Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1920196-The-spell-and-the-prophecy
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1920196
good short story. please concentrate on the story rather than on the writing skills.
                                                                                          The spell and the prophesy


The story is about a young man Jim fighting against his fate.

Jim is ordinary young man and a master in sword fighting, who takes care of his father's property.

His father is a rich and well respected man. They live nearby the capital city of the kingdom.

One day a saint whom everyone claims as a great prophet visits the city.

Jim's father meets the saint and requests him to stay in the city and make the place holy. He also arranges an open residence near the bank of the river in the nearby woods for the saint to stay as the saint preferred to stay in the woods rather than in a town.

Soon the place gets filled with Holy Scriptures and spells being engraved on all the rocks and trees.

On the river bank a rock was carved into a bed like shape on which the saint wrote his powerful spells and performed holy prayers.

A few weeks later, Jim’s entire family and friends, except him and his sister, together set to go for a journey to a holy place and are eventually killed in the journey.

Jim and his sister stay back because they were supervising the work of constructing a bore well for water near their home. The well was dug only up to certain depth because the water that oozed out was very hot and heat was fuming out off the well.

Jim learns about the death of all his family members. Now, Jim is left with none except his sister. As a result Jim develops anger towards god.

He often cries out that he was left with none except his sister.

One day he feels that he needs some mental relaxation and decides to meet the saint. When he goes to his residence, he finds the saint singing a magical spell to a lady.

Jim waits for the saint to finish his work and slowly by hearts the spell. After finishing the spell, the saint tells the lady that the spell which he sang can bring back the deceased person whom she wanted.

Feeling that the saint needs more time, Jim walks away. Later that evening he returns back to the saint's residence but finds no one.

Anxious Jim sings the magical spell near the holy bed and expects one of his family members to come down from heaven.

But to Jim's surprise, a young lady appears in front of him.

He goes away to his home and learns from his neighbors that the saint has gone away from the city.

Later that night he goes back to the place and sees that the lady is still sitting with a sad expression.

Feeling that leaving her alone is not safe, he takes her to his home and gives her some food to eat. All the way to home,

He notices that the lady is just down from heaven

And that her brain is at present blank. All she does is imitating him and tasting anything given into her hand.

She starts learn things from Jim and his sister. Jim locks her up in a room and doesn't want the outer world to learn about her existence. He names her as Samantha as it was the name of one of his friends who died in the journey.

It takes a few weeks for her to learn English and also to read. She grows slowly into an innocent but civilized woman with all kinds of feminine shades. On evenings, when Jim remembers of his family, he used to come into her room and express all his grief.

She never lost patience even after Jim tells her of his sorrow every day. Slowly she starts backing him and helps him in overcoming the grief.

They soon become good friends and Jim starts liking her. He introduces her to the world as his distant relative who lost her family just like him. He also takes her to several holiday spots and shows her the real beauty of nature. Soon he decides to make her his permanent family member through marriage. She too expresses her interest in him. He tells the same to everyone including his sister who accepts after repeated requests.

Soon the queen of their kingdom invites Jim's father to attend her daughter's birthday party which would follow her wedding. Jim goes on behalf of his father to tell the queen that his father passed away.

He along with the girl goes to the capital city. At the opening ceremony Jim is shocked to notice that the princess is an exact replica of Samantha. He quickly covers Samantha's face with her scarf as anyone may mistake her for the princess.

He tries to walk away from there with her but is stopped by the soldiers who tell them that the queen was interested to meet Jim.

Jim meets the queen and tells her everything and that they would leave the country if she orders so that no one would mistake Samantha for the princess.

The queen takes him into another room for privacy and lets him know that her original daughter's birth time is itself very bad. She tells that the original princess died at very young age and even the reincarnated body is not going to live too long.

She gives give the saint's book of prophecy and point's out the death, she tells that she was planning to marry her daughter to search a new king for the kingdom before her death and now that Jim has brought Samantha, she would be killed in order to save the princess.

She is interrupted by one of minister takes leave from for some time. Meanwhile, Jim starts scanning the book.

In the book it was written that reincarnated body of the deceased princess of the kingdom is going be killed and the death will be the only death on that evening. Jim once again starts abusing his fate.

He reads a few more pages and finds that as long as a saint lives, his prophesy about a person's death will never go wrong.

After reading the point an idea takes shape in his mind about killing the saint in order to prevent the death of his future wife.

As soon as the queen arrives, he emotionally delivers lengthy dialogues about the darkest days of his life such as the death of all his family members at a time.

The queen gets impressed and promises him to give any kind of help he requires. Jim then tells her that his wife can be saved if the saint dies.

Queen feels sorry that she can't help in assassinating a great saint who has helped not only her kingdom but also the family but promises him that she will not punish him if he does the job himself.

She also warns him that the promise is meant to save the life of Samantha and must not be misused. Jim nodes his head and goes away.

Jim along with Samantha take rest in the queen’s palace and Jims prepares himself for the battle and the penultimate day he learns that the saint is in Jim's home and is waiting for Jim to return, he starts riding to his home town, leaving Samantha with the queen.

On the way he also learns that a volcanic eruption is going to take place in his home town and that was the reason for the heat to come from the bore well.

He finds that everyone in the town has left for a nearby island for safety and that his sister, on the advice of the saint, has left for the capital city.

When he enters his home, he finds the saint, with his magical stick in his hand, is waiting for Jim.

Jim feels sorry for the saint in his mind but tells the saint that he would be killed for breaking the rule of the nature and telling the magical spell to the queen. He continues that the saint favored only the queen and was not kind hearted towards a common man like.

The saint tells him that he knew everything including the Jims feels for sorry and that bringing the bodies was the written fate.

He tells that he is not at all angry towards Jim as he has come to kill only because it was written on his fate.

Both of them start fighting and the saint starts several of his mind creations onto Jim who uses his skills in sword fighting to overcome them.

After a lengthy and ferocious battle, Jim ultimately fails in killing the saint. Jim tells the saint that he would make the saints words false by killing himself. The saint tells him that it was of no use as Samantha will, for sure, kill herself if he knows that Jim is dead.

Frustrated Jim sets back to the capital city and the saint disappears. Jim decides to see Samantha for the last time and then kill himself in grief.

By the time he reaches the capital the sun goes down, and Jim feels disappointed.

He enters the palace but gets surprised to find that both the ladies and the princess are alive. Soon the queen along with saint enters the palace.

Jim becomes unconscious and after waking up, he was still surprised to see that neither the ladies nor the saint are dead. He turns towards the queen who sates at him with a smile.

then the queen clears Jim's doubts by telling him that she took pity on him after knowing his history and thus made a third reincarnation of the deceased princess by spelling the magical spell at the same river bank.

She was there when he was fighting the saint. She thought to inform the same to Jim but was forced to get back due to the ferocious volcanic eruption that surrounded his home. The freshly    incarnated body was killed in the volcanic ashes. Thereby, leaving both the women alive.

Jim gets exited and tells that they can the same to prevent the women from death at any time in future by using the spell at the place.

The saint interrupts him and tells him that the Holy Scriptures on the rocks and trees are responsible for the proper working spell and they all washed away by the volcanic eruptions.

Saying so the saint disappears and Jim lives with his wife happily.

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