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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1921554
Five scenes of Chapter 1.
Chapter 1: Intrigue

Scene 1:

Reverend Mother Consuelo Sanchez looked at the almost finished Tapestries. There were five panels depicting scenes designed for an insidious and sordid purpose. They had been crafted to anger the Catholics by showing Nuns, Priests and Nobles involved in lewd sexual behavior. However, they contained a deeper and more subtle message. The last two were designed to strike a chord of fear into to the King. This addition awaited the arrival of some incriminating evidence. Work on the panels had been going on for eight months and the tapestry was all but complete. Frey Thomas Torquemada walked next to her as they went from scene to scene. He paused for some moments looking at the last two.

“So Consuelo,” he said, “How long before you add the finishing touch?”

“Brother Bernardo assures me he’ll have the ring by this weekend. We will show it on the hand of the rapist, here in the forth panel. In the fifth he won't be wearing it. Instead it will appear on the finger of the Jewish Girl. “

“Do you think he’ll make the connection?“

“His surroundings should be familiar if he takes note of the Steeple. The dress the girl is wearing is the same as the agent he’s having an affair with. The King's attire was taken from a sketch provided by Brother Bernardo. Naturally the King is portrayed here as the Noble. If our Sovereign is as smart as you claim, I’m certain he’ll figure it out.”

“I like what you’ve come up with Sister. It's very clever. We get the goods on the King and the Jews get the blame. When Ferdinand sees these tapestries he can only conclude his compromise comes at the hands of a Zionist conspiracy. This will give us the leverage we need, coaxing him into authorizing the Holy Office. We’ll have him under our thumb, he'll fear Isabella finding out while we have the ring. It should take little convincing to make sure he cooperates and doesn’t suffer a change of heart.”

“I’m glad you approve. All that's missing is the ring. When I get the drawing we can add the final details along with a little smoke and water damage.”

“Don’t get too carried away and spoil the work of art. We don’t want to outsmart ourselves.

Don’t worry; I’ll use a deft touch. What will you do with the tapestry once it’s finished?”

“Frey Martinez will handle that. As you know he plans to burn down the Synagogue in Toledo. The panels will be discovered in the basement, amid the smoking ruins.”

“Then my part is all but complete. What will happen now to me and Brother Bernardo?”

The hearings are scheduled for the end of May. We’ve dragged the matter out for as long as we dare. But don’t worry, you and Antonio will be taken care of.”

“Can you predict the outcome?"

“Yes Sister, it’s all arranged. You'll both be made to serve penance in a monastery and convent. The confinement will last a year, however the accommodations will be comfortable and allow for your continued service.”

“But why must it be so long?”

"To our enemies it will seem a mere slap on the wrist."

"They won't be locked down every night for a year."

“Solicitadoes is a serious offense.”

“And what becomes of us then?”

We’ll find a suitable assignment. Your work for the Causous has been invaluable and is only beginning. The Fallen Angles will be sorely needed once the Inquisition gets rolling. There is however, still a vexing matter.”

“---The missing volumes.”

“Yes, the Volumes.”

“Well,” said Consuelo, taking a deep breath, “The first was a guest ledger. It will name many who have supported our efforts over the years. The clergy on the list should not be hard to explain and indeed most of the laity, nobles and others of importance, have a plausible connection. Many have served as patrons and on the boards of sanctioned activities. The name of their “hostess” can be attributed to someone assigned to room keeping and errands while the notables were in residence.”

“That should explain the guest ledger. What you say sounds reasonable enough. What concerns me more are the minutes of the meetings we have held monthly for the past two decades. Are you sure they were all coded as called for in the protocol?”

“They were all encrypted with the monthly cypher. We used it for the minutes and other sensitive correspondence.”

“Well, be that as it may, I won’t be comfortable until they are in our hands and under lock and key.”

Scene 2

Angelina sat across from Senor Lorente, the family solicitor. They were alone in the library of the Estate. She had been expecting a larger turnout but it appeared there would only be the two of them. She felt cut off and helpless.

