Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1917007-New-Beginnings--Part-2-Harry--Me
Rated: E · Other · Fanfiction · #1917007
Forever and Always
One year later, Chapter 1:

Me and Harry were now seniors in Bay High School, I was now 18, Harry was 18, he's only a few months older, and his birthday was coming up soon. I couldn't wait. In the past year, our relationship had only gotten stronger, and we've had not big bumps in the road, it was all great. I loved him, and he loved me, nothing had changed, and hopefully never will. Me and Harry were sitting at a table with Sammie, and Austin. Which, Sammie and Austin were now dating, and everything was good between me, Austin and Harry.
"I'm glad we all get along now." I said admiring the way we all laughed and hung out together.
"Me, too." Austin said.
After lunch, Harry waited for me at my locker, and offered to hold my books, like the gentleman he was.
"Thank you." I said, as I grabbed my books from his hands.
"Your welcome." He said, as he leaned in and kissed me on the check.
"Harold Edward Styles, not in school!" I joked, and we both laughed.
"Sorry, I can't help myself." He said with an innocent smile.
"Save it for free period in the gym." I said.
"Of course." He smiled.
We walked to class, holding hands, as always. And I didn't care what other people thought, I wasn't embarrassed to be with him, and he wasn't embarrassed to be with me. After Algebra 4, it was free period, and me and Harry went to our spot in the bleachers to talk.
"It's nice to see Austin get along with you." I said.
"Yeah. I'm just glad I don't have to be jealous of him anymore." He said.
"You never had anything to be jealous of." I flirted, batting my eyelashes.
"Aww well aren't you just sweet." He said, as he leaned in to kiss me. He moved me over, so that I would sit on his lap, and had both my hands holding his face, his arms rested on my waste. I pulled away and he put his arms around my neck.
"How about, you and me, after school, and a movie. What do you say?" He asked flirtatiously.
"Of course." I said as I quickly kissed him.
"Can I tell you something..." He stood up and walked a row over.
"Yeah, anything." I said.
"I hope you feel the same way..." He trailed off nervously.
"Tell me." I said I walked towards him so that we were almost nose to nose.
"I love you." He said it so bold, and didn't hesitate, and he meant it when he said it, and I didn't have hesitate either.
"I love you, too, Harry." I said, I was just so excited he felt this way, too!
He hugged my close, and picked me up, and I put my legs around his waste, and he spun me around.
"I'm really happy you felt that way, too." He said, I've been feeling this ways recently.
"Me, too." I said, as he set me down.
Later on, after school I was sitting on the couch, watching Clumbsy Thumbsy on Ellen, when Harry snuck through the back door, when I was unaware, came up and snuck behind me and put his hand over my mouth, grabbed my hand and lifted me up, removed his hand and kissed me.
"Hey babe." I said.
"Hey, I got you something." He said as he pulled a bouquet of red roses out from behind his back.
"Awwww, thank you Harry!" I said, as I went in for a hug.
"Your welcome." He flirted.
I put the flowers in a vase and filled it with water.
"Ready to go, babe?" He asked.
"Yup." I said, as I grabbed my jacket and walked to Mr. Styles car.
"Hey Gabby." Mr. Styles said, as me and Harry got in the car.
"Hello, Mr. Styles." I said.
"Please, call me John." He insisted.
"Okay, John." I laughed.
Harry told Mr. Styles, I mean John, to drop us off on Main Street so that we could walk around and talk for a little bit before the movie. It was 8:00 PM, and the city was sparkling with street lights and store signs. Harry looked so cute in his beanie, and black jeans with his "Love to be loved" t-shirt and gray jacket. His eyes sparkled brightly in the reflection of the street lights. I walked next to him, with my arm wrapped around his.
"It's beautiful." I said, admiring the near by band playing in the park for people. We walked over and sat in the grass to watch them play. I laid my head on Harry's shoulder, and he laid his head on mine. This night was perfect. PERFECT.
"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you, too." He whispered.
I could smell his Bleu by Chanel cologne, and the smell was delightful. I was just so happy to be there with him, and so happy that I was his, and he was mine. We watched a couple acoustic performances and then went to the theater.
