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A down-on-his-luck Ad Exec. devises a plan to prevent his wife from receiving alimony. |
EXT. SUPER 8 MOTEL - MORNING A large metal object is RATTLING around and snow is TUMBLING forward in front of it. Pulling to an overhead shot, we see that it's a snow plow, working hard to get rid of the previous evening's snowfall. Inside the vehicle, a SNOW PLOW DRIVER in his 50s with a grey beard is smoking a cigarette, listening to "Your Cheatin' Heart" by Hank Williams. He's singing quietly to the music as he bounces in his seat. SNOW PLOW DRIVER (singing quietly) When tears come down like falling rain You'll toss around and call my name You'll walk the floor the way I do your cheatin' heart will tell on you Another close up of the front of the plow. Snow continues piling up and FLYING MADLY to each side. Back in the cab, the man removes the cigarette from his mouth to cough violently. He rolls down the window and spits out of it. He then replaces the cigarette and continues puffing. Suddenly there is a JOLT and he drops his cigarette between his legs. SNOW PLOW DRIVER Whoa! He grabs the cigarette and puts it back in his mouth. The snow plow starts to make a GRINDING noise as it moves along. The driver comes to a stop, puts his cigarette out in the ashtray of his cab and steps out. Now outside of the plow, the driver walks forward, before realizing how cold it is. He goes back to the cab and grabs his large winter hat and gloves. He closes the cab door and takes out his cigarettes, lighting up a fresh one. He puts on the hat and gloves and starts humming the song again. He walks around to the front of the cab to see what the problem could be. Everything appears normal at first glance. The driver digs at the large pile of snow with one hand in front of the plow. Still, everything seems fine. He digs further, now with both hands, until he finally finds deep in the pile what appears to be hair. SNOW PLOW DRIVER The heck... Brushing away the snow, he realizes with horror that it's the head of a young woman. The camera focuses on the head with a face frozen in horror and we see the driver running to the hotel in the background, out of focus. The music from the snow plow's radio can still be heard: "Your cheatin' heart will tell on you" INT. AVERY ADVERTISING - MORNING LOBBY John is walking into work through the lobby of Avery Advertising. He has a day's worth of stubble on his face and his shirt is wrinkled. His eye is still quite purple from the earlier incident. He seems calm, given the current situation. STEVE PETERS Hey, how are you doin' buddy? JOHN AVERY Hey, Steve. John glances uneasily at the receptionist's desk as he walks by. John heads straight to his office and closes the door behind him. JOHN'S OFFICE John opens his laptop lid and goes to a local news website. He scrolls through the list of top stories. He reaches the bottom of the page and breathes a sigh of relief. Just then, Steve walks in. John pushes his laptop screen down. STEVE PETERS Oh, hey, sorry...didn't mean to interrupt, I just wanted to ask about the Gustafson project. Amanda called earlier this morning, she was wondering if it could be done by the end of the week. John doesn't appear to be paying attention. STEVE PETERS Um...also, I don't know if you've heard, but Chantel at Upper Philly was fired last week, so we're going to be dealing with Allison from now on. I can forward you her contact info. John nods, uninterested. STEVE PETERS John. You OK, buddy? You look like hell. Wild night last night? John makes eye contact with Steve. JOHN AVERY Yeah, uh, I'll...I'll take care of it. Listen, I need to make a few phone calls, so... STEVE PETERS Oh, geez, yeah, I'm sorry, I barged in didn't I? I'll talk to you later, all right? John forces a fake smile and nods as Steve turns to leave. STEVE PETERS Oh, sorry, one last thing before I let ya go. Elizabeth never came in this morning. Want me to give her a call, see if she's feeling OK? JOHN AVERY No! No, that's...that's OK, Steve. Actually, I...we talked last week and she's...she's just taking some time off. That's all. STEVE PETERS Time off? Jesus, she just got back from Cuba a few weeks ago. How much vacation time does a secretary get around here? (a beat) Well, who's covering for her? I need some shit faxed out ASAP and I don't know how to work the god damn thing. John doesn't respond, he's staring into space. Steve gives up and leaves the room looking upset. John opens his laptop again and continues scrolling through the list of