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A down-on-his-luck Ad Exec. devises a plan to prevent his wife from receiving alimony. |
INT. CAR - EVENING ANTON'S CAR The following text fades in over black: Five days later Anton is driving on a dark highway. The snow has stopped briefly, but the road is still slippery. Anton's cell phone RINGS, he picks it up. ANTON BRODY You got it? DAFINO'S CAR WILLIAM DAFINO Yeah, I got it. She's in there now. "La Vida Yoga", it's on main street here. WILLIAM DAFINO is sitting in his car outside of the Yoga Studio, watching as people go in and out. Dafino is a man in his late 60s with thinning hair and a pot belly. ANTON'S CAR ANTON BRODY Aw, sounds like a cute place. Maybe you should pop in for a few, work off some of that beer gut you've been nurturing for so long. DAFINO'S CAR WILLIAM DAFINO I drag my ass out to this podunk town for you and you're gonna sass me? ANTON'S CAR ANTON BRODY Ha ha! You know I'm only kidding. I'm pretty sure you used to have a sense of humour. DAFINO'S CAR WILLIAM DAFINO Must have left it back in Pittsburgh. We good here? ANTON'S CAR ANTON BRODY Yeah, we're good, you go home, get some rest. Good work tonight. DAFINO'S CAR WILLIAM DAFINO Good luck. ANTON'S CAR The call is disconnected. Anton puts his cell phone in the cup holder and puts his focus back on the road. He accelerates off the screen. INT. LA VIDA YOGA - LATER A group of about forty men and woman are all exercising in unison to the tune of a slow, relaxing MELODY. We see several people who look like they are about to pass out. One man, overweight and in his 40s, isn't really trying. He's checking his messages on his phone while doing as little effort as possible to make it appear as though he's trying to touch his toes. We focus on Rachel Avery, who's clearly giving it her all. She has a look of determination on her face as she stretches. The MUSIC STOPS. She stops exercising in unison with the rest of the class. The YOGA INSTRUCTOR at the front of the room is an intimidating broad-shouldered woman with frizzy grey hair. YOGA INSTRUCTOR I'm still seeing a few of you in the back there not really trying...if you're not going to give it your all, you might as well just go home. Everyone else though, great effort! I like what I'm seeing. The lazy, overweight man rolls his eyes and his wife, who is sitting beside him, gives him a hard nudge with her elbow. YOGA INSTRUCTOR Two minute break and then back at it! ANTON BRODY Hell of a workout, isn't it? Rachel looks to her left to find an attractive man with a tan complexion and greying hair sitting beside her. She smiles awkwardly. RACHEL AVERY I suppose so. ANTON BRODY She never tires out does she? Must be fun being married to her. RACHEL AVERY Right.. ANTON BRODY You a regular here? RACHEL AVERY (dismissively) Once a week. ANTON BRODY This is my first time...thought it might help with my back...I get these cramps sometimes... It's apparent that Rachel isn't listening. ANTON BRODY Hey, I'm sorry, I'm talking your ear off, aren't I? The Yoga Instructor is slamming back a purple energy drink, spilling some of it onto her leotard. ANTON BRODY I'm Anton. Nice to meet you...? Anton extends his hand, prying for Rachel's name. RACHEL AVERY Rachel. Nice to meet you, Anton. She shakes his hand lightly. ANTON BRODY You've got great form, you're a natural at this. Your Downward-Facing Dog...it's very refined. RACHEL AVERY Excuse me? Anton smiles. RACHEL AVERY Wow, Anton, I don't know who told you that'd be a good pick up line, but you might want to rethink your strategy. And next time, think about who you're hitting on. Rachel flashes her wedding band at Anton, gives him the finger and then stands up. She grabs her workout mat and moves it a few rows back. Anton chuckles to himself and scratches his head. YOGA INSTRUCTOR OK everyone, back at it! We're going to kick it up a notch. Twenty more minutes and we'll call it a day. The MUSIC starts back up again. Anton glances back at Rachel, who's already begun to stretch again. He smiles to himself and goes back to stretching as well. He winces in pain as he tries to touch his toes. The overweight man is seen giving up. He stands up and leaves the room. The Yoga Instructor shoots him a nasty look as he passes by, shrugging his shoulders at her. EXT. LA VIDA YOGA - LATER The Yoga class is being let out and people are filing out of the building. Rachel emerges and starts walking toward her car, which is parked at the side of the street. ANTON BRODY Hey, I'm sorry about--Hey, hey! Wait up! Anton jogs to catch up, as Rachel starts to walk faster after hearing his voice. ANTON BRODY Listen, I'm sorry about before, I was out of line. I didn't know you were married. Rachel stops and turns around. RACHEL AVERY Would it have stopped you if you knew I was? ANTON BRODY