"They were so talented. He hit all the notes perfectly! I loved how the blonde guy held out the note, while the tall guy started a whole other song." I blabbed to Harry, as I walked backwards in front of him, and he guided me so I wouldn't run into people. He laughed, at the sight of my craziness.
"I love how I can be myself around you." I said.
"Well, that's the best version of you there is." He said.
"Oh, stop it..." I said, blushing so brightly.
When we got to the movie, Harry bought the snacks and tickets. I offered to pay, but he insisted. He was so kind, and polite, he was definitely his fathers son, I thought. When Harry revisited me at our seats in the theater, his arms were full of M&M's, Skittles, Popcorn, and a Pepsi with two straws. Awww, I thought. I grabbed the popcorn from him, and he set the rest of the snacks down. I popped a piece of popcorn into his mouth, and put his arm around me, and I smiled at him and rested my head on his chest.
"Pass the kisses." He said.
"Oh, we didn't buy any of those. I can go grab some, if you want." I offered.
"I wasn't talking about Hershey's, and I was hoping they were free..." He said, and I understood that he was asking for a kiss from me.
"Oh, of course." I said, feeling stupid for not getting it the first time. He kissed me quickly, not trying to full-on make out with me in a public movie theater. We were seeing a movie called, "Love my Perfection", a new rom-com that just hit theaters yesterday.
"We should do this more often." Harry whispered. I nodded, agreeing with him, because I was having a great time.
"Pepsi?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm a little thirsty, too." Harry smiled.
We both leaned in for a sip of the Pepsi, our noses touching, when we pulled away we both laughed.
When the movie was over, me and Harry stopped in the photo booth to take some pictures. I wanted to remember this night, forever. When the pictures printed, me and Harry both laughed at the dumb faces me made, but I admired the picture of us kissing.
"That one's my favorite." I said, pointing to the picture of our lips touching.
"Mine, too." He said.
When I got home, I put my copy of the pictures in a frame on my night stand. I had the best time tonight with Harry, and I never, ever wanted to forget it.

Chapter 2:

When I woke up in the morning, there was breakfast on a plate for me sitting on my nightstand. I saw a note with a heart next to the plate. It read, "Just another way to tell you I love you *Heart* Love always, Harry". Awww, I thought. I found myself saying that a lot around him, he just always did cute things. I looked over to the other side of my bed, to see him walking into my room.
"Did I wake you?" He asked, and he laid down besides me.
"Nope, thank you." I said giving him a hug as he sat down next to me. We sat there in my bed, eating pancakes and watching "Titanic". All those movies just reminded me of how I had my own love story, my own Prince Charming, and he felt the same away about me, just the way I wanted it.
"Hey, uh, Gabby?" He asked, shyly.
"Yeah?" I asked, sitting up, giving him my full attention.
"I wanted to give us more great things to remember, another special night." He said.
"Yes..." I said.
"I wanted to know if you'd go to prom with me?" He asked.
"Yes, yes a million times." I said. I leaned over to hug him, and kissed him on the cheek.
"That's great, I can't wait." He said, seeming really excited.
"We will go dress and tux shopping this week, we have to match!" I said. I wanted this night to be perfect.
"Okay." He said.
"Well, you already look hot with out the tux, but, it's a finishing touch." I flirted.
"You look beautiful without the dress, but if you insist." He flirted back. I love him, so much. He always knew what to say, and always understood me.
"Hey, I got to go, our family is going to my cousins birthday party." He said.
"Oh, okay." I said, "But I don't want you to leave!" I complained.
"I don't want to leave either, but I have to." He said. He leaned forward and kissed.
"Bye." I said.
"Bye." He said, leaving my room and shutting the door. My phone went off and it was a text from Sammie.

Sammie: Hey, me and Austin are coming over.... alright?
Me: Yeah, see you soon.
Sammie: K. SYS!!!

Me, Austin and Sammie were watching Wipeout on my in my basement and laughed every time they fell.
"So, how was it with Harry last night?" Sammie asked.
