Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1916424-New-Beginnings
Rated: E · Other · Fanfiction · #1916424
Mine and Harry Styles fan fiction <3
Chapter 1:

I was walking home from school on a Thursday afternoon with my friend Sammie, my best friend. We walked home everyday after school together because she lived just up the street.
"What's that?" I asked.
"Moving truck, duh." She laughed.
"Well, yeah, but I had no idea I was getting a new neighbor." I said.
"Well, that's kind of how it works.." She said.
"Whatever, text you later." I said
"K bye!!" She said.
As I walked up my driveway I saw a boy getting out of a Ford Explorer. He looked at me deeply, until I reached my door. His eyes were a sparkly deep green, and he had dark curly hair with a tan face. He had a nice smile and looked really muscular. He waved at me. I continued to walk until I reached the door and ignored his wave.
"Hey hun." My mum said.
"Uh, hey. Do you know who moved in next door?" I asked.
"Oh, so you've met the neighbors." My mum said.
"Not exactly.." I replied.
"Oh, well, anyways, that's my bosses family." My mum said.
"Oh.. Well, I have a ton of homework." I told her.
"Okay.. and hun, straighten up your room because the neighbors are coming over for dinner later." She said.
"Okay.." I said.
When I walked into my room, my shade was opened and I saw the new kid through my window.
"Oh great." I said.
I got out my phone and immediately texted Sammie.

Me: New kid's window is right across from mine.
Sammie: Oooh, no peaking. :)
Me: Shut up.
Sammie: Is he cute?
Me: Why are you asking?
Sammie: Cute or not?
Me: Yes, okay. Yes.
Sammie: Have fun.
Me: They are coming over for dinner. It's my mums bosses' family.
Sammie: Wow. Ttyl I'm going to get a mani-pedi.
Me: Bye.

"Hey, do you have Brittney Jay's number?" My brother, Antonio asked.
"No, and if I did, I wouldn't tell you." I said.
"Harsh. Do you know the new people next door?" He asked.
"Nope. But they are coming over for dinner." I said.
"Do they have a hot daughter?" He asked excitedly.
"I don't know. Why don't you go find out. Stalker." I said.
"Whatever." He left my room and shut the door.

Chapter 2:

I made my bed and put my clothes away and changed into my red dress and black ballet flats. I ran to the bathroom and put on some light eyeshadow with black eyeliner and mascara. I pulled my hair out of a pony tail and straightened it, putting my bangs into a braid bobby-pinned to the side of my hair.
"15 minutes." I told myself.
My phone went off. It was my dad.

Dad: Are you done up there? The guests just got here.
Me: Yeah, be right down.

Chapter 3:

Great. Lets go embarrass myself in front of my moms boss and family. When I walked downstairs, they were standing in front of our door.
"Welcome, welcome." My mum greeted them.
"Thank you for having us." Jenni, my mums' boss said.
"It was a really nice thing to do." Said Jenni's husband, John. "This is Harry, he is 15, this is Emma, she is 12, and that is Luke, he is 7."
"I'm Rachel." My mum said, "This is my husband Nick, and that is Antonio my 13 year old son, and that is Gabriella, she is 15."
"I go by Gabby." I said.
"Yes, pardon me." My mum said.
I get that we have guests over, but she is acting freakishly nice.
"Hi, Emma." Antonio flirted.
"Hi." Emma flirted back.
Eww, I thought. My parents walked Jenni and Nick into the kitchen to talk.
"Hey." Harry said as he walked towards me.
"Hey." I said.
"You look really nice, Gabby." Harry smiled at me.
"Thanks, you too." I said.
I could feel the heat rushing to my face.
"You're really pretty." Harry flirted.
That's it, I'm done. My face was a cherry!
"Thank you, you are quite cute yourself." I replied.
We lead me to the couch like he wanted to sit.
"So, tell me about yourself." I said.
"Oh, I love singing, my favorite color is orange, I love tacos, my favorite show if Family Guy, and I like T.G.I. Fridays" He said.
"I love to sing, also. My favorite color is purple, I love pizza, my favorite show is The X-Factor, and I love Olive Garden." I replied.
"Favorite artist?" He asked.
"Well, I like a variety. I love P!nk, Adele, Ed Sheeran, Jason Mraz, Little Mix, and Cher Lloyd." I said.
"I like Adele, too." He said.
"I like rom-coms." I said.
"Don't tell any one, but.. me too." We both smiled.
"I love to shop." I said.
"Okay. I am bad at telling jokes, but I've always been told I'm a flirt. A ladies man, you might say." He said.
"Oh really? Interesting..." I said.
"What do you like in guys?" He asked.
I wasn't sure why he was asking, but, I felt comfortable with him, so I told him. And besides, he was a nice guy.
"I just like someone who can understand me, and be there for me. A relationship where we can trust each other. Where he loves me for who I am, and not for what I look like." I said.
"That's understandable. I like a girl with a great personality. Someone that I can have a conversation with, and who could get on with my parents. Just a girl that I can be myself around." Harry said.
He looked into my eyes, and he smiled at me.
"You seem like a really great girl." He told me.
"Thanks. You seem like a really great guy." I told him.
He moved in closer to me on the couch so that our shoulders were touching, I could feel his body warmth.

