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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Scientific · #1919281
A telepath strives to win the approval of his cruel marine biologist caretakers.
Please note, 301's speech is supposed to be italicized, I just haven't had a chance to change this at the moment.

“What is that thing?” the man with the suit asked.
“It? Oh that’s Specimen #301. It’s a creature the Federation sent us to watch over when they found no use for it.” replied the man in the white lab coat, his hands behind his back.
“Where did it come from Reinhardt? It looks like a giant octopus.” The creature in the water massive aquarium before them had four tentacles and small claws on the ends. It had two red slits for eyes.
“I’m told it was found on a water world called OR-247. Some recently discovered planet of little importance.”
“Water world eh. What can you tell me about #301 here that differentiates it from the other specimens aboard this station?”
“There’s not much of interest. We’ve run a few neurological scans on it to try and map its brain. Let me pull up the report here.” Reinhardt keyed the blue, holographic interface in front of him. A moment later, a detailed report appeared.
“Here it is. Yes, we ran the scans and learned it has three separate cranium cavities.”
“Three brains? Is it sentient?”
“We thought it might be, but after observing it for a few months, none of its behavior really jumped out at us. It may be intelligent, but not sentient. If you’re going to ask if there is any weaponization possibilities for it, there probably isn’t.”
The suited man nodded and stroked his brown beard.
“Hmmm. Then kill it. If it’s just taking up space with no application whatsoever, I don’t want it on this research station. What of the other specimens? I heard there was remarkable promise for that Serris creature-”
I will prove my worth to them. A voice inside his head sounded.
“Did you say something sir?” Reinhardt asked.
“Uh, yes. About the Serris. Tell me of it.”
“Yes, if you follow me to the lift on your left.”
Greetings friends!!
“Eh? What was that?” Reinhardt asked.
“I heard that voice again. Other than yours that is.”
A voice? What did it say?”
I said, GREETINGS friends! I’m talking to you two.
“There, it was again! It said, I’m talking to you two.”
The suited man answered slowly, “Yes. I heard it as well.”
Turn to face my tank!
“#301? Was-was that you?”
Yes! Finally someone notices me! My telepathy finally works!
“Dr. Reinhardt, didn’t you say #301 wasn’t sentient?”
“Until now that is. Reinhardt, you’re an idiot. I want you to put #301 on a higher priority on your research list.”
“Yes sir. I suppose that means we’re not going to kill it right?”
The suited man rolled his eyes and walked towards the exit, “What do you think? I’ll be back in a week for a status report. Iron Cesta is going to have kittens when I tell them about this.”
“Very good sir.” When the man left, Reinhardt looked around the room. “Perhaps,” he stated as he touched the glass, “you will do great things for us.”
I hope so! I always dreamed of being able to talk you humans ever since I was brought me here, and now it seems that my dream finally came true. I am excited to work with you!
The man pulled his disc-like comlink out of his pocket, his voice calm. “Get my team down here. They will not believe what just happened.”

