Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1915364-A-Day-to-God-is-like-a-Thousand-Years
by LyndaK
Rated: E · Monologue · Inspirational · #1915364
Looking at Life through the eyes of Faythe...Time
Man, I can't believe how time flies! I just looked at some stuff I wrote (what I thought was) a couple of months ago and it was almost five years ago! I don't know what has happened to the time! Seems like the older I get the shorter the days get. Ok, I'll be honest. Seems like the older I get the less I do with the days.

No, really. I just don't know what happened to 2012. I mean I know I didn't waste a lot of time in self-recrimination. You know that "...look at that, so-and-so is my age or younger and they've already done this, or got that!" Nope, didn't spend a lot of time doin' that!

I can honestly say that I didn't do a whole lot of dumb stuff last year. Not a lot of "no-one's-around-so-no-one-will-know" activities/eating. Nope, not much of that for me. And although there was some, I'm pretty happy that I can say I didn't overextend myself overdoing exercising. I really kept the physical activity to a minimum.

And I know I didn't do a lot of that "St.Sacrifice-nobody-can-help-you-but-me-and-I'll-help-no-
matter-how-insane-the-request" stuff. You know, the stuff you allow yourself to get roped into that's just gonna take an hour or two and ends up being all day. The stuff you convince yourself is more noble to do than attending to the chores/work you've already over commited yourself to do (and that is getting farther and farther behind). Well, I might have done a little of that, but it was for a good cause wasn't it?

Well, clearly that wasn't all year. I really don't remember too many "this-is-my-favorite-show-and-I-missed-all-these-episodes-in-1998/2005/2010-weekend-marathons" on TV. And of course there really weren't a lot of the "I'll-get-up-early-and-work-on-it-before-I-go-to-work-even-though-I-know-I'll-oversleep" events. Although I may remember a few "If-I-don't-take-care-of-myself-noone-else-will-so-I'm-not-doin'-nothin" weekends, I can't say for certain how many "I'm-just-gonna-watch-these-2-shows-and-then-get-up-and-work-til-3 or 4 am-forgot-I-said-just-two-shows-fall-asleep-at-2 am nights" there really were.

No, that still accounts for a couple of months at best. Now I do admit that there were more than a few "I've-put-it-off-longer-than-I-should-have-reports-that-take-4-days-that-have-to-be-finished-in-2" bouts that I had to deal with along with more than my share of "this-is-really-not-my-job-it's-yours-and-you-know-it-and-you're-not-fooling-me-with-that-helpless-will-you-please-help-me-at-the-last-minute" projects to bail out folks. But that's good, to help others, right?

Who am I kidding? There's no need to look further. I know I'm the culprit (no not the enemy/devil/demons or aliens - although they may have tried to influence me). I'm responsible for my lackluster year. I just KNEW 2012 was going to be THE year for me, but I never finished any of what I was supposed to do. God blessed me abundantly last year - more than I expected or deserved. He delivered me from some hard places. But I re-payed Him by falling really short of the mark. He made a way for some serious stuff and I blew it. But Praise Him! His mercies are new EVERY day!

Yeah, I got the light bulb, the news flash, the open vision. I figured out if I just do 4 "little" things He told me to do last year (and truth be told for several years), that He'd redeem the time for me! All I have to work on is pray EVERY day, read my Word at the start of the day and whenever I get a chance, pray in the Spirit throughout the day, speak and live out the Word all day, especially as I'm bombarded with dunderheads and retarded situations. If I can become consistent with these things (and not do them 3 or 4 days and then drop them for 3 or 4 weeks, like last year), then God will extend my day so my time won't be "lost in space" like last year. I'm already working on it, and I can tell you for certain it works! Want to join me?

"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." 2 Peter 3:8
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