Chapter 4:

"Here's my number." He passed me a note with a smiley face and a cell phone number.
"What, you just keep these handy in your pocket." I asked.
"You never know." Harry joked.
We both laughed and he put his hand on my knee.
"I got to go change, it's late, and I just want to be in my Aeropostale sweatpants and my green tanktop." I said.
"I can come with you..." Harry said.
"Uhhh?" I said.
"Not to watch you get changed or anything, of course not." He smiled.
"Okay, I will show you to my room." I said.
We walked up the stairs and Harry's hand touched my butt, but didn't move away for a good few seconds. I turned back to look at him and he smiled and raised an eyebrow. I couldn't help but smile back, his smile was so mesmorzing.
"Cool room." He admired the song lyrics painted around my walls.
"Thanks, I painted it." I said.
"No way! This is amazing." He said, he smiled in amazement.
"Yeah, I gotta get changed. Can you stand outside the door for a second." I asked.
"Yeah." He said.
As I was taking off my pants and about to put on my Aeropostale sweatpants, the door opened and Harry walked in.
"I'm not done!" I shouted.
"Oh, uh, sorry. It was an accident." Harry said.
I couldn't help but notice that he was undoing his belt, and his eyes were glued to my butt.
"I won't look." He turned around.
"Why are you taking your belt off...?" I asked.
I felt as if he was moving things a bit quickly. I mean, he just moved here! I could tell that he liked me a little bit, but he's in my room when I'm half naked... I mean, he is adorable, but we just met! I barely know him! It has been less than 24 hours with Harry, and he is trying to look at me while I'm changing. I don't like him that way, he's a nice guy and all, but I'm not ready for a relationship with a guy I just met.
"Hey, I'm really sorry for walking in on you." He apologized, and he looked so sweet and innocent, so I forgave him.
"It's fine." I said.
He came and sat down on my bed next to me, and grabbed my hand, tightly.
"It was so nice meeting you." He smiled.

Chapter 5:

"You too. But, uh, you're squeezing my hand a bit hard." I said.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I am, truly. I keep messing things up!" Harry said sadly. His eyes filled with tears.
"No, Harry, Don't cry!" I said.
"I don't want to mess things up with you. I touched your butt, and I walked in on you in your underwear and bra, and now I'm hurting you!" His tears suddenly bursted.
"It's okay, I mean it, I'm not mad at you, I promise." I said.
It was adorable, but sad watching him cry. It made me want to cry.
He sat up with his arms around his knees, and his head buried in his knees.
I wrapped my arms around him, and out my head on his shoulder.
"What's wrong, why are you crying?" I asked.
"I know it's been a day, but I am extremely attracted to you. I don't know what it is about you, but I can't get enough of it. I just don't want to ruin it." He cried harder.
"Stop. You're going to make me cry, it's fine. You're doing fine, Harry. You aren't ruining it." I said to cheer him up.
He took his hands of his knees and wrapped his arms around me. I pushed him back, lightly, and wiped the tears of his face. He smiled at me and leaned in for a kiss. I didn't push him away because I liked it. He pushed me down on my bed, and kissed me for a good minute, when I stopped him.
"I'm sorry Harry, but, slow down." I said, not intending to hurt his fragile heart.
"It's okay, he kissed me on my lips softly once more for a few moments, and grabbed me hand.
"I'm sorry if I took it a little fast... I just like you, a lot. It's like a magnetic attraction, I can't help myself. But you liked, it didn't you?" Harry asked.
"Liked what?" I asked basically just begging for one more taste of his lips.
"The kiss. Shall I remind you?" He leaned in once more and pushed my hair behind my ear. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his arms around my waste. We kissed again, for a long time, a few minutes perhaps.

