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Where do we find thy kingdom come?

    Our Father, who art in Heaven, these are first words of the Lord's Prayer.
When we pray this prayer, do we know what we are praying for when we pray
"thy kingdom"?
    What are we asking for?
What does kingdom mean?
    Have you ever thought to yourself
what they mean?
    I got to thinking about this more and more
after a pastor gave a sermon on seeking God's kingdom.
    Isn't God's kingdom the land where Jesus walked.
Isn't it the kingdom when Jesus will one day come again?
    The other night I did some research on thy kingdom
and couldn't find very much that defined it as the kingdom
that is up above, all around us, and within is.
    God created us in his image so He would give us the
desire to seek and find His kingdom.
    How do we find the kingdom of God?
Is it found by those who worship God and learn that it is within?
    It isn't some distant kingdom that we can go to one day.
It is within all who worship and try to follow the Ten Commandments
that He gave us.
    Isn't it found by those who are humble and submit themselves
to God each and every day?
    Within God's kingdom is the gift of forgiveness for those
who ask for it and seek it with all their hearts.
    Where there is no godly sorrow; where there is doubt and
uncertainty, it might be missed.
    How do we find the kingdom within ourselves?
One way is to pray and talk to God about it and then listen for
His answer.
    I once listened to someone try to explain it, as the land
where the Romans ruled or where the early Christians lived.
He talked about the different countries and where we might find
God's kingdom. Nothing was said about finding it within ourselves.
    Most of time, when kingdom is brought up, they are talking
about the land and the boundaries that would separate countries.
    Is that one of many reasons for some not knowing what the kingdom of God
is and what they are praying for?
    What is the kingdom of God?
What does dom mean? Would knowing what dom means help me to better understand
what kingdom means?
    When I consulted my dictionary here at home and online,
I didn't find anything that I didn't know. I did learn that dom
could be put together with other letters to spell out  dominant
or domain.
    God is the dominant force in the life of those who follow
Jesus. After looking up kingdom on the internet, I decided to try
my dictionary that I have here at home. I than tried my Bible dictionary
there wasn't much difference. Both dictionaries talked about the land and
it boundaries
    I than decided to try my Bible and looked up some verses that I knew and
had been using for reference. I found what I was looking for when I read
Romans 14:17.
    Kingdom is found through being righteous. It is found in the peace and joy
that the Holy Spirit offers to followers of Jesus.
    Colossians 1:13 brings out that we have been rescued from the darkness and
brought out into what Jesus has prepare for all believers.
    When I checked the definition online, there was a reference to the
kingdom of thought.
    In Thessalonians we read that we are to encourage others, to comfort others
and help them to live lives worthy of God.
    We are encourage and comfort others in some way because we are called into
His kingdom and His glory. For us to know how to encourage someone, we are to
listen to our heart and the gentle urging of the Holy Spirit.
    When we pray the Lord's Prayer, we are praying that God's will, will be done
here on earth and not our own.
    We are praying that thy kingdom will bring the goodness that is found in heaven
down to earth to others to share in God's goodness while we are here on earth.
      We should never try to add words to the meaning of thy kingdom come.
If we do the meaning will get lost and future generations will not have learned
the true meaning of what they are praying.
      When we pray "thy will be done here on earth", we are asking for God's will to
come down from heaven so it can be done here.
      What are some waiting for it they haven't invited God into their lives or
if they haven't really understood what kingdom means?
      One day God's kingdom will come down form heaven to earth. It will be a
glorious day that we should all look forward to.
      What is in your heart? Is there peace and joy? Does goodness follow what is done?
The kingdom of God is waiting for us to claim.
      It is within our hearts because believers believe with all of their heart
that Jesus Christ, is the Savior of the world, who was raised from the grave on the
third day and sits at the right hand of God, the Father.
      If some are still struggling with what thy kingdom means, are they seeing
or experiencing God's goodness and mercy in their lives?
      Is there a desire to be free from the sins that have been committed each day in
thought, word, or deed?
      Do some value what our culture of this day values whether it is right or wrong;
good or bad?
      How holy are some? Only by asking for and seeking the kingdom and all that it
involves will we be righteous and have peace in our hearts and minds.
      We are here to serve a greater purpose that we may not know or have experienced
until we are seeking the kingdom of God and surrender our lives to the Holy Spirit,
who comes to dwell in us to give us righteousness and joy in God's eyes.
      We may be afraid to surrender our lives to the Holy Spirit.
We may not even understand the will of the Holy Spirit but in time we will.
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