“Where is old Moneybags?"

The lawyer shrugged.

“I have a role in this," she said breaking the silence. "My sons are the heirs.”

"They are indeed and you are their Governess."

"So how is it that Philippe continues to manage the purse?"

"It was a duty given him by your late husband. Do you have somebody else in mind?"

“Do I have the power to dismiss him?”

“It’s a grey area.”

“Who do you serve anyway?” Snapped Angelina. “My interests or those who despise me?"

"I try and avoid family squabbles and gossip," he replied shifting uncomfortably. "As solicitor I serve the interests of the family. The estate has large holdings and that carry many legal ramifications. You need someone with banking experience to mange the finiances."

"Is Philippe so comfortabe in his position that he can scorn me?"

Lorente threw up his hands in frustration. "You want some advice?" he asked, looking about to make sure they were alone.

"If I'm doomed to suffer it," she replied, “solicited or not."

"Find yourself a husband. Someone you trust. Let him advise you." Lorente reached over and took her hand. He squeezed it.

Angelina turned away.

"Are you volunteering for the job?"

"I would not be so presumptious."

He lusts for me...

She stepped closer into his space.

...but his ambitions go well beyond that.

"Not that I would shy away from the opportunity."

Lorento was a big man, well over six feet. Despite bring of middle age he exuded a masculine confidence. HIs macho was not undeserved and he knew its effect on women. He smiled and his eyes pleading for some note of encouragement.

If I spurn his advances, what keeps this lecher from siding with the rest of the family?
Her expression yielded little of her thoughts.

He cleared his throat with the slightest edge of nervousness. "Just so you know I would be a willing candidate. " His declaration revealed a course of action that Angelina was not long in considering. Her piercing eyes locked on his as she reckoned the possibilities.

I just bet you would...

Taking a deep breath she replied, "These past months have not been easy for me."

"I'm sure they haven't"

"I'm surrounded by those who wish me ill." Carefully now, don't overplay your hand."

He had not intended to so boldly make his intentions known. Those she referred to would quickly sever his employment if they found out he was bargaining his position as an impartial magistrate.

"I need to be kept informed of their intentions and all that they do."

He reached out taking her hand in his.

"If I do what you're asking will you consider my suit? He looked nervously about.

"I stand to lose a valuable retainer if the others discover the depth of my sentiments"

there must be some middle ground, short of matrimony, that would secure him as a benefactor. A plan began to form in her mind. She smiled demurely and raised his hand to her breast. His breath caught as she allowed his fingers to explored the softness. For a long moment she permitted their caress before pushing his hand away.

"At the present time I have no intention of getting married... however, the right man might persuade me."

"All I seek is a chance to win your affections."

"Please don't think ill of my behavior in the circumstances I face.."

"I would never do that."

"Is it my fault that a woman has her needs.?"

"A most natural calling"

"And that in the presence of a strong and handsome man.. I find myself attracted in the most unladylike of ways."

Had she punched him with her fist her words could not have struck with greater impact. His eyes grew wide and look became intense. When he tried to reply his voice caught and he cleared his throat.

"I'm ready to aaid you in any capacity you require," he stammered. "Just ask it and you can count me as a friend.

"For an older man I find you attractive, Lorente. How devoted a friend are you willing to become? "

"A advocate devoted to keeping an eye out for your interests."

Now this has real possibilities.

"At times I feel so isolated."

"Ignorance acts to your detriment."

"Will you school me, Lorente?

"Yes of course."

"Then come with me."

She took his hand and walked him over to an imposing bedroom shrunk. Opening the door she led him inside and pulled it shut . They were plunged into darkness.

"What are we doing," he asked, voice charged with excitrement.

"Think of it as a contract."

"A contract?"

"You do know abourt contracts, don't you?"

"Of course but this one I'm familiar with.

"Pull down your pantaloons and give me manliness.