stories. He suddenly stops scrolling when he comes across a story titled "Body found in Moraine State Park". John's eyes go wide. He clicks the link and begins to read the story. News Article: A body was found on the shores of Lake Arthur, yesterday, just outside the city of New Castle. The cause of death has not yet been confirmed, but it is considered suspicious, New Castle Police said. A concerned parent, whose seven-year-old child spotted the body, called police. "Police were contacted and confirmed it was a body," said Staff-Sgt. Richard Levy. "It is being treated as suspicious. Anyone with any information is urged to contact police." There's a KNOCK at the door. John JUMPS in his chair and looks up. STEVE PETERS Sorry bud, there's someone here for you. Steve walks away before John has a chance to ask who it is. John closes the laptop lid and stands up. He walks cautiously to the lobby to find a man in a brown puffy winter jacket and large fur hat with flaps, hovering over Elizabeth's desk. As John gets closer, he notices that the man is flipping through an "Avery Advertising" brochure that's laying on top of the counter. The man is DETECTIVE HARRIS of the New Castle police department. He's a middle-aged man with stark features and a pale complexion. LOBBY A static noise comes out of Detective Harris' walkie talkie and he responds back to it. DETECTIVE HARRIS Yeah, I'll only be a few minutes up here, Laurie, sit tight. John approaches the man cautiously. JOHN AVERY Can I help you, sir? DETECTIVE HARRIS Mr. Avery? JOHN AVERY Yes. DETECTIVE HARRIS Nice to meet you, Mr. Avery, I'm Detective Harris with the New Castle police department. I'm sorry to barge in like this, I'm sure you're a busy guy. Your name IS on the wall after all! The detective motions to the "Avery Advertising" logo on the wall. John laughs nervously. DETECTIVE HARRIS Would you mind if we talked somewhere in private for a few moments? JOHN AVERY Oh, I'm actually awfully busy this morning. I have a few calls to make and I really need to-- DETECTIVE HARRIS I know the feeling. I'm awfully busy too, Mr Avery, but this will only take a few minutes. I promise. Then you can kick me on outta here! The police officer gives John a pleasant smile. John glances nervously at Elizabeth's desk and then back at his own office. JOHN AVERY What's this all about? DETECTIVE HARRIS Well, thing is, I'd actually rather not say at the moment. Mind if we step into your office? Like I said, I just need a minute or two of your time and I'll be outta your hair. John nods hesitantly. JOHN AVERY Yeah, OK...right this way. DETECTIVE HARRIS (pointing to the Avery Advertising brochure) Mind if I take one? JOHN AVERY Sure... Detective Harris looks John up and down and inspects the various offices as he walks behind him to John's office. JOHN'S OFFICE John closes the door behind them. DETECTIVE HARRIS Mr. Avery, when was the last time you were in contact with Miss. Reisenfeld? John stares at the officer, offering up a terribly fake smile. He's cornered, and he knows it, it shows in his face. STEVE'S OFFICE Steve is watching intently as John and the officer are discussing something. The officer starts writing something down on a notepad, before continuing to talk to John. John starts rubbing his face with his hand as the officer continues talking. John puts a finger up as if to say "one second". Detective Harris brings his walkie talkie to his mouth. John reaches into his jacket pocket, pulls out his GUN and before the officer can reach for his own weapon, SHOOTS him in the side of the face with a loud BANG, splattering blood all over the glass windows of the office. A look of horror comes over Steve's face and he gets up quickly from his desk and RUSHES into the hallway. John RUNS out into the hallway towards the front door. One of the graphic designers, Kyle, is standing in the way. John SHOOTS him in the shoulder with another loud BANG and BARGES through the door. Detective Harris is lying on the floor in John's office, blood spurting from where the bullet pierced the side of his face. Everyone runs into the hallway after hearing the gunshots and there are a variety of screams and "Oh God"s as people are processing what has just happened. Several people rush over to Kyle, several others to Detective Harris. STAIRWELL John is running down the stairs, taking them two or three at a time. He trips and FALLS at the bottom of one of the flights of stairs but only falls down a few to the next landing. He manages to get back up with only a few scrapes to his leg and continues