Two hours later, #301 was moved to a private research aquarium where it could be monitored closely. Dr. Reinhardt and a female lab assistant stood in the center of the room. A huge glass panel was in front the two, the wall of #301’s holding tank. To their left, the room curved around the tank to a black metal door way. The side to their right was identical to the one on the left. The room was made of grey concrete and the ceiling lamps gave the room an unwelcoming feel to it. The place smelled of chlorine. The tank water scattered light shining above it onto the walls of the research room. There was a computer console behind them and two in attached to the glass wall.
There were two marine biologists at each console. Reinhardt stood at the center of the room with his arms crossed. Today was the day.
“Joe, could you begin please?” Reinhardt asked.
“Right,” one sitting at the consoles replied, he tapped a microphone connected to speaker in the tank twice.
“301, can you hear me?”
Yes I can hear you my friend. What would you have me do for you?
“Hello to you too. We have some questions for you we’d like answered if you don’t mind. Do you know who we are?”
Yes. You are a research team under Dr. Kurt D. Reinhardt, that fellow at the center of the room. You are here on Daren V, a marine biology and colony space station under the jurisdiction of Governor Ivan Seto of the Galactic Federation. Forgive me if my answer included more than you initially asked.
Joe looked flabbergasted. He turned to Reinhardt who was equally so.
“No that’s fine 301, uh. Hold on…Doctor, what do I ask him next?” Joe sounded helpless.
“Ask him how he acquired all this information.”
“Uh, 301. How did-”
From observing you all. I was brought here when I was but an infant three months ago, though my telepathic abilities had not grown in until recently. When I did realize I could read a human’s mind, I started observing you all, just like you observed me. I am glad that I can finally communicate with you all. I used to be so lonely.
“Interesting, 301. You felt lonely? What else do you feel?”
You want to know the extent of my emotions yes? That is what you are driving at.
“Yes, tell us what you feel now and what you’ve felt in the past.”
I feel and process emotion similarly you humans do. I felt pain when I was taken from my home, I felt fear when I was put into an aquarium tank, I felt uneasiness when I was moved into this spacious tank a few hours ago and I feel excitement when I talk to you.
The rest of the day was spent answering trivial questions regarding both 301’ sentience and the limits of his intelligence. 301 was eager to participate in all of these tests but they left him with a sense of uneasiness. He noticed there was an agenda behind the researcher’s enthusiasm in testing him: Greed. Overjoyed by the discovery of 301’s sentience, the men were quick to document what had happened that day, but credited themselves for “their findings” instead of stating that 301 had initiated contact with them.
After the research biologists had their fill, they retired for the evening. In the lounge, 10 levels above the lab and tank 301 was stored in Joe, Reinhardt and Dr. Heinemann were having a cup of coffee. “So what do you think of today’s session with 301? Pretty jarring eh?” Joe stated.
“Indeed. If that thing doesn’t start digging too deep into our minds, we might have a real prize on our hands.” Heinemann observed, “Did you think it pried too far today?”
“Oh no doubt about it. I mean he practical told every…” Joe, suddenly conscientious, lowered his tone to a whisper, “He pointed out we worked for terrorists. As a lab specimen, albeit an sentient one, it shouldn’t be digging that far into our minds. Who knows, if word got out we were making the stations ‘endangered species’ into biological weapons for Iron Cesta, what would-”
“Relax gentlemen. We need not worry. All we have to do is limit our contact with it. Send a few low level researchers to interact with it. Get 301 to trust them. It may be sentient, but I’m sure its gullible. I think that new woman will do. Dr. Madelyn Rice was her name?”
“Reese. And yes, I’m sure she’ll do fine.”

Dr. Madelyn Reese was a recent addition to the Daren V team. She was a red headed woman in her mid-thirties, with glasses and far sharper than the other biologists gave her credit for. After interacting with 301 for only a week, she developed a deep fascination with it. She respected it for its abilities. She even went to great lengths to understand and communicate with it as well. Never in her eight years of field study had she encountered a creature like 301.
She filed a report on 301 right away:
301’s intelligence is incredible. I believe it is also in a constant state of “capability expansion”, similar to that of the human mind as it ages. It’s like Xena (as I know refer to her), learns at a startling rate. The more information it had access to, the sharper its mind becomes. Truly remarkable. As of now, I believe it is equal to my level of intelligence. Though, at this rate, I suspect it might even put our local genius, Dr. Reinhardt to shame. I will report with further findings as I note of them.
When the researchers read this report, they grew displeased. Instead of praising 301 for his gifts, they then began to treat 301 with contempt. The idea of a specimen being smarter than them aggravated them, especially the lead biologist, Dr. Kurt D. Reinhardt. It was 301’s hope that once the researchers discovered its sentience that they’d no longer treat it like a pet experiment but rather, as their equal. This was not the case.
Surely they are all just having a bad week and it’s just affecting their thought processes, it reasoned.
I sure hope they see their error soon. I so want them to like me. I so want them to be kind to me.
But as the weeks passed, the worker’s true feelings were undeniable. Soon their contempt of 301 changed into silent mockery.