Probably not. Anton grins. RACHEL AVERY I figured. Rachel starts to walk away again. ANTON BRODY Can I buy you a coffee? Rachel stops again. RACHEL AVERY You serious? ANTON BRODY As a peace offering, nothing more. Rachel cracks a slight smile. RACHEL AVERY It's a little late for caffeine, isn't it? ANTON BRODY A beer then? RACHEL AVERY You're really something, you know that? ANTON BRODY I am definitely a handful. RACHEL AVERY Exactly. I'll see you next week, Anton. MAYBE. Anton smiles. ANTON BRODY Next week, then. Rachel grins slightly. RACHEL AVERY Don't be so sure. Anton turns around and walks away with his hands in his jacket pockets. Rachel shakes her head and walks towards her car. CAR Rachel slides into her car. She takes her phone out of her purse and flips it open. There's one message from John. JOHN AVERY (text message) We need to talk, Rachel. Enough is enough. Rachel SNAPS her phone shut and TOSSES it on the seat next to her. She closes her eyes and lays her head back on the headrest. After several seconds, she takes her RING off and THROWS it in the glove compartment. Rachel starts the car and does a QUICK U-TURN. She drives up next to Anton and rolls the window down. RACHEL AVERY One beer. Anton gives her a big smile. INT. CAR - LATER John is sitting in his car in an empty mall parking lot. He's rubbing his hands together and listening to the weather report on the radio. RADIO Yeah, that's right Kelly, we're calling for, you guessed it; snow, snow, snow! No reprieve from the white stuff this week, I'm afraid. Time to pass it on over to Bill now at the Sports Desk to get an update on tonight's Penguins game. How'd they do Bill? (Bill speaking) Oh, not too good I'm afraid, seems they weren't really... Headlights FLASH in John's rear-view mirror and a white sedan pulls up next to his car. John turns the radio off. The driver looks over at John and frowns. He gets out of his car. Close-up on John as we hear the CRUNCHING of snow as the man walks around John's car. John looks nervous. The man opens the passenger door and gets in. The man is FISCHER, a man in his mid-30s with short, curly dark hair and a dark complexion. FISCHER Let's have it. John nods and reaches into his back seat. He produces a Manila envelope, similar to the one given to Anton previously. He hands it to the man. The man looks confused as he takes the envelope from John. The man opens it and leafs through the money inside. He gets to the end and leafs through the bills one more time. FISCHER The fuck is this? JOHN AVERY Now...I know that's not-- FISCHER (yelling) That's less than half! JOHN AVERY Listen, I'm trying to explain. I've had some personal issues that were...out of my control. I had to-- FISCHER Are you fucking kidding me, man? I don't give a fuck about your problems! Where's my money? JOHN AVERY Listen, I can have it for you next week, plus inter-- The man PUNCHES John in the face and GRIPS him around the throat with leather-gloved hands. FISCHER You little piece of shit. You're telling ME how this is gonna go down? We're going to an ATM right now and you're givin' me the rest of my money. Don't think for a second you can get away with shit like this. I let you in on that game as a favor, you did this to yourself by not knowing when to quit. The man RELEASES his grip on John's neck. John leans forward, COUGHING and GASPING for air. FISCHER Let's go. Drive. John, still COUGHING LOUDLY, glares at Fischer. Fischer opens his jacket and shows John his pistol. FISCHER Drive. John puts the car into drive. From high overhead, we see the car leaving the parking lot, leaving tire tracks in the newly fallen snow. CUT TO BLACK INT. HOTEL ROOM - LATER A pitch-black room. There's a COMMOTION in the hallway and the door suddenly SWINGS open, illuminating the room. Anton and Rachel are kissing passionately. They move to the bedroom and begin undressing one another. Anton playfully PUSHES Rachel down onto the bed. He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out the CAMCORDER, which he quickly sets up on the hotel room desk, hiding it behind the coffee maker. RACHEL AVERY What are you doing? Get over here! ANTON BRODY Just looking for a rubber babe, one sec. Anton goes into his wallet and pulls out a condom. He moves onto the bed. Rachel puts her hand behind Anton's neck and forces him down on top of her. The view of the action pulls back slowly into the viewpoint of the video camera. Anton is on top of Rachel, removing the rest of her clothes, kissing her passionately. Fade to black, but hold out on fading out the red "record" symbol for several seconds and then... FADE TO BLACK INT. UNKNOWN - DAY FLASH FORWARD TO AN UNKNOWN POINT IN TIME A pane of glass is shown. It looks perfectly normal. It's unclear what exactly is beyond the glass, but it looks like an indoor environment can be