Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1918315-Driftburns-Redemption-Armada-Lost-Epsde
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1918315
Help me out Writing.com I am trying to advance my skills and this is my first baby.
As Driftburn’s ship left the Ruins of Iacon, he knew in his spark chamber that he would never set foot on Cybertron functioning again. He set a course for Optimus Prime’s last known location hoping to redeem his mistakes during the war. As he programmed the nav computer he wondered if this was a good decision. He could just set a course for the nearest black hole and end it there. ”No. I must do the Autobots proud.” And in what he hoped wasn’t a fool’s errand he locked the computer and entered stasis to preserve Energon…

Several thousand earth years later…
Driftburn awoke to warning sirens. The ship’s landing protocol was down! He was in a decaying orbit around a strange blue and brown planet. He jumped into the pilots chair and pull on the yoke hard in an effort to right the nose of the ship. With the ground coming fast he managed to pull off a miraculous crash landing and walk away with minor dings and scratches. Reading his scanner he began looking for life “Carbon based, O2 based atmosphere, and organic plant life.” Being a metallic life form he didn’t like organic anything. “With plant life it stands to reason that there are indigenous life forms in the area.” Suddenly his scanners picked up an Autobot transponder within range and moving fast. Suspecting a Decepticon trap he took cover and prepped for battle.
A large vehicle soon came within visual range. It was similar to the large transport bots that carried supplies in the golden days of Cybertron. On the grill of the vehicle was an Autobot symbol. Knowing that if this was a trap they would have fired already he stepped out and called to what he hoped was an Autobot.
“Hail! I am seeking Optimus Prime, do you know if he is on this planet?” The vehicle came to a stop and Driftburn heard a conversion cog activate.
“He is and he is glad to see an old friend.”
“Sir! It is good to see you too.”
“No need to be so formal Driftburn, all Autobots are equal.” The two clasped hands as old friends should.
“Much has changed about the war Driftburn. Come with me and I will fill you in.”
“Yes sir! I mean Optimus. What do you mean by changed?”
"I will explain back at base, we are few in number on this planet."

Back at the base Optimus introduced Driftburn to the members of the team he didn't already know.
One in particular seemed especially enthusiastic. "Hi! My names Carlos!"
"What are these creatures Optimus?"
"They are known as humans and they have been our allies and friends in this war."
"They have a nack for getting into trouble" added Hotshot.
"Hey!" shouted the trio.
Suddenly the mincon alert blared all throughout the base.
"We will have to finish explaining along the way."

Finally caught up on the current situation that has been unfolding on Earth, Driftburn and the other Autobots arrive at the Minicon signal to find the Decepticons already on the scene.
"HAHAHAHA! Your too late Optimus Lime!" taunted Cyclonus.
"Quit you yammering and start shooting Cyclonus!" yelled Demolisher.
© Copyright 2013 Sorix Dragonwing (sorixdwing at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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