Chapter 6:
"Yeah, I liked it." I smiled as we both sat up.
He smiled and I could see his eyes sparkling.
I brushed an eyelash off his eye with my thumb and said, "You have really pretty eye."
"Thanks." He said shyly.
All of the sudden he started acting all weird, and got up and walked around my room for a few minutes and running his fingers through his hair.
"What's wrong?" I asked suspiciously.
"Nothing... just, are you sure you're not mad at me? Don't just say you're not mad because I was upset, I want to know if you really are mad at me?" He asked and I could swear I saw a few tears fill his eyes again.
"If I was mad, would I have kissed you? I'm not mad Harry. I promise, will you just trust me?" I asked trying to lead back towards me and sit on the bed.
"Okay. I trust you." Harry smiled, he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to kiss my cheek.
We both sat and laughed for a few minutes, for no reason. I played with his hair for a while and pushed his curls out of his eyes.
"So.. much.. hair.." I laughed.
"Yeah." Harry smiled back.
"Well, my mom is calling me, your parents are probably leaving, they're probably waiting for you." I said.
"Of course, lets go." He paused, "After this."
He leaned in and put his hand on my cheek and pulled me close and kissed me softly on my lips, and then smiled at me.
"See you tomorrow, at school." I said.
"I'll text you." He replied.
We walked down the stairs to find that the Style's were just leaving.
"Bye Harry." I said shyly.
"Bye Gabby." He said as he leaned in for a hug.
We hugged for a few quick seconds not wanting our parents to see. As soon as they left, I pulled my phone out and texted Sammie.

Me: He came over, he was really nice! We.... kissed.
Sammie: No way!
Me: Three times!
Sammie: Dang girl.
Me: Yeah... he walked in on me in my bra & underwear.
Sammie: Oooh, keep it covered up!
Me: It was an accident! Then he started to feel bad, and he started crying, so I comforted him and we kissed, a few times.
Sammie: Do you know anything about him?
Me: Yeah, not everything, but, the basics. He's a really great guy.
Sammie: Are you dating?
Me: No, not neccasarily.
Sammie: #awkward
Me: Yeah... it was a little weird now that I think about it.. we just met. He cried tho! I didn't want to upset him. We both just got lost in the moment.. and eacothers' eyes...
Sammie: Just take it slow. Night *Heart*
Me: Nite :)

"So, Emma has a boyfriend." Antonio said, when he barged into my room.
"So we all had a rough night?" I asked.
"Basically, what happened to you?" He asked suspiciously.
"Harry likes me. A lot. We kissed, a few times... I just don't really like him that way yet!" I complained.
"Wow... At least he's single, an likes you." He sounded angry.
"Maybe Emma is just playing hard to get.." I said.
"Eh, whatever, I gotta go, my friends are waiting for me online." He said.
"Online?" I asked, a little confused.
"Black Ops 2!! Duh!" He said like I'm supposed to understand him.
"Okay then, bye. Close the door when you leave!" I demanded.

Chapter 7:

I couldn't get my mind over what had happened tonight. His eyes, and smile were so powerful! They sucked me right in! I couldn't help myself! He is definitely cute, but he's new, and I barely know him... As I said before, we got lost in the moment... a few times. I went to sleep pleasured, but confused, today had been a long twisted day, lets just get to tomorrow already, I thought.

"Get up!" Antonio screamed in the morning, to wake me up.
"Oh, aren't you just delightful!" I said sarcastically.
"Don't mention it." He replied.
Sometimes, I wanted to punch that kid. HARD. I got up and changed into my black skinny jeans with my lacey tank top and an aquamarine V-neck. I put on neon mix-matching socks and my white all-stars. I went to the bathroom pulled out my flat-iron and straightened my hair. Afterwards, I went downstairs and had Lucky Charms. Then, I brushed my teeth and put in my favorite pair of earrings. I put on bronzer, eye shadow, and mascara and went to put on my coat and grab my bag. When I walked downstairs, Mr. Styles was standing in the doorway telling Antonio to grab his stuff.
"Oh, honey, I forgot to mention, John offered to drive you guys to school in return for us inviting them to dinner. I have to go to work." My mum said.
"Hello, Gabby." John smiled a nice kind smile.
"Hi! Thanks for giving us a ride!" I said.
"No problem. Where is Harry? He should be here, you guys all have to be at school at the same time, so that's why I offered." He explained.
"Oh, okay." I said.
Harry ran through the door and stopped when he saw me.
"Sorry I'm late, I was doing my hair." He said.
"Of course. So much hair on that head.." He joked.
"Hey, Gabby." Harry said to me, with a big smile.
"Oh, uh, hey." I hesitated.
The ride to school was basically silence, the only people talking were Antonio and John, talking about this years The NFL Draft picks. Harry sat in the seat right next to me, but didn't speak. I kept my head facing the window, not trying to get lost in his eyes.
"Hey, I get that we... rushed things last night.. I'm sorry." He whispered so his dad wouldn't hear him.
"It's okay. I'm glad you understand." I said, I forgave him again because he understood what happened, and he apologized.
"But, I still like you." He whispered.
"I know. I.. I... kind of like you too. But, I don't know that much about you yet." I said.
"Okay, well lets go from there." Harry smiled.
I couldn't help but smile back, he always knows what to say.
"Yeah, lets go from there." I smiled.
He grabbed my hand and held it until we got to school.

