Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1920228-Borderlands-The-New-World
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1920228
Follow four new Vault Hunters as they fight to save all of mankind from being distroyed...
Nothing new guys, keep it clean (except for the blood, more the merrior), can't kill off main the hunters (unless you talk to me about it).
Try and keep the spelling good, we're not bandits here.
Have fun!

10 years after the death of the owner of Hyperion "Handsome Jack" by the hands of the four Vault Hunters Axton, Maya, Salvador and Zer0, things went quiet as these four and the remaining original Vault Hunters Lilith, Mordecai and Brick set out to the locations of the many vaults that were shown to them after they defeated the warrior. But many years has passed, and nobody has herd from there warriors again. But a new threat is rising, and Pandora, no, the whole universe needs a new set of heroes.

Blade as "The Gunner"
Home Planet: Themis
Hair:Short, Brown and Shaggy
Skin Tone:Caucasian
Attitude:Laid back to a point, but knows when stuff needs to be done
Likes:Fighting, Rock Music, Leading
Hates:Shit Music, Listening to Others, Dying
Melee:Small Knife hidden in his belt on the right side of his body
Special:"Sharp Shooter": Enters a state of mind where he can not miss his targets, shooting and reloading faster and adding a punch to the bullet to boot.
Bio:With his home planet a war zone Blade had to learn how to shoot to kill at a young age, he was very good at it too, so good that his friends began to call him Sharp Shot, but this was changed when he was 9, one day after one of the Dahl battalions invaded his town, he panicked and only grabbed a small dagger and ran, but ran into the officer of the Battalion, she found him as he tried to escape from the town via the back streets.
She ordered him to be held captive and eventually questioned his motives, he just said that he was trying to survive, knowing that her squad needed a new body after her recently departed husband left for another planet she gave him the chance to train in the military, he accepted, specialized in hand-to-hand combat during training, but always worked on his shooting abilities outside of the field. 4 years passed and people began to call him Blade because of his ability to kill in an instant at close range, even after his talents with the gun was founded by his commanding officer.
As the years went by she became more of a mother to him then a commander. He was eventually recognized to be such a force that he would be sent on high-danger mission alone, including his most recent mission, he was sent to Pandora to respond to the assassination of many of the higher powers of the wasteland planet. After finding out that it was all a trick, he found out about the legend of the Vaults, at first he believed that they were pointless myths, but after seeing the newest threts to Pandora, he quickly changed him mind.

Tina as "The Grenader"
Home Planet:Pandora
Hair:Long, Unkept White/Blond
Eyes:Pale Blue
Skin Tone:Caucassion
Attitude:Unstable, but fun loving
Likes:Blowing stuff up
Hates:Eridium, Bandits, Handsome Jack
Melee:Roland's old Combat Knife
Special:"Bomber":When it's time to blow stuff up, Tina knows what to do, all of her weapons shoot out explosive rounds that make a big (and pritty) boom.
Bio:At the young age she wittnessed her own parents being killed by Handsome Jack and his tests of Eridium, this caused her to enter an unstable stat of mind, but gained some compersation as the vault hunters of old allowed her to kill the man who sold out her parents to Handsome Jack. A year in solitude after the death of her friend Roland and the death of Handsome Jack, she decided to return a favior to the people that saved her life by helping to find the vaults.
All of these years later she has left for the old city of Sanctuary for a meeting of vault hunters. Her life will never be the same, and she is welcoming it...

Tempest as "The Siren"
Home Planet:Thrace
Hair:Long Brown, perfect looking hair
Skin Tone:Caucassion
Attitude:Dousn't care for most things, but is known to show great emotion.
Likes:Being right, people paying attention to her, muffins, Blade (maybe)
Dislikes:Being wrong, being ignorded, not knowing, Blade (we got no clue)
Melee:Blast of raw energy
Special:"Touch of Death":Tempest draws power from the elements and is able to use them to her will, from setting fire to anything she wants with a snap of her fingers to causing acid to rain down from above anyone in her wake, and everywhere in between.
Bio:Growing up is never easy, evem more so when you a geneticaly gifted by being a Siren, Tempest grew up on Thrace, a quiet little planet where nothing happened, this drove her to near insanity, once she became, and mastered her powers she began to play tricks on the natives of the planet by lighting there crops on fire, using acid to burn throuh the animal sheads at night and charge any metalic object with electricity to give the towns folk a shock, but after turning 16 she was caught and was branded as a witch, she was to be burnt at the stake, when they tried to burn her she just turned the flames back on the townsfolk, burning them all, her parents tied her down after, it was then that she decided to leave the planet in search for new places to spread her form of chaos, after saying goodbye to her parents, she jumped on the 1st ship to the surrounding planets. 3 years latter after finishing up on Promeatha, she decided to head to Pandora.

Abbs as "A Muscle"
Home Planet:Pandora
Hair:Short and black
Skin Tone:Olive
Attitude:Cool, calm and collected, dousn't get phased
Likes:A job well done, success,
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