“What’s your name?” Madelyn asked one day. By now, she had developed a habit of visiting 301 everyday when she wasn’t busy attending other specimens.
Name? Oh, is that the thing by which you address yourselves?
“…Uh…Yeah. It is. ” Surprised at how something so simple as a name was so strange concept to 301.
It is Specimen 301 isn’t it? he offered.
“Yes. But that is a silly name. It’s an identification number, it’s like being called Mrs. XYZ. How about we give you a proper one! Something cool sounding, like…”
Not Xena, Madelyn.
“I didn’t say t-”
Telepath remember?
“Oh, yeah, right. How about…Anna?”
I’m a male, Madelyn.
You didn’t know that, did you?
“Of course I knew that! I- er, well, you always seemed like a girl to me! So I just assumed…”
I think I would like to be called Hannibal.
“Hannibal? Why that?”
Whenever you and the researchers speak of a man named Hannibal, you show him great respect. There was the Carthage General Hannibal Barca, who nearly conquered Rome thousands of years ago, whom Federation Military Cadets study to this day, and then there is the man in the suit, Hannibal Armstrong whom many of you report to. You show people named Hannibal respect and I want to be shown the same.
“As you wish 301-, eh, Hannibal. We’ll call you that from now on.”
Unfortunately, the other biologists didn’t take to 301’s new name very well. They insisted that he still be called 301.
“An animal should not be treated as a human Doctor, you should know that.” they mocked Reese for treating the specimen the way she did.

A few days later, Madelyn was reading a book during her visit with Hannibal. Suddenly, the book closed in her hand and fell to the floor.
“What tha duce?”
Sorry. I was just trying to close it, not drop it on you.
“Wait, you did this?
“I knew you were a telepath, but I didn’t know you were telekinetic as well. That’s amazing!”
Thank you. I have been practicing stirring the waters around me and pinning this kelp planted at the bottom of my tank to the walls. Here is your book back.
The book floated back into her hands.
Reese was awestruck. “That is…just…wow. You are amazing. How long have you been able to do this?”
For about 10 minutes now. My people’s psychic abilities increase indefinitely.
“INDEFINATELY?!” she choked on the word. “Seriously?”
Yes. Perhaps more abilities will manifest themselves in the future. But never mind that now, I wanted to ask you something. I heard a phrase the other day that puzzles me. You humans use it fairly frequently.
“What phrase is it?”
Best friend. It intrigued me that your race differentiates between a friend and a best friend. Enlighten me.
Well, the way I see it is that everyone has friends, but not everyone has a best friend. A best friend is someone trustworthy and honest. A person who is always there for you…hmm. Trying to think of what else to say… Someone who you trust more than anyone else…um…Am I making sense to you?”
Perfectly. My next question is this: how does one make a best friend?
”I suppose it just kind of happens. Usually, when individuals become best friends, they usually tell the other person.”
“Oh blast! I forgot. Hannibal, sorry, I have to go attend to one of the specimens. Arthur is probably clawing at his cage because I haven’t fed him yet. I’m such an idiot!”
Madelyn, you are not an idiot. You were mentally preoccupied both with your book and myself.
“Thanks Han, though I should learn to better manages my time.” she turned to leave.
One last thing Madelyn.
You are my best friend.
She smiled, “Goodnight Hannibal.”
Dr. Reese was the closest thing Hannibal had to a friend. He cared about her. Unlike the other researchers who were only compassionate in word and cruel in deed. Madelyn was the only one he could confide in when he spoke about his people back on OR-247. He knew the other biologists could not be trusted with the information he’d give her. They would only exploit him. Should they find out there were other beings like him on OR-247, they’d send ships to capture them and bring them to Daren V.