Chapter 8:

"Bay High School." He said as he read the sign.
"You'll be fine." I said, "I'm here for you."
He gripped my hand tightly for a second and then let go, looked me in the eye and took a deep breath.
Turns out, Harry was in almost all my classes, and it was my job to show him around.
"Thank you, for showing me around." He said with a flirty smile.
"Your welcome." I smiled back.
This boy was pulling me closer and closer to him, and I couldn't help myself.
"Study hall." I said.
"I have gym." Harry frowned.
"You'll be okay, the gym is just down this hall. See you next period!" I told him.
"Yeah, I guess." Harry said.
After study hall, I was walking down the hallway when I saw Harry holding his hip and with a black eye. I immediately ran towards him.
"Oh my god! Harry, what did they do to you?" I asked in shock.
"I'm- ow, fine." He lied.
"No your not, who did this?" I asked.
"Don't worry about me!" He said.
"Come with me." I demanded. I wasn't taking no for an answer.
"Okay, Gabby..."He said.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Thanks, no one else would have done this for me." He smiled.
"Your welcome, I had to, now lets get you cleaned up." I said.
"He was a tall blonde. Green eyes, football team. He had a scar on his neck." Harry described perfectly what was my ex-boyfriend.
"Austin." I said in anger.
"I guess so." He said.
I lead him to the boys locker room where he laid back on a bench and put his arms over his face. I grabbed a wash cloth, soaked it in warm water, and grabbed an ice pack. I sat down next to him and put the wash cloth on his hip, and,the ice pack his eye.
"Oww!" He shouted.
"I'm sorry, this is to make you better though. Do you trust me?" I asked.
He stared into my eyes for a moment, and I could see it in his eyes he was feeling pain.
"Yes." He said.
I removed the warm wash cloth and set it down.
"Why?" I asked as I gently placed my hand on his bruise.
"He said I stole you." Harry said.
"No, we were over a long time ago." I said, I hated to bring the memories back.
"Do you miss him?" Harry asked.
"No, not anymore." I said.
"Oh." He said.
I got up to go add warmer water to the wash cloth, when I stopped and turned around and looked at Harry.
"He's not you." I said. It was true, Harry had taken the place of him, I was over Austin now, so over him. Harry's painful frown turned into a smile.
"Gabby?" He asked.
"What?" I was still smiling.
"I'm glad you said that." His face was blush and red.
"I was just telling the truth." I said.
After I soaked the wash cloth in warm water, when I turned around Harry was right behind me. He grabbed my arms and kissed me. He was shirtless and only in shorts, and I had my hands on his chest and his arms were around me. He gently moved me up against a locker, and kissed me passionately for a little while, luckily it was free period for half an hour, so weren't in any trouble. Besides, if we were late for class, I would take the blame for it. This moment was worth missing any class.
We stopped kissing, though our noses were still touching and we were both smiling. Just then I heard a locker slam, and footsteps getting closer, but I ignored them when Harry started to kiss me. When I looked over, it was Austin. He standing right there, and was watching me and Harry kiss.

Chapter 9:

"Uh, didn't mean to intrude, but this is the boys locker room.." Austin said.
"We were just leaving." Harry said.
"Yeah, you were. Get out pretty boy." Austin demanded. He walked towards Harry with a fist, but I pushed him back.
"Austin stop!" I yelled. He shoved me into the locker, and I wasn't expecting it, so I fell over and banged my head on a bench.
"Stop!" Harry yelled, and ran to protect me, but Austin pushed him back.
"Make me." Austin teased Harry, and I could see the anger build up in his eyes, but he held back his fist.
"Listen, hurt me all you want, but don't hurt her. Please." Harry begged.
"Leave him alone Austin! This isn't his fault! Don't hurt him! I hate to see him like this." I started to get so angry I was going to cry.
"You left me. You know how that feels?" Austin seemed to become depressed.
"I've moved on, maybe you should, too. For the best. We are still friends, but please don't take it out on Harry, this is not his mess!" I said.
I think he was mad, because Austin ran out and slammed the door. Harry went up to me, held my head to his chest, and stroked his fingers through my hair.
"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" He asked seeming so worried.
"Yes." I said. I was crying. My head hurt, and Harry was being tortured right in front of me.
"It's okay." He said.
"No, it's not." I cried harder.
"It's over now. I wanted to protect you. I wouldn't let him hurt you." Harry said, trying to stop my tears.
"I know. Thank you, so much, Harry." I stopped crying. I kissed him on his lips gently and quickly. I put my hand on his wound, and he didn't pull away.
"Lets get out of here, okay baby?" He asked in a soft voice.
"Yeah." I said. I handed him is shirt back, and he wiped my eyes, and we walked back just in time for our next class. I spent the rest of the day missing his kisses. But I was grateful for the way he stuck up for me.
"Hey." He said as we met up in the hallway at the end of the day.
"Hey." I smiled.
"Listen, about the locker room-" He started to say, but I stopped him.
"Don't say it. It's okay, I know. It wasn't your fault, so don't say your sorry." I said, I really did understand that it wasn't his fault.
"Okay." He said, and he grabbed my hand.