As Lorente struggled in the darkness to unlace himslef, angelina unbound the chords to her gown and stepped out of her under garments. She let them fall and reached out for his man staff.

"We must hurry, give it to me.

Pulling his hose down about his knees Lorente took hold of his erection and extended it in her direction.

His cock was long and firm. {c}"He certainly has a nice endowment. I'll pretend it's Ricardo's giving sex to me.

As Angelina positioned herself she discovered the difference in their heights would make their lovemaking something of a physical challenge.

A basket full of cloths to be washed was stored inside and she stepped up onto it.

"Step into me she implored," guiding it into the swirl of her pubic hairs.

Alonso took her hips and drew her closer. The momentum carried them backward pushing her up against the heavy wooden side. The closet rocked and teetered contained by the wall of the room.

What are you trying to do she scolded. Summon the servants?

"Sorry," he muttered, finding the whole experience disconcerting."I doubt that anyone heard us.

She took the girth and twisted the head into her vagina.

"Push it in slowly," she hissed emphatically.

He pressed with his stomach and felt the length begin to side.

"Better....thats it, keep pushing, all the way in.

the basket began to slide beneaht her feet catching against his toes.

"ouch he cried out

I Lorente, do swear by all my honor.

I Lorente, do swear by all my honbor.

To serve the lady of this house, angelina

And earn the favor of her A

And I do solemnly swear

In publlic and in private

To protect her rights and interests

And those of her sons.

so help me God

"I'd be honored, if you should so consider. Right now I’m your only friend and believe your intuitions are entirely warranted."

"What would you know of my intuitions?”

"Lets not play games, Angelina. The family has no love for you. They resent the increasing role you insist on taking. We both know that given the opportunity they would have you tossed out on your ear."

"Is that all you have to say?"

"that---- and sharing your suspicions regarding Phillippe."

"Don't stop now," she replied anticipating what was coming.

“I suspect that the wealth of the estate is being redirected into the pockets of others.”

“Well finally, someone willing to say it. It speaks well of you, Lorente.

"I'm glad there's something I say that meets with your approval."

She passed over his response. "Not that I'm surprised by your assessment, only that it took you a year to find the nerve to say it.

“I’m going out on a limb---“

“What convinced you?”

"Philippe is gambling.”

“How do you know that?"

“I saw him at the Casino the other night. He was playing high stakes and losing.”

"Well that explains a lot. My allowance barely keeps up appearances."

"We could change that. With my experience and your hand in marriage we could go far together."

Lorente was old enough to be her father. She wearied of old men and Lorente had rotten teeth. At best she didn’t trust him.

"I’ll give the matter some thought,” she replied evasively. "Oh! And tell Philippe I’m offended by his absence. He would never have dared absenting himself with Juan, and I refuse to suffer his insolence any longer. Tell him he’s no longer welcome on the grounds."

"I’ll convey your words--- but please Angelina, give thought to my proposal. I’m only thinking of your welfare and the well being of the children."

After he departed Angelina fumed, wringing her hands. It’s a man’s world, she thought, where a woman is treated as a fool. Juan’s family underestimates me and will rue the day they tried brushing me aside. If I have to marry a toad, I swear to the Almighty I’ll show the whole scheming lot that I’m a force to be reckoned. Ugh! marry Lorente. Surely that is going to the furthest of extremes. There must be a better way.

A maid came into the drawing room and curtsied.

“You have a post, My Lady.”

Angelina opened the envelope. It was an invitation.

I’m honored to request your presence on the occasion of my Knighthood. It will be conferred, 14 November, the year of our lord 1789, at seven O’clock at the Manor House of Don Ricardo de Quintillion.


Carlos Trujillo
Captain of Horse,
The Hermandad.


Scene 3:

Don Ricardo sat in his library at a long worktable. He was writing to his commanders, giving them feedback and instructions for their paramilitary activities. He was head of the Hermandad that insured the will of the Monarchy’s was carried out in the cities, towns and rural areas of Spain. It was a heavy responsibility and one that commanded much of his time.

