Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1917204-Forgetting-You
by Noyoki
Rated: GC · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1917204
Memories can be triggered by the most innocent of things.
Writing Contest - Sensual Moments, Vol. 4

Prompt:  Memory Lane:  Take a trip down Memory lane.  Revisit an unfinished story or breath life into an old one, Tackle a tidbit of plotline or release the characters that are screaming for attention in your writer’s mind.  The choice is yours.  It can me anything from a sexy tryst to a romantic getaway let your imagination take over and have fun. 

Word Count:  2172

Forgetting you

         The mysterious patter of rain broke though Jared’s dream fogged sleep.  It rapped and tapped on the locked doors of his mind, and jiggled the handles.  A low sigh escaped his dry lips as he rolled over and gave the alarm clock a single blurry glare. 


         Tired grey eyes slid shut, blocking out the light green glow of the clock and its unpleasant message.  He needed a good nights rest tonight, tomorrow was a make it or brake it day, and he couldn’t afford to go into it tired from a night spent tossing and turning.  But the rain continued to titter and dance on the roof, all the clearer for the silence of the house, tapping out a tableau of forgotten yesterdays. 

         Memory and dreams flirted along the boarders of sleep as Jared drifted on the sound of the rain and he could almost hear laughter.  He remembered the rain that day, the soft pattering on the roof of a much different building, but one that held an equal solemn quietness. 

         That afternoon, a sudden summer squall had blown in unexpectedly.  The rain had lashed over him in thick, suffocating sheets as he rode his bike hard, trying to find shelter.  Finally, the eighteen year old made it to the old library, the one that would burn down two years after he began college.  Leaning his bike against the wall, Jared said “I wish I had a car.” He sighed, his parents had refused to help him get one since he would be starting college in California come fall.  Jared paused briefly under the overhang to try and shake out some of the sopping wetness that coated his lean frame. 
         He wasn’t successful, but the loud boom of thunder chased him into the building before he could try anything more.  Panting and cursing under his breath, Jared shook his head like a dog, and snorted softly as his midnight hair smacked him in the eyes, he‘d need another haircut soon.  He cringed, expecting an old crone voice to scold him for getting water all over the place, but the building was eerily silent.  Well, that wasn’t too surprising, it was summer after all, who would waste their freedom from school in the library of all places?  Even though he’d graduated this year, it was still summer since he didn’t begin college until the fall. 

         The storm continued to rage outside, and didn’t sound like it was going to give up any time soon.  “Damn, Jemma’s going to be so pissed.” He grumbled as he began wondering though the endless stacks of dust scented books.  There was no way he’d make it over to her house for them to get to the movies on time.  Oh well, she was getting rather clingy anyway so maybe this would be a good way to break it off. 

         ‘Pardon me.” A low voice brought Jared out of his thoughts and he glanced up, grey eyes fell into warm brown and his breath caught in surprise.  Looking into those eyes was akin to sinking into a tub of melted chocolate.  “Could you shift over a bit?  I need the book behind you.” The lilting voice caused a small shiver of desire to tickle down his spine even as his startled brain registered one very important detail.

         The man’s lips curled into a small knowing smile as the teen stepped aside.  His forearm brushed lightly against the rain soaked t-shirt as he reached past Jared and snagged a thick tome off the shelf directly behind him.  Those sable eyes studied the light blush filling the teen’s face, and the way stormy grey refused to meet his gaze.  The smirk grew to a full blown smile. 

         The mere sight of those finely sculpted lips smiling down at him made Jared’s knees week.  Good Lord!  That mouth was made for kissing, for more than kissing.  Another flare of heat filled his face at the images that paraded shamelessly though his mind.  I’m not gay. The thought babbled, a shrill undertone to the erotic thoughts of this man, this stranger going down on his knees and…

         “Er…no problem,” he managed to choke as he stepped out of the way before turning and hurrying down the isle to a different section.  The burn of the stranger’s eyes on his backside almost scorched though his wet jeans and made Jared want to turn around and demand what those eyes promised.  No, no, no, no.  Soon the rain would stop, and he’d leave and forget all about the smoldering gaze that made the little girls at school look like lollypop sucking armatures. 

         The boom of thunder, and brilliant strikes of lightning were beginning to slack off, but the deep thrum of rain promised hours of the stuff.  Hours. 

         He turned another corner at random and spotted the man again.  This time he was standing, facing the stack with a book open in his pianist hands.  One long finger stroked lightly over the text, caressing the words.  At the sight, Jared’s tongue darted out, licking his bottom lip as his pupils dilated.  Jealousy flared, directed at the book that was receiving that sublime touch.  I want to be touched like that. 

         The man seemed to feel Jared’s hungry gaze and glanced up.  His look of concentration faded once more into a sultry smile as he studied the still wet teen.  Finals for his summer block courses were coming up, but he could spare an hour or two for the curious youth. He knew that they were alone, the old librarian had asked him to lock up when he left because she was feeling quite under the weather, and he’d agreed amicably enough.  While the other college students preferred the glitz of the new library, he still favored the richer feel of the old. After all, you never knew what gems might be found in these old stacks.
         Setting the book aside, he approached the slightly trembling youth and reached up with one masculine thumb to stroke the moist bottom lip.  Jared’s breath hitched out in a surprised gasp at the stranger’s bold touch, but he couldn’t pull away.  Instead his soft tongue darted out to caress the edge of the digit.  Both males stiffened as electric desire burned though the conduct of that single point of contact. 
         A low moan broke from Jared’s throat, and his mouth opened further.  His eyes glazed as the thumb slid between his full lips to explore the heated depth of the inexperienced mouth.  Jared’s tongue curled curiously over the invading digit and somewhere in the back of his mind he longed for something smother, thicker, harder to push into his mouth and flirt with the back of his throat. 