Chapter 10:

After school, me and Harry decided to meet up at his house to get to know each other better. And then, Harry brought up Austin.
"We dated for about 10 months." I said, they weren't memories that I wanted to revisit, but he wanted to know, and I was going to tell him.
"Oh. If you don't want to talk about it..." He trailed off.
"Whatever you want to know about me, just say the word." I said.
"Emma, was really my cousin." He said, "My aunt, her mom passed away when she was born, and my parents were her godparents." He admitted.
"Oh. I'm so sorry." I said.
"It's fine. She doesn't know yet. My parents haven't told her, but she fits in like a sister to me." He said.
"Antonio really likes Emma." I said.
"Yeah." He said, "Oh, and I was just thinking, we could hang out tonight. You know, spend some time getting to know each other. We don't even have to go anywhere super special, we could just drive around town." He asked with a big smile.
"Yeah, sounds fun." I said. I looked okay on the outside, but on the inside I was screaming of excitement. I can't believe Harry had asked me to our first date!!!
"Okay." He seemed relieved, like he was worried I would say no.
I looked around his room admiring his posters of The Beatles and U2. He had piles and piles of CD's.
In the corner of his room, I saw his guitar with his signature on it.
"You play?" I asked.
"Yeah." He said noticing I was looking at his guitar, "My dad bought it for me on my 11th birthday."
I got up and walked over to it, sat down and started to play "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. I looked up in sang the words to Harry while looking in his sparkly eyes. He smiled shyly and put his head down and laughed. I got up and walked towards him, still singing and playing the guitar, and sat down next to him on the bed.
"Look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love.." I sang.
"You have a beautiful voice." He said.
He cupped his hands around my chin and pulled me in for a kiss.
Just then, his dad walked in.
"Uh, we were just-" Harry started to say but stopped.
"I was just.." I said, but I trailed off as well.
"Sorry to interrupt," My dad said, "But if you two love birds would like to join us for dinner..."
"Dad, we weren't like, kissing that long.." He said. This was officially the most awkward moment of my life.
"It's okay, we already knew." He laughed.
"Really? How...?" Harry asked.
"Sir, I mean, Mr. Styles, we aren't dating." I said. I could tell that right after I said this, Harry seemed a little upset.
"Whatever." Mr. Styles said as he left the room.
Harry and me sat in awkward silence, while he still seemed upset that I said we weren't dating.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"Don't be." He sounded angry.
"Well you seem upset.." I trailed off.
"Well, I'm not okay. Maybe you should go, I have homework to do." He said angrily.
"Okay." I said. I went in to kiss him on the cheek, but he pulled away. I don't know why he was so mad, so I left, slamming the door.

Chapter 11:

I had to text Sammie, she was the only one I could actually talk to about this.

Me: Harry and I were kissing, and his dad walked in, so I said we weren't dating, because we aren't! And he got really mad and didn't let me kiss him on the cheek, and told me I should probably leave because "he has homework".
Sammie: Whoa...
Me: And he asked me to a date tonight earlier, but I'm guessing that's cancelled too.
Sammie: It will be fine, especially after what you guys went through together with Austin the other day.
Me: I hope so. :(
Sammie: If he really liked you, he'd come back.
Me: You're right, I just don't want us to be arguing already when we aren't even dating yet!
Sammie: You'll be fine.

Maybe she was right, things will sort themselves out, hopefully the way I wanted them to. I just didn't want to be arguing with him over something stupid. But it was true, we weren't dating yet, I kinda wish we were, but we weren't. He hadn't taken that big step, maybe he wasn't ready, maybe I wasn't ready. I didn't know, all I knew was that he was the only one I was spending me time to get to know, for a reason. I thought it would be smart to text him.