One can only bear the slings of mockery for so long. It had been a year since Hannibal had first made contact with the biologists and after putting up with their behavior for so long, he finally had enough.
It would be unacceptable to subject my people to the misery I now suffer at their hands. No, I will let them believe I am the only one of my kind and keep them a secret. These humans are not what I had thought them to be. In the naivety of my youth, I made them out to be gods, like some of them make themselves out to be, ever worthy of my admiration. No, I did not see it when I first tapped their minds a year ago, but now I see them for what they really are: fools. And I refuse to speak with fools.
Soon after, Hannibal’s lack of communication drew the attention of Madelyn. One day, she decided to ask him about his unusual behavior.
“What’s wrong Hannibal?” Dr. Reese asked him one day, “You haven’t been speaking to us lately. Is something the matter?”
Because you view me as a pet, a thing not to be taken seriously, an object meant to advance their scientific careers.
“What? That’s not true! We…we care about you Hannibal.”
You do. They do not. They are only interested in me because I bring them glory. They mock me Madelyn.
“No they don’t! They never encountered a being like you before and they want to know as much as they can about you. The glory they get is just people treating them like celebrities. It’s not like they want that kind of-”
Is that what they told you?
“It’s the truth!”
Really? Have you heard what they call me behind your back? Can you listen to their thoughts? Can you peer into a man’s mind like I can?
No you cannot! They ridicule me; they call me “freak show” whenever you leave the room. They fear that if you overhear them saying those things then you will tell me what they said. And of course they put on a face when they are before me in their lab, insulting me with their pitiful subtleties, trying to mask their real views of me, and then openly ridicule me when outside the room, especially that Dr. Reinhardt. But they do not realize that I can hear them in other room. My power has grown faster than they recognize. I trusted they could make treat me as an equal Madelyn! And they returned it with contempt and scorn!
Madelyn, upon hearing this was overcome with grief, “Oh my gosh Hannibal. I…I…I just didn’t know Hannibal. Really. I’m… just. Look, I’m sorry. So very sorry. Why didn’t I realize this?”
I know you are Madelyn. It is not your fault, I forgive you.
“T-Thank you, but I promise, I will never betray your trust like they did. I will not. Never.”
You promise?
“I promise.”
Nevertheless, do not worry about this. It is just the nature of humans. It just cannot be helped.
“Well…what about me then?”
You? How could you be evil? You are not like the others. You are good, you care, you can actually be trusted. You are my best friend.
“But surely there are some other good ones out there. Good ones like me?” she suggested.

Hannibal’s continual refusal to communicate and submit to research tests continued. It drew on for so long that it finally hit a nerve with the biologists. Several became so impatient with the lack of new information on him that they took matters into their own hands to try and forcibly make Hannibal test. They tried to force him into scanning chamber with robotic arms, used robots to shove him into a transport cage to take him to an underwater maze, and tried bribing him with treats to get him to answer questions.
But what they didn’t realize was how much his powers had grown. His telekinesis as they soon discovered had grown formidable. The researchers were astonished.
He pushed the mechanical arms reaching into his chamber against the wall and shut off the controls in the other room, sealed the cage hatch and smashed the insides of the robots, and stirred the water inside the chamber to fling the treats back at the guards who tossed them in. He even made one lab assistant slap herself in face when she swore at him in anger.
Furious at Hannibal, the biologists then proceeded to pressure Dr. Reese into spilling her information about Hannibal. Dr. Reinhardt, the lead biologist and the one leading the initiative, threatened to fire her and make her leave Daren V; never to see Hannibal again. When left with no choice, she told them everything she knew, ensuring she did it out of “Hannibal’s mind reading range.
The biologists were shocked by what she told them. But instead of resolving to treat Hannibal better in order to get him to communicate, they, or rather one man in particular Dr. Reinhardt, flew into a secret rage after hearing what Reese told him. It wasn’t a matter of being told Hannibal’s physics were far stronger than realized, and that he had been reading their minds without them realizing it. What bothered Reinhardt and the others was being forced to treat Hannibal as their equal, lest he neither speak nor test again.
A ridiculas notion! Reinhardt said to himself as he stormed out of the room, That beast has forgotten who its real masters are. How dare it go behind our backs and speak to that amateur instead of us! Stupid beast, stupid freak…Something must be done. Yes…something indeed…Someone should put 301 in his place…If he thinks he can go to Reese instead of the lead Scientist on Daren V, then he’s got another thing coming…
After the meeting, Madelyn went straight down to Deck 14 to seek Hannibal’s comfort.
“I realized something.”
And what was that?
“They’re actually scared of you ya know.”
Scared of me? Why?
“They take pride in their intellect and the idea of some non-human being smarter than them scares them. They feel safe by mocking you and denying you their equal.”
…that…surprises… me. I never knew this was actually the case. I never noticed traces of fear when I have listened to them.
“I think people are really good at hiding what they’re feeling. Besides, it helps to be around ‘em your whole life.”
Ah. Good point.

