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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1921119
I believe that being a soft place for a man to fall. is the place that I need to be...

You and Only You

    Nothing would make me happier, than for you to open your briefcase only to find a small, handwritten note, lightly scented with my favorite perfume and sealed with a kiss from my lips... Perhaps, we shared a wonderful night, early morning hours, or just before you departed for work and I only wish to thank you, reminding you of how wonderful the occasion truly was...

    Later in the day, as you reach into your coat pocket, you might find a small, silky surprise giving you another reason to smile... Perhaps, I leave send you a creative, flirty text, as you find yourself trapped in another two hour long meeting with mindless and repetitive charts, graphs, and statistics that you have heard so many times before... My message helps to take your mind, spirit, and body on a tiny little vacation from the reality that you live in every single day, knowing that we will be together again very, very soon...

    When you finally reach desk, releasing a long, painful sigh, relieved to be excused from that "meeting" one more time, you see the light blinking and feel your heart begin to beat faster. As you sit in your chair and quickly turn towards your phone, anxious with anticipation, dialing your password to access the blinking message, you're hopeful that it is from the one that you can't wait to see...

    Softly smiling, as you hear my sweet voice and the words begin to pass from the phone to your ears, causing your heart to start racing and your breath to become shorter, you are smiling from "ear to ear." For I am speaking to "you" and you alone to let you know just how special you are to me and how much I do miss you, letting you know that I am anxious to see you when you get home...

    Smiling not with your lips, but with your whole face, still staring at the phone and others just happen to pass by your desk. Unaware of your expression or just how happy you look, seem, or act, because it has been too long, it's finally here and you are still in shock each time you hear my voice...

    As you finish your day, quietly humming all to yourself, feeling a little happier than most days, not minding the mundane, not minding that it is a Monday, and happy to be going home. Sliding in your laptop, folders, and your papers, there it is my tiny, little perfume, scented note...

    Slowly inhaling the soft, fresh scent as you close your eyes remembering what I wore, how I felt, the sounds I made, and our last kiss as you slowly exhaled all of this breath and slid the note right on top of your briefcase... "Snap." You have closed your briefcase, everything is turned off, it's time to go, and you are ready to start again...

    Finally home, shifting gears into park, opening the door, climbing out of your car, you see me waiting, with a smile, then you smile, we both are happy... I come to towards you, I see you are tired, I take your briefcase, set it down and lightly touch your face, gently kissing your lips, then slowly slide my hands around your waist as we finally embrace...

    Standing for what seems to be the longest time, we feel each other close, happy to be together again... Sighing softly, slowly sliding my arms from yours, picking up your briefcase, and reaching for your hand... Leaning down, very softly, you gently kiss my lips while we walk the rest of the inside the house...

    I ask you if you'd like a bath, I tell you that I've run it and I'll wash your back, you nod "yes" and head upstairs. Before I follow, I ask if you'd like something to drink, you tell me "yes" and what you'd like, and while you start to get undressed, I quickly go to get your drink, knowing you may want a few minutes to just unwind alone...

    I climb the stairs to find you sitting on the side of the bed, patiently waiting for your drink and my soft, helpful hands... I smile at you, knowing that you did not want to start without me, so after you sip your drink, once, then twice, sitting it on your nightstand, I caress your shoulders as I sit next to you on our bed.

    I offer to massage your back, telling you that the bath is hot and will need a short time to cool... Smiling now, you shake your head, "yes" letting me slowly unbutton, one, two, three, until there are no more... Standing in front of you, I slowly slide your dress shirt off of your shoulders while gently, softly kissing first one, then the other...

    Lightly kissing your neck, lingering near your ear, but not touching, you feel my very warm, soft breath next to your ear and along your next. As I kiss you, I lightly caress your shoulders and the back of your neck, feeling all of your tension, asking would you like me to start here, nodding, "yes" and bending your head into my ample chest and nuzzling softly while you slide your hands around my waist.

    Massaging each of your shoulders, slowly working towards the center of the back of your neck, feeling the tension of your long day... Circling and rubbing in circles, the center of your neck, just below your hairline, while I hear your softly sigh, knowing that you needed this even more than the bath...Slowly massaging that hard knot that you always seem to get, releasing all of the stress, the tension, and taking away your worries... Softly suggesting that you might like to lay down, you reply, "No, this is just fine."