"Good, we had SO much fun, and he asked me to prom." I said.
"Yay! Oh my god! I'm so happy for you!!" She said, getting up to hug me.
"I know, right." I said, "I really do love him. A LOT!"
"I can tell..." She laughed.
"He's a nice kid." Austin said, "My best friend."
" I'm glad you guys get along." I said.
"Yeah, me too." Austin said.

Later that night, once Sammie and Austin had already left, I was lying upside down on the couch, head pressed against the floor, leading all blood flow to my brain. I was so beyond bored, and had no idea of what to do. When you're bored, you notice every little detail that you've never noticed before, like the fingerprints on the television screen, and the crack in the ceiling, or the chipped wood in the floor. I could hear the creaks of people walking above me upstairs. I suddenly fell over and banged my knee on the hard floor.
"Tard." I whispered to myself.
My mum came running down the stairs, and asked, "Hey, hun, do you mind if your father and I, go to a party being thrown in the office by the Styles tonight?"
"Nope." I said.
"Okay. Emma, Harry and and Luke will be coming over tonight, while we're out." She said.
"That's fine." I said.
"Okay." She said, running up the stairs but stopping at the third stair and saying, "Harry's a nice boy."
"Thanks mum." My face turned red just hearing his name come up.
She continued up the stairs and Antonio came rushing down.
"Me and Emma aren't dating. I don't like her anymore. I have a girlfriend, she's just my friend." He said.
"Okay, and I care because..." I said.
"Just saying, thought you should know. I won't hold you and Harry back from getting married." He said.
"Married? We're 18! That would be later on in the future." I said.
"Whatever you say." He said running back upstairs.
It was 6:45, and the Styles had just arrived at my front door, but Harry wasn't there.
"Come in." I said, opening the door. Mrs. Styles was dressed in a velvet red gown that was floor length, and Mr. Styles in a black tux and red tie.
"Thank you, dear." Mrs. Styles said, and she gave me a hug.
"You look stunning!" I said.
"Aww, thank you." She said.
"Your welcome." I said, leading them to the kitchen. Luke and Antonio ran right downstairs for X-box territory, despite their age difference, they got along well. Emma sat down on the couch and turned on Style TV, the fashion channel, coincidence in the name.
My parents and the Styles kissed all off their children goodbye, and head out the door. I had no idea where Harry was, but, I knew he'd be here.
About 15 minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I opened the door, to see Harry standing there in the pouring rain.
"What are you doing?" I asked, laughing at the same time.
"I was looking for something." He said, with a great big smile on his face.
"Come inside." I said, I was standing under the awning, perfectly dry, and Harry stood 10 feet away, in the pouring rain.
"I have something to return to you." He said, soaking with more and more water by the second.
"You're crazy, loverboy, you know that?" I laughed.
He lifted his hand out of his pocket and dangled the paper airplane necklace in his hand.
"I wanted you to have this." He said, like the first time he gave it to me. I had forgotten he still had it after that fight we got into when I gave him the necklace back.
"Come inside, please." I insisted.
"Kiss me." He said. I knew it was raining, but I walked over to him and kissed him passionately for a few minutes. He lifted me up, and wrapped my legs around his waste. He stopped kissing me, and smiled at me, our noses still touching, and raindrops were dripping from his hair, down his face. He whispered he loved me.
"I love you, too." I said. He let my down, turned me around, and put the necklace around my neck. He turned me back around, and smiled at me.
"It's been a long time since I've met someone like you. In fact, I've never met anyone like you." He said, "You make me feel so right, like my whole world... it's you. You're not just another girl, you're the girl. My girl."
"I started to shed tears of happiness and kissed him again. The rain was only getting harder. I was running my hands through his wet hair and he had his hands on my wet cheeks.
"The way you love me..." I said, "It's insane."
"The way it feels..." He said, "It's insane."
He grabbed me hand, and lifted his arm above me head and twirled me. I spun right into his arms, and kissed his cheek.
"Lets go inside." He said, leading me to the door.
