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Lesson Three Writing Exercise

My made up name:
Fedora Isabela Vella Freitas: A Latino name - female in gender - Peruvian – Vella Freitas is Spanish
She would be a person of short stature.
Accustomed to an extended family living style
Come from a large family
Have a large family herself
Love music and love to dance
She would be a good cook and learned all her mother’s / grandmother’s favorite dishes from childhood cooking over wood fired stoves
Growing up in the Amazon she would use colorful dress and keep her black hair long and up or braided
She would have unusually expressive brown eyes
And she would have a generally sunny disposition but a fiery temper when riled

Internet Name One:
Frank Barrymore Pemberton : (A composite from three websites)
I imagine him as a middle aged rather over- weight man of average height with a growing paunch.
He would be balding and use a bad comb-over to try (and fail badly) to hide the fact.
He would dress in cheap off the rack suits and use conventional ties.
He would have thick black plastic framed bi-focal glasses.
He went to a small semi-accredited collage and graduated in the middle of his class
He now works as a low level accountant in a large insurance firm.
He has an unremarkable wife, 2.5 children and a small mixed breed dog.
He has never bought a new car and drives used cars that look used.
He is the epitome of the invisible man. Totally non-descript.
He has no opinion on most any question
He hardly reads more than the local newspaper’s front page – except for work related accounting pub.s.
He likes meat loaf and pot roast for dinner and considers a trip to pizza hut an experience in fine dining.
Doesn’t care for sports but when coaxed will play checkers with his children.

Internet Name Two:
Sarah Jessica Bannerhoff: (I made up Bannerhoff)
A white Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP) female
Medium height young woman in her late twenties
Green eyes lasered to perfect 20-20 vision
Hair the best color money can buy
Figure / Complexion perfect : enhanced by the best plastic surgery has to offer / maintained by the best spas.
Except for the occasional giggle goes through life with a smile on her face. Once frowned, at a party, when confronted by a woman wearing a designer dress just like hers. $1000 worth of pre-emptive Botox prevented frown marks.
Only child
Comes from money (Very old / extremely big money)
Grew up with a nanny and saw her parents once a year on her birthday and again when she graduated collage.
Went to only the best schools and thanks to several generous grants and endowments graduated Yale a straight A student. Majored in Art History with a minor in handy craft restoration.
Has 15 credit cards (usually maxed out) all linked to her trust fund
Pays a lot of money to play tennis poorly (to her tennis is a social forum)
Likes T.V. soap operas and shallow romance movies
Works as a product sampler for a leading cosmetic firm
Reads women’s magazines looking for fashion tips and instructions on applying cosmetics
Had an original thought once but soon forgot what it was and felt ever so much better afterwards
Breed, born and raised to be shallow she turned out perfectly

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