Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1918220-Afraid
Rated: ASR · Sample · Fantasy · #1918220
A sample of what I write.
    She shivered in the corner of the dark room. Her body was torn apart, she was hanging onto life by a thread. She was covered with the most minimal amount of modesty. Her originally blonde hair was then stained red with her own crimson blood.
    She heard footsteps. She froze. The footsteps weren't like her captors footsteps. They were lighter. Softer. Almost like a woman's footsteps. But they were too heavy to be a woman's footsteps. It was definitely a man. But her captor was a big, scary, hairy, heavy guy that made giant thumps with every footstep.
    The thick, brown and black door captivating her inside that  room swung open. There, like an angel, stood a guy. About 22 years old. He had light blonde hair, bright forest green eyes, pale skin, a thin frame, but he was muscular.
      "Who are you?" The girl gasped.
      "Tristan." He said quietly, picking the girl up off the ground.
      He walked her with grace and gentle peace out of the giant castle-like house. She'd always dreamt of a castle. When she was a little girl she wanted to live in one. Now, though, she knew they were nothing but evil bad things. Things that people shouldn't ever have to feel, endure, see. The girl, 19 years old, felt more pain than any of the other girls she knew. She was used to partying, dancing, being happy. Having a good time. But that all changed one afternoon, when she was walking home. Her car was in the shop, and everyone she knew was busy.
      That day was remarkably the worst day of her life. The man snatched her, drove her thousands of miles, at least it felt, to an unknown location.
      Day in and day out, he'd make her take off her clothes in front of him, and he would do the most disgusting things. When she wouldn't, he would beat her. She refused most of the time. Sometimes he would remove her clothes for her, ripping them off her small, frail, skinny body and making her do the nasty things. She'd then be forced to only wear the torn fragments from her Aeropostle hoodie and Levi jeans.
        That was how it was for two years. She'd been gone from the time she was 17 to the second Tristan found her.
        "What's your name?" Tristan asked her gently.
        "Lisa. How'd you find me?" The girl replied.
        "I watched him take you. I waited for the right day, for two years, to find you. Finally, he died. And I got my chance." He explained.
        The girl nodded. He died. She didn't know whether or not that made her happy, or sad.
        The young man opened the  giant door leading to the outside she hadn't seen for two years. It was beautiful, smelling freshly of cut grass, flowers and rain from the night previous. The sun was up high in the sky. It was summertime. Her favorite season. Around the house was police cars and the S.W.A.T team. She'd never been happier to sit in the back of an ambulance van in her entire life.
          Her parents arrived at the hospital three hours later, Officer Tristan Burkwenn sitting at her bedside. He hadn't left her vision since he rescued her.
          The young lady's mother embraced Tristan, in tears, pleading "What can we do  for you? You rescued our only daughter!"
          "Ma'am, as an officer of the state, I can't take any form of compensation. But I'm very happy to help you and your daughter be reunited. If she ever needs anything, please don't hesitate to call me." He said in a very formal voice.
        "Tristan, sweetie, is that your form of asking Lisa out?" The girl's mom asked.
        Tristan smiled. "Perhaps."
        The older woman smiled and huged him again. "You're pleasant."
        Lisa awoke from sleeping finally. She looked at her mother and father, and tears fell down her face. She reached out, and her parents hugged the young girl. Tristan stood at attention in the back of the room, waiting for them to finish up their conversing. He knew it would take a while, but the young girl was worth it.
        Perhaps it was a mature move of the young officer to do, watch that case for two years. But all through his training, and until he's finished completely, he knew that was what he would do with himself.
      And he knew he wanted Lisa's support in that.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1918220-Afraid