Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1919590-Adrenaline
Rated: · Other · Sports · #1919590
The heart of competition...
Butterflies flutter on the inside,
Nervous eyes scan the scene,
Adrenaline levels hit and all time high,
Everything stops and everyone stares.

"Swimmers step up."

I stand just as I have a thousand times before,
My mouth is as dry as the Sahara desert,
Freshly shaved legs shiver and quiver.

"Swimmers take your mark."

Tensing up at the booming voice,
Catching last second advice from overly excited coaches,
My heart beats louder than a hundred voices.


The frigid water hits like a freight train,
My mind goes completely blank,
Mechanically gliding like an aquatic robot,
Afraid to look to the left or the right,
Eyes on the finish.

Hitting the wall just in time,
Overwhelmed with a concoction of emotions,
Heaving like someone just pulled out of a fire,
Achy legs and purple ankles,
But a grin as big as the Mississippi River.
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