seen beyond. After several seconds, blood starts running down the glass in long, gooey streaks. CUT TO BLACK EXT. UNKNOWN - EVENING A garbage bag is floating in the water. It's unclear what is in the bag, as it THRASHES against the violent activity of the water. Suddenly, the bag is TOSSED violently against a rock and an arm appears, jutting out from the side of the newly torn bag. CUT TO BLACK EXT. UNKNOWN - EVENING An icy pavement surface is shown. It appears to be part of a parking lot, judging by the painted lines. Suddenly, blood begins to TRICKLE and SPURT horizontally down the surface of the ice. It's unknown why this is happening or where it's coming from at this point. Exasperated GASPING can be heard as the blood begins to pool on the ice. THE FLASH FORWARD ENDS AT THIS POINT CUT TO BLACK INT. AVERY HOME - LATER FRONT DOOR The JINGLING of keys can be heard outside. Rachel enters the house quietly and closes the door behind her. KITCHEN She walks into the kitchen and pours herself a glass of milk. She glances in the den and sees John sleeping on the couch. The TV is still on. She stares at him with a thoughtful look. An infomercial is playing in the background: TV (Ron Popeil) For all the work it does, this machine should sell for over four hundred dollars. You know you're not gonna spend four hundred on it, you're not gonna spend three seventy-five or three fifty, not three twenty-five or even three hundred. Not two seventy-five or two fifty, not two twenty-five or even two hundred dollars, like you're already thinking. Rachel suddenly notices that there's an ice pack on John's face. He stirs in his sleep and the ice pack falls to the floor. DEN Rachel sets the milk down on the counter and walks over to the den and picks up the ice pack. She stares in confusion at John's swelling face. John opens his eyes. RACHEL AVERY (startled) Jesus! JOHN AVERY Rachel... RACHEL AVERY What the hell happened to you? John's face wells up with tears of pain as he slowly sits up. JOHN AVERY Just...an argument with someone. It's nothing. RACHEL AVERY For some reason I don't believe you. What really happened? John shakes his head and puts his face in his hands. RACHEL AVERY You know what...I don't want to know. Rachel starts to walk away. KITCHEN She stops, her back to John. RACHEL AVERY I want you out of here. JOHN AVERY I'm not going anywhere, this is my house too, Rachel. John slowly rises from the couch. JOHN AVERY Can we PLEASE talk about this? RACHEL AVERY I have nothing to say to you. John moves into the kitchen. JOHN AVERY Rachel, I told you a thousand times that what I did-- Rachel interrupts him by knocking over the glass of milk as she runs upstairs. The glass SHATTERS on the floor. John stares at the spilt milk. A door SLAMS upstairs. John bends down and starts picking up the broken shards of glass. FADE TO BLACK INT. AVERY HOME - AFTERNOON FLARE TO WHITE DEN John wakes up with a splitting headache. The light is blinding in the room, forcing him to squint. His right eye is a deep purple and swollen and there's a slight red mark around his neck. John looks over at the alarm clock; it reads 3:55. JOHN AVERY Jesus... John stands up and knocks over a few beer bottles that were standing on the floor beside the couch. He stumbles and almost loses his balance. SHOWER Angled shot of John in the shower, he's leaning against the wall of the shower stall with his head in his hands. KITCHEN John is sitting alone at the dinner table eating Kraft Dinner while pressing a bag of peas against his swollen right eye. The sun is now starting to set, illuminating the room in an orange glow. The time on the clock reads 5:46. EXT. AVERY HOME - LATER It's now dark outside and snowing heavily. John's neighbour, ED, a talkative man in his 70s, is salting his driveway. John locks the front door of his home and heads to his car. ED Evenin' there, John. JOHN AVERY Hey, Ed. ED Storm's movin' in there, looks like. Gonna be a big one. JOHN AVERY Yep. ED Oh, haven't really had a good storm in a while. Back in '77, that was a good one. Two feet O' snow that one was, had us buried in the stuff. This one's gonna be a good one, you can bet. JOHN AVERY Yeah, real good Ed. ED I was down at the shop last weekend, the fellas were sayin' it'll pass over. Ol' Frank Zimmerman, he was sayin' it'd pass right by, no problem with this one, he said. I tells em' though, I tells 'em this one's gonna be a big one. Bigger than most of 'em, even. You remember that one from '77 dontcha? Three feet O' snow I think that one was, had us buried up to our chins. John gets into his car while Ed is still talking and salting. ED Gotta get a head start on the shovellin' though, it's gonna be a big one. I keep tellin' 'em...you gotta be prepared. John pulls out of the driveway and drives off as Ed continues talking and salting. |