    Snuggling in closer as you begin to feel relaxed, kissing me softly in appreciation, I slowly circle outward with both hands to find the next area, massaging your entire back... Seeing your muscles, touching your skin, feeling you close, hearing you breathe, I find myself completely content...

    Leaning closer as I am reaching the lower part of your back, my chest is now firmly planted directly in front of your lips, I hear you softly chuckle, sounding a little playful, as you gently kiss my cleavage... I playfully giggle, but continue with both hands massaging the lower part of your back while leaning just a little closer.

    I reached another spot, the center of your back, the part that sometimes bothers you as you sit in those long meetings, and you quickly forgot about my cleavage, as I knew you would... Slightly moaning in approval, letting me know that what I am doing seems to be feeling really good. Making sure to spend extra time to massage all of these muscles until all the tightness seems to be gone...

    Resting your head against my breasts, breathing rather deeply, sounding as if you may have fallen to sleep, I softly smile to myself, then wonder how I will lay you down without waking you from your slumber. Just as I am having these thoughts, you take a big breath and raise your head to say, “I think I may have dozed off." Smiling down at you, I softly kiss your forehead and ask if you would rather take a nap before dinner instead... Smiling back, you look at me, raising your face to meet mine until we finally kiss one another...

    Our kiss is soft at first, then more than soft, and then it becomes passionate, as you slowly begin to unbutton my blouse... We make slow, sweet love until that bath is long since cold, and another surely needs to be drawn, then we watch as the sun slowly sets from our bedroom window, caressing, talking, touching, until finally it's time to start again...

    Making love, drifting off to sleep, only for you to awaken hours later to find my lips pleasuring you, then falling back to sleep, to awaken in the morning, for one more time before heading to the office... Exquisite...

    Of course, you could have chosen to have a bathe or to just have dinner, conversation, followed by snuggling on the sofa, or take a walk, hold hands, talk, and just enjoy one another.  I believe in showing the man that I am with that I care about him in little ways, in being thoughtful, considerate, and understanding of just how difficult his day might have been before we see one another.

    I believe in giving him his personal space, but in pampering him and helping him to relax, feel special, cared about, wanted, and desired...  I believe it is important to not only say "words" that you care, but to show it in your actions and when you know that you are cared about, it makes a difference in how you feel about that person, or at least I think so...

    I know from being a nurse, I could have a nurse tell me how mean and crabby a patient was, but if I showed that patient warmth, kindness, and compassion, I never saw what the other nurse described. Sometimes women forget that men need to be pampered too, not just ladies with their hair, nails, clothes, all of that stuff, men need to feel "Special" to the woman that they are with above all else...

    So, "no" it is not about "sex" by any stretch of the imagination, to me it is first about making that connection, finding out if you connect on an emotional level, if you think in a similar way and are wanting similar things, traveling on a similar path, with similar hopes, dreams, wishes, and desires for the future...

    After that, can you make each other smile, laugh, and have fun together? Can you "let down your hair" when it is the two of you alone? Another words, are you comfortable together? Okay, if you are all of these things, then you have a good start! So if he likes football, then guess what, she learns to like football! And if she likes ice skating, then once a year, maybe he takes her to see ice skating (and no I am not speaking of me)...

    What I am saying is that you compromise because you like each other; you have a lot of positives already, so you learn to enjoy new things that you don't know very well, and share things that you both like already... Plus, you have the added bonus of finding new things to enjoy together!!! Isn't that what it is really all about? Finding someone who completes us? Makes us whole...

    Life is so short, so if we are lucky enough to meet someone wonderful and get a 2nd chance at happiness, then we need to "Grab on tight, hold on with both hands, and enjoy the ride, for as long as humanly possible!!" For me, I will be a hopeless romantic, deeply passionate, who is insatiable, sensuous and has a zest for life like no other.  Now, I just need my "special someone" to take this journey with and write our "Chapter 2" together...

by Writer Soft Kiss

© Copyright 2013 Writer Soft Kiss (writersoftkiss at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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