Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1920298-Norm
by Jessie
Rated: E · Other · Children's · #1920298
Norm has to prove to Rita the chipmunk that owls can swim tooooo!
Norm the owl, woke from his bed excited on Saturday morning. Today was the day that all of the animals from the tree were going to the pool, and Norm had just gotten the coolest swim trunks and sunglasses.

Dressed in his cool new clothes, Norm flew to the pool. His friends were already playing in the water and he could not wait to join. From above, Norm could see Rita the chipmunk, Slither the snake and Chuck the woodpecker, and they all looked like they were having so much fun!

Landing at the pool, Norm walked inside the gate. Proudly he walked in, he could not wait for his friends to notice his new sunglasses and swim trunks. Sadly, the first thing said to Norm was far from a compliment.

"Owls don't swim." Said Rita the Chipmunk.

"Says, Whooo?" Asked Norm.

The small chipmunk threw her tiny paws in to the air, "Everyone! Everyone knows owls don't swim!"

"I will show yooou!" Norm pointed at the pool.

Sticking his talon in to the water, Norm noticed the water was just too cold. Rita was watching him, and he wanted to prove her wrong. Norm knew if he did not swim, Rita would just ruffle his feathers. So, Norm thought of the next best thing.

"This pool is too cold. Lets go back to my tree. I will show yooou I can swim!" Norm said sticking his chest out.

"Told you, owls don't swim!" Rita chuckled.

"I think we should give him a chance." Said Chuck the woodpecker.

Back at Norm's tree hole, he ran a nice hot bath. As large as his bathtub was he knew Rita had to believe him when he swam across. The group watched as Norm stuck his talon in the water. Feeling that the water was just right he dove in. Norm swam back and forth and back again in the bathtub.

After a couple of times, Norm knew Rita would apologize. Proudly getting out of his bathtub, Norm stood Talons together and chest out. He waited for his apology, but nothing came. Rita burst out in her chipmunk laughter.

"That doesn't prove anything! Anybody can swim in their bathtub!" Rita chuckled.

Norm glared at Rita the chipmunk, Slither the snake and Chuck the woodpecker. Fed up, he had to end this once and for all. He had to prove, that owls could swim. Norm gathered his friends on his back and out the door he flew. Norm flew through the forest, over the trees, he flew and flew until his wings got tired and they were at the beach.

Quickly diving forward, Norm dove through the water. He swam as hard as he could, and it did not matter to Norm that his friends were on his back. He did not want Rita to have a chance to say he could not swim.

When the group ended up on the shore, they each climbed from Norm's back. Slither and Chuck were quick to congratulate Norm on his victory. They each told Norm they knew he could swim. For Rita, however, she was quiet at first, until, Chuck pecked the ground in front of her feet.

"Okay! Okay! Owls can swim, but I know one thing that just can't happen!" Rita announced proud.

"What, Rita?" Asked Norm. Ready to prove her wrong.

"Slither and other snakes around the world cannot thumb wrestle!"

The group laughed. Of course they could try to prove Rita wrong again, but they knew she would just keep coming with challenges. For now, they just wanted to enjoy the rest of their day at the beach.
© Copyright 2013 Jessie (jcrobbins87 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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