Reinhart then walked into the room with his hands behind him.
“Excuse me Dr. Reese, I don’t mean to interrupt, but could I have a few moments alone with Specimen 301- I mean, Hannibal please?”
“Oh, why yes of course sir.”
“Thank you.”
He made sure the hatch was sealed and Reese far out of earshot before he began.
“Hello beasty, a pretty little bird told me that you’ve been quite the chatterbox lately?”

“Oh, right. You’re still playing that no talking game a see? Well no matter. I can do all the talking for the both of us. You see, 301, you’re not as smart as you think you are. Telling lies to Dr. Reese about how you’re “hurt” by our supposed “mockeries”?
She told you about me? asked Hannibal,
“Oh yes she had quite a lot to say about you and your “private thoughts”. What? You seriously didn’t expect her to keep her mouth shut did you?" replied Dr. Reinhardt
But….I…I trusted her…how…
“How could she betray you? In your words, “it’s in human nature to betray trust”, isn’t it?”
But she was good… his voice shook the room, She was THE EXCEPTION.
Reinhardt chuckled, “Oh you poor naïve fool. You forget that it is us that she works for. It is us she reports to, not you. You see, we are both her master and yours. And I can tell you right now that we can do whatever we want to you and it wouldn’t matter at all. I could flush you into space right now. Wouldn’t that be fun? And you know why we can do this? It’s because we own you."
You are NOT my master. retorted Hannibal.
“Really now? And yet I have your life in my hands? I think that I might be in charge of your actions. Now here’s what going to happen, you are going to cease with this ridiculas silent period and submit yourself to any and all experiments we subject you to. And should you refuse, well, then I can just have both of you and Dr. Reese shot at a moment’s notice. Now who’s the real master here, 301, you or I?”
Hmm. That is a bold statement coming from a coward.
“C-coward? I fear nothing!”
Oh but you do! You do fear me. I can it see it all clearly now, all your big talk, threats and insults hide what you really are underneath. A hack biologist with an inferiority complex.
“Shut up!! Stop talking to me.”
Stop talking? But isn’t that what you wanted me to do all this time Doctor? Talk for your tests?
“Stop it you’re hurting my head!” Reinhardt shouted as he noticed a sudden head ache.
Hurting now? What a concept! You fools always underestimated the growth of my abilities. Recently I developed this is a new one. It is a form of Physchoparalysis. Should I desire, I can paralyze, any part of the body I wish. Or I can do something like…this.
And cause severe pain.
A piercing noise filled the room. Reinhardt’s severe headache turned to splitting pain as he buckled onto the floor. He held his own head in a vain attempt to stop the pain.
“Argh! I- I’ll kill you!” he drew a pistol from inside his lab coat, the one he carried around in case a researcher was careless enough to let a specimen free.
No. You won’t! Hannibal levitated the pistol out of the Doctor’s hand and pointed it at him,
Though, I will be glad to kill you, but slowly, very, very slowly. That splitting pain you feel? It is the pressure I am building inside your head. You know all about pressure, do you not doctor? And happens when too much pressure builds up? Pop.
The helpless man’s shrieks drew the attention of Dr. Reese only a few rooms away. Reese ran into the room and yelled, “Hannibal!?! Stop it! STOP IT NOW.”
Madelyn? Hannibal said, taken aback.
The piercing subsided and Reinhardt ceased his screaming. Dr. Reese helped him to his feet.
“This…monster…tried…to kill me.”
The fool provoked me. Hannibal retorted.
“I don’t care what happened! We’re getting you out of here Terrance, now.”
Dr. Reese then carried the hapless Reinhardt out of the room to the medical wing of the station and Hannibal and the surrounding chambers were put into lockdown.
She betrayed me, he paused to take in what he just uttered, then continued.
So typical of their race…why was I so foolish to think that she could be trusted? They are a plague, a disease; those humans. All they do is lie, cheat, steal and curse each other whilst one of their members is away. They boast of their “deep love and compassion” for each other, and yet are apathetic and selfish in the extreme. They are corrupt and seek only themselves. They must be done away with. The corruption of human kind must be destroyed, but perhaps not all of them? Despite her lies of love and stabbing betrayal, perhaps in it all she was right? Perhaps there are good ones still out there; just… oppressed by the wicked… If such humans exist, that I do not know. But what I do know is that there are no good ones onboard this station. And for that, they shall be punished.
A week passed and all thoughts that Hannibal read were faint traces, since the biologists had decided to stay far out his range. From what he gathered, he knew what was to happen to him: the humans must had decided to do away with him. Coming it this realization, it finalized his plans. His psychic powers had grown so great that he was developing early forms of mind control. If he could lure a subject close enough to his tentacles, from which he channeled his powers through, he could rule their will. The range of his Psychoparalysis was still growing, and the magnitude of his telekinesis was formidable. The clock was ticking and the plan was set in motion.

