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My views on certain issues in our nation! |
We have all seen and heard all the news going on in this country! But it seems so many ignore the problems this nation faces. Today I'm going to bring up different topics and state my opinion on these matters. "Immigration", such a touchy subject for some. I was reading how some states, and most likely the whole country will be giving drivers licenses to over eleven million illegal citizens. I'm sorry, instead of giving drivers licenses to illegal's who are stealing jobs, breaking federal laws, and adding even more crime on our streets, perhaps we should be helping our own citizens get their licenses! The government lies and says this will help our economy, yet we are giving known illegal citizens such things as healthcare, food stamps, housing, and now drivers licenses. Yet people who honestly deserve the help from these programs are denied on a daily basis! Another thing that drives me insane is the fact they can't even speak English right! We have schools forcing so called "elective classes" primarily teaching Spanish. If you don't take the course you can't graduate. I live in the United States of America, and immigrants in the past learned English and I for one believe we should not be forced to have to learn Spanish just because they come to our country! If I want to travel to Spain, Germany, Russia, or any other country, I'll learn their language because that shows I respect their culture and country! "Social Security Disability", now here is a fun topic! I myself suffer from severe and chronic anxiety, panic attacks, my left knee has significant damage to where it just gives out without warning, I have pain throughout my body on a daily basis and have trouble working all day and with others due to my anxiety. But they said that isn't significant enough for me to be put on disability. Now I know there are far worse people out there than me that deserve SSI. But here is my problem with the system. My fiancée's cousin has a boyfriend who is addicted to drugs and alcohol, and they said that he can be put on disability. Now I ask you, is it me or is that just out right disturbing that they can help a drug and alcohol fiend but they can't help people like you and me who honestly deserve it? Her cousins boyfriend should not get a dime in SSI. Instead, he should either be locked up for drug charges and child endangerment, or sent to a rehab facility until he has fully recovered. This nation and society makes it look like it's fine to be a druggy or alcoholic, but you're just a nut job if you have anxiety or depression. "Welfare", everyday I see people getting welfare and they don't deserve it. I know a family who lied and said their daughter had a social disability just so they could make more money every month. Yet their daughter has went to party after party and they have people at their home everyday. This family supplies alcohol and drugs to their seventeen year old daughter and fourteen year old son. The husband works for the township under the table, and then lies and tells welfare they basically make no money! I am sorry but how many honest people that truly need the assistance are being denied every day due to ignorant, law breaking citizens like that family? Also I feel that everyone who gets welfare should be drug tested on a regular basis, tax payers should not have to pay for druggies and alcoholics to be on welfare. Some say drug testing isn't fair, well cry me a river if you feel that way because it is fair! "Gun Control", let me make something very clear for all of you blind and brainwashed robots out there! Guns do not kill people, the idiots who get behind the guns do! A semi-automatic rifle is just as deadly as someone planting a bomb at the right place at the right time. Cops carry semi-automatic pistols every day, and yet even they shoot innocent bystanders. Just look at the incident in New York. Some have suggested armed guards at schools, and I am 100% for that! Look at Sandy Hook, perhaps an armed guard could have stopped this tragedy? Also schools make it far to easy for someone to just walk right in. Law abiding gun owners should not be punished, the schools who lack proper security should be held accountable! Personally I know my former high school was full of uneducated faculty, who would let any stranger hit the buzzer at the main entrance and then let them in. Sadly most schools are this pathetic and lack the proper security to protect our children. So too all the parents who lost their children due to school shootings, my prayers go out too you and your loved ones, but instead of going after law abiding gun owners, wake up and go after the schools for having improper safety measures. If they had proper measures, your children could still be alive today! "Today's Society". In today's world you don't seem to fit in unless you do drugs, party all the time, and are an underage alcoholic. So many young teens are wrapped up in drugs, alcohol, and teen pregnancies. But is it all their fault? The answer is simply no! Sadly we have a world where parents only want to be their children's best friend and not their mentor, role model, and teacher. Now granted some parents do an awesome job, but yet their children still turn out that way. Take a look around though. Television, movies, video games, etc. All portray sex, drugs, alcohol, money, and the list goes on. Sadly our government has turned a blind eye too all the corruption children see these days. So being a parent in today's world is perhaps the most difficult out of all the generations in recent history. Also we have a major bullying issue in today's society. If you don't have a cute face or a hot body then you are considered an outcast and made fun of. It doesn't help that our school systems protect the guilty parties. If you are beautiful, cute, and popular, then school faculty does everything to protect you! So sadly many children these days are bullied and suffer from mental problems such as anxiety and depression, and a major reason is because schools just don't honestly care. As American's, we need to start standing up for what is right! If we continue to follow the path we are on, this nation will surely fall and all of our freedoms will be lost. |