If the skulls are taken to earth then some of the secret may revealed , the skulls implies that Mars has also life before many years ago. But the ruined in a disaster and their skull are only left today.

History of Alien Visitation

Chi Pu Tei was an archeologist who discovered a strange alignment in 1930 in Baian Kara Ulla Mountains, which is located near the Sino Tibetan Border. He also founded the cave paintings and the beings which are in it wearing belmets, sun, moon and stars. In the cave there is also a discovery of small frail skeletons with unusually large skulls, by this it seems that they may have large head. Among the graves a strong curved disc object was found in 1962. It was translated that approximately twelve thousands years ago a group of beings spacecraft crashes on earth but, they not be able to repair their craft. So, they killed due to their non human appearance.
The three ancient Hindu scriptures are the Bhagavata Purana, Mahabharata and Ramayana, these are dated back to 3000 B.C. and some of the oldest writing are known by Modern being also. Those men who read these scriptures speak extensively about the flying machines known as vimans, which not only fly in sky, by this they goes to different stars. There were also asaka-patana spaceships in ancient times, which work or travel with speed of mind. It is stated by Popal Vuh that several gods like X-balanque and the great god named as Quetzalcaotl, after their earth life, returned to their planets. Long lived rulers from the heavens, who flew with ‘fire breathing dragons’ and it is well explained in early chinese texts. There is a book in Tibet which mean the translated word ‘Buddha’ and the book is known as ‘Kantyua’. Do you know first seven Tibetan kings, come from the stars and goes on to stay that there they eventually returned to the planets. From the explanation of Babylonian and Sumerian writings stated that there is also a twelth planet in our solar system, known as ‘Nibiru’ by ancient Sumerian and ‘Marduk’ by Babylonian. This state that our solar system contain tenth planet. Sun and Moon are also counted as heavenly bodies by Sumerians. It is stated that planets Nibiru and Marduk come about four billion years ago in our solar system by destroying the another planet which create the asteroid belt beyond Mars.

Ancient Egyptians

There is a tell in Egyptians history known as ‘Tep Zepi’. At that time there is a mention of sky gods, who comes on earth to raise it from mud and water. It is described that they flew in boats. From an extract it is said that we were made by super aliens, a bearded spirit made us in six days and went back on seventh day. In bible it is said that they made us like himself. From this I conclude if they had made us like themselves as I describe gods as super powered aliens, then have carbon based life. But in Bible it is further more not described. So, Einstein said, “I did not believe in Bible’s idea of god”.
According to a story in the begining of everything(after universe’ begining) say a god RA and his wife Nut gave birth to ‘Orisis’ and that time a loud voice heard to everyone i.e., “The lord of all earth is born”. The meaning of this sentence can be either the lord of whole earth(or of solar system) or of all planets who resembles earth.
After then Orisis become the mighty demi god king. He become king when, he grew and after it he civilize his people. He taught agriculture and animal husbandry, he gave them a code of laws to live by and showed them the proper ways in which to worship the gods. Egypt becomes four mighty lands under his kind and gentle rule. His subjects gladly worshipped the ground on which he walked. When Egypt was civilized then Orisis left to bring his teachings to other land.

The pyramid of Giza, you can think how can it survive only all of seven wonder of world. You know it the great pyramid is believed to have been built over a 20 year span. The pyramid is so huge and so perfect. We would not be able to construct something like it in this day or age. But the strange thing is that the all three pyramid of Giza are constructed in the position of three stars which are presenty in the belt of orion.
Till today the mystery of pyramid is still present. We don not know that who built pyramids, either be workers or either be aliens. What is this mystery? The answer is unknown of this known question.
I think the pyramids are been built by the intelligent life forms as ET aliens. Because these are fitted mathematically and astronomically. Many pyramids are present in Egypt but Giza’s pyramid is so known in whole world due to its mystery.
One of the most greatest national icon of Britain is ‘Stonehenge’, which is also a mystery.

Its original secret is still mystery for us, but some people speculated that is was temple made for worship of ancient earth ‘god’ or ‘goddess’ and some people claim that it is a holy place of the entombment of high ranking citizens from the societies of long ago.
On the whole earth there is only place where any law of gravitation does not work. It is situated in the south-eastern Atlantic coast of the United State of America. The name of this imaginary area is “The Bermuda Triangle” which is also known as ‘Devil’s Triangle’ because it works as devil for us. It has unexplained disappearances of ships, aircraft or any object.

Whenever any object goes from it then it attracts that object. If scientists took a dog and set cameras on its body, then send him to the triangles area in boat, so some of the mystery can be revealed for us. May another life or world would present inside it. I think it an alien region, where no one can go that’s why aliens found new techniques to make humans scares of Bermuda Triangle. It may be only an imagination not reality.
The pyramid of Giza, Stonehenge, Bermuda triangle or any other mysterious places are may be any clue for us of their ET life. Might be these are useful thing for us, which help us in future.

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