         Then the thumb was pulled away, and replaced with scorching, dominating lips.  Jared’s arms slid around the slim swimmers waist, marveling at the straight hard lines, so different from the feminine curves he was used to.  He pulled their hips together, and felt another jolt of forbidden pleasure as his hard cock brushed against an equally stiff length still hidden by heavy cloth. 

         Hands buried into his damp hair as the older man explored every inch of his hot mouth.  Wild pleasure burned though every touch, every lick, and Jared almost whined when the man broke away, only to gasp again as his wet shirt was roughly pulled over his head.  The material, and the man fell to the floor together as the stranger dropped to his knees to properly worship the teen.  His tongue dipped playfully into the exposed belly button before sharp teeth nibbled a scorching path over the delicate wing of one hip bone. 

         Before Jared knew what was happening, the stranger’s fingers neatly undid his pants and pulled the offending cloth down his legs.  His aching cock sprang forward, finally free from the stifling wet pants.  The man gave a rough chuckle at the fact that the youth went commando.   

         Jared scowled at the laugh, but before he could comment, his length was engulfed in blazing moist heat.  “Oh God!” He gasped as his hips arched forward.  The man didn’t protest, instead he swallowed the offering whole, his throat gripped the teen’s firmness and caused the boy to give an inarticulate shout.  Jared had had a few blowjobs in his time, but this, this was amazing.  Fingers tangled into wavy blond locks as Jared began jerking his hips back and forth, feeling elated at the fact that he didn’t have to be careful the way he would if it had been a girl kneeling before him.  Something about those strong hands gripping his hips made him certain that this man could take anything he wished to give.  It was freeing, and frightening.  So good.

         Another harsh sound escaped Jared as he pulled the stranger’s head forward to meet his final thrust.  Back arching, Jared moaned as he spilled himself down the man’s eager throat.  Once his pleasure was spent, Jared sagged into the man’s waiting arms.  With out a word, the stranger laid him out on the thinly carpeted floor and continued to lick and nibble his now limp manhood. 

         Swimming on a cloud of pleasure, he didn’t look up when the man’s weight left him briefly, but his eyes did flutter open when he felt hot skin brush along his thighs when he returned.  Stormy grey eyes, darkened almost to slate with spent desire studied the man’s nicely muscled chest even as his thighs were nudged further apart.  The man’s lips found his again as strong hands teased and stroked fevered flesh, and when the kiss was broken, two fingers replaced the blazing mouth.  Without thought, Jared’s tongue danced over the offering as he sucked the fingers, coating them with his saliva in a pantomime of a blow job. 

         The stranger pulled his fingers away, and grinned when Jared whined at the loss. He was clearly a natural with his tongue, the man thought as he drifted lower, licking his way down the narrow chest, pausing at each hard pebbled nipple to deliver a soft bite. 

         His burning mouth returned to Jared’s still sleeping manhood and took his limpness fully into his mouth.  While he sucked, his fingers slid down to the soft bud of the teen’s virgin hole.  Jared jumped slightly when the first digit entered him, a low whine broke from his throat at the foreign burning pressure.  “Shhh.” The man murmured around the hardening length.  The pain flared and began to fade as the fingers worked in a soothing rhythm.  His questing fingers sank deeper, opening Jared up and when they brushed his sweet spot, Jared nearly screamed as a pleasure so fierce it might be called pain tore up his spine.  “There it is love.” The husky voice declared as the place was stroked again. 

         The fingers retreated.  “No!” Jared gasped, not wanting to lose this new pleasure, something he’d never known could feel so good. 

         “Hush, I have something better for you.”

         A broad hardness took the place of the probing fingers and Jared’s eyes widened in both fear and taboo desire.  “Yessss,” he hissed, even as his body burned under the new invasion.  With a soft growl, the man smoothly thrusted his hips forward, burying himself to the hilt into the welcoming heat of the body beneath him.  “Urrggaaa!” Jared cried as his spine bowed under the painfully pleasurable assault.  The stranger held still, waiting for Jared to adjust to the strain. 

         The pain faded, and restless desire built like a tidal wave beneath it.  “Move,” he growled, and the man obliged.  Flesh clapped sharply against flesh as they coupled in furious passion, Jared’s nails scored red lines down the exposed back as the man pounded relentlessly into him.  Each thrust drove the man into that spot, that magical spot Jared hadn’t even known existed and he was driven higher with each powerful slam. 
         “So good,” the man whispered though gritted teeth as he rode the teen.  The slim body beneath him suddenly clenched down with almost painful force as hot cum shot over their sweat slicked chests.  Grunting, he tried to hold on, but was swept away when the youth’s nails scored his hips.  Throwing his head back his hips crashed forward one final time as he spilled his hot seed deeply into the willing body beneath him. 
         Panting, the man fell forward his passion spent.  Their hearts thudded heavily in their chests, trying and failing to drowned out the relentless thrum of the rain. 

         Jared groaned as he woke again to the shrill wail of the child down the hall.  A slender feminine arm flopped over his chest as a tired voice murmured that it was his turn to tend to baby Jamie.  Crawling out of bed, he gave the clock a half hearted glare. 


         It was going to be a long day.  The memory turned dream broke up, leaving behind a throbbing erection and the forgotten smolder of hot chocolate eyes. 

© Copyright 2013 Noyoki (noyoki at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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