running full tilt down the stairwell. He has a look of madness on his face. What little bit of sanity he entered the office with is now long gone. EXT. AVERY ADVERTISING - CONTINUOUS John BURSTS through the side door of the large office building and runs around to the back of the building, searching for his car. His running is slow because of all of the snow from the previous night. He trips and FALLS again, this time taking a few seconds to regain his composure and get back on his feet. COP Stop! Stop where you are! Drop your weapon and put your hands on your head! John looks behind him and sees the female officer aiming her gun at him. Beside the officer is the police cruiser that Detective Harris and herself arrived in. John aims haphazardly at her and FIRES, but the bullet doesn't hit her. The officer FIRES back, the first shot missing it's intended target and the second HITTING HIM in the leg. JOHN AVERY No! Nooooo! Arghhhhhhh! John is SCREAMING like a child, holding his leg in pain, while at the same time trying to inch his way forward toward his car. The officer RUNS over and KICKS his gun away. She then handcuffs John while trying to reach her partner on the walkie talkie. COP Detective Harris, please respond, I've got a man down in the parking lot. Detective Harris, please respond. Repeat, I've got a man down, possibly Mr. Avery. The camera pulls away from the parking lot, pulling away into the sky. People come running out of the building looking horrified. The female officer signals that they shouldn't come any closer. The camera continues pulling out on the snow-covered parking lot until the camera fades completely to white. FADE TO WHITE The following text fades in over white: One Year Later INT. AVERY HOME - DAY The front door of the house opens and an alarm system starts beeping. The REAL ESTATE AGENT, a slim woman with dark hair and a fake tan, reaches into her pocket and pulls out a piece of paper with the alarm code on it. She punches it into the system and it stops beeping. REAL ESTATE AGENT OK! Come on in, folks! A middle-aged ASIAN MAN and his younger wife step into the home. REAL ESTATE AGENT As you can see, the house has a very open feel to it the moment you walk in. It's VERY inviting! The Asian couple don't seem to be overly impressed. REAL ESTATE AGENT I should also mention, the alarm system does come with the house. Well...shall we take a look around? ASIAN MAN There's a hole. REAL ESTATE AGENT Beg pardon? The Asian man points to the area of the wall where John and Dafino had previously fallen down the stairs. ASIAN MAN Hole in wall. Oh...oh my! You're right, I did not notice that. You know what...it's probably just from when the movers were here. A little bit of patch work and it'll be good as new! Let's go check out the rest of the home...you're going to love the kitchen! The Asian man and woman exchange a glance. UPSTAIRS HALLWAY REAL ESTATE AGENT Now, there are three bedrooms up here. I believe one of them was being used as an office, do either of you ever work from home? The Asian couple shake their heads in unison, still looking unimpressed. REAL ESTATE AGENT Well then, maybe you could turn it into an exercise room! If you'll come right this way, we'll take a peek at the master bedroom. The three of them walk into the master bedroom. As they walk in, they all notice the dried up blood still on the carpet. REAL ESTATE AGENT Oh my...must just be a bit of paint. That should come right out, I'd imagine. A long shot of the Asian couple looking very unimpressed. INT. HOUSE - EVENING It's early evening and Anton and Rachel are lying on Anton's couch together. Rachel is clearly pregnant. RACHEL AVERY The house finally sold today. ANTON BRODY You're kidding, that's fantastic. RACHEL AVERY I feel like the last of it's behind me now. Anton hugs Rachel tightly and rubs her belly. The baby kicks. ANTON BRODY Did you feel that? RACHEL AVERY Of course. She's a feisty one. Just like her daddy. ANTON BRODY Her? Rachel smiles. RACHEL AVERY According to the ultrasound... ANTON BRODY You said they couldn't tell! RACHEL AVERY (smiling widely) Surprise! ANTON BRODY We're gonna have a baby girl... Anton smiles. He leans over and kisses Rachel. He then leans down and kisses her belly. ANTON BRODY C'mere. Anton helps Rachel get up from the couch and they walk outside using the double French doors at the end of the room. It's dusk on the beach and the sun is just disappearing behind the Pacific Ocean. Anton and Rachel lay down on matching recliners and stare out at the waves. FADE OUT. |