As we walked to my room, we left wet footprints and dripping water trails all the way upstairs. I grabbed two beach towels and wrapped Harry up in one, and kissed his cheek, then I wrapped myself up in one as well, and removed my hair from a pony tail. I shook it out, and put it up in a bun. Harry grabbed a blow dryer, and immediately his curls dried. He removed his towel, and went over to his bag. He took off his shirt, and sweatpants, left in only underwear. He turned around to see if I was peaking, and smiled.
I put my hand over my eyes, but separate two fingers, and we both laughed. He was digging around in his bag, finding an outfit to wear. I removed my top, and jeans, surprised that my bra and underwear were still dry, dug through my drawers for my Bay High School t-shirt and black sweat pants. Harry turned around and smiled at me. I was putting on my sweat pants, when he walked over behind me and put his arms around my waste, kissing the top of my head. I turned around to find him still in his Calvin Klein boxers.
"What are you doing?" I laughed.
He kissed my neck a few times and his hands on my waste. He moved me over to my bed and laid me down, him above me. He continued to kiss my neck, with our hands touching, fingers entwined.
"Harry." I said, but he kept kissing my neck.
He lifted his head up and said, "Yes?"
"We can't." I said.
"I know, we won't, just kiss me." He said.
I grabbed him by his necklace, and pulled him closer to me. I kissed his lips, softly but with passion. My hand was tangled in his locks of hair. He lifted his head, and smiled.
"Put on some clothes." I laughed.
"You too." He joked.
I got up and put on my t-shirt, and Harry out on mesh shorts and a t-shirt, as well. He picked up my guitar, and told me to come over by him.
"What?" I asked, sitting down next to him.
"I wrote a song for you." He said.
"Awww, thanks. Can I hear it?" I asked.
"Yeah." He said, positioning his fingers on the guitar, "I've tried playing it cool, girl when I'm lookin' at you, I can never be brave, cause you make my heart race." He sang, so soft and beautifully, "Shot me outta the sky, you're my kryptonite, you keep making me weak, yeah, frozen and can't breathe."
I laughed and stood up right beside him, bent over with my head on his shoulder.
"Some things gotta get loud, cause if not they just don't make you see, that I need you here with me now, cause you've got that one thing. So get out, get out, get outta my head, and fall into my arms instead, I don't, I don't, don't know what it is, but I need that one thing, and you've got that one thing." He sang.
The fact that he had wrote a song for me, from the bottom of his heart, made me feel like I had finally gotten love right. He stopped singing, and said, "That's all I have so far."
"I... I love it. Thank you, it was amazing." I said, reaching out for a hug.
"Thanks." He said, kissing my cheek.
"I just feel like, love can be so complicating, with so many twists and turns, and bumps in the road. It can make you so happy, and then so mad, it's.... insane. But every once in a while, two people figure it out." I said, "And we got it right."
"We've had our bumps, but it's all clear skies from here. I want to be with you forever. You're the only thing I'm sure about." He said.
I grabbed his hand, finger entwined, and looked him in the eye with a smile and told him, "I never thought love could be this real."
"Can I ask you, what you like about me?" He asked, "I just wondered, I know what I love about you, but what do you love about me?"
"Well.... oh, where to begin..." I laughed. I walked over to him and sat facing him on his lap. I put my hands on his shoulders, his hands on my waste.
"I love your voice, and your kiss." I said, pausing between each thing I said, "And how you always smell good, and how you hug me tight, and send me sweet texts." I said.
He laughed.
"And how you never let me forget that you love me, and how you tell me you love me when I least expect it. You gave me your lucky necklace." I said, grabbing the charm around my neck, "And how you look me in the eyes, and mesmorize me with your smile, and your laugh just lights up my day." I said.
"Ha, thanks." He said.
"You make me feel sure about love, and about myself. Like everything just disappears when I'm with you, you ARE my world. You made me understand what love is, and how it makes you feel. You have a really nice six-pack." I said, poking his hard abs, "And you stood up for me, and how you cuddle with me on the couch, and give me flowers and breakfast with sweet notes." I said.
"Thanks." He said.
"I could go on forever, but I'd rather spend that time with you." I said.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too. Now, what do you love about me?" I asked.