He was newly married to Teresa, a longtime acquaintance and friend of his sister. She had just delivered a daughter, Raquel. The child was the joy of Ricardo’s life and his affection for his wife knew no bounds. He had almost lost Teresa, under the most trying of circumstances, and the experience made him appreciate his boundless love. She was a lithe spirit and her presence never failed to take his breath and leave him absolutely captivated. Every day, along with a growing familarity, he found aspects that were new and refreshing. She was not just beautiful but had an elegance that caused others to stop and take note, She had a special grace that reached out and touched everybody she came in contact with.

He found he had been daydreaming. With a flourish he finished the last of his correspondence and looked up at the clock. It was nine o’clock and he’d been writing since five AM.

He went out through the great room and into the alcove where the family congregated early in the day. Teresa was feeding Raquel as he walked over holding out his arms. She covered herself handing the infant to her father.

Maria and Benvolio were seated at the other end of the table talking quietly. She too was nursing a son. The boy started crying and she called for the nursemaid.


Addressing no one in particular she said, "“His appetite is insatiable.' she continued looking at her husband Joaquin, -"-- like someone else I know, who will go unnamed. “

“I still have some,” said Teresa. “Give him to me.” She walked over handing the child to her friend.

Lupita entered the room and stood next to Teresa. Watching her nurse Manuel.

“This won’t take long and it’ll be your turn, she said smiling up at the buxom woman.

Carlos entered the room and took a seat. A servant brought him his breakfast as he sat rubbing his eyes.

“Up late last night?” inquired Don Ricardo.

“I was struggling with figuring out the cipher. About three O’clock my forehead hit the volume and it jerked me wide-awake. There, etched boldly in my mind was the realization I’d been searching for. The answer was right under my nose, so close I almost missed it entirely.”

“Don’t keep me in suspense. Tell me what you discovered.”

“You know how all the entries contained the same formats?”


“Well that was the key. I began going through volumes looking for the format. After several hours I came across one that seemed to fit. As you know there were twenty-six numbers that were used which we figured corresponded with the letters of the alphabet.”

“Go on.”

“They were the minutes of Church Meetings where your father served as an elder. The format in the Volumes matched the format in the Church minutes.”

“So you think that what is encrypted in the volumes are minutes of some meetings that were held in secret?”

This seems to be the case.

“How does this help us?”

“Don’t you see? It’s the answer?

“Explain it to me.”

“Whoever encrypted the minutes also encrypted the headings. Look here.”

Minutes: Date: Body:

“The three headings contain known letters. The minutes were transcribed in open text and then encrypted. The idiot who encoded them also encoded the headings. We know the alphabet numbers for not only all the vowels but also eight of the consonants. From these we can figure out the rest. It will take some time but it is well within our means now to find out what was being discussed.. Even if they change the scramble periodically it won’t matter. As long as the encrypted text continues in his folly we have the key.”

“You never cease to amaze me Carlos. How long will it take? “

“If we work together we could decode a meeting in about a month. If the cypher doesn’t change---in less time than that."

Maria stood and called for everyone’s attention.

“I find this discussion very stimulating, however, we have work to do. Tomorrow night Carlos will be knighted and the Sovereigns will be arriving in the afternoon. We all have tasks to perform in getting ready for the grand event. The guests will begin arriving a five and the ceremony will begin at nine.”

Benvolio groaned. “Do I have to be in the receiving line?”

“YES! And don’t worry. I will give the name to you, you pass it to Teresa, she tells Ricardo, and he hands off to Carlos, who informs the Queen and King. How difficult is that?”

“The King makes me uncomfortable. I haven’t forgotten that he intended to hang me. He even reminded me last year.”

“The focus won’t be on you Dear Man, it’s going to be on Carlos. How does it feel, about to become knighted?”

“Will Angelina be here?”

“She’s been invited. Her year of mourning has passed, and no doubt she’ll want to make up for lost time.”

