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How do we know which path to take when we make a decision? |
Where in the world are we? Years ago, we were traveling in Louisiana. When I decided for us to exist the interstate at the next exit. It was late at night. After exiting, I realized how dark it was and became very frightened. I didn't see any lights anywhere or any thing to light the way. I was scared, it was pitch black. Usually, there are kinds of signs pointing which way to go. Wouldn't it be nice if our path was lit up so we knew which way to go? Christmas has come and gone. The new year has started, Valentine's Dar has passed. Now Lent season has started. In a few weeks it will be Easter. After that comes graduation for high school seniors and college seniors. Graduating seniors have decided on a major and a minor based on what they want to do in their lives. In today's economy, it is hard to know what to do when a job doesn't seem to be on the horizon. Wouldn't it be nice to have lights or signs to show the way when things just don't seem to be working out. Sometimes, we run into a road block or a detour that points us in another direction. What we see ahead may be complete darkness. Even our health can cause us to ask which direction to go. We thought we had things all planned out until we get to a roadblock. Now we may have to ask ourselves what do we do now. What do I do, a few years ago, I was considering which path do I go down? What do I want to do? What am I able to do? What am I trained to do? What am I prepared to do? Where does our training come from? Does our training come from what we do in life or from the schooling that we have had? At one time, I was interested in secretarial courses. When I went to college, I began working part time as an office assistant. It was a job that required me to talk to people on the phone and it made me a little nervous. I set aside finding what I wanted to do, to become a wife and mother. I enjoyed staying home while my son was young. After my daughter was born, I had to find a job because we were going through some hard times. Now that My children have grown up and moved on. I have been asking myself again what do I want to do? Which path do I go down? Do I go ahead with what I want to write and create? What training have I had? Being one of six children, who lived in a small town, it was hard to know what to do unless I moved to a larger city. After I had my children, we did move to a larger city, that was clear across the county to where my husband's family lived. It would lead to me finding a job that I would keep for eleven years before being let go. Now what, unemployment allowed me to prepare for what would come years later. Our lives can change in an instant. I lost my first husband. It was a hard time for me raising my daughter on what little income we had coming it each month. Things change, my children grew up and I remarried. Now which path do I go down was a question that I asked myself for a long time. I had two ways to go. I could get a 9 to 5 job or find a stay at home job. I spend many hours reading and going through self-help books before I learned that I liked to write and make crafts. I began thinking about my schooling. It was my thought that I needed some kind of schooling to a writer. I began thinking about the reports that I had to write and the biography that I wrote. How prepared am I? Am I ready to move; to take a leap of faith; and go down a path that will lead to defining my place in life? Is my contentment found in being one of God's children, who is redeemed and forgiven? Have I been learning how to write over the years and share what I know about God's love with others? Is the contentment that will cause me to rejoice in the knowledge that I have learned every day? |