Me: Harry, I don't know why you're so upset! We aren't dating yet, I was just trying to get out of an awkward moment.
Harry: Were you embarrassed to be dating me?
Me: No, I wasn't, we haven't taken that step yet! I understand that, Harry!
After that he didn't text back. I was starting to get worried, I hoped it wasn't over before it's even officially started. I wasn't exactly happy the rest of the night, so I skipped dinner, and went to bed.
"Get up!" Antonio yelled, as he did every other morning in the most unpleasant tone.
"Yeah, yeah." I said, while yawning. I was immediately ready for breakfast because I skipped dinner the pervious night. I checked my phone to see if Harry texted me. Nothing. I was starting to think it was going to be really awkward on the ride to school. I got up and changed out of my pajamas into my pink skinny jeans, gray animal print shirt, and my white leather jacket. I put on my black zebra striped all-stars, and ran to the bathroom to curl my hair. When I was done, I liked the way it looked, but it made me think of Harry. I ignored it and went to eat my Special K strawberry cereal. Afterwards, I brushed me teeth and did my makeup. Just then, Mr. Styles, Emma, and Harry walked through the front door.
"Gabby, Antonio, are you guys ready to go?" He asked.
"Yeah." I yelled, "Be right down."

When we got in the car, Harry didn't sit in the middle seat next to me, he sat the seat over. I looked at him, but he looked away. I don't know why he was taking me so seriously, and why he was so mad. At school, he didn't walk with me in the halls like we usually did, or walk with me. After third period, I was in the gym, cleaning up the sports equipment, when Austin walked in and offered to help, so I let him.
"Sorry, about hurting Harry..." He said like it was the hardest thing he's ever said.
"It's okay, he's not talking to me right now, anyways." I said.
"Gabby, I didn't do anything, I swear-" He said, but I stopped him.
"I know, I did, but I don't know why he's taking it so seriously." I said.
"Oh, sorry." He actually seemed like he was feeling sorry for me. But right then, he stopped putting equipment in the box, and grabbed my arm and looked me in the eyes deeply. It's been a long time since he's done that.
"I miss you." He said. He pulled me in and kissed me, I tried to pull away, but his grip was so strong, I couldn't. Just then, Harry walked into the gym, I knew it was him because he was humming the tune to his favorite song. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Austin kissing me. Obviously he couldn't notice me trying to get out of Austin's kiss. I finally pulled away.
"Harry!" I yelled.
"I can't believe you would do that." He said in disappointment, I saw his eyes fill with tears, and he shed them very quickly. He wiped his eyes and ran out of the gym.
"Why did you kiss me?" I asked, so angry I can't even explain it.
"I- I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself..." He stopped.
I slapped him across his face and ran out of the gym, crying as well. Austin ran after me and grabbed my arm.
"Let go of me!" I screamed it so loud I thought the whole world could hear me. If I got suspended, so what. I ran down the hallway trying to find Harry.
"Harry!" I yelled, as I finally spotted him in the crowd of pimple-faced tall high-schoolers. I ran after him, but he ran into the boys bathroom. I went in the girls bathroom as well, sat in a stall and cried.

Chapter 12:

Eventually, Sammie walked in the bathroom as well, and recognized my cry.
"Gabby? Are you in here? Our next class starts in 4 minutes!" She said.
I kept on crying. She kicked the stall door open, that I forgot to lock.
"Oh no! What happened?" She asked, she seemed really concerned.
"Harry.." I hesitated because I was crying, " Last night, his dad walked in on me and him kissing, so I said we weren't dating, because we weren't and it was an awkward moment, and he took it so seriously and got mad at me, and wouldn't text me back, and I was in the gym cleaning up the sports equipment, and Austin walked in, offered to help... and kissed me. I was trying, and trying to pull away but his grip was so strong! He wouldn't let me! Harry walked in, and started to cry, ran into the boys bathroom and I've been in here ever since." I cried harder. Sammie hugged me, to comfort me, like the great friend like she was.
"I know it's bad now, really, really bad now..." She trailed off. I rolled my eyes at her.
"But it gets better." She continued, "I'm right here for you. I will try to get Harry to talk to me, if I can, I will tell him what really happened. If not, hopefully you guys will work things out and stay together."
I hugged her back, just glad that I had a friend like her.
"Thanks." I said.
She wiped my tears and reminded me that class started in 2 minutes. She grabbed my hand and dragged me through the halls so that we would get to Algebra on time.