"You gave me a chance when we had just met, you comforted me when I was low, and you like to kiss me as much as I love to kiss you." He said, and I smiled, blushing as well, "You stood up for me, and you were there for me when I was hurt, and when no one else was, you still loved me after I treated you horribly and didn't trust you."
"I love you." I interrupted.
"You didn't have to hesitate when you said you loved me, and you wear the necklace everyday. You trust me, no matter what. And love to spend time with me. How you like to lay on the couch with me and fall asleep." He smiled, "And we have so much in common. And taught me to love, and showed me what love really is, and not to be afraid of it, because you gave me everything I need." He said.
"Baby!" I said, crying because I was so happy he had felt that way. I knew I loved him, and I will love you forever.
"I know it sounds crazy now, but I don't want to go to college, and never see you again. I want to go to the SAME college, and move in with you after college. I can't stay away from you. And I won't, it sounds completely insane, but you're the one I want to be with forever." He said. He seemed so sure about everything ahead of us, as a couple, in the future.
"Marriage." I mumbled.
"Yeah. When we're old enough, and the time is right." He replied. I didn't feel he was sounding crazy, or going to fast, because he wasn't proposing, he was just talking about us, in the future. And right now, I didn't see us ending, or plan on it.
"No, it's not a crazy idea. I feel the same way." I told him.
"You, are my birthday present." He said, standing up, leaning against my dresser looking at pictures of us, from the photo booth the other night. I got up and walked over to him and he grabbed my hands locking our fingers together, pulling me close, and putting his arms around me.
"Oh yeah?" I said.
"Mmm hmm." He said softly, kissing my lips for a few moments.
"Well, what do you say, we go downstairs, and cuddle, just like you said you loved, and watch a movie?" I asked, flirtatiously.
"I'd love to, just like I said." He said. He picked me up, piggy backing my downstairs to the basement, and dropped me upside down on the couch. I grabbed a pillow and hit him with it.
"Oh really?" He asked, "Oh, I see how it is." He said, grabbing a pillow and hitting me back.
"Oh it's on!" I joked, and hit him with the pillow again. He came over, pushed me down to the floor, and sat on top of me, pinning my wrists to the floor.
"Now, for revenge." He said, moving his hands to my stomach and tickling me until I almost started crying.
"Stop it. Harry!" I screamed, laughing so hard, I was nearly crying.
"Nah, I'm good." He said, and kept tickling me.
"Stop!" I said laughing hysterically.
"Oh, fine. But only if you kiss me." He said.
"Mmmm." I said puckering my lips, waiting for him to lower his head and kiss me. He put his cold hands on my face, and kissed me. He tasted like cherries, and I like cherries, I thought. He continued to kiss me, but moved me to the couch. I didn't know if he was stopping, but I didn't know if I would stop him. He removed his shirt, and threw it to the other end of the couch and kissed my neck. It made my stomach flutter, I could feel him in my veins. Just kissing me more and more from my face to neck. I removed my shirt, left in my tank top, and he started to kiss my lips again. His kisses were rough and gentle at the same time. He removed my shorts, and ran his hand up and down my leg. I pushed him upwards, still kissing him, sitting in his lap facing forward. He placed his hands on my butt, and gripped me tightly. I started to kiss his neck, and lowered to his chest. He laid me back down and kissed my lips even more rough running his hand over my arm. I removed his mesh shorts and ran my fingers up and down his back, and placed my hands on his butt. He removed my tank top, and threw it across the room, kissing me about where my collarbones were. I cringed, and my stomach fluttered.
"Found it." He said, lifting his head up, but immediately pressing his lips back to my body. I laid my head back and kept my hands tightly wrapped around his neck. He lifted his head up, and we kissed for a while, gently, but very passionately. Eventually, removed his lips from mine and smiled at me. I bit my lip between my top and bottom row of teeth.
"So, how about that movie?" He joked.
"Haha, yeah, of course." I laughed sitting up, trying to find where all of my clothes went, Harry as well. I put my clothes back on, and Harry did as well.

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