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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1921148
Scene where Torquemada shows Ferdinand the Tapestry
The Tapestry

"You are no doubt aware sire of the Evangelical ministry of Frey Martinez."

"He's one of your fellow Dominicans, a zealot, is he not?"

“A devout man of God.”

“He’s madman using inflammatory oratory to incite the masses.”

“He speaks only the truth of God’s word and those that listen are sometimes moved by his words to achieve social injustice.”

“He’s a threat to good order and and if you don’t rein him in, I’ll take matters into my own hands.”

“I pray you don’t. It will only make you appear a puppet.”

“A puppet.”

“Such an action would make it appear the Jews are plucking the frets while the King and Queen dance to the music.”

“You take liberties with my patience Frey Torqumada, There’s no excuse for lawlessness and anarchy.”

“It was most regrettable Sire, the riots in Toledo last week and the burning of the Synagogue. It was a spontaneous act of protest that got out of hand. The people were incensed by the arrogance and wealth flaunted by the Jews, who have so much when everyone else has so little. It is the Catholics who have paid in blood, driving out the Moorish Infidels and yet it’s the Zionists who prosper while your loyal and devoted subjects struggle to feed their families. The people are compelled by desperation and driven to anger. When nobody listens, they take matters into their own hands.”

“They go too far.”

“Yet in their lawless and unintended flames, a great truth has been revealed.”


“When the Synagogue burned some interesting artifacts were found in the basement. Amid the ruins a secret room was discovered. “

“A secret Room?”

A room for the indoctrination of Conversos, persuaded to return to the folds of Zion. Once so convinced a ritual of forgiveness was performed, and the Redeemed were welcomed back to Judeism while still being allowed to continue their pretended Christianity. We have long suspected it was happening but is was the first hard evidence."

"Would you care to elaborate?"

"More than that, I’ll show you in person. "

Frey Torquemada took the King to a back room of the sanctuary. There arrayed on easels were five panels of a tapestry richly embroidered on a background of smudged white linen. There were signs of smoke and water damage but the images were still vivid.

“We found these tapestries amid the ruin. “

The king stood back, visibly dismayed as he surveyed the images.

“Our assessment is they were used to emphasize the need for secrecy among the Redeemed Zionists. That the panels were intended to show those who could neither read or write, what to expect if their Relapsed Christianity were discovered."

The King walked over and studied the first.

It showed a garden with a family kneeling in prayer. Crosses were laying about, , some on the ground, others askew and one, propped upside down holding a Star of David. An alter had been erected and on it were two menorahs. Worshiping were a half dozen Jews led by a Rabbi. The men were wearing skull caps and three women were garbed in black. Outside soldiers were shown surrounding the house. A crescent moon illuminated the service.

The second panel showed the Conversos being tried before a panel of stern Justices. The Chief was pointing to the courtyard where a stake awaited and a mob of onlookers.

The third showed those sentenced being burned alive. Soldiers were carrying away a young girl.

The king paused. “What is all this supposed to mean? There hasn’t been an auto de fey in years.”

“The Zionists know Sire, of our efforts to reestablish the Holy Office. They fear the coming of the Inquisition and are taking precautions. At the same time they're impugning the virtue of the Church and State with these outrageous graphic portrayals of our supposed debauchery.”

The fourth showed a Nun with her habit raised and a phallus strapped to her lower body. She was sodomizing the young girl, while the Priest was receiving oral sex. A Noble was standing in the background with his arms crossed.

In the fifth panel the girl was shown tied to a cross and being raped.

“You found these in the ruins of the Synagogue?”

"In a hidden vault, downstairs."

“And what are they intended to convey?”

“It is clear to me,” said Torquemada, “however, allow me to defer to your imagination and judgment. “

“I want your precise interpretation.”

“The first shows the Relapsos forsaking their Christianity and reverting to former Zionist beliefs.”

The king nodded.

“The second depicts their trial and conviction.”

“Go on.”

“The third shows the executions being carried out.”

“What do you make of the depictions of the Nun, Priest and Noble?” Ferdinand inquired.

“They are intended to show the decadence of the Church and State. The Catholic Church is symbolized by the Nun and Priest and the State by the Noble. “

And you claim the purpose of this tapestry is to stress the importance of secrecy lest the Relapsos suffer their guilt and the abominations shown here.

“Yes, The False Christians who continue to practice Judaism in their homes are shown the consequences if they fail to show the utmost of caution. Otherwise, they are getting a demonstration of how the "Evil Church" and "Corrupt Nobility" will visit upon them the punishment being represented.”

“So in summary you see Relapsos practicing Judaism with the symbols of their Christianity lying in disarray on the floor and upside down. A rabbi is leading them in a secret Zionist service. They are discovered, brought to trial and burned at the stake. “


“Except for the young girl. She is taken to be sodomized by the Nun and perform oral sex with the priest---, while the Noble looks on condoning their outrageous behavior. “

“Almost but not yet completely, Sire.”

“Which brings us to the last, when the Noble decides to take a more direct role and actively participant in the debauchery.”

“There you have it.”

“How old are these tapestries.”

“Very recent my Lord. The pencil drawings, linen, needles and thread were still found on the worktables or stored inside the tables or beneath in boxes.”

The King looked closely at the forth panel, squinting closely. Barely discernable was the outline of an earring. His heart skipped a beat. Turning to the last he saw the same nobleman no longer wearing it. Instead it was shown laying on the ground. It was a small and obscure detail overwhelmed by all the other imagery, but it did not escape Ferdinand's notice. With a strong exercise of will contained his emotions.

“This tapestry is an abomination,” he uttered and must be destroyed at once.

“I agree my Liege, but this is the first physical evidence we have of what’s taking place.”

“Then we need to get to the bottom of this.”

“We don’t have the power.”

“Oh I see where this is heading. First we have to implement the Papal Bull in order to have the necessary power--- in order to get to the bottom of all this.”

“We need the authority to put the question, those that we suspect.”


“It’s the only way.”

“How faith can you place in such a confession?”

“We aren’t fools Sire, or inexperienced in these matters."

The King sighed. “I wasn't implying that you were.”

“I know your position on The Holy Office is not without sympathy for the Church's position. You have never stood in opposition to our efforts. The Roadblock has always been the Queen.”

“Isabella and I rule as one.”

“Then perhaps, in light of this revelation, there is room for negotiation.”


“Use the opportunity as a test. Limit the Inquiry to the scope of this case alone. We’ll use it to get to the bottom of things and make a lesson of it.”

“I’ll give it some thought. For now I command you to put these disgusting panels put in a secure place. I want no rumor of their existence circulating about while we decide the best course of action.

“It might already be too late sire. The evidence has been seen.”

“By how many?’”

“A dozen perhaps.”

“A manageable number. Take their names and give warning. I’ll have the tongue of anyone who whispers a word. Do I make myself clear?

“Yes my Lord,” Frey Torquemada assured him. I’ll see to it that your admonition is served.”
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