“You think she’ll remember me?”

“How could she not? The King will be dubbing you with the sword in front of everyone. Did you not dance with her last year and take command of the floor?”

“She said I danced like a Chevalier.”

“So there you are. You’re both unattached and if you can’t find time for some quite conversation you’ll have no one to blame but yourselves. “


Scene 4: Antonio reads Consuelo’s letter telling him to shut up and get some incriminating evidence.

Brother Bernardo tried to forget that fateful night, when a year ago he was caught with Maria. He’d been beaten half to death by the King’s Marshal, and fearing for his life, had implicated Consuelo. The situation was so compromising and the evidence so damning that there was no doubt they’d be brought up on charges. The only question was when. The proceedings had been delayed several times on legal technicalities but there was no doubt the day of reckoning was close at hand.

At first he had been surprised that justice was not forthcoming in a more expeditious manner. To his amazement nothing much had really changed except that Cardinal Mendoza relieved him of his secretarial duties. The reason was of course, a presumption of innocence until deemed otherwise. So he continued on the grounds serving as required. He was surprised several months later when the King happened by and asked Antonio to take his confession. The underlying reason became apparent when he asked about Louisa. Thereafter he made sure she was available for the s monthly visits. At first taking Ferdinand’s confessions had been strained but the situation relaxed between them as both became more comfortable with the arrangement. It did after all have nothing really to do with Bernardo and everything to do with a torrid affair.

He was surprised one morning, by a post from Avila

Dear Antonio,

We continue making progress on the Enterprise. It’s all but complete. There’s but one last thing I require and that is one of the King’s rings. He wears at least half a dozen. Louisa will handle the details. All you need to be concerned with is the opportunity. You’ve managed it before and I’m sure we can count on you this one last time. The sooner we bring this matter to closure, the better.

I’m told we’ll be arraigned soon before the Sacerdotal and charged with Solicidtados. We’ll be sentenced to a year of penance in a convent and monastery. You’ll be brought here to Avila. I’m sure you’ll be satisfied with the accommodations. At least we’ll be able to see each other and work together.

Once Louisa has the ring, please make a good sketch and send me the drawing immediately.

For our next project we need to start thinking about the Volumes Don Ricardo took from my office. Our friend and benefactor has a vested interest in seeing them returned.

Remember at the Trial to say nothing beyond the scope of what is already known. I dread the proceedings and the humiliation they will bring, but those dark hours will soon pass and the sun will dawn again on a new day.

Our son is well and growing into quite the gentleman. He’s handsome and reminds me of his father. I miss you.


Scene 5:

Louisa got the note from Brother Juan and met him in the Salon. Since the Departure of Reverend Mother Sanchez he had been given increased responsibilities. He responsible for both training expanded to include operations. He now ran the activities of the Fallen Angels, the militant branch of the Mendicants. As the number of candidates increased so had the tempo of training. Sister Ramirez had proven herself a good recruiter and worthy replacement.

Brother Juan looked up, smiled and began nervously drumming his fingers. It was a mannerism she often noted when something important was on his mind.

“Please sit down.”

“She took a seat and looked inquiringly.”

“The mission with the ahhh, Noble, you’ve been seeing Verna, is coming to closure. What we need now is that last piece of physical evidence to prove his philandering.”

“Something to blackmail him with?”

“If it should come to that, however, we rarely make recourse to blackmail.”

“What do you want me to get?”

“He likes rings does he not?”

“He wears four on one hand, three on the other. “

“Any ideas?”

“It shouldn’t be too difficult. Any preference?”

“The one he’s least likely to miss. Perhaps one that is loose, something small but with unmistakable characteristics.”

“He has a pinky ring, worn on his right hand. It’s finely wrought in gold and set with abalone.”

“That should serve.”

“It’s not something I have done before.

“Then we need to perfect your technique.”

“Maybe its something I can practice on my own.”

“Forget that,” said Brother Juan. “Just describe the rings and where they’re worn.”
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