After school, Mr. Styles pulled up in the back parking lot, but I told him I was walking home. I know Harry probably needed some time and space, but I did need to explain to him what really happened, if he would believe me. I walked home the rest of the way, just thinking about everything that went down today. I still had no feelings or emotion for Austin, I only wanted Harry, and now he hates me. When I got home, the house was spotless, like my mom went on an early spring cleaning spree.
"Hey hun." She said with a big smile, she came over and kissed me on my forehead, "How was school?"
"Horrible." I said.
She told me to sit down and explain everything, so I told her about the whole thing with Harry, and then what happened today.
"Oh, hun, I'm so sorry! But.. it will get better. Sammie, and your family are here for you. I knew you two had something going on." She said.
"Well, had, but as of right not, that's no longer." I said.
I ran up to my room, looked out the window, and saw Harry with his head in his hands. I tried to smile at him, but he closed the blinds. I looked in the mirror and noticed the mascara that was smeared all over my face. I didn't even care. All I could think about was Harry, so I laid down on my bed, and tried calling him. He ignored it, so I texted him.

Me: I know you don't want to talk to me, but will you at least hear me out?
Harry: Why should I?
Me: Harry please!
Harry: I don't want to talk to you right now. You cheated on me!
Me: No, I didn't.
Harry: Whatever, we're coming over for dinner, and MAYBE I will talk to you then.
Me: Okay.

I didn't want to push it, I was just glad he would give me a chance to explain myself. Lets start from there, I thought. And smiled when I thought about how perfect it sounded when Harry said it.
I had to lest Sammie know.

Me: They are coming over for dinner, Harry said he might talk to me then.
Sammie: Might? Harsh... And go get 'em girl!
Me: Yeah, yeah :)

At about 6:00, my mum told me that they were on their way over, which I knew meant they were practically here, since the only live next door. The door bell rang, and my heart instantly beat faster. I took a deep breath, and ran downstairs and put on my best smile, even though my heart was shattering on the inside.
"Hey!" My mom said and went in to hug Jenni. My dad and John instantly stationed themselves on the couch and started watching ESPN, blabbing about football. Antonio and Emma disappeared immediately, and Harry just stood there uncomfortably. It was a little awkward, because I was getting the vibe that he wasn't happy to see me, and didn't exactly want to talk.
"Hi." I said shyly.
I could tell that he wasn't sure about talking to me, because he walked right past me. I followed him to the kitchen, and he just stood there looking out the window.
"Can we talk?" I asked softly.
He stood there for a few minutes and didn't say anything.
"About what? What's there to talk about! I saw what happened, no need to explain." He said, seeming to become angry all over again.
"There is a reason to explain. Can we please just go upstairs and talk?" I asked, "Or outside on the deck, just let me explain."
I was taking that as a yes because he opened the back door that lead to the deck, and sat in a lawn chair, so I sat down next to him.
"Harry, I'm not saying you'll believe me, you probably won't, but I wouldn't lie to you, and I hope you know that." I said.
"I don't know what to believe." He said.
"Well, let me explain." I said, "I was in the gym, putting equipment away, when Austin walked in and offered to help, so I let him. He was apologizing for hurting you, and I was telling him how you were mad at me anyways, and a few minutes later, he grabbed me by my arms and kissed me, right when you walked in."
"You kissed him back. You said you were over him." Harry said sadly.
"I am over him! I was trying to pull away! His grip was too strong, I didn't want to kiss him. I don't know why I'm explaining myself if you won't believe me." I said.
"I don't know, I just don't know." He said with his head and his hands.
"Well, if you won't believe me, then here's your necklace back." I said as I gave him his necklace and stormed off crying. I ran upstairs to my room, and laid down on my bed and cried into my pillow. I found Harry's plaid button up shirt laying on my floor. I just wanted Harry to believe me. Just then, the door bell rang and I had know idea who it was because the Styles were already here.
"Gabby, Sammie's here!" My mom yelled up the hallway. I didn't want to go downstairs and wait for her, because I figured she'd come upstairs anyways.
"Hey." She said as she walked into my room, picking Harry's shirt up off the floor.
"Hey." I said, still sniffling.
"What happened?" She asked.
"I told him, he won't believe me. All he said was I don't know." I said.
"Oh, I'm sorry." She said, sitting on the edge of my bed.
"I gave him his necklace back." I said.
"Austin. This is all his fault." She said, "I will go talk to Harry."
"No, you don't have to." I said.
"It's just what friends do." She smiled brightly. I continued to lay on my bed and think about everything that has happened.

(Sammie's point of view)
I ran down the stairs and went outside to the deck to see Harry sitting a black lawn chair. I opened the door and sat down next to him.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I'm here to get you to stop being stupid, and believe Gabby." I said. He started to get up and walk inside, but I blocked the door.
"You're not going anywhere." I said, guarding the door.
"I heard her story, I know, "It wasn't her fault"." He said.
"It wasn't. If you don't want to give her a chance, then don't, but you'll regret it." I said, starting to get angry.
"Okay." He said.
"She was crying in the bathroom, because she didn't think you'd believe her, she told me everything." I said, "Just at least go talk to her, she's crying into her pillow right now."
"Okay, I'll talk to her." He said as he got up and head towards the door.