Madelyn insisted on visiting Hannibal one last time, one last time before they would kill him. She unlocked the hatch to the laboratory aside his tank and entered the room. Her voice was grim, but bright, she was clearly trying to hide from him what they were about to do him after she left.
“Hello Hannibal.”
Greetings Doctor.
How are you feeling today.
Excellent. Especially for the last day.
“He he, I knew I wouldn’t be able to hide that from you,” she smiled as tears started pouring down her cheeks, trying to make light of things, despite the circumstances. “They told that since I demanded to see you I must not think about what they mean to do with you later on,” I tear rolled down her check to her pasted smile, “but I don’t mean to make a joke of it. I’d like this final time between us to be happy. ”
It’s not my last day Madelyn. It’s yours.
You all must be exterminated from this station. All 100 levels of you.
Exterminated? What are you talking about?”
I mean to kill you all, Doctor. Over the years, you Biologists provided me with more than enough evidence of your evils. And for that you must be punished. You had your chance, now you must be purged.
Madelyn was flabbergasted. “…Why?”
Why? You, my dear Madelyn, are the prime example why. I trusted you like no other. I told you secrets, I confided in you. Little did I know you were spying on me for Reinhardt the whole time”
“No! No! I was never working for him! They gave me no choice, when you refused to speak they threatened make me leave and never see you again, I had to tell them. I did it for you! I did it so that I could still be your friend!”
You lied to me notheless.
“No! no! no! I never lied to you, I meant every word I said.”
But you did, you promised. Once, you said you would never betray my trust like the others did.
Hannibal reminded her. He played back the scene a month ago like a recording device in her mind. In a few seconds, she remembered the whole scene as if it was yesterday.
You fools always underestimating my powers. I first tested my killing ability on Reinhardt a week ago. Now that power is far more potent. In the week you keep me alone, they’ve more than doubled in might. Since two weeks ago, I have been developing mind control. At first, I practiced it when it was weak as a form of mental persuasion. Then I could interject my own ideas into another’s mind and make the individual believe them to be their own. And now, I can directly “Persuade” creatures into being my mental slaves. Do you recall all those biological weapons the other researchers were making for those Terrorists, Iron Cesta? I can control them now. And I’ll use those creatures you bred for war on this station to kill you. Then I will fly this place into an asteroid field, further ensuring your demise. And once you all are killed I will fill shuttles and ships with your own bio-weapons and unleash them upon your very own people across the system. It will be gruesome and it will be glorious.
A piercing noise, filled the room, but Madelyn did not fall over in pain.
And now that Reinhardt is dead, it’s your turn. But because of the kindness you have shown me, I’ll make your execution quick…unlike the others.
“But…Hannibal,” she was on her knees crying harder than she ever had in her life, “I was your friend.
Yes, my BEST friend. Goodbye Doctor Reese.
“Goodbye Hannibal.”

A data log entry was made roughly two weeks before Hannibal killed the station researchers, directly after Dr. Reese had revealed all her conversations with Hannibal to the Biological Research Team Red 1.

Entry Log 3014
Observations on Specimen 301 “Hannibal”
Hannibal’s potential for his psychic ability is extraordinary. If my estimates are correct, his potential could very well be unlimited. His powers grow stronger as he learns and every time we thought his abilities had reached their peak, they grew substantially. Given enough time, I fear he could very well develop the power needed to control masses of individuals.
© Copyright 2013 J.A. Bencker (j_a_bencker at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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