Chapter 13:

(Gabby's point of view)
I was still laying there, thinking about what me and Harry could've been. I didn't want it to be over. Just then, my door opened, I turned around assuming it was Sammie, bit it was Harry.
"Hey." He said, as he walked over towards me.
"Hey." I said still sniffling.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"It's okay, I would've mistaken it too. Why are you here?" I asked.
"Sammie talked to me, and I thought about what you said." He said.
"Oh." I said. Harry came over and sat on the edge of my bed. I sat up with my arms wrapped around my knees and my head on my knees.
"Austin called me, too. He explained that it was his fault." Harry said, he put his arm around me and pulled me close.
"I'm glad you forgave me." I said.
"You were never in the wrong, I should've believed you. From now on, I promise I will trust you." He said.
"Harry, thanks. But, I want you to know that I am beyond over Austin, he doesn't run through my mind anymore, you do. I'm taking the time to get to know you for a reason." I said.
This seemed to really cheer him up, "I'm glad. I just thought you didn't like me when you said we weren't dating. So seeing you kiss him, hurt really bad. But I was overreacting about the dating thing, and I'm sorry." He said, and he seemed so sincere.
"Besides, you're a way better kisser." I flirted, just trying to make him smile.
"Oh really." He said.
"And you're way cuter." I said.
He blushed, "Thanks."
"Oh don't you get it, kiss me already." I said.
He pulled me close and kissed my lips softly. He laid me down and continued kissing me. He removed his shirt, and threw it across the room. I kept my hand on his chest, and he kept his arms wrapped around me. He pulled away gently and we both just laid there in each other's arms.
"I like you, a lot." He said with a smile.
"I like you, too. A lot." I said.
"I was just wondering if you..." He trailed off nervously.
"What were you going to say?" I asked.
"Maybe wanted to..." He trailed off again.
"Tell me." I said.
"Make it official..." He seemed nervous like he thought I would reject him.
"Of course! Yes, Harry. Yes." I said. He smiled even brighter and kissed me on the cheek. We both laid there for a little while and fell asleep.
In the morning, Harry woke before me, and kissed my cheek.
"Morning." He said.
"Hey." I said, while still yawning.
He lowered his head and kissed me, and I put my hands on his face. The door opened, and my mum walked in.
"Aww!" She said, as she stared at Harry kissing me. Harry pulled away, our noses still touching and we both laughed.
"Hey mum." I said, as I sat up.
"So you guys made up...?" She asked, completely nosing around in my business.
Me and Harry both looked at each other and smiled.
"Yup." Harry said.
"Oh and last night, we weren't-" I stopped, not wanting to continue and make it awkward.
"I know." My mum said, " We're all going to Bay Beach today, so if you guys wanted to come..." She asked.
"Yeah." We said in harmony.
"I'll get ready, Harry you should probably go pack a back and grab a swimsuit." I said.
"Okay." He said, "See you in a little bit."

Chapter 14:

We had to split up in two separate cars so that we could all fit, and me and Harry took the same car, and sat next to each other. When we got there, my mom and Jenni set up the towels and beach chairs while everyone else went straight for the water. Me and Harry grabbed a canoe and paddled out, but not to far. I was in a one pieced Speedo, and Harry was just in shorts, and I could not stop staring at his six-pack. He helped me learn how to control the canoe, because I sucked.
"Like this." He said, as he sat behind me, and put his arms around me and hands on mine, to demonstrate how to paddle.
"Thanks." I said, turning around and looking at him. His eyes sparkled in the sunlight, so brightly. And I was mesmorized by his beautiful smile. I kissed him on the cheek and turned around completely. As he started to kiss me back, and I put my arms around his neck, the canoe tilted to one side, and we both fell out into the water. Harry laughed so hard as I swam to him.
"Now, where were we?" I said as I leaned in to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around me, and I stationed my arms around his neck. He lifted my legs up to his waste, and I wrapped them around him. He kissed me for a few minutes and then spun in a circle while holding me. We decided to canoe back near everyone else and join in on the family-fun. They were all playing catch with the football, and when I caught the ball, Harry chased after me, put his arms around me, and picked me up, taking the ball from me. He told me to hop on his back, and he piggy-backed me to the buoy which, if you reached there, was considered a touch-down. When it was time to go, I was putting my flip-flops and sunscreen into my bag, when Harry came up behind me, and wrapped a towel around me. He must've noticed me shivering. He hugged me from behind with his head on my shoulder. On the ride home, we both fell